No invocation ring in the basement on Lery's map
Title, the invocation: weaving spiders circle was just not there, maybe the second basement was there but i couldnt find it maybe? Perks were: invocation: weaving spiders, no mither, soul guard, unbreakable
PS4 - Cannot Redeem Active Codes
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Go to store to redeem active BP codes Step 3 : Game claims they’ve expired Step 4 : Websites claim the codes are still active but I’m unable to claim
Survivor Game Bugs
I'm on ps5 and since March 12 about 5 hours after Sable released I have not been able to play survivor. I load into a survivor game screen with he killer and a countdown but everytime I get to 6 seconds before game and the whole game freezes and says there's an error
PC (probably all platforms) - Railroad Warden skin has visible gaps at high FoV
When equipping the Railroad Warden cosmetic (body piece) the upper arms are invisible in first person. Very obvious in Pallet Break and Falling animations.
Fix Loose Shimada head/Spirit
Can you please look into what’s causing it to stick up in the air unnaturally? Make it flow naturally, it’s been bugged for as long as i can remember…
Élodie's Cozy Break wrong Footstep SFX
I've noticed upon buying Élodie's Cozy Break pants "Flip-Flops" that the footsteps in fact do not sound like flip-flops/sandals, but just regular shoes. I was actually disappointed, hoping to get the same SFX like Ash's "Water Trash" outfit or Renato's "King Of Athens" or basically Thalita's default. And since I've seen…
Singularity is bugged
Platform: PC Description: While playing as the Singularity, it seems as tho when a Survivor uses an EMP on a biopod, you hear the sounds when it's disabled as if you're controlling it while playing as Hux, it also seems that sometimes biopods get disabled at random. Steps to Reproduce: Play as Singularity and let a…
Invocation Weaving Spiders did not activate upon completion
Platform: PC Description: As the screenshot shows, Weaving Spiders is deactivated and I have the broken status effect. However, the generators did not lose its 10 charges. Steps to Reproduce: I don't really know. The only thing that was different from the other matches is that a survivor joined me and kept cancelling their…
Adept Unknown Achievement Not Appearing
Before it gets commented, I did not let any of them bleed out, it was 3 hook kills and a mori at the end. Do the moris not count or??? I would love to use different perks but I'm trying again and seeing if I'll eventually get it.
Legion bug
I'm a Xbox player but this bug happened to a PC player. When we where being chased he vault a window in his ability to many times he got stuck in the window, he was able to recreate it and he just continued to vault the window in his power and he got stuck again.
Bite the Bullet not working on Sable
I've been playing several games with new character Sable, I noticed that Bite the Bullet doesn't work either when I self-heal with Self Care, or when I heal others. At first I thought it was a perk bug maybe Bite the Bullet is bugged to not work with Self Care, but later when I switched to Yui they work perfectly together.…
No network connection Provider ID
PC i can't get into game i don't kow all the time
The Unknown body mesh clipping into first person camerma on the right
Pls fix and please make the smal tentacle one the left a bit longer so its not just levitating
Legion killer instinct.
ive ran into a match with the combined addons; julie's mixtape, mural sketch. my perks are bamboozle, enduring, surge and hysteria, injuring someone with legion's power will trigger killer instinct for less than half a second and then immediately cut off. im sure this is a bug, i will try and replicate said action in an…
Redeem code not working
While in the store page of DBD, I have run into an issue where I cannot enter in new redeem codes. Including the AMD one that released today, which my lovely friend tried today at the same time and was able to get the reward for. I play on PC, through the xbox app. I have checked for updates, and there were no updates.…
Possible Exploit with the new Invocation Perk
Platform: PC (Steam) i was playing against an Oni, as Sable and a build around the new Invocation Perk (No Mither, Resilience, Iron Will and Invocation: Weaving Spiders) due to Ultimate Weapon of the Killer i was forced out of the Basement during the Ritual and a Teammember (without the perk) continued without me. During…
Bite The Bullet On Alan
For some reason, Bite The Bullet doesn't work on Alan Wake. I'm not sure if it's sometimes or all the time, or if there's something causing the issue. I clipped it on my stream and have the link: https://clips.twitch.tv/GrotesqueWiseVultureWutFace-OLbHwJTX5nWLW37K You can clearly hear Alan still moaning, even through the…
Incorrect voice line when selecting Unknown in the menu
When selecting Unknown in the menu a random voice line plays, one of those voice lines has a subtitle "I don't know whether to laugh or cry", it instead plays the "Now I'm mad!" mori voice line
Dissolution not activating properly
Platform: Steam When a survivor gets injured by getting locked on by the drones, dissolution doesn't activate anymore. It used to get activated by it, but not after the update.
