maybe they transferred the voids or didn't get any.
coupe de grace (tier 3) should be boosted to 100 instead of 80. I think that would not be a problem if the survivor has DH. 1 perk vs 1 perk. is that fair?
there's a 90% of being paired with survivors who carry a flashlight when you are playing as the wraith and, if it's not, they will found at least one in some chest.
steam / parámetros / descargas / carpetas de biblioteca de steam Ahí podes agregar la carpeta en donde tenés los juegos.
I don't know if is the boon totem thing or the spawns.
my bad, sorry. I meant to say the quality instead of resolution. my desktop is 1366 x 768 and in game is scaled to 65% and the quality is low. I changed the quality as you can see in the vid, from low to ultra and then back to low.
solo al skin original. al menos no vi nunca una skin personalizada como si fuese de prestigio (con sangre)
El eslugeo y tuneleo es parte del juego. Ademas, hay muchas perks para contrarrestar eso. El campeo esta penalizado con perdida de puntos de sangre. Lo de reparar es interesante. La otra vez estaba pensando algo similar, en vez de llaves como decis, diria que podrian buscar piezas de motores para poder reparar. Pero no…
I remember were playing with leatherface and there's one bill that was playing really good. I chase him and I couldn't get him. 3 gen were repaired in less than 5 seconds, almost at the same time. at the end of the match, they told me I was a "crap" in portuguese and ofc the "izi". I was like 0_0 ok then. I didn't reply…
I feel it is a challenge to master the nurse, so it is fun to play with her. but the devs should boost the speed a little bit.
Lery looks really good, way better than the older one. I read about the doc that can't stop looping. Actually, he can. if you hit a survivor with the shock therapy, while on a loop, they can't throw the pallete. But be sure that you are moderately close so you can hit them with the stick. about the ruin. it wasn't my perk…
Les guste o no, el tuneleo es parte del juego. Tienen tiempo prestado, golpe decisivo para contrarrestar eso. El campeo bueno eso ya esta penalizado con perdida de puntos de sangre en el apartado de caza. muy poco se dice de los dc cuando hay dos supervivientes y están jugando en premade, entonces uno de ellos se…
en realidad esta "penalizado". con perdida de puntos de sangre en la sección de caza. deberían aumentar esa penalización porque no son muchos puntos lo que se pierden.
ahora que lo decis, nunca me percate si antes se podia oir de que lado viene el asesino. creo que si decidieron hacerlo como es ahora es porque hay perks que te avisan. creo que una es "percepcion oscura" pero obviamente no es puntual si no un estimado. creo que estaria bastante roto saber siempre de que lado te va a…
nope, because when you press alt+f4 there's a pop up asking you if you really want to exit the match. so you have to press the "leave match" button in that case too.
I think the penalization should be for those who press the button "exit" in the middle of a match and not for those who disconnect because an error/bug. 🙃