Adept bug
Did the Pig adept yesterday (PC) and got the 4k with only her own perks, but didnt get the adept achievement. Other adepts (Trickster and Nemesis), which i did right before that worked though... Steam ID: 76561198125171464
I'v 4k'd with clown with his base 3 perks and didn't get adept achievement
Dear Behaviour! I'v got a 4k with clown with his 3 own perks and when I finished the match didn't get the adept achievement, I have a screenshot proof of it as well if needed. Will I get it later on? Thank you for your help in advance! Kind regards
PC/Steam - Adept Shape achievement is bugged
So I just got a merciless victory as The Shape using only his 3 perks, but the achievement didn't unlock.
Twins are still bugged.
Twins are my main killer. We will now be going on to nearly 3 months that I haven't been able to play them. The glitch: Platform: PC Description of the Issue: When switching from Victor to Charlotte, sometimes when you get to Charlotte her POV is permanently angled down. She can move and break items, but can't swing her…
The Twins- fov frozen bug
pc the moment i hit a survivor with viktor and returend to charlotte fov becamed bugged and couldt look up, untill i tried using viktor again. after using viktor i couldnt move at all. this happend twice, unfortunately i couldnt reproduce it in an custom game.\ couldnt get video footage, but this was the screen was bugged…
Missing event BP daily log in
Today (1/26) when I logged into the game I didn't receive the 50k BP daily log in reward. I did receive the log in reward on 1/24 and 1/25. According to the Lunar New Year event blog post we are supposed to get 50k BP every day when we log in from 1/24 - 2/7. I'm on PS4. https://deadbydaylight.com/news/lunar-event-2023/
PS5 - Twins bug - FOV frozen then killer frozen
Map: the game Ground floor at the bottom of one of the caged stairs. Downed a survivor. Few others were injured too. Went to pick up and killer FOV became stuck looking downward. Could still move around, but that’s all. Then when unbinding victor, killer and victor both became completely frozen in place. sorry no…
Adept Blight Is Bugged On Ps4
I tried going for it 2 times now and I still haven’t gotten the trophy. Each time I play a Dc happens in the game. But I didn’t think that would matter cause I thought once you get the 4K you can still get the trophy in this update? Am I missing something, did I missed read the patch cause if I did, it’s no big deal but…
Twins are still BUGGED
Plattform: PC- EpicGames Main issue is, when getting back from Victor and u r trying to move imediatly, charlotte might not go up all the way and look half way down. that way u cant hit anyone. the only way to get this back is when u have victor outside and swap to him and back and give charlotte time to look straight.…
PC Steam - Unable To Fill Lobby With Crossplay Turned Off
Previously, about a month or so ago (last I played) I use to be able to get a lobby within 1-2 minutes and get that lobby filled quite quickly with crossplay turned off. Now, it seems that It takes about 5-10 minutes to be put into a lobby by myself and then, after waiting about another 10-15 minutes, It was still unable…
The Twins are still bugged, were bugged before PTB, during PTB and after PTB.
The Twins' bug that we all know at this point, in which Charlotte's POV freezes after Victor pounces to a healthy survivor (i believe still exists - it just doesn't happen that often anymore) - for me it happened after i pounced on a survivor that was already injured and then i switched back to Charlotte. This only…
Three TWINS bugs (so far)
PC -Stuttering when Unbinding Victor -Switching back to Charlotte causes your camera to jolt upwards -Cannot see Victor's attached aura after switching back and after 30 seconds attached. This occurs every single time.
Twins has been bugged for like months now? still not fixed what?
Why is it still not fixed yet when its a game breaking bug that makes twin unplayable?
Killer adepts still not fixed
Non of the adept achievements works for me on killer psn:Blackstorm_C2
Knight and Spirit Fury
I don't know if it is a bug or intentional but guard breaking pallets don't give any spirit fury tokens
TWINS still broken not fixed
Twins still freeze in place makeing it impossible to move or do anything Platform is pc Description of issue: when playing twins that freeze so you can't move or do anything at all you are stuck completely. Steps: Step 1: Load into game with the twins Step 2: use Victor and latch onto someone as you wake up with Charlotte…
Twins STILL Bugged, Xbox Series S
Self-explanatory: devs claimed they fixed the twins bug that causes the POV to glitch and eventually you can't move at all They didn't Going on over 2 months now twins have been unplayable
Charlotte can still get stuck after switching back from Victor
Charlotte can still get stuck after Victor pounces on a survior or by nomally swapping. This was supossidly fixed in the 5.6.0 patch but the bug is still here. Charlotte's camera gets stuck in a downward facing position and cannot interact with the envoirnment. If the player tries to unbind Victor, the player gets stuck…
Today january 24th I played with twins and when I jumped with victor into a survivor charlotte didn't wake and after that I could't move. It has happen me twice.
