Please change Nea's "Smokestack beanie" hair on PS4!!
It literally looks so greasy that you could fry chips with it, couldn't it have just a little bit of volume? I saw recently in one of Ussylis' videos that he played Nea with this cosmetic and the hair actually looked somewhat nice. I don't know whether this was due to him playing on PC or whether it was his stretched…
What are some theme songs you can't help but sing or at least hum along too?
Once again, simply as the title asks. What are some theme songs that no matter what you can't help but sing or hum too. I'd also like to say that it can be from any kind of media as long as YOU think it's catchy enough. Let's begin, this is just a taste
Pantsless Myers
I sell you my soul if you give me some gum
so we have a deal?
What Have We Become
When creating a new discussion which do you care about more, views or comments?
As the title states which do you personally value more? Views are of course nice and help but I'll always prefer interacting and talking with people more but I'm curious to what you people think?
The Game Awards
Hello yet again lovely people of the forums. In this post, once the awards start I'll be updating it with both the award winners and new announcements to the best of my ability. Winners: Best community support- Destiny 2 Best Score- Death Stranding Best esports coach- zonic Best esports event- LOL championship Best esports…
pictures of how i see oni
this is how i see oni
New Hard Mode for Game play
I guess the recent patch added a new hard mode for survivors: two killers in a match. This wasa bizarre experience as I could see two auras then I was being manhandled by two huntresses.... I suppose the funny side was them throwing hatchets at me, everyone else and each other.
Getting real tired of my matches just ending
I play on Xbox and when I play as killer, there’s are chance that it will just randomly end. I get the quitter bonus for all remaining survivors and am sent to the endgame screen. Just happened to me and I depipped cause of it.
Devs, I'm just so sick and tired.
I so sick and tired of this ongoing dilemma. The constant headaches. The constant flashlights in my eyes. The constant times i face the stupid Doctor. The sweat, the pain and just the thought of it all. I finally decided to break down and....and finally go to the store and get better meds. So expensive but i need them to…
This thread is for The Trapper ONLY
Post stupid pictures of trapper ONLY
We need to stop playng this..maybe devs will care.
Come on friends on the game Last Year The Nightmare , this is a time lapse, the Dead By Daylight developers only care about battle pass and skins, not far from the life of the game, however the game is no longer fun at the moment.
I bought a Nintendo 3Ds
Yep, queue time for survivor takes from 10-20 mins per game when on SWF and 5-10 for solo on Xbox Damn, I'm gonna become the best Pókemon Master!
So about Last Year...
This might be one of the worst games, at least of this kind, I have ever played. It's one of the clunkiest most unintuitive messes I've seen in a while. -Very low player base, no actual skill matchmaking it's just random, and with so little people it's all they can do anyways. -It takes between 15 - 60 minutes to find a…
need some help (not game related)
Discussion closed
What is being done about DDosing?
I was playing a Breach match in For Honor and everyone (if you don't play the game you might not understand) was a light spammer on the other end of the team, we were about to win when every single person except one on our team and their team was kicked, we all lagged out simultaneously, what penalties are there to…
Creepy voice
I loaded up dbd for a few matches and heard a creepy ass voice through my headset on the loading screen here it is you guys tell me if that ain’t creepy I’m all alone at home so where did the voice come from
Trying to do “Chilling Escape” challenge
I’m probably just a noob but I’m horrible at being immersed because I’m usually in red ranks. And this challenge has literally made me want to die so much. I can’t even get hooked once and I can’t do the challenge, so I either just suicide or DC depending on the salt levels. I’m currently at purple ranks attempting to do…
Resident Evil 3 Remake officially shown
To the Resident Evil fans here, this is for you.
Carson made a heavenly song
CallMeCarson made a beautiful song You guys should listen to it
I hate DS too, now
Look at it, the thing that everyone hates. This caused so many frustrations for players for a long time, then it got changed. Updated, if you will. Some people like the updated one. However, now people are not liking this one too! I agree, it feels like the old one, it may be slightly different, but it still the same. It…
I tried using LFP - but would anyone be interested in playing with me on ps4?
I would like to try to find other nice, friendly people to play with! I am a yellow/green rank player (currently yellow since I haven’t played much in the past month or so) and I play to have fun in a horror movie inspired game - I don’t generally play sweaty, and I don’t ever be a bad sports(wo)man to other players…
I got bored in class and drew this
It was study hall, then took a picture when I got home
I'm Still a Legion Main.
