Devs Rules
If the devs say targeting - (camping, tunneling, etc) is acceptable; then there needs to be away for survivors to leave match that they deem toxic. Tunneling or camping is "UNSPORTSMANLIKE" conduct in my book. Four people on the board and you choose one or two only, that is targeting. All dictionaries will say the exact…
OH! MY! GOD! Blooper Team + Konami!!!
Blooper Team, who make ONLY horror games have signed a cooperation deal (whatever that is) with Konami. Konami only have one well known horror franchise to their name: Silent Hill. Could it be?! Could we finally be seeing a new Silent Hill, or a remake?!?! Please let it be so.
Lets talk about Identity V,more specifically it Liscences
I want to bring to light about how well its doing,Identity V has many liscences like Promise Neverland(Anime/Manga) Edward Siccorshand(Movie) Persona 5(Game) Death Note(Anime/Manga) K.F.C(Fast Food Chain) Danganronpa(Game) Detective Conan(Anime/Manga) Currently DBD only has Movie,Video Game,& TV Liscences
Resident Evil RPD Map STILL waiting (PS4)
Okay DBD I have been patience long enough now. I turned on my PS4 this afternoon and saw that their was an update for DBD so I got excited I was thinking, "Oh great, maybe they fixed the RPD map..." so after waiting 20 minutes for the new update to download and copy to my system I go to check the update history and no it…
Its So Damn Hot Outside
The background is my fiance and our baby but look at the top-right of the screen. It's a scorcher today, Boys!
thoughts on silent hill 3?
RIP to the PNW
I'm in the King County area of Washington State and currently dying in the Pacific Northwest Heatwave of Death. Anyone else feel like they'd trade this for a day in the Fog? I mean, fog's cool, right?
Writing and gaming: mechanical keyboard vs. chicklet keyboard
(First of all, sorry for my English. I'm not a native speaker, but I do hope everything is understable.) I'm a freelance writer and a gamer. I think I spend as much time writing than gaming. I'm thinking about replacing my current keyboard, which is a Logitech MK470. I love it, even if I could use a smaller…
Pinebrook Prologue
Hi, everyone, welp today I am going to be showing you all the prologue for my short stories of Pinebrook. Just to tell you that this is just 1 page of the prologue and will progress as time goes on. I just want to thank you all for supporting and pushing me to get this done, for giving me advice as well. @Beelzeboop,…
Candyman/Halloween Kills
Does anyone feel that the trailer of Halloween was dropped a bit early.I feel it's a little overshadowing also.Was there some demand for the trailer to be shown The Candyman trailer was just released 2 days ago.This is why also,I've changed my Twitter and YT avatar if it's a competition,Then Candyman wins it for me.
For those with knowledge of OBS Studio
I have had an issue for while where I NEED to load up OBS after a game is launched, otherwise the streamed framerate is something stupid like 20~. This isn't as much of an issue, but it makes switching games in stream basically impossible unless I restart stream which is very annoying. Anyone know of any ways to change…
For all the Halloween movie fans - the new trailer for Halloween Kills
It looks EPIC. Michael is brutal.
I'll tell you a secret
Ask me
Incredible New Killer Idea!
Something that I miss about Friday the 13th game
Was outjuking jason as the last guy until the timer ran out it was the nose satisfying feeling
Top Hats
What is everyone's opinions on having a killer with a top hat. I don't know why but I want a killer with full dapper stats top hat and all.
this is a test on post discussion I'm new so don't mind me
So Overwatch has crossplay now.
Thoughts? Any Overwatchers here? Who's your main(s) ?
Please unlink jills cosmetic set. I bought it thinking I'd be able to mix and match. Im pretty sure im gonna stop buy cosmectics if they're linked.
Looking for an RPG where stat growth is driven by player actions
This is going to be a short explanation of why I want this, scroll down if you don't want to read it. I own an old WWE vs. RAW game. In that game, you could make a custom character, who had certain base stats. However, depending on how you played, your character's stats would grow depending on what you did. So if you used…
(Joke Post) New Killer: Montgomery Burns (re-shared).
I came up with this ages ago just for fun. Found it while browsing my phone. We’ve had a lot of new members so I thought it would be entertaining to share it again. The Billionaire. Height: Short. Base M/S: 0.6m per second. Terror Radius: Map wide. Abilities: Disapproving Glare. You’re in charge. Push the attack…
Advice on avoiding heart palpitations while playing games?
About two months ago, I had what I believe was a panic attack, and since then, I've struggled to play either Dead By Daylight or Magic Arena (i.e. the only two video games I play currently) because of anxiety triggers that cause my heart to start racing (Arena is particularly problematic for me if I try to draft). I've…
I think Myers players are nice
Sometimes i tend to find Myers players playful and chill. They gave me the hatch for no clear reason and last time when i played against him, my teammates were uncooperative and afk. he noticed that something was wrong and let me escape. It is very generous to give up like that. I think Myers is the killer who gave me free…
What happened to trusted users?