Game breaking Twins bug still exists after new patch 6.5
Says in patch notes that twins bug has been fixed but as soon as I load into match and first chance it happens I get bugged. Triggers when you switch back to Charlotte from Victor and you are just forced to look at the floor, if you try to unbind Victor it just renders you immovable. Please fix and don't ignore.
Epic Games Launcher not getting 6.50 update?
My friend got an update on her xbox and so we can't play since epic won't allow me to update to 6.50. Idk if steam is having the same issue or if it's a person to person issue.
Game Keeps crashing (randomly)
Executioner "Cage of Atonement" rescue didn't count toward Savior challenge
I got two safe unhooks in a single match, but did not get the Savior challenge complete as I expected. Both unhooks were SAFE unhooks. Best guess is that the rescue from the "Cage of Atonement" that Executioner can send survivors to, did not count as an unhook. Although, I can't see why it wouldn't. Platform: Epic (PC)
the gemeos bug.
if you use the vitor has a chance of you getting buged at the time of the animation of the return of charlotte I had to leave matches and I was temporarily banned from playing I find it a little unfair even because it is not my fault.
Twins bug 2023
After hitting an attack with Victor, returning to Charlotte you are unable to look up, deploy victor again or swing…literally unplayable when it occurs and has happened last 3 twins games I played
gen skill check stuck on screen for entire match multiple times
I was unfairly banned from Dead by Daylight
I've been playing Dead by Daylight for 2 years, I was recently banned from the game on December 25, 2022, claiming that I used cheats to gain advantages in the game, I never used any kind of cheats to gain an advantage in the game, I totally guarantee that, I love the game of passion, recently easyanticheat claimed that I…
When using twins on Xbox one, after a certain number switchs Charlotte to Víctor you grab someone, and the twins becomes unplayable, she tilts her head down, and you can no longer m1, you send victor out again and she glitches forever, spamming the send victor out animation. At least 9 of 10 matches this bug has ocurred.…
Happy Holidays trophy/achievement bugged
PS5 Since the removal of mystery boxes this now requires that you wait for the Winter Fest to open the boxes there. No one likes time gated content so make it so you can earn it another way by changing the requirements or make it retroactive. The achievement itself is working but it’s unobtainable for 11 months , so PLEASE…
[Steam] PC Linux support broken!!
Epic games version can play perfectly fine but on steam everytime you would load into a public match you disconnect instantly after everyone finished loading. Cant even play custom games with bots because it would work fine but after ~30 seconds you get disconnected and the error "connection lost" shows up. Please fix this…
(PC) Twins bug when Victor gets crushed
(PC) When Victor gets crushed the view returns to Charlotte but freezes, you can no longer move and no keys respond anymore. You have to wait the game end or you just need to quit the match. It happened to me 5 times, I tried to repair files from Steam and change perks and add-ons but the issue persists.
No envelopes in the blood web?
So I went to check to see about the event and maybe I'm confused on this, but the envelopes should be already in the blood web? I checked all my characters that had previous envelopes and they also are not able to burn them. Not 100% sure of this is a bug or if I'm misinterpreting the early event incorrectly?
Missing skin in the shop?
