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  • Even worse, my code doesn't actually work this time around. Edit: Disregard. Reloaded the amazon page and it gave me an entirely different code. I blame Jeff Bezos.
  • I'm still getting plenty of lopsided games but I also don't feel like MMR can fix that. Sometimes the killer just makes all the right moves and sometimes I just make all the wrong ones. Sometimes I like to play pretty chill with non-conventional builds and sometimes that can work really well in my favor and other times it…
  • Certain SWF is fine, i would never want people to be unable to play with their friends. The minute I know or feel I'm playing against SWF I do pretty much need to play a different game. The game should tell you, and when MMR does become always on I think SWF groups should be considered at a higher level than their…
  • Haven't DC'd yet but I kind of see why people are doing it. When I see 5 cakes I try to play fairly chill so everyone just gets a ton of points. Survivor's been mostly chill killers in my experience but not always, Killer however, non-stop brutal matches that are just exhausting and sweaty as can be. The more cakes in a…
  • Tru3 has used clickbait sounding youtube titles for a long time so there's that. But there's no doubt he made mistakes in that game and is reluctant to admit it. Lately he's way off his game and just seems extra tilted even though his ego is at an all time high. Personally I think he spends way too much time reading his…
  • Killer emblems and ranking is just busted in my opinion. What's required to get anything beyond black pip pretty much requires potato survivors or lots of slugging. The game is in a really weird state right now and they don't know how to calculate a decent conditions for killer. It's partially why the new hook meter is…
  • I wouldn't say it's just the "bad" players. It's just that this game has a huge range of skill levels. Killers appear very strong at low to mid range play, and good survivors can dominate when all players are of high skill especially with SWF. At it's core, DBD is a very casual game where most people tend to gravitate to…
  • That really doesn't make any sense. Clown wouldn't be able to use his purple bottles effectively. Any slowdown he would gain from them would be lost trying to avoid them, or running through them. No amount of balance could make that fun. It would destroy him.
  • I'm with you on the positioning. The glance value of information is all over the place in a game that needs you to constantly focus on your surroundings. We needed a clean way to bring information closer, not spread it apart. There's some interesting ideas in there I don't hate the modernization. Killers knowing what the…
  • Most of the toxic survivors just don't understand killer. Their expectations of how a game should go often don't reflect what's reasonable for a killer to try and regain their momentum. Survivors don't care if you 4k, they are never going to do you any favors. They will always try and stomp you. Their idea of fair is that…
  • So my simple response to this is that the game only really gets real when you are at 2-3 gens left. As long as it's not a godly stack where they are super far away, you now have an ability to apply real pressure. I do agree that they definitely need to address that sometimes gens go too fast in the early game. If survivors…
  • Killer has a huge drop off at lower ranks. Many people want to deny that the game doesn't favor survivor at red to purple ranks. Unfortunately for those people, lots of killer mains disagree. Red rank killer is just non-stop pressure of trying to hold on to a game that is barely yours to control. It's just really not fun…
  • I fully agree that I don't think the game should ever end this fast. You made some obvious mistakes that a lot of people here will gladly nitpick but you didn't really stand a chance. Games like that you really just need to shrug off. They were likely a SWF with good communication and they knew how to hard counter a…
  • The same way we can see auras of people super far away. It's not like the killer actually plays their terror radius from a pocket speaker. There's plenty of in game logic to support players having extra sensory perception.
  • Good players get their satisfaction from playing well. Bullies get their satisfaction from being jerks to others. Most are compensating for something and need to make themselves feel superior. The best players in this game will understand the rng, natural imbalance or myriad of things that can lead to either side having a…
  • Lots of SWF groups where 2 are high rank and 2 are low rank will give the impression that matchmaking is broken. I've been on both sides of this and the hope is that we get a killer that matches our best players. It doesn't always happen. The new bloods get a better chance to learn their limits but the killer suffers. One…
  • Just accept you're in for a rough game and it's not really your fault if survivors stomp you. I tend not to mind learning new killers, doing my shrine runs with barely leveled killers. Survivors will rush the game as usual and often you lack the perks to slow them down. If they want to be toxic when you have 2 yellow perks…
  • Just to clear up some things. Camping a hook, means standing real close and watching it while doing nothing else. Patrolling nearby because you know someone is close, kicking gens is fair game. Running back to the hook when someone unhooks is fair game. You have to use your knowledge of where people are to your advantage…
    in Etiquette? Comment by Izy November 2020
  • Played a "will you Mori me" two nights ago. You bet I used an iridescent Mori on them and only them. Expected salt, got salt.
  • Everytime I get a ttv player I expect sweaty SWF who are going to troll me. But those kinds of groups are plentiful without the warning anyways. I don't make it my life goal to make ttv players miserable and most end up pretty chill and not mad at you returning their sweat with your own. I've gone and given someone a…
  • Playing perfectly by Survivor rules is a surefire way to lose. Survivors truly do have to be goofing around our make really bad mistakes to have the game not go their way if the survivor plays nice at all. Most survivors won't respect a killer who gives them an opening. They have 0 incentive to make the game more enjoyable…
  • Limited pool of players sometimes. There's way more survivors than killers at red ranks because the gameplay loop kind of diminishes the better survivors are. Lots of killers get bored when it's really the survivors hunting you and blasting gens. The killer toolkit shrinks and playing a variety of killers where you have…
  • All the survivors I've been playing tonight are ultra greedy. Running brand new parts and not able to concede that Gen is a lost cause. Trying to blatantly rat gens in my face. I have SWF rushing me to sabotage hooks and flashlight poorly. Unhooking the second I turn around. People are paying so sloppy in my games that I'm…
  • It's really just the nature of the game. At high skill level the survivors are mostly the ones in control and they aren't afraid of the killer really. They just constantly try to toy with them. Survivor games barely change. You do gens and you try to loop. All the survivors are the same. Survivors expect to win every game…
  • The amount of DC's is getting insufferable. I almost think I'd they aren't going to fix it they should extend the rift by a week or something. I have so many games get ruined where challenges become near impossible to complete because of DC's every other game. I can't help but feel that once we get closer to the end my…
  • Most twitch streamers are just normal dudes with a handful of viewers. Occasionally I get a really toxic one who just thinks they're hot stuff or needing to show off. I've followed a few TTV people just to be nice if they aren't super sweaty or insulting. But then again I do my best to combat the huge levels of toxicity in…
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