I think the same as you. I am also opposed to content being removed. Also, I really like RCPD map (as long as it appears from time to time as it currently does. If it appeared very frequently, it would be somewhat annoying).
I think the same as you
First Meg for sprint burst, but very quickly I became a Blendette and was for years until I learned to juke and loop better and finally started playing with Ace because he is quieter (at least quieter than Jeff)
I like to play RPD from time to time. Since RPD doesn't spawn often and players don't use his offering, it's very refreshing when I play it. The map looks like a piece of visual art to me and yes it is very complicated, but it is also very different from all the other maps. It seems to me that the more maps there are the…
Tru3ta1ent He is a good solo queue survivor
You've made my day :)
This Or lobby-dodged because using selfcure, urban evasion, meme builds, etc.
I enjoyed a lot the light in the fog event. I love Puppers.
I have never get RPD. I really want to play it!
New rift is ok.
No at all. Both sider here.
This LOL :)
This PD: BTW Billy's scream is the only thing I like about his nefastous rework but I don't care if they take it away.
Never Lucky :)
Yes, I used to go to bathroom or take something to eat/drink. In the other side, today, playing as killer I had to slug to death the last survivor: when I downed him I see the other one survivor that I needed for my last bbq stack and after hooked that survivor I went back for the other survivor but he wasn't where I had…
Oni and Twins
I think the same. Zombies are ok as they are. They are annoying but fun and fair. They are helpful but not op. I feel Nemesis is a great balance killer. I enjoy play against him and I enjoy play as him.
I used to run spine chill but I am very happy to not use it anymore because it was a bad habit to me. Since I don't use it I learned to be aware and alert of all what happen all around me and not to only be watching if the little cat get on or off.
I am playing with Nemy since yesterday and I am doing almost fine. I have teleport lag issues as playing as survivor but I don't mind. I am not tryharding nowadays, just chill and farming bp. I hope they fix lag issues soon anyway.
Most boring killers when I reach red rank: Nurse, Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, Huntress, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Spirit, Nurse, Huntress, Huntress, Huntress, Blight, Huntress, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Blight, Spirit, Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Spirit, Nurse,…
I always played on ps4 without any issue till 5.0.1 when I begun to have same lag, but it was since 5.0.2 that the thing really change my game play experience, freeze after freeze after freeze. It feels bad man... #pray4consoles
"WHICH KILLERS ARE THE MOST FUN TO FACE CAMP WITH?" I would change the title to: "WHICH KILLERS ARE THE MOST Powerful TO FACE CAMP WITH?" Since I don't have fun camping. Camping is just something I do when I get frustrated, pissed of with a survivor or when all gens are done and there is the best option to get some kill.…
PS4 here. I have never had lag issues till this recent patch. With 5.0.2 I have begun to have lag. It doesn't make the game unplayable but it is something annoying while chases/persecutions.
I am with you. I wanna play RPD. Since there are tons of maps to play I enjoy to play in anyone. I am beginning to enjoy Lery's, Hawkins and Midwich.
Zombies are great. It is very funny go against them. I don't feel their help is very minimal and I starting to believe that people who are critical against zombies contribution to Nemesis are players that aren't playing survivor lately. Zombies are a good contribution to block loops setimes, zombies hit survivors…
It seems to me a waste of time. If I have no chances to down and hang I prefer the game end soon and play another match. All remaining survivors waiting at open door to leave is the same as killers slugging the last survivor to die when the hatch has been closed. Just a waste of time.
I feel Nemesis is very fun and fair to go against. I really enjoy to play against him and his zombies. The zombies generate very funnies moments in several different ways. Please leave him as he is now.
I don't know. Today was my first time at the knew Thompson's House and I play every day...
I don't think he needs a nerf. He is balance right now. You only need time to let the dust settle down and less people choice him. When you match less Wraith probably you will feel him less op. There is some kind of hype around him nowadays.
Tru3ta1ent Ohtofu Hexy Otz Puppers Angrypug Vincentvega And recently I have discovered Cope
Is this really true? Is there any serious prove of that?
I always prefer rescue my teamates than scape. Please don't give up on me!!! By the way I always use BT and DS so I will have the odds on my side to rescue ;)
I only play as survivor since new chapter because long killer queues. I never use spirit because I hate play againts her. I mostly play Wraith, Billy, Clown and Doctor but as I said I don't play as killer since RE launch. And by the way DCs don't bother me when play as killer. DCs screw me when I play survivor because I am…
I only hate the daylight in coldwind maps. Bring back the night too the cornfields!!!
I also play in console and I feel it was a good step. Before cp I mostly face Huntress when playing survivor and before cp there is a wide killer variety. I don't understand at all that pc vs console thing...
TL;DR but I agree that NOED should not be changed/nerfed. I don't use it as killer lately and I don't face it as survivor lately neither but I like the way NOED is. It seems to me a both sides fair perk.
I they add comms to solo game I would stop playing DbD, at least as survivor. I like play survivor soloq because the inmersion. Comms break inmersion. I don't like even watch survivor streamers playing with comms. I see a lot of DbD streammers but only those that play soloq as survivors.
Is it possible in the future to extend PTB to consoles or is it technically impossible to do?
The point is what do each one of us feel is fun and unfun Also what can each one of us do to get a funnier trial
I agree with you
There is a bug. When you do the new tutorials all your survivors and killers perk' slots, item's slots and add on's slots get empty so you have to equip them again before the next trial. It is something annoying but no big deal.
This +1
Killer's win conditions: - one-two pip Or - two kills Or - six hooks Or - 20-25k bp (not counting offerings or bbq) Or - hook at least one time each survivor Survivor's win conditions: - escape Or - one-two pip Or - 15-20k bp (not counting offerings) Or - do one gen + unhook one mate (safely) + cleanse one totem + have a…
The truth forgotten and buried years ago is obvious and simple: there is no way to balance the game around SWF simply because it is another game mode. Although the game does not have it on the menu as another game mode, SWF is just that: another game mode. It is not possible to balance two game modes as if they were the…
Let the night come back to cornfield maps!!! The game is named Dead by Day not Rise and Shine...
I don't care if they nerf the purple all seeing add on and his windstorm add ons as long as they leave his actual base kit in peace. They did a great job with his base kit rework.
I think the same ;)
I like the twins It seems to me a very original and creative design I would only change them something about victor camping hooked issues The other issue, slugging, is something wrong in the game, it is not a twins exclusive thing
His name is Billy Paulson! His name is Billy Paulson! His name is Billy Paulson!
SWF needs some kind of in game nerf or killers needs some kind of in game buff against SWF.