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  • No, everything does not "go back to normal" because if you turn off crossplay then you will only be matched with other people on the same platform as you who have also disabled crossplay. You will not be matched with people on your own platform that have crossplay enabled if you have it disabled. As an Xbox player that…
  • Watching Bahroo play DBD before it was out on console. I liked it so when Bahroo was not playing I started to watch Hexy & Pug play instead. Then DBD finally released on console so I bought it.
  • I was just about to post the same thing, you know it's comming now at some point, one of them stupid power gauge boxes around your power icon that has to fill up again before you can use your power. They are a "feature" of most of the modern killers with the old original ones not having one such as Nurse/Billy but after…
  • Another thing, "Xbox One X enhancement". In a game that needs to run at a higher frame rate why would an "enhancement" patch be a GOOD thing? Look at games like The Elder Scrolls Online where the enhancement patch gives higher resolutions and improves textures at the COST of frame rate. PS4 Pro in boost mode at 1080p no…
  • The game runs great on X1X since 2.7 and it's about to get another "BIG" performance improvement this June with chapter 12 as per the roadmap. The 2.7 update brought optimization improvements which on X1X sees survivor hitting 60fps and killer a little behind but it's BY FAR the best performance the game as seen in a long…
  • 1 Haddonfield, 1 Meat Plant and 1 Hospital map is ALL we need of those horrible "tilesets" (killer main), personally I'd even say 1 is 1 too many ;P
  • BBQ Adrenaline This thread is going to turn into a thread about weather or not you should use Ruin though, just you watch. It's already started and the thread only has a handful of replies.
  • Indeed, runs just fine as survivor and a little bit less so as killer but still great on the 1X. I can still remember launch day on the original Xbox back then what we had was terrible. I'd love to see some sort of frame rate counter on the 1X version todayy with 2.7, I'd wager it's running between 50-60fps depending on…
  • Runs great on mine almost as good as other 60fps titles such as Overwatch, Warframe, BO 4 etc. No idea why its bad on your 1X though, I use a 50" 1080p (non HDR no 4k) TV but can't see why that would make it run better on mine compared to yours.
  • I really wish you could see how amazing the game runs now on the X1X which is also "on console". (50-60fps) I wonder if all those still on the original base PS4/Xbox will invest in the PS5 (announced) or Xbox 2 (if they call it that) which may be as early as 2020. How old are the base consoles now anyway, (looked it up)…
  • Yep as unbelievable as it sounds (for the X1X at least) 60fps has become a reality. I didn't think they would do it when they made that statement post about it either but the last patch has been amazing for the 1X. I'd imagine the PS4 Pro is looking good too but there's probably more work needed for the original PS4/Xbox…
  • yeah, I edited my post a little :)
  • This is a PR disaster but he looks very well designed and rogue ish. Seems really easy to notice he's there though due to the red stain and the terror radius only going away for a couple of seconds. Should wait until PTB before making any assumptions but he does look really cool and very creepy. Imagine him on dark outdoor…
  • X1X Player and this new update has made a drastic improvement to the games frame rate, if I had to guess I'd say survivor is 60fps and killer around 50fps based of other games that I know run at 60fps such as Overwatch. Amazing job, now if they can just add mouse support it would be ideal considering keyboard support is…
  • Survivor on X1X is easilly 60fps, yes 60fps. It runs as well as Overwtach for example which is a 60fps game. Killer is a little behind but not much, even playing as Doctor on maps like the Game or the Hospital map is decent now. Killers such as Billy on older maps like Shelter Woods feels very close to 60fps as well. DBD…
  • I IMMEDIATELY noticed those about 2 seconds into the animation as well. It's as if they were added to his design just to make sure that he's not super hard to notice and to give survivors a chance at spotting him before he get's too close. If they float and flap about as he moves he will stand out a lot more than if he…
  • It's already out on Xbox by the way.
  • On my Xbox One X todays patch has made the game run tremendously better. It was good with the last patch too but todays performance increase is nothing short of amazing considering how bad this game ran just before Christmas. I think PS4/Pro users are reporting the same, are you guys both on the original Xbox/S?
  • On the 1X the frame rate is FAR better than pre 2.6 (playing Trapper on Autohaven map last night felt like near 60fps) and it doesn't appear blurry to me at least. There does seem to be some kind of slight "fish eye" thing going on though, the kind of thing you see when you increase FOV above 90 in other games. The frame…
  • It isn't 30fps locked, at least not on X1X. Feels closer to 45-50 when playing on the older maps like Coldwind / McMillan. Especially with less demanding killers such as Trapper or Billy.
  • Just played Trapper on Coldwind and when it's down to 1v1 the killer frame rate feels like the tutorial, 60fps. If you can just squeeze some more optimization out of it I'd say the game running at 60fps regardless of killer/map and player count is certainly doable, at least on the X1X anyway. Now to try Doc on a map like…
  • For the frame rate to not be crap on console, I guess PS5 and Xbox 2 in 2020/21 might do it if BHVR can't.
  • You mentioned The Division, the new Division 2 goes live for the standard edition on the 15th or rather on the stroke of midnight just as Thursday ends your local time. That's 22 hours from now at time of writing.
