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  • I think you are right. I have around 100 hours in dbd and new charcters come faster than I can keep up. People say the difderent characters feel like different skins in the end, but that also the case on the front end, and despite it being fairly easy to get the first few perks for a single charcter somewhat quickly, it…
  • To further elaborate, I believe the system was constructed in the beginning with f2p format as plan B if things didn't go well. It's just that plan A worked and the system was not appropriately adjusted to exclude plan B. They still may have f2p plan B as an option should things go bad. I think it is what they are counting…
  • I feel like dbd is f2p format despite not being a f2p game.
  • I did not tag a dev but they saw one I posted. I only have started 2 so it is easy to find. I don't recall the dev responding.
  • I now have quit the game because of it. The grind is stupid.
  • It is a f2p format despite being paid for. A brand new player has no real chance. Avg bps per game will be 30k if even, or you can hardcore grind which makes the game dull. It is just too much. The system was meant for the game as it was like 4 years ago.
  • I have been begging for a solution to the grind. I don't buy dlc because of it and have a hard time taking the game seriously any more. They just don't seem to care.
  • Not trying to be snarky, but you all should keep an eye out for people complaining about the grind to level characters. The current system is completely outdated and was useful when the game only had a handful of characters. The entire philosophy of "just run grind perks till..." ruins the game imo. The game…
  • You would like a post I made about this where I specifically addressed the devs
  • I honestly can't believe they haven't changed it. It is terrible and so offputting.
  • Their system is insanely outdated. People have admitted, me included, that they will not purchase dlc because they don't want to grind new characters.
  • It is completely ridiculous. I stopped playing the game because I feel like such a tool over the grind. Can you imagine a game like overwatch being as successful if you had to grind up characters like this? It is completely ridiculous. I made a post a while back about how the philosophu of the grind ruins the in-game…
  • Which is pretty much why I play David King. I honestly would rather not bother with this perk.
  • They're not going to remove 4-man single white females.
  • Hey thanks! Honestly I survive probably around 40 percent or so...not exactly sure. I do stupid inadvisable things a lot though. I am just surprised that people always seem to complain hard about the killers. I know there are real issues sometimes, but when I play killer I seem to get kills easily. Oh well. Thanks!
  • Yeah, I agree that all the hits and hooking are kind of rough. I agree that on average 2 people should get out, 4 kills and all 4 getting out should both be relatively rare. Thanks for your remarks!
  • Well you have a good attitude about it then.
  • And this really goes to the heart of the matter. There are too many people who as killers believe that they should do better than at least 50% success rate, wherein that 50% is defined as killing everyone; it doesn't include when one person escapes. So people think that their failure rate (1 survivor getting out) should be…
  • Okay, maybe I am wrong, but you said "sides," and I am the one who started this.
  • But your statement has a major flaw. You assume I am a survivor main or that I don't associate as a killer.
  • All of the whining has caused a lot of the survivor experience to be gutted. The game used to be more fun imo. If they were going to do that, they should have just made killers stronger. Killers now just want to be op even with so many things changed and they still complain because it isn't easy to have a dominate win with…
  • This is what I said. Agreed.
  • I mean look at F13 though. That is more like what you want and it didn't last. Also, in DBD, there is no such thing as real stealth when you have to do 5 gens that are so well advertised to the killer. Killer is by definition op compared to survivors too. If you aren't scared at all in DBD, you probably would just develop…
  • So if you look at the release of killers, they seem to start op and get nerfed. The probable reason for this is to get people to buy the DLC for the killer and play the killer. To answer your question, yes. Nobody wants to play horror-movie-bad-guy-kills-you simulation.
  • Well, if it can be shown to be a big problem, maybe they need to buff all survivor actions while the killer facecamps. I don't really know what else to do. If the killer camps hard and is faced with a near automatic loss, that would probably fix it. I think that would kill two birds with one stone. One, if the killer…
  • Another thing that could be done is to change the perks that show the killer while a survivor is hooked to also include buffs to all other activities so that the decision to facecamp really weighs on the killer. It kind of already does though.
  • I think the problem is that survivors who let go should be penalized or it should be easier to hold on. You complain that it quickly becomes 3v1, but you say it is the killer's fault that a survivor quit. Aside from that, 4 survivors vs 1 killer means in the long run, even if every killer facecamped, you are only…
  • I wouldn't worry about it. On some maps they can be really hard to find. Some hexes are really strong too and waste the survivor's time, not to mention give away their location when broken.