It feels like it's been multiple months since I've seen any discussions marked with "trusted" on them, or seen comments by people with red pfps. I'm assuming it's been a while since there was applications for becoming a trusted a user. But even then there was only like 3-4 members I can remember that were trusted. I'm not…
Instead of wasting my time checking, Are there still frame drop issues?
thoughts on the album in the court of the crimson king?
Is Naughty Bear ever going to come back?
Maybe a pc port or a remaster? Naughty Bear was a good part of my childhood and I'd love to play it again on updated hardware.
didnt get my bloodpoints
Hi i just finished a challange in the rift, and i had cap bloodpoints and i thought you could still get more then cap only if you finished a challange or something because its happeend to me before. but i didnt get my bloodpoints
Recuperar conta
I lost my facebook account, i can't recover my deadbydaylight account, is there any way i can recover it?
The Shirt cut meme
So...I decided to do this, enjoy.
BAR-B-Q FRITOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1000 Post
Thank you all for baring with me and my mania 😆
OMG! Evil Dead: The Game looks SO DAMN GOOD 😍
The trailer they just showed during summer gamefest has me hooked, line and sinker.
Is Breakdown still broken?
Just a genuine question, I looked it up and kept finding conflicting statements... wanna run it in a meme build but don't want to use it if it is going to permanently take down the hook. Thanks for the help!
Naughty bear remastered
It would be nice to play it
A forum to release your anger
This is a forum, specifically designed to release your anger,rage and tilt,from not only dbd but from real life also. We need this. I'll start first. I have a guinea pig,and he's so GODDAMN FRUSTRATING. EVERY TIME HE HEARS ANYTHING,LIKE OPENING THE FRIDGE IT WILL YELL FOR FOOD. THE GUIDE SAID SPECIFICALLY ONLY TO FEED YOU…
Idea for next years Anniversary Event
Oh no, David King is sad. Why are you sad, King? "Despite being a King, I don't feel like one" What do you mean, you have a crown and will be given another one this year... Wait, a minute. Kings wear robes. There you go David, I gave you a really bad edit in MS Paint of a robe. Well, it's really more like a cape, but the…
What are some of your favorite horror movies that no one seems to talk about?
We've all heard of Freddy, Jason, etc. But what about those underdogs of horror? Whether the characters from these movies would fit in this game or not, which are some of your favorites that always seem to go forgotten and unmentioned? For me: The Descent. DAMN good horror movie, one of the best of the last couple of…
Almost to Devotion 4
Kinda happy, after almost two years of playing, I'm almost to Devotion 4, I did have some few months breaks here and there. But it was fun hopping on the game once in awhile, so I am excited to enter the 5 anniversary with a new chapter. Mostly because I started playing during the 3rd anniversary and Ghostface was one of…
Bloodborne Appreciation Thread
Just wanted to open up a discussion about Bloodborne, one of the best video games of all the time. I completed the game a few months ago and I have to say it was nothing short of spectacular. The gameplay alone can make you want to play over and over again. I actually began my FromSoftware journey not too long ago with…
So why was Tru3 removed from the fog whisperers program?
He's one of the biggest DBD streamers and you haven't given a reason as to why he was removed.
posting another one of these
this is so off topic- kind of
but someone yesterday randomly added me to a party and it was a girl but i was super confused because i didnt know who she was but we were both playing dbd- but like her two friends came in and we all played swf and it was amazing- i loved playing with them and i felt like we all got along swell. but my one question is, is…
Felix VS Leon
I wanted to bring up this topic since i see users on Twitter adoring Felix even outside of their game hours. Since the PTB i have been "stuck" on Leon's character and have come to the conclusion that he's the most handsome characters that are going to be in the game. I have not seen people who are as enthusiastic about him…
What's the stupidest/dumbest injury you have had?
So for context, I've trumped what I originally dubbed as my most dumbest injury today. 😒 Without going into too much detail, I was trying to undo the cap off of a sealant-type glue. I remembered after a while of frustration that you could use a knife to open it. Not knowing that you HAD to use a knife specially made for…
Are we being experimented on?
Bombardier Inc., another Canadian-owned company with headquarters in Montreal, like BHVR, retained its third-place position in the ranking for 2002. Like CAE and GM Defense, Bombardier has been a persistent member of the top tier of military manufacturers and during 2002 the three companies together generated over…
Since we have a rainbow PRIDE flag, is it possible we could get others?
I was just wondering if it would be possible since Bhvr made the rainbow Pride flag if it was possible we could see getting others in the future? Some such as a nonbinary, lesbian, trans, etc?
My RE 7 character tierlist
This is my personal tier list on the characters of RE 7 @QwQw, I know how much you love RE 7 and I wanted ya'll opinions on this.
This forum needs more shitposts
I'm a former shitposting enjoyer and I would like to see more of them around here. What do you think? Do you guys also like them?