Xbox - crash when joining lobby using a tome perk randomiser
I wasn’t able to join a game as it kept kicking me from the game every time I joined a lobby. I thought it was just a bug and tried fixing it and realised it was the tome challenge I had selected - the perk randomiser. Seems the perk randomiser causes your game to crash on Xbox.
The Unknown Mori
[Xbox Series X] Survivors will start floating upwards in the air during the mori.
Search function doesn't recognize "Elodie"
I'm honestly not entirely sure if this could be considered a bug and is actually more of an oversight. I often search for perks by their associated survivor or killer when I don't remember the perk's name. I recently did so for Élodie and the search function didn't recognize her name without the accent aigu. "Elodie" will…
Bite the Bullet + Strength in Shadows incompatible.
These two perks don't seem to be working together? From my understanding Bite the Bullet and self healing general work so I assume this is a bug.
Singularity weird noses
• Platform: Windows 11 • Description of the issue: Whenever survivors use the EMP, there is an annoying sound, like distorted radio static • Steps to reproduce (if possible) Spawn a pod, wait a survivor to use EMP, get annoyed • How often does this occur all the time
Wiggle Bar
Was in a game with a Wraith, and surv teammates were taking hits for me to get off. I'm not sure how it happened but the animation of the Wraith putting me on the hook started, but never completed, and I was still on his shoulder. My wiggle bar had completely vanished, and the Wraith was still able to hit the other survs,…
The perk shows the description from the ptb.
Audio of killers and survivors are bugged (Loud screams, Loud killer powers, nearly no chase music)
Steam PC I loaded into some rounds now and i noticed that all screams, killers power like for example the chainsaw sounds etc are super loud and all of them sound like as if you are near the killer or near the downed survivor. This audio bug is super disorienting and i cant figure out if the survivor is close to me being…
Unable to Report the Survivor at the Top
I was trying to report the survivor in my match because when I unhooked him, he left me and my friend . He was salty we let him get to second hook. He just nodded at me and started spam unhooking me as he watched me die after I tried to unhook myself. When I tried to report him I would click the button and nothing…
Would you kindly KILLSWITCH the Plague now?
It's been since the Alan Wake chapter that the Plague should be killswitched, even after the ptb of ALL THINGS WICKED you didn't even make the effort to correct its still PERMANENT animation bugs. She remains static when she goes into Corruption mode, has no animation, and therefore poses a lot of problem for the survivor…
missing invocation circle
the invocation circle never showed up in the basement of Lery's Memorial institute, no idea if it's only for the specific basement, but just in case it is, it's was the basement in the middle of the map where it didn't show up for me.
Zen Trapped
Alien trapped behind things don't know if he started here or got stuck here after moving through tunnels. We tried letting him hit us and catching him on fire however neither worked.
Invisible Skill Checks
I was playing as Sable using empathy, sprint burst, botany and alert, on the new movie theater map. I would hear the skill check sound but no skill check would show up in front of me, even after letting go of the generator and hopping back on it. I could not see any skill checks the entire game regardless of what I was…
Survivor invincible; immune to hits.