  • This explains it in a nutshell: "The game is the way it is because survivors aren’t interesting in playing horror movie kill simulator." What is the point in having weak survivors and hardly ever seeing each other on screen? I made the reference to F13 above. When Jason shows up, if he wants you dead, you are gone, and you…
  • Or for example you could play as a turd survivor and just run around dropping pallets for no reason and equip with flashlight to try blind when they are broken. Another thing is to purposefully trigger gens left and right just to see how much you can irritate the killer. Just try to make it fun.
  • Maybe just put it down for a bit and come back. Maybe just play for fun and try to not worry about achievements. Just try off the wall stuff like dropping two hooks in a corner and running to the corner then try to wiggle free and have a laugh when you run back to the same corner after wiggling free. Just be a pest in ways…
  • It's not that bad. They need the survivors to feel like they have a chance. It is in the horror genre but it is a game of wits with a horror setting. F13 came out with a similar concept around the same time and didn't last well. Part of the problem was that Jason could just end you immediately and then you needed to find a…
  • Everything Plaquer says in his post pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about the situation. There was a recent forum topic about the same, saying the nurse isn't any good. I disagree. She can be great depending on the circumstances, but can also be poor depending on the same. I think her base movement speed could be…
  • I don't know man, having a character that sprints a survivor down is kind of op. I don't like going against legion.
  • I honestly think the rank is immaterial except better players are better at surviving. I think the success of the nurse boils down to which map you play. The asylum and places like it, yeah, nurse is tough because there are walls everywhere. But with openness, it is much tougher, especially with nurse with 3-5 blinks…
  • Yes thanks for this. Really not fun to play against bc he ruins the typical cat and mousing.
  • I think if you blink wisely and plan to usually double blink, nurse is really easy to get kills and cause disarray. The huge issue playing as survivor against nurse is that she can just basically appear like a ghost without warning, even change stories to do it. It's nuts really. I can tell by the way survivors behave,…
  • I would play with her cooldown, just don't put so much pressure on yourself. You don't have to stress over it. The only thing a survivor is scared of about the nurse is the blink. It is pretty startling when the nurse just appears right next me as a survivor. When I see a nurse who isn't blinking, I am very calm and not…
  • I think this would completely ruin the game. The fun of the game to me resides in the ability to hide and to attempt use the various visual and audible clues to try and outsmart other players. The snow map is really bright and the experience suffers quite a bit imo.
  • Because David King is a cool guy character and he has a great perk for getting more blood points. Dead Hard isn't terrible, it just isn't what you think in terms of precision. It is rrally hard to gauge the killer's swing then tell yourself to Dead Hard to get away. Like some others have said, it is really a crapshoot to…
  • I like others believe Dead Hard is fine. It is true that you can use it on multiple loops and escape over and over using it properly, but a halfway decent killer will know to just wait for a moment so that you waste it. The problem with Dead Hard is that as the survivor, you cannot with pinpoint accuracy use it to evade…
  • This have to spam the button well ahead of time.
  • I think it would be helpful for people who have success with the nurse to share ideas. I think some people approach the game with such high expectations that failure is broadly defined. If you manage to kill 2 survivors with the nurse, you probably had a decent game. I use the blink to scatter survivors and always try to…
  • My favorite thing to see when I am a killer is two survivors dancing around trying to get someone off a hook, because then I know I will probably hook them all because they aren't using that time to do gens. I facecamp so hard and do not feel one bit sorry for it. I get mean messages for it after games. The survivors a lot…
  • Yes of course. I know it is irritating to watch someone sprint away. I feel you. Try to make someone use it and just change course, or if in the open with the right character, go straight for them if you think you can cut a corner or close fast and proximity face camp once hooked till they are dead. I feel like too many…
  • The thing that I would say is that as long as someone is running, gens are not being done by that person. It is also wise to concede some gens on purpose to get a remaining cluster together. Try hard when two gens are done to concede one or two others so that the remaining gens are clustered together. You can't get…
  • It is an easy perk to use bc it is always applicable, but it also makes you a target once the killer knows you have it. It is also very easy to exhaust and not have when you need it against good killers, so it kind of restricts how quickly gens are done. I don't think it needs to be nerfed. A lot of the time people crash…
  • I would say this right here. I am not killer main but the cooldown means that to effectively use them against a killer sprint burst must be kept and not used, which means walking or crawling everywhere. So even if the killer is after someone else, you might need to exhaust it to go ahead and get to a gen. The same is true…
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