Onryo Invisibility Bug
Onryo's Demanifested intermittent invisibility is currently bugged when to where the times it shows the killer they are invisible or visible are not the times you are invisible or visible to the survivor. What you see as the Onryo and what the survivor sees are out of sync since her last patch. This prevents you from…
Materials/texture not displaying on various objects esp weapons
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: Windows PC/Steam I use many of the Candy weapons. I.e. Huntress, plague, and others. Some of the killer weapons have a "Gumball" Machine or container that used to have a "Glass material" as the outer container wall. this has disappeared or become 100% transparent since the most recent update…
Fake Freddy Pallet on the meatplant map
At the drop from the pig mulching section from saw 3 Freddy can place and explode a pallet half way down the drop
The Dog of the houndmaster gets stuck on a window
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After sending the dog over a window, the dog didnt jump over and got stuck in a jump animation for the rest of the round. He got free at the end cause to a survivor, that run into him PLATFORM: Steam I would send the video, but its to big to send
The Dog from the houndmaster didnt spawn!!
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE:I started a round as houndmaster and the entire round, there was no dog. The whole round I didnt had a power PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INST RUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I dont know, the dog was missing right at the start so he never spawnd at the first place
Bardic Inspiration takes longer to show Roll results
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Bardic Inspiration takes longer to show you the results of your roll, as opposed to being almost instant back when it released. Back then the results would show before the lute started, nowadays it shows midway into the song. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Equipping…
Houndmaster's Chase Ability gets Snug stuck on windows.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Houndmaster's Chase Ability may get Snug stuck on windows. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: In Ormond Lake Mine, two windows got the dog stuck after using the Chase ability. Chase was used to indicate the dog to get through windows. Snug was stuck in a walking animation…
Audio bug for certain killer perks
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The audio of certain perks (i.e. Territorial Imperative) will play on the survivor side. I had the same issue with All-Shaking Thunder when I watched a streamer versus my Myers in which it'd play the audio sound for the survivors as well. PLATFORM: Playstation 5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE…
Oni can ignore the 90 degree cap of Demon Strike by looking up before the attack.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Oni can ignore the 90 degree limit of the Demon Strike by looking up before attacking, causing you to land hits that shouldn't be possible. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Playing as the Oni, use Demon Dash and look up before hitting the ground with Demon Strike.…
Freddy prioritizes interacting with further pallets than close ones
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: when trying to interact with a pallet or a pallet spot that is close and there's another pallet or pallet spot that is in the same direction but further, freddy will interact with the furthest placement point rather than the closest PLATFORM: steam, but i assume this is present on all platforms STEP…
The Nightmare can place Dream Pallets in the wall of Gideon Meat Plant
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: There is a certain spot in the drop down room near the gate where The Nightmare can place Dream Pallets in the wall of Gideon Meat Plant. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Played as The Nightmare. Played on Gideon Meat Plant. Entered Pallet Mode. Notice I could place a…
PC - Potential Energy stacks cap at 12
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When using the perk Potential Energy, I could only get up to 12 stacks before progress started being applied to the generator again. The animation continued uninterrupted like I was still gaining stacks. This happened both when solo or working with another Survivor. Interestingly this did not happen…
Skull Merchant drones occasionally stop rotating
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Every now and again Skull Merchant drones will stop rotating (without the add-on). Walking under them seems to reset and start them turning again. Had this on a variety of maps, no pattern discovered yet. PLATFORM: Reproduced on PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: While walking…
Can't report a player.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: -Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: -Go into the score screen and click the button. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: None, this was during his stream.
Masquerade Pig Cosmetic is bald!
Pig's hair texture seems to have been removed when wearing the masquerade mask. Please fix this!
