Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Tunnel one of them out.
  • Hasn't been used yet in games, but had a match in Suffocation Pit and hooked someone in the narrow middle part of map. Had to change angle of approach to reach other side of map when before less time would have been wasted. Funny now killers have to be the ones afraid of some imaginary bubble around a hooked survivor 😂
  • CoH wasn't around for a long time compared to the game's entire history. Self Care was balanced for the time it took and how many other perks you had to take to make the heal shorter. The medkit nerf is the only significant change and I guess DH. Killers can go back to hit n run. Survivors survived when that was meta, they…
  • Agreed. This has to be unintended for a stealth killer. Survivors just run away the moment the little heart appears while working on gens. Why does the heart also indicate distance?
  • I don't want to tunnel. I don't want to camp. I don't want to three gen. I just want to chase. These changes won't fix these playstyles, only make them worst. 8 sec CoH heal? SWF abuse, why not just tunnel? DH still guaranteed? Camp then tunnel so you don't have to deal with it. Gen regression gutted? Protect your three…
  • Dead Hard is still going to be the best exhaustion perk, at least in higher MMR. Not having it before first hook is the only defining change. High MMR killers will still have to deal with DH vs pallets and the "lunge mechanic, what's that?" It's not like reducing the amount of times doesn't make the third health state in…
  • This isn't coming back, right?
  • Please don't go through with the CoH change. You may have killed the solo side of the perk, but it will be completely broken for SWFs. These changes were to reduce the amount of fast heals.
  • Camping. Hold Ghost Form while camping survivor on hook then use power far enough away to activate myc and shrine. Your Ghost form is where the Knight is. When you hear a scream, go back and hit exposed survivor or wait out the hook timer with shrine's help.
  • Survivors have too many tools to stop his power. It's like your playing a killer purely for the survivor's benefit. Is there any other killer in the game that has this much counterplay against their own power? Plague?
  • How does BHVR go from making one of the most fun killers we had in a while on PTB, to completely frustrating in 3 weeks?
  • It's pretty bad atm. Very buggy and need some ridiculous aim to land a bound. Deathslinger has it easier.
  • Dead Hard nerf can't come soon enough, imo. Once it's gone, many M1 killers might actually be playable in high MMR instead of the hair ripping frustration it is now.
  • If mori was on death hooks, we could change effects/rate of condemned. Some status effects would be pointless: oblivious, blindness. Some would be too OP like exposed. What if the survivor fully condemned can only see a demanifested Sadako at 8m or even 6m instead of 24m?
  • Would be way to strong in loops. I know many people are saying she has no anti loop but she has a slow down on because she actually does have anti loop. Agreed. Survivors have too much control over her mobility. Too much mobility combined with any buffed Condemed mechanic would be too strong, but I'd rather take the better…
  • I'm sure killer and survivors changes won't happen for some time since the approx 40 perk reworks and base game changes are coming. Don't expect anything like Legion's changes.
  • Changing maps is the most unlikely option for a meta shift. Increasing gen times looks like the only option if gen regression is gutted. That or very quick chases and tunnel/camp, with no second chances. This is the worst option.
  • Do you all really think this is going to go well? Base game changes and that many perk changes. Do we remember CoH on release? MoM? OoO? Boil Over? Undying? How long it's going to take to fix broken/OP things. Not to many mention this is on top of base game changes.
  • Wait for Dead Hard nerf before buffing M1 killers.
  • I tend to just ignore her Condemned mechanic. I can understand the hesitation buffing it because her mobility can cause her to easily tunnel one person out if it was buffed. It is a slowdown though. A great one like Legions or Cenobites? No, but it is still a slowdown. Survivors shouldn't be able to interact with TVs while…
  • I've been playing her a lot and I found information to be my focus when playing her. BBQ, Floods, and PR for info. Knowing where survivors constantly are, remembering locations and utilizing her amazing mobility is important. Understanding those survivor auras that last for a short time, realizing what they are trying to…
  • It is well established the moment you say "just b8 it out," you lose all credibility in your argument. DH into nothing in an open space is of course terrible. It's common sense when you're in a bad zone with the killer on your tail.
  • Being slightly less terrible still makes you terrible. Spread and don't waste time healing, unless you have a good spot for CoH. Legion got slightly better at killing babies and solos who self care in a corner. Yay?
  • Are the people arguing for a DMS nerf the same ones who say BBQ is op and needs a nerf too? Is it so hard for survivors to let go of a button? If you know the killer has PR and DMS just let go. It's not that hard. And if the killer was coming over there anyway to start a chase with you, the blocked gen is no loss for you…
  • I find it ironic BHVR was on a mission in the past year to "making it much more accessible and a lot easier on your buttons & keys." Then Boil Over comes out and it's nearly impossible to carry survivors through doorways. I can't even imagine what it must be like on console controllers.
  • I love this logic. Doesn't this imply survivors have had numerous tools deemed too strong so nerf after nerf was needed to balance them? Meaning it has been a survivor sided game for a long time.
  • 3 hits required for a down is a massive time waster. Even with a skilled Nemesis, survivors have so much time to find a new loop. Combine that with vaccines, you have a killer that can end chases quickly when in range of his M2, but holding W is way too effective against him. BHVR needs to do something about the burst of…
  • Laceration meters reset after hooking. I don't which live killer was worst. Trickster or old Freddy.
  • I find you're better off with the M1. A 110% M1 killer.
  • Nerfed ricochet and nerfed his Main Event by adding a longer, MASSIVE cooldown before he can throw knives again. BHVR really outdid themselves this time.