(ples buff me)
I'm currently sitting alone in a classroom cause I didn't sign a release send memes
Okay... Jealous of Last Year's new monster.
I checked out Last Year when it was first out, the lack of a progression system made it a no-go for me, and the killers were crazy generic. (though that strangler was cool) But now they have a giant Spider monster. And it got me thinking that in order to bust out of the "more of the same" feel, we could really use…
No longer helping randoms
I’ve had my fair share of ######### randoms, but what just happened tops it all. I ran the killer for the last two gens after saving these two randoms multiple times (obviously were friends, matching usernames), I get downed when the last gen pops, get hooked and one of the Claudettes run over to me, looks at me then runs…
These Queues
Waiting 5+ minutes for a match that ends instantly because its the oni is a mood. It is definitely easy to out play him depending on where you are; but how long his power lasts and the fact he gets free tracking with the blood orbs is a little anti-fun. If you get hooked in the basement while he proxy camps its as bad as a…
I wish to rant again
I play DBD on the Switch and so many killers camp and/or tunnel. Im just tryin to my challenges
Ace and The Hag have been in DBD for 3 years!
On this day in 2016, the Chapter 3 DLC Of Flesh and Mud came out to Dead by Daylight. With Ace being my favorite survivor, I thought I would mention this just for the heck of it and to remember the hype I had along with others when the dlc first came out.
Post any hype music here
Yet again, just as simple as the title says, I'll start.
Look at my dog
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never…
I think game companies that produce online multiplayer pvp games should convince platforms to...
I think game development companies should convince game platform developers to stop promoting wifi as an alternative to ethernet when playing pvp online games. The logic is simple. PVP games require stable connections in order for competitive and balanced gameplay. The fact of the matter is that no matter how advanced our…
Broken Xbox Report System
Don't ever message other Dead By Daylight players on Xbox and say "I'm not going to join your basement suicide party." They can simply report your message, flag it as self-harm, and you'll get a communications ban for a week. If I get reported by strangers, I should simply be disallowed from messaging strangers for a week.…
He's on a roll!
Any funny/cool pet stories?
Doesn't have to be your own maybe a friend or family member. My aunt had an African Grey Parrot that would fly around the house and bite at anyone but her, laughing hysterically and saying "No biting" while he did it, It also loved cheez-its.
New killer idea?
My friends and I were discussing whats scarier. I said inde games that have monsters that use echolocation to find you. Could this be a good idea for a killer? By using sound of of the killers roars and noises find the survivors?
Peanits smells
Don't ban me please.
Buff to Thanataphobia
Their courage fades in the face of their undeniable mortality. For each Injured, Dying or hooked Survivor, all Survivors receive a penalty of 3/3.5/4 % to their Repair, Healing and Sabotage speed, stack-able up to a maximum of 12/14/16 %. Dead survivors suffer the effect worse, and once killed are unable to perform…
Optimal Oni Build
Hex: Ruin Thanatophobia Knockout Infectious Fright What do you guys think?
Killer Music Bug
For some reason, once the music starts playing for when you carry a survivor, it just plays infinitely. It never stops unless you are currently in a chase. Because of this, I can’t hear anything like breathing, footsteps, etc. It’s already bad enough where you can’t hear anything as killer during a chase, but not you can’t…
What are some topics you're super tired of seeing?
Nothing much else to add here, just genuinely curious to what some will say.
Raise your hand.
If you're not going too see Star Wars. Me: Raises hand. Disney has failed.
Highest round in cod zombies
Round 25 in Kino Der Toten yea, I'm pretty ok at zombies, unless thats above average
Who seen outlast trails reveal?
I am hyped for it, extremely hyped
A question for any sort of content creater who stumbles onto this.
In your opinion, would you rather have your fanbase small but personal or would you rather have your fanbase big and loose a lot of connection with your fans. I like to ask this question because there's such a wide view on this. So, if any CC happens to stumble upon this, I'd love to hear some opinions.
what killer should i buy
demo, ghost face, oni, plag
Listen to This (music)
So this is a post I hope stays popular for a while because here all of us will be recommending each other SONGS, and while s9me of us may not like it it’s just to hear something new : ) The song I recommend to you guys is El Chivo - (Official Music Video) - Berner ft. T3R Elemento. It’s an nice Spanish/English Rap/Party…
What is this food called?