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  • No one should get banned for this. BHVR should learn from this and make changes. This is just people trying to play the game as efficiently as possible and not spend money because they don't believe the game deserves it. I have yet to buy anything (even the Stranger Things DLC which I was compelled a bit) because the devs…
  • So a read a lot of this and to that I have to say... I would recommend starting a group to make your own game. No offense to BHVR, but I feel like their goal isn't about making the game fun or scary as much as it is about keeping people playing and getting money off cosmetics. Your take on Doctor in particular sounds…
  • Man, I REALLY don't like their reasoning on that considering how successful they seem to be now, but maybe that could change down the line. Even so, with just humanoids, there is so much you can do that they haven't delved into yet and each new Killer seems to just take a previous concept they already have done and taken a…
  • Honestly, it doesn't. You guys are missing the point. Clearly there are things that others have mentioned that they haven't even tried to implement in the slightest that could work if done properly. Their game is already unbalanced in favor of Survivors because they keep putting the power in the hands of the Survivor over…
  • Ahh, someone who gets me. Like I said, it's fine to take something you've already done and mix it up. People do that all the time to avoid boredom. It's why I acknowledge that the Killers who have the same base do have tweaks and play differently, but it doesn't change the fact the base is the same. Even if the ideas you…
  • Aha, an actual discussion! I would label Doctor as having a ranged attack, considering his Shock Therapy is a much longer distance than his Melee attack. Sure, it doesn't deal damage, but it is still something that needs to hit and is outside of Melee range. I can see where you are coming from with Clown not counting as a…
  • I just listed in my OP all the ways that show that they are being uninspired and lacking creativity, so it is not a fact that they are lacking or are not lacking in creativity. It is a topic of discussion, and in your own topic you mentioned a new Killer idea, but why would you do that if BHVR doesn't like creativity and…
  • I already explained how Legion is one of the few with uniqueness in his Power, thought it is a small amount of uniqueness. Plague is not unique: she uses projectile attacks and has a unique object Survivors can interact with. Fun fact, Freddy will also have a unique item to interact with upon his rework, so I need to add…
  • Top-tier Killer players will tell you Billy gets looped too hard and good Survivors will not travel in a straight line to be insta-downed. Nurse and Spirit are the best Killers because of map pressure and movement while being able to avoid being heavily looped. However, to avoid being heavily looped and be good with the…
  • But this would be trying to expand into new territory with Killers, even though this is just branching out from the Clown who hits you with gas and temporarily distorts your surroundings. Didn't you just say in my thread that they aren't lacking in creativity? How do you then come make your own thread and suggest a new…
  • I don't understand people like you. I see good Nurse players lose to good Survivors all the time. Sometimes you just get outplayed, that's how life goes. You can't be perfect every game. Nurse is the only Killer in the game other than Spirit who actually rewards the player getting good with them. Every other Killer is so…
  • Care to elaborate and offer counter arguments?
  • I'm seeing mostly Killer Perk nerfs and Survivor Perk buffs here. Killers are supposed to be the Power Role but they aren't: the entire game is dictated by Survivor actions and if they play to win and not to be immersed and the have the skills, any Killer that isn't Nurse or Spirit will get bullied. If anything, Killer…
  • There are many different ways that you could fix this, but regardless of how it's done, every Killer needs to feel viable. It's healthy for the game to have more variety. Right now, the game is not balance in a way that gives every Killer or Perk a use, but since with enough time Survivors are just skins and don't have…
  • I love how someone compared a criminal offense punishable by law to abusing a broken mechanic in a video game. Stay classy, Internet!
  • Wow this had a lot of discussion as well! Either my posts are controversial or I'm speaking up about things that need to be dealt with according to the community. So I knew going into this that a mechanic like this would require changes to perks accordingly. The original idea here is to change base gameplay to stop gens…
  • I also play both, and would be fine with this change. Nobody does anything but gens, hook saves and healing. Sometimes totem cleansing, but really it's just about the gens. Chests don't matter and sabotage really doesn't matter Also, no, not Thanataphobia: that hurts all survivors for having an injured survivor and stacks…
  • Wow, I'm glad there has been so much discussion here. Sorry I haven't gotten back to respond to it, busy with stuff. So it seems the general consensus is that it would affect matchmaking times and that Ranked has no rewards setup. Well first off I would like to say that DBD definitely has a big enough player base, so that…
  • You were close to using an ad hominem against him when you told him 'good luck getting a job' because you were actively being snarky and bringing up something irrelevant to the conversation. Talk to every major game from a AAA game that gets delayed. Spyro Reignited is a good example: they had a release date setup, but…
  • That's a good question: why DOESN'T BHVR give the other mid-low tier Killers better tools to put them closer to Billy? Welp, your own post and the OP are proof of why: if a Killer is viable, Survivors whine, and there are always more Survivors than Killers. That is why GF and Plague's power are controlled by the Survivor…
  • Just because you personally don't use that add-on a lot doesn't mean others do not. If people are complaining about it, they must face it a lot.
  • I'm sorry, what? Six months (or half a year for those that find one way of explaining it more intense than the other) isn't that much of a grind? A year for those we aren't dedicated? There was a crappy mobile game that I used to play for a bit that had a lot of issues, but the worst one was the grind. You had to collect…
  • You guys are totally missing the real issue here. It's not whether tunneling or gen rushing exists or not, because they do: Killers do in fact focus on one survivor until they are dead and removed from the game and Survivors do focus on nothing but completing generators as fast as possible. It's whether or not these things…
  • Advice for Mochan! People who play the game competitively will tell you that the only Killers who matter in the higher ranks are Billy, Spirit and Nurse. Thus, from a competitive aspect, they ARE the only ones worth playing. Also, some people enjoy playing games competitively, so stop telling them not to play how they want…
  • Will that drop him from Rank 13 to Rank 18 or so? I thought Rank Reset only drops you one or two.
  • I mainly play Killer so I don't care too much about Survivor. I just play it causally with friends to have fun. Thus I am always between Rank 18 and Rank 20. I barely have any of the good perks for Survivor and those ones I do have are currently not teachable because I haven't invested enough in them because I don't play…
  • It's fine, the reason they do this is because they just accept it. They accept the fact that some Killers like to camp and take the fun out of the game instead of looking for alternative ways to fix the problem. If the problem is that Killers do it to guarantee a kill and points do not matter, than the new approach would…
  • Fair enough, I know game balance isn't easy, it's just unfun when every day you get a game where someone is either camping or working with the killer or exploiting glitchs. I get that there is only so much you can do, but when the same two people (my friend and I) run into this stuff consistently out of everyone playing,…
  • Ahh, I play on PS4, so no such thing as comments.
  • Right but...if they get nothing from the kill if they camp, then why camp? I get trying to win, but if you get nothing from it, why try so hard? Is it a ranked thing? Because if it is, that still brings up the need for Ranked to be a separate mode.
  • Woof, my first contribution to this website after hours of discussion with other players who play both survivor and Killer, and this is what I get: a couple of constructive posts and a slog of useless comments that think that balancing is impossible just because it hasn't been done properly before. I'm honestly a bit…
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