I Playing as Gabriel Soma, with the perks For the People, Buckle Up, sabotage, and flashlight. Killer (deathslinger) could hit me at the start of the game, but some sort of interaction happened where after it happened, I could not be hit anymore. The killer and me tested it, he shot me multiple times and I could not be…
No Salt Circle in Lery’s Basement
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor on Lery’s with Invocation perk Step 3 : Go to basement Step 4 : Notice the game has no salt circle for the invocation Additional information Sable Ward Invocation: Weaving Spiders No Mither Dead Hard Resilience Lery’s Treatment Theater Every time
Oni can lunge while carrying people
No perks needed to activate this You can simply lunge while carrying people when playing The Oni
The Unknown - Hits through walls
So the new killer "The Unknown" the explosion from his ability (the grenade or whatever) the explosion from the impact can hit you through thin but solid walls. No windows or doors or any other kind of gap or holes was in the wall from where I hid myself in my previous game and he just yeeted his grenade on the floor at…
Got double rank reset blood points
Logged in got message about the blood I earned but didn't get the 560,000 blood points so I logged off and on to see if that would fix it, got the same message when I logged back in but this time I had over 1,180,000 blood points, can I keep it? (Don't know why it wasn't 1.2mill but it was close enough to double)
Strength in Shadows doesn't require being in the basement to heal
You only need to be on the stairs to the basement to get the free self heal. It doesn't require actually being in the basement at all. If basement is in killer shack, you have the strongest loop in the entire map on demand. This makes the perk essentially risk free, as you can easily make it to the window or pallet before…
Skill check HUD gone
I was playing earlier today On Play Station console, with my friend. They too on Play Station console (PS4 to be precise) Long story short we got into a game on Greenville (The new map) and was facing the doctor, but as soon as they loaded in, They couldn't see how many generators was needed to be complete, Any…
PlayStation connection error
PS5, Europe (Poland), for the past 10 minutes I've been trying to open the game, but I'm getting the following error: "Connection Error. Could not connect to RTM server." Plz help
PC - Vittorio headpiece missing glowing markings
Unsure if it happens on console as well, but on PC, Vittorio skins are missing the glowing aspect to his markings, both in game matches and in lobbies, from his head. Or if they are there, they're extremely dull and hard to see. It seems to be happening on his default head as well as a couple others (in store). Became an…
Artist birds spawn on top of rocks on new map
PC/Steam On the new map, Artist placing birds too close to the filler rocks in the map makes the birds spawn and fire from an elevated position on top of the rocks. Happens every time in both public and custom games for multiple people. This applies to ALL rocks that share this style, not just the ones in the screenshot.…
"Movie Buff" Achievement not unlocking
Finished the gen in main and escaped twice now but has still not unlocked. Update: Seems to be working now.
Freezing and crashing
I'm on the PS5,and the game would work great but as soon as the new dlc dropped (" All Things Wicked") I haven't been able to play at all. I can move the cursor around and load into a game lobby. Then the game freezes and crashes while in the lobby.
PC - Disconnects at end of game on final kill
Step 1 : Boot the game. Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match. Step 3 : In-game, play entire match. Step 4 : On the last kill, the game disconnects. Additional information Trapper, Deathslinger Various Various The same event has happened 3 times. Each time I am in a game where I have finished all the players with only…
Escape Artist (Remix) Archive causes crash
The Escape Artist Remix archive challenge from Tome 17 Level 4 causes crash Xbox Series X is my platform of choice. It's super easy to replicate. To reproduce, select the challenge and queue for a game as survivor. The game will crash in the pre-game lobby. EDIT! This seems to be a problem with all random perk archives.…
Xbox-The Pig Addon, slow release toxin doesn't apply when using the video tap addon
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in custom match Step 3 : Have someone else play as Pig with both of the aforementioned addons Step 4 : Notice the game doesn't apply the exhausted status affect from the slow release toxin when the bear trap is worn when put on by the Iri tape addon.
Scratch marks crazy inconsistency
I was playing on Midwich Elementary School and survivors running in the hallway will have their scratch marks left on the ceiling and the walls, while yes there still some on the ground they’re running on why are they on the ceiling too? It’s also worth mentioning it’s very spread out and inconsistent and no it was not…
Pig not getting in chase until very near survivor
Played Pig on lampkin lane (haddonfield) map. Whenever I find a survivor, i don't get into chase until I get really close to them. ie) chase music doesn't start, etc.. perks used: pop goes the weasel, corrupt, save the best for last, no way out
Two basements on Lery's
PC, Steam Just saw a game on twitch where were two basement on Lery's