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  • Strange how the Shape has the exact same mechanic and less counterplay but has never been mentioned for "anti-fun" mechanics. Perhaps it has nothing to do with the Ghost Face being anti-fun and everything to do with you being punished for misplaying against the Killer.
  • Pallet looping is core to the game, so no, let's not take that out. There are definitely problems with maps generating a pallet at practically every tile and some just have too many, but I'd rather the devs first finish reworking all the maps so we don't have absurd loops at buildings or strings of jungle gyms next to each…
  • I wish they would add a music volume slider for the main menu and in-game. It would solve a lot of these issues since everyone can decide if they want the music and how much.
  • Yes to both. Insta-heals lead to lots of BM since you can take no risk taunting the Killer while injured. Should be more similar to BNP, faster than any existing heal but still enough time for a Killer to punish using it at the wrong time. (I recommend 5 seconds) Moris similarly derail games by taking a player out of the…
  • Hasn't yet learned to look at him. smh
  • 1) The Survivor cannot deny the Shape his power. 2) The Shape has a default lower Terror Radius and faster vaulting speed than standard Killers. (EWII) 3) The Shape has an even faster vault and longer range than standard Killers. (EWIII) 4) The Shape can stalk one person, down them, then find and down another person…
  • I believe that disabling the perk after the Killer hooks another Survivor would be a fair nerf, so long as the perk still reactivates upon subsequent unhooks whilst unused. Killers would then no longer just be going about their business, hook someone else, happen to down that first person and then get stunned. But if you…
  • Even the Ghostface would be better as it keeps with the one word tradition of previous Killers. Just having it split into "Ghost Face" really annoys a lot of people. But yeah, there are countless better names they could've gone with. I wish they would at least confirm whether they are legally obligated to use that name or…
  • Personally, I think it should activate regardless of being in the Injured state. One of the issues with Mettle was that it disproportionally punished M1 Killers over M2 Killers. Now insta-down Killers can ignore it even if you do manage to get all three protection hits. Otherwise, I'm fine with it in its current state.…
  • No, because there were no corresponding buffs to balance out the nerfs. I'm otherwise sympathetic to this hotfix.
  • Same. I've already told all my friends to do the same. There's no point in buying a Killer who is guaranteed to be weaker in the near future and isn't guaranteed to be amazing currently.
  • I'm sympathetic to all these "nerfs", but they should've had corresponding buffs to actually balance the nerfs out. Planning to lower his power level from its current state, when it's highly likely he will be viewed as much weaker within the next few weeks once experienced Survivors learn how to play against him is bad…
  • It didn't make it to live. The devs have just announced that it will be coming in a hotfix in the near future.
  • What was the point of buffing the timer from 20 seconds to 45 seconds if you could stalk it back to full whenever you wanted? I agree he needs to be buffed in other areas to compensate, (removing the wind turbine sound when within 8 meters for one) but that was clearly an oversight by the devs.
  • I'm okay with most of the changes. I expected the stalking while already marked to be removed since it didn't seem like it was intentional. However, they should be slightly buffing him in other areas to compensate. Likewise, no further changes to his perks which desperately need it. And Mettle of Man still require you to…
  • No, but I think people are tired of weak Killers. The last "strong" Killer we got was Spirit, and she need three rounds of buffs before reaching her present state and has had to deal with broken sounds up until this very update. Doctor was supposedly meta-breaking but needed buffs to just not be absolute garbage, Wraith…
  • Considering most are positive about these changes and/or saying more needs to be done, I doubt they would. But I suppose the same was true with Freddy before he was summarily nerfed without addressing the Killer side of the equation.
  • If I recall correctly, a developer here recently stated that both are in his basekit. (at least for now) Regardless, if I had to make a choice, I would pick DP. Snares are supposedly visible pools of blood that will slow you down and take a few seconds to arm after being put down. This puts a lot more pressure on you…
  • Thank you again to everyone who commented. With this, I'm satisfied with what I've heard and will be thinking it over now and into the future. Your input has been very informative.
  • Again, thanks to everyone contributing their perspective so far. I've learned a lot and am getting a better idea of what issues these Killers are having when I'm versing them. I'd like to hear more from Cannibals, however. Surely Bubba isn't an endangered species... right?
  • Thank you everyone who has replied to this post thus far. I really appreciate all of you sharing your experiences and perspective. This is helping me get an idea on where these Killers need work and why you all play them regardless.