Like others have said the cosmetic/charms menu is a lot worse, and the (!) notifications are extremely annoying. Above all else I just really hate how small everything feels now, it's much less of a character select screen now just to make room for a search bar and filters, i get that there are a lot of killers/survivors…
Less intuitive than before, everything is scaled down now and feels much less coherent. Sure there are a lot more killers/survivors nowadays than there used to be but we don't need a search bar or filters to find our characters, the perfectly fine cosmetic/charm screens have lost all functionality and are confusing to look…
To be fair this really doesn't surprise me at all, BHVR charges more money for skins then their own new content, and then jumped on the battle pass train, NFTs are "popular" right now so it's the logical next step. Doesn't excuse their actions at all but I would be lying if I said this is a shock. Also very excited to see…
Pretty disappointing, the survivor side is pretty much the same as before and the killer side is wildly inconsistent and ranges from noob-stomping to hell on earth. After, what has it been 2 years, since they started working on this, it finally releases and depending on who you ask it's either inconsistent, the same, or…
Horrendous, I'm actually confident in saying this is one of the worst states the game has been in since launch. The past 4 chapters have all had incredibly buggy releases, half of the killers from those chapters were broken or completely unplayable at launch. I expected MMR to be bad but even the people that are claiming…
People have been worried that the MMR system wouldn't work since it was announced. Two and a half years of wasted development time later, the system is still incredibly inconsistent between players, killer queue times are longer, and there is no incentive to rank up. We had doubts when it was initially announced, and as…
Not very often at all, and thank god for it, I don't think people realize how busted that perk is in conjunction with Iron Will.
DbD for whatever reason attracts a lot of players who expect you to play by their rules. If you don't, you'll either get a mean comment left on your profile or on rare occasion even harassed. Most people that private their profiles because of DbD do it because they're the type of person that gets attacked a lot, or they're…
haha, funny overused meme.
While it would allow for some pretty hilarious combos it would make most of the strong perks in the game completely busted. The devs operate so slowly already and would give them a ton more work that I highly doubt they would be able to get those changes out in any reasonable amount of time. Do I think it would be neat?…
It's everyone, I did it earlier today to get the extra BPs and the charm and it reset all of my cosmetics, charms, perks, add-ons, and offerings on all of my killers and survivors. I had to take half an hour to re-equip everyone with the cosmetics, charms, and loadouts that I usually run.
Midwhich. Every other map in the game has a decent amount of meaningful interaction between the survivor and killer, if I'm sent to Haddonfield sure I'm not thrilled but I'm being challenged and I'm interacting with the game. Midwhich is two stories of glorified square that results in not only some of the longest traversal…
I joined a survivor lobby shortly after the third anniversary with three other solos, one was a Nea wearing the yellowy-green tank top and the crown cosmetic with default pants. One person switched to her exact look and then me and the other guy simultaneously did the same. What followed was one of the funniest most…
The thing I don't think a lot of people understand is that the devs know how imbalanced the game is, we've been complaining for years and have had so many laughable tournaments, the new MMR isn't going to highlight anything new that we didn't know already. Survivors are broken at the highest level of play and there are…
Really not a fan of most of the new model changes, they're brightening most of them up which clashes with the aesthetic and a few of the characters don't even look like the same person anymore, this kate one included.
Never played a RE game and I was really hyped due to others telling me how cool he was in the game, sure the design is cool but what we got is really underwhelming, I would've much preferred if he could break through walls or something.
Something like this, placements might not be exact. Not to jump the gun but if PTB Nemesis was on here I'd put him behind Bubba.
Very underwhelming. The RE chapter was about what I expected, we got some decent perks ,a decent new killer, and a terrible map which was nearly guaranteed considering 90% of RE to my knowledge is indoors. The anniversary stream is the side that is severely lacking, we were told about a handful of things that were VERY…
Completely agree, the meaning behind the logo was unique and what gave it identity, the text is one thing but removing the single element that distinguishes your logo from the rest isn't smart. Hopefully we can get word on whether this is temporary or not.
They should definitely cut down the size a bit and open up some of the rooms if they can. More then this though I think they need to take a hint and stop making indoor maps. Every indoor map is either heavily disliked or considered "decent". I'm all for trying things again but they tried reworking the game, it failed, they…
I like the zombies, even though I've never played a RE game it feels like the survivors have to deal with a small but constant threat before facing the big bad, being nemesis. It assists the atmosphere of fighting against him along with some actual utility.
Yes, that's the original logo, chances are it might be a stylized thing for RE but they've changed the steam store page which has never been done in conjunction with a chapter before, which leads me to believe this is a full rebrand. Here's hoping that I'm wrong though.