Hello, I'm on nintendo switch. I'm reporting a bug that I noticed today while looking at the store for Lunar New Year promos and noticed that a huntress skin was missing of shop in game. (Image below) Ps: This is not a rift skin I only logged in so I didn't do anything. I tried restarting the game and it didn't reappear. I…
Can’t open hatch using key
Platform: PS4 version (On PS5) Description: I was playing in the new map wanting to complete “Hatch an escape” on Tome 2 Level 3 I managed to get to the hatch after the killer closed it but couldn’t open it - there was no button prompt. How to reproduce: I played Laurie with a green key with the addons Unique Wedding Ring…
twins actually unplayable
Pc player Cant play twins at all makes game freeze Step 1 : unbind victor Step 2 : attach to survivor Step 3 : cam gets stuck in charlotte waking up animation (you can walk and hit but cant move your cam up and down and cant see weapon) Step 4 : unbind victor, he wont get unbinded he will get stuck at the bottom of your…
Recurring Twins Freezing Issue
Platform: PC | Description: Anytime that I go from Victor to Charlotte while Charlotte is on a slant, my screen locks facing downwards and I cannot do any action other than unbinding Victor. Whenever I unbind Victor, the progress bar of Unbinding freezes once it is full and Victor gets frozen halfway out of my body. |…
The Twins killer power bug
Playstation 4, occassionally when switching play from Victor to Charlotte, she would keep her head bent and be stuck facing the floor, unable to attack as if she hasn't woken up yet. If you try to redeploy Victor in this state, he comes out but you don't swap to him, you just freeze as he vibrates in front of you. It does…
Killer Bug: The Twins
I grinded for enough iridescent shards for a new character. I decided to go with The Twins. Every other game, when I use Victor, I can latch him on to someone but as soon as it switches back to Charlotte her cam is fixated towards the ground and if I redeploy Victor to try and fix it he is stuck at my feet. Her mechanics…
Twins game breaking bug
Sometimes while playing twins and you switch back to Charlotte you permanently stare at the floor and if you try to unbind victor during this then you just can't move at all. I have had this bug for months and some other people playing twins say they haven't experienced this. I play on epic games not sure if that is…
Bloodweb Bugged?
hey, is it possible that the bloodweb is bugged ? cause after i set a character to Prestige 1, i can max there perks to 3 on other characters... i thought it was the idea in this not to prestige them to 3 to get ther level 3 perk to access ?
Can the devs PLEASE add the ms counter back on the pre-game lobby?
The state of the South American servers have been awful for YEARS now, at least 3 out of 10 lobbies are like this and since the removal of the ms counter on the pre-game lobby you can only see it if it goes beyond 200 ms and I have so bad luck that its rounds around 190 and sometimes 200 in these kind of lobbies
wiggle skillcheck stuck on screen
After getting hooked the wiggle skillcheck icon remained on my screen for the rest of the game, and prevented me from getting anymore skillchecks at all.
[Twins] Charlotte glitching out, After 1st use of Victor
So I've been playing for a while but have only ever played survivor. Today I hopped onto Killer for the first time to try the twins out. All 3 matches I had played Chralotte would glitch out after pouncing 2 survivors in Victor's pounce attack. The screen would be dead locked to the floor although I'd still be running…
Twins are not playable
Platform: Computer (PC), Server (EUW) Issue: When you play as Twins, you start of normally, but while after you used victor and get back to charlotte, you sometimes just watch the ground. You are still able to move, but you are stuck in that window. You can break palletes, damage gens, hit survivors, and so on. Firstly,…
EU Server lag
PC- During every single match i have played over the last few days, the matches have been unplayable due to severe lag. whenever i try to move my character around they will lag and rubber band back to where i started. actions cannot be performed as there is too much lag.
Twins is STILL bugged, nobody says or does a thing about
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, switch between killers Step 4 : Notice the camera locks up and I now lose my abilities Additional information Killer: Twins Perks: Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, BBQ and Chilli, Scourge hook: Pain resonance Frequency of the issue: Every…
Invisible Wall on Disturbed Ward
There is invisible wall on Disturbed Ward map right next to one of the entrances to Main Building. What is funny that it only blocks you from one side.
PC - Game crash
The game keep crashing with "send report" window. Showing kernel32 and ntdll. How can I fix it?
бан по ошибке
Здравствуйте я не знаю что произошло, я играл сегодня в вашу, и всё было хорошо, после того как я наигрался я пошёл играть в другую игру и вышел из приложения Steam, после того как я снова зашёл в приложение Steam и меня выскочило уведомление о блокировке в вашей игре, я честно не знаю за что могло произойти во время моего…
[PC] Asylum Disturbed Ward stairs ramp is broken on the left
The stairs ramp only on the left is a little broken, it acts like an invisible wall or super steep ramp that blocks movement, and makes you super slidey, you can bounce between the wall and the pillar back and forth forever unless you move; You can still move backwards and get out of it, but it stops chases pretty quick It…