Yun Jin Lee Skirt/Dress Physics on Nintendo Switch
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Compared to the other consoles, Nintendo Switch has many missing physics for Yun Jin Lee's skirts/dresses specifically Terumi's Fame, Fire Moon Mourner, Casual Holiday, and Evening of Honor. Yun Jin lee's skirts/dresses normally look as though they are stuck to her legs. PLATFORM: Nintendo Switch STEP…
Cenobite missing generator damage SFX
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Cenobite has been missing a sound when damaging a generator for years. This is apparent from the video below. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Damage a generator, part of the audio is missing. VIDEO:
8.5.0 - Missing cosmetics including Infected: Black shirts
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: As of patch 8.5.0, several cosmetics that are supposed to be available have been shelved. This includes the Infected: Black shirts which you can obtain by following the DBD Steam page (which I currently am). I remember a similar bug happening before, and it's back. PLATFORM: PC, Steam, Windows 11 STEP…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Freddy's dream snares will cause the game frame rate to dip dramatically like the game freezes completely for a second. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Ready up for a match Got a match it was freedy on nostromo wreakage, when a dream snare was hitting me to cause sleep…
Bubba's Longtime Tantrum Bug On Pallets
When this bug appears the Chainsaw Icon changes into Tantrum Icon and there are two possible options that will happen : The Cannibal player will tap M2 for a moment and won’t commit to releasing a Chainsaw Sweep - it will remove Power for the entire match. The Cannibal players will fully commit to trigger a Chainsaw Sweep…
Botanist Extraordinaire Challenge can't be completed
PC (Steam). Played as Cheryl, Claudette, Dwight, Meg, Ace, and Felix. Played on different maps including Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn, and Springwood. Step 1: Select Botanist Extraordinaire challenge from Archives Step 2: Equip Ranger Med-Kit with Gauze Roll and Bandages add-ons Step 3: Equip Botany Knowledge perk Step 4:…
Laggy locker interaction
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: since a few months ago the hop in and out of a locker action is not instant. its super janky and the prompt to jump out comes up half a second later. this is not comfortable and used to be so much better PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: hop in hop out of a locker.…
"Tracking Down" cosmetic for The Skull Merchant missing textures
Platform : PC As you can see in the file atttached as well, on max FOV at least, half of her legs are missing when performing any kick action. Another small thing is her right hand thumb sometimes glitching/derping specially after a pick-up ( i don't have the ss for it, i forgot). The date is the file name in case of…
If you break a pallet with spirit fury you will get the indicator to place a dream pallet but you wi
PLATFORM: PC (and presumably others STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Use spirit fury to have a pallet break on your head VIDEO: (Reddit Post I made about it) https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadByDaylightKillers/comments/1idrztt/if_you_break_a_pallet_with_spirit_fury_you_will/ PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are…
"Not Today" achievement stopped tracking
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The achievement for unhooking yourself 50 times in public matches has stopped tracking progress randomly at 80%. I have unhooked myself well over the 50 times required at this point and the achievement tracker has remained stuck at 80%. PLATFORM: Windows Store STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE…
Sadakos TV Debuffs Ranges are Incorrect.
Ps5/Computer Playing as or against Sadako when she is using the addons Rickety Pinwheel or Seasoaked Cloth the range of 8 meters for the debuff is an incorrect value if the TV is elevated by any means. Load in as sadako with these addons. Find an elevated TV 📺 Everytime. Example 1. TV is here, but the survivor will not…
Singularity Unable to place Biopods on certain areas of RPD Map
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: As the title says, there are a lot of areas on the RPD Map (I can't remember exactly which wing it was, but I Think It was West Wing) where Singularity is unable to place Biopods that (I assume) he should be able to. I do not know if this affects any other map at the moment, I've only played the one…
Visual Bug - Lery's Memorial Institute
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: On Lery's Memorial Institute when I approached an exit gate I noticed what appeared to be two window-pane-like frames that changed the tint of the map when looking through them, but they were only visible from one side. The exit gates…
Wrong Server
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Since the last update, all Nintendo players are sent to a Japanese server. The ping is very high. PLATFORM: Nintendo Switch. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: A few hours before the 8.5.0 update I was able to play fine. Once I updated the problem started, it happens to many other…
Partly Owned Bundle Unavailable To Buy
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Owning part of a bundle, like the outfit, marks it as owned and makes you unable to purchase the bundle even if you don't own the other part like the charm. PLATFORM: All Platforms STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Go to the "From The Rift" bundle, if you own the outfit, it says…
Snug's Chase Command is Broken.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: If you use snug over any vault he will be permanetly stuck for the entire trial. You will be without your power. I went without a power for 3 or 4 gens. I gave up. If you vault the window it will sometimes fix it. Not always. If a survivor goes up to him, he will grab them and it will fix it, but not…
Bubba tantrums when hitting a survivor
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Bubba tantrums when hitting a survivor since 8.5.0, presumably the save bug that causes blight to bump on survivors PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Hit a survivor with the chainsaw You'll enter tantrum VIDEO:…