I thought that at first too and I really hope so. They're changing all of their marketing and banners for the game to this including the steam store page which has never been done before, which leads me to believe it's a complete rebrand.
Since it's very new it's difficult to find large high quality images of it, this was the best I could find.
The day of the anniversary stream, so the 25th.
This was all I could think of.
Not super crazy on the new survivor looks, they dropped the heavy shading that all the characters used to have which makes their faces look a lot less grimy and more youthful. The best example of this is the new Dwight. I'm more concerned about the new trapper that was teased, they made the ridge around his nose much more…
Downing a survivor with a shred from off of a hill or a building, Huntress crossmaps, or coming back and winning a very tough match.
If there is an influx of demo players I'm sure that's because he's getting a buff soon and people are excited for it and are playing him more. As for pyramid head I have no idea.
My problem with maps is less which side they favor and more the amount of fun and engagement I can get out of them. While Midwhich has some decent pallets in the side rooms the majority of the time spent on the map is holding 'W' through the long hallways and it just gets really boring for me.
Most people I've encountered that get downed by a cool shot will compliment you for it, or just accept it. Others however will proceed to blame it on Huntress' "bad hitboxes" and rage quit even though it's due to latency from the dedicated servers and has nothing to do with her. It's really just a roll of the dice on what…
If Halloween wasn't a complete surprise as the first license that probably would've been mine but since then I've been sticking out for Alien or The Thing.
Something like that in addition to keeping blood pools, on it's own 45 seconds of no scratches after being hit is still pretty insane but if you have a full team of that and Iron Will it's still gonna be pretty painful. Keeping blood pools will at least give the killer a chance to track them during the duration. I don't…
Either make it last for half the time it currently does or make it so it overrides Iron Will. Removing a players scratch marks is difficult without making the perk ridiculous, Dance with Me has the ability to lose chases and you only lose your scratches for 3 seconds but due to this and the cooldown the perk could actually…
Demo has never needed rat liver as base kit, people just don't have the patience to learn his base power and then complain that he's weak or needs a rework. I don't blame them because for what he is his power is very unforgiving. (He never needed the nerf to it or any of his add-ons though that was kinda ridiculous.)…
Blight is a blast, it's extremely rewarding to learn his kit and he's a pretty strong killer. The problem is he's one of the buggiest killers in the game, what you will and won't bounce off of is incredibly inconsistent and on certain maps you just have to guess whether you'll slide off of something or not. You will lose…
Even though he really didn't need the change it'll get people who thought he needed it to play him so this is pretty nice.
Oh ok, surprised I didn't notice when I played him after the buff. Thanks.
I'll just leave this here.
Demo has been worth playing since his release, the reason he is such a turn off is because of how unforgiving his power is, once you put in the time he becomes a very solid killer but most people don't seem to have the patience to learn his kit. I am very glad they didn't change his base kit all that much because he really…
Either the nectar vial from the first tome or the tiki death cup from I think the previous tome? Losing track at this point.
Demogorgon - No add-ons - STBFL, PGTW, BBQ, and either Ruin or Bamboozle. Depends how I'm feeling.
Killer: Demo Add-ons: none Offering: none Perks: BBQ, Pop, STBFL, and either Ruin or Bamboozle. Survivor: Sbeve Barrington Item: none Offering: none Perks: Spine Chill, Bond, the other two usually depend on what the archives is telling me to do, cause I don't play much survivor outside of doing all the challenges.
I say gg wp after all of my matches win or lose, it's just me saying that everyone played well and I hope they enjoyed the game. If people find it aggravating after a tough game I understand but I think most people are just trying to be polite.
At the moment I still think he's one of the weakest killers in the game, definitely in a better spot but the new bottles didn't add enough to elevate him over others. The real buff to him was the reload speed and removal of the speed penalty when throwing a bottle. The piss bottles don't address his main issue being map…
The devs recently mentioned that demo would be getting an add-on pass in the future. When exactly I don't know but it sounds like it will be this year.
Just because he's the face of the game doesn't mean he should be the best in the game. I totally agree where he is at now is kind of depressing due to how outdated his power is, but I'm sure if they clean him up a little bit and give him more map pressure he'll be in a respectable spot. Plus I can only see a top tier…
Never played any of the games but I wouldn't be against it. Seems like a respectable franchise.
Yes there is one going on currently, you can enter by following the links given in this tweet:…
No, Myers, Pig, Ghostface, and Demo are all at or below A tier imo and they are all perfectly serviceable killers. If his power is incredibly weak and underwhelming like the Trickster, then I would be mad. But as long as he gets and interesting power that doesn't suck donkey balls I'll be content.