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  • Uuuuuu France ~ Will u taste the frog's if yes share what does it taste like ~ and note for surv Evolve n adapt ~
  • Honestly i did't feel that as a killer lobbys are geting full kinda quick for me might be cuz i chose the time to play killer when most ppl play dunno ~. SWF is a huge advantage for surv already but we killers deal with it . It was added for the surv to enjoy playing together a bit to fast not best coded (having to invite…
  • Something begin op is not the right way of doing things . At best she would be balanced , lowering the trap speed is great for her now u can think about taking any add on besides Necklets . Now u can set traps middle chase without the penalty of surv geting far away for seting a trap on a loop . Removing the downsides of…
  • Well come to the killer side i can undestand why DS is such a pain - A free ticket out of jail card Yes its hurts that after a chase they still can escape but a bad surv will use it n lose it quite soon after he will be down . As a killer i face a DS player 1 every game its a pain in the ass to deal with them but if a…
  • I play both sides and that at pretty at almost the same rank . (surv at 12 killer 11) In the begining i camped few ppl after some flustreted matches true , but a good surv team will get the other off the hook unless u have a way of 1 hiting them but there still is borrowed time u will have to take into option. Sruv have…
  • As u said surv can DC if they want to avoid such a match thats true . Some will try to play it even if its harder and i think going against a good killer is fun its interesting u can learn u will adapt how u face them . I can't fight freddy i might have bad ear to pick out his jumping rope girl sound i don't dc matches…
  • Dude dude due u got a spit persoanlity u just said : ..So the killer had mercy on you u both got point gg cool n now this . Dude rylly what ur problem . I play games to relax . 1-Farming is in favor of the surv 2-Its the killer choice if he want to do it or not (farm) 3-The killer is blamed for doing what he supposed to do…
  • I do not expect a gg but the ######### talk was pointless from the toxic surv If i value bp i would farm DUH~. Can u give me a dev word that farming is something they won't ban u for then . Its a choice for a killer to let farm or end quick .(I guess am a bad guy then ) A sec ago i had a match when 2 ppl dc'd after 10 sec…
  • No caling me a noob that i camp that suck is surly not salt . I did not try hard trust me playing hag is not near try hard as playing nurse or any killer that are on TOP Tier I try my best to kill surv any game that my objective end of story (they might be my frends outside the game they won't get an free ticked out of…
  • Wow Freddy in there n wraith but not shape interesting .~ Hillybilly i would say its does not take to much skill to play him well but its still some skill required to play him properly . I would say clow require skill to use him properly n to win . but thats like me saying u want a free win play meg .
  • Honestly i like the patch the hag is now very nice to play now for me . I don't need to waste so much time to set traps since its her mobility n she is slow as the nurse (that got the best mobility of all killers) When its come to surv i don't run perks like sprint burst etc and i survive a lot of the game honestly . The…
  • i did't post that cuz i wanted to shame him But i don't get his mindset .And how i made it unfair i had nothing to do with the not connected dude n the dc dude .How is that my fault that 2 ppl were not in the game . As with my gramma Meh u can make fun of it won't hurt me i know terrible i like that way ~ N why u degrate…
  • Dude u want to see my ID or something my age is not ur point of interest Are u going for anything u can find to just not get my point or the other killers ? I am over 20 so even in most countrys i can drink somke what ever .Salty salty
  • I did't camp anyone Q.Q n i think david got some point i bet he got a safe pip after geting 1.5 gen's done n cleasing my hex ruin If i play against a swf with high ranks (ppl with lower then 5 n few with other with 10 /16) they got the advantage cuz of the comunication n cooperation they don't need bound or epathy to see…
  • I know i would try to win as surv with that . Sounds hard n i like stuff that ain't easy to archive I almost had a game like that cuz the 2 surv was waiting till the killer get a hook on so he can run trough the hatch .I almost did a gen but the killer got me at the end n the 2nd dude escape trough the hatch not doing…
  • Dude ur begin salty now , that gramam is not that horrible simply read slowly n carefully set wrod together . And no english is not my native language and i my gramma is bad cuz i used to write very fast n dun need to spell check anything ~ Meeh And farming its kinda like cheating the system but if they would run Bloody…
  • Ur a surv mian then probly Like what am supposed to de rank cuz its 3v1 ? He rage quit cuz he wanted to , Tap was playing as a bait and david was doing gens no ######### talk he simply left the lobby . And i say hail that daivd if i have a bad match got caught as 1st begin hooked n foced its life i don't get a discounts…
  • Well its steam he can change his name when ever am shaming anyone its just fine i can get the name disaapear no problem its not that much for me
  • He gave me a mind ######### of the day . Its like what am supposed to do give him a free exit or something cuz 1 did't connect n 1 rage quit after begin down once . LIke what u want me to do its not my fault they left ( i did chat with them and said leave or i make u lose everything) Like am an undestending guy but like…
  • no i wasn't camping i simply set traps as hag n went looking for tap If it a 2v1 n 1 is on hook ofc am gonna look for the other one so he won't escape trough a hatch (no he did not deserve the hatch did't touch the gens even for 1 sec )
  • Honestly its not about Killer or a surv side Its simple PPL are dicks It does not depend on if hes a killer or if hes a surv . Role don't make u begin a salty af ~ Is the person who plays thats the problem n that dear frend we will never be able to fix . I been camped n said fck it open my browser put some music n enjoyed…
  • No ed can't be clesned when the gens are up frend . Surv complain about anything n closing hatch is honestly a good point cuz they surv have to earn their esacpe not mearly complain bout it begin ,,hard'' And i see high rank killers use bloody warden sometimes in thier vids n using it coretly . And after all u will be in a…
    in Camping Comment by MusicBox July 2018
  • If u have bloody warden u can use it as ruin it can buy u some time at the end . I was on the reciving end of such a setup wasn't nice but was fair ~
  • HONLY seriusly rank 16 ? are we talking bout surv or killer tho I play as a hag and ppl don't even GG me when i do 3/4k But i would love to see their face when they T bag when they stun pallet me/Flash light n at the end they up at the hook sacreficed ~ and mobile dbd its kinda nice i did't play all killers but its kinda…
  • There are end game perks like bloody warden no ed wich helps u kill as a killer if they do rush it that fast . and hatch is open for 1 player that is last alive unless they have a key but the'y won't have 1 every game. Soon killers will be able to close the hatch Happy ?
    in Camping Comment by MusicBox July 2018
  • Making devour hope a normal non hex perk is a bit to strong Its a trade off as a hex but killers who can down a surv fast would abuse it without surv begin able to disable it . u just need to hang 3 ppl n they are already exposed so if u would want that if would need to be reworked . But since its honestly a good perk i…
    in Camping Comment by MusicBox July 2018
  • I personaly am flexible on that i mostly run a claudiette with we'll make it so its only 2 sec But am not of those who do that when a killer is behind us .So it depends i can heal right on the hook or follow a lil heal n see ya later ~
  • I been playing dbd for a month or so n i been on both sides of the hook As a killer that camps u lose 3 gens to 1 surv n thats if they don't use any toolboxes/perks Even if ur camped u can be saved by good cooperation (When ur on with swf u probly will be saved ) Camping might give a killer win cuz of they sruv greed to…
    in Camping Comment by MusicBox July 2018