  • The patch notes say this: "Feature - Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.21, from 4.20)." "This update also contains some additional optimizations for all platforms" It says both of those lines here: That appears to indicate two things, an upgrade to 4.21 Unreal Engine and some additional optimization as…
  • Unreal Engine 4.20 -> 4.21 and "optimization improvements across all platforms" was in the patch notes for the PTB so we "should" see some kind of improved frame rate (not 60fps though) when it goes live. I'll be no life'ing it up on The Division 2 by then tough so I'll check the forum instead :)
  • The tutorial runs at 60fps as killer on the 1X already btw, not quite the same thing but still it shows that the game "can" do it. A large factor in frame rate on the console version when playing as the killer has to do with player count, as each survivor dies and is removed from the game in turn the frame rate…
  • Native mouse and keyboard support rolled out for Xbox One in November 2018: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/11/14/november-2018-xbox-update-available-now/ "Mouse and Keyboard Support for Xbox One As revealed by Phil Spencer on the September episode of Inside Xbox, the November update brings mouse and keyboard support to…
  • Native mouse and keyboard support rolled out to Xbox One with the November 2018 update: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/11/14/november-2018-xbox-update-available-now/ "Mouse and Keyboard Support for Xbox One As revealed by Phil Spencer on the September episode of Inside Xbox, the November update brings mouse and keyboard…
  • Been playing the Overwatch winter event atm, the DBD one is next week? Thought they didn't say when it was yet, at least it's something to look forward to next week then :)
  • I just tried this on Xbox as well which just got native mouse and keyboard support (game devs still need to support it in their game) and I was able to use WASD to move as well. I plugged in a mouse but sadly it didn't operate the camera, I also noticed that if you hold enter on the keyboard on the pre-lobby screen the…
  • Just left the dev stream where they said that optimisation is a PASS (not a patch) and that it's... (wait for it) an "ongoing process" so I wouldn't hold your breath for a patch to fix the frame rate in the next 2 weeks of December. I don't want to complain too much because the unreal engine upgrade made the game run…
  • Ask them on today's dev stream, I know I will be doing so too. Hopefully we get some info and/or confirmation it's still comming in December as there's only a couple of weeks left.
  • In the patch notes the new "map scheduler" was added to the game and the general consensus is that the new map has been tuned to appear more often at the moment, which certainly "seems" to be the case.
  • It's sharper, brighter and runs a little bit better due to the unreal engine upgrade that the game runs on which was included in this update along witht he new chapter. The patch to address optimisation later in December should see a big difference.
  • Nowhere near PC performance (as killer) hopefully the upcoming optimisation patch later this month will improve the frame rate substantially, I'd check back then.
  • I play in 720p on the One X and since the update to the new unreal engine the frame rate is better but far from good enough, oh that's playing as the killer BTW. I hope this update did NOT include the "optomisation patch" too because if it did... oh dear. However, if the optomisation patch is still to come then should be…
  • Hillbilly Hang Man's Trick - Iron Grasp - Agitation - Ruin Had enough survivor chops for the hammer in somewhere between 2-3 hours, it was easy. Although I did have a BBQ offering every game on top of the default 2 you start with. 90 Generators seems like the more long winded task to me especially considering the reward…
  • Wonder how long it will be before he comes back "again". When someone REALLY quits a game you don't make a goodbye video/speech or a big long post on forums as to why you're quitting etc. People who do that just want the developers to take note and change the game so they can keep playing because they're addicted and don't…
  • Yes it's fine by me , I don't mind survivors trying to sabo event hooks, I'll just use Hangman's Trick like last time during the Howling Grounds event where it was no problem then too, I enjoyed the challenge of it tbh. Good luck doing event generators and any generator as it's the build I usually use to slow the game down…
  • Yes because it will be hard to get special gens (or ANY gens) done vs that build, that has nothing to do with camping speical generators only.
  • Trying to stop survivors doing generators as the killer particularly the special ones for the event is neither petty or being a bad apple and has nothing to do with trolling. I'll be going for any generator that is being worked on weather it's an event generator or not, regardless of that it will still be difficult to get…
  • Don't want the Kate cosmetic so that's half the work needed. I want that hammer for Billy though so here's what I'll do. When I need the hammer by getting special hooks: Hang Man's Trick - Agitation - Iron Grasp - Ruin When I have earned enough to qualify for the hammer: Overcharge - Pop Goes the Weasel - BBQ n Chilli -…
  • "There wasn't even one good point for killers in this Q&A" That's what I got from it too. I watched a near 30 minute video preview of things comming in Chapter 9 and the good things for killer to look forward to was... 0, zero, nothing.
  • Me too, on X1X though not PC.
  • Probably the store bug. If you so much as even click on the "store" icon then try to play a match you will experience a soft freeze or "hiccup" every few seconds until you restart the game. This bug was introduced when they recently added the new Ace, Dwight and "white hair" Meg skins. Restarting the game fixes it as long…
  • Use the ping indicator shown in the bottom right during the lobby screen. If your connection to the killer is bad then instead of clicking "ready", leave to find a new game.
  • In the video you are INJURED (and have a medkit that has maximum charges) then he downs you and it reveals NOED, how was this clip demonstrating him being carried by NOED?