Eyrie of crows dream pallets spots that should be possible to put it
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: Basically there are some spots on eyrie of crows that doens't have a pallet, this is normal, but the strange part is that I can't put a dream pallet on them for some reason, i draw a circle to indicate where should be possible to put a dream pallet. VIDEO:I don't have a video but i have…
Dream pallet in stairs on midwich
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Dream pallet can go inside the stairs on midwich PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was playing the new freddy on midwich when i was placing pallets down, i noticed that i could have the ability to place a pallet inside one of the staircases, the pallet can even be…
Freddy's Paint Thinner does not teleport you
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Freddy's Paint Thinner addon does not releport you to the survivor who dropped a fake pallet after fully charging the Dream Projection PLATFORM: steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Have survivor drop a fake pallet Fully charge dream projection on that survivor The ability goes on…
Game-breaking bug causing Survivors to instantly reach Critical Infection with Iri Vial equipped
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: A huge chunk of the survivor's infection meter instantly fills up when The Mastermind has the Iri Vial Add-On equipped (further accentuated by Video Conference Device). PLATFORM: Steam, PC. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
8.5.0 - Exclusive cosmetics made available when they shouldn't be
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Alongside the bug that removed some cosmetics from our inventories, I noticed that we have gained a bunch as well. Artifact-rarity cosmetics that are supposed to be unique to certain content creators. This bug is similar to when everyone got the Twitch shirt for Jane out of nowhere. PLATFORM: PC,…
Grafik bug
PLATFORM: Xbox series s Seid dem neuen Update sieht das Game einfach verschwommen und verpixelt aus. Charakter menü und Shop ist normal aber das Game an sich sieht katastrophal aus. Bitte behebt das ! Es ist in mega Game und wäre verdammt schade wenn es in der toaster Qualität bleibt..
Houndmaster's dog gets stuck in a pallet
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Houndmaster Dog get stuck on a pallet for the rest of the match PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was playing on autoheaven and when I released the dog over a pallet, it kept jumping over and over for like 5 seconds and after that my power took like 3 more seconds…
Houndmaster - Snug is stuck.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Snug no longer followed me. Needless to say I lost without my power. PLATFORM: Ps5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Send out snug for a chase. If he gets stuck on a wall or fence he won’t likely come back. VIDEO: Screenshot. PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
8.5.0 Yun-Jin White texture on the belly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When the character is sitting or being treated, a white texture appears on the belly. The default skirts in different colors. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play Yun-Jin Lee in default skirts (all of them). Seat down or be healed. Look an her belly. PLAYER LOGS:
You can be a human wall when you're crouching against Billy.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I tested if its possible to crouch tech against the Hillbilly after the 'Crouch tech fix' patch. The result is not only you can crouch tech as before, also you can be an invisible wall so you can make Billy bumps in an obstacle. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Just…
Houndmaster sometimes doesn't whistle.
On top of all the bugs she has rn, she also sometimes doesn't whistle when charging the chase command. This happened regardless of build, map or survivors at random. All that has to be done is play as her, and charge uo the chase command. Platform: Steam.
Jane's Victory is Bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Stunned the killer as Jane, multiple times. Archive didn't complete. PLATFORM: Steam Deck STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: wiggled off, Blast Mine triggered, even a good old pallet smack. Nothing. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/6uZxQdi9uC8?si=30UtOaTy8exAc3r4 PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are…
Weird texture while phasing as Spirit
Title. I was playing Spirit on Ormond, with Predator, Surge, Tinkerer and Lethal Pursuer. Platform: PC See these weird red things? Is that a bug or what?
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: not being able to move properly PLATFORM: Nintendo switch STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was playing on one of the Autohaven maps as freddy, I was chasing a nea on the yellow bus when suddenly when I was going past the pallet I couldn't go forward like there was a invisible wall…
New Skull Merchant Skin issues
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The thigh is invisible when breaking a pallet or gen and when carrying a survivor the fingers are out of alignment/also clipping and some clipping on the thumb in lobby. also just walking in general has finger clipping Also when opening a locker the chest area is all scuffed, (look at the bottom of…
Pallet on RPD cannot be broken due to killer object
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: A pallet on RPD East Wing cannot be broken if a killer object happens to spawn next to it PLATFORM: All, map generation issue. VIDEO:
Tight Laced Claudette Pants Icon Opacity
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The opacity is low on Claudette's pants called "Tight Laced" in her Gothic Tales outfit PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Open Inventory VIDEO:
Feng Min Phoenix Rises Polo Unavailable
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Feng Min's Phoenix Rises Polo from 2018 is unavailable in customization despite being owned pre-patch PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Open inventory VIDEO: