What I want back is my pants... That thieving prick...
a week from Bilfday. I'm a time traveler, Bilfday will be a new day of the week in the near future and what you're asking for is getting released on the second ever Bilfday.
Generator flow is the one element that the killer can not control. The more time the killer buys with their perks, the more time they have to chase and down survivors. It's not fun seeing a killer run brine, pr, jolt and oppression but as long as it works well killers will do these things. I personally like using corrupt,…
It doesn't fully work, at least not on Xbox
I disagree as for one it would prevent the use of NOED and plaything. My alternative is that once snuffed the totem turns red preventing survivors from booning it again for a limited time. (maybe 30-60 seconds) this will prevent survivors from booning the same one over again but survivors could still cleanse it for…
Ghostface, I hate playing as and against this killer and I always have. I'll look directly into his face as a survivor and nothing happens. On the other end, I hide behind a wall or something and still get revealed. It's the worst power ever in my opinion. It never feels like you did something wrong as a survivor when you…
I don't think you realize the true problem dead hard used to be. Imagine if you goated your opponent into a mistake in any other competitive multiplayer game and they pressed a button that took this away from you. This perk took the satisfaction of rewarding players for doing well AWAY from them. There was no counter and…
My two most hated maps, regardless of role are Lery's and RPD.
Mathieu Cote's perks: Bottom of my heart: Some others are very special to you and you love to show them just how much they make things worth while to you. If you are not the obsession then you will heal the obsession 100/125/150% faster. lowers your chance of being the obsession at the start of the trial. The killer can be…
1 second minimal charge waste
I haven't seen BBQ in over 100 games so IDK what you're talking about. I personally started using brutal strength and monstrous shrine. Monstrous combos well with devour. They care so much about being exposed that they let the teammate hit stage 2.
I got 36K as survivor How the hell is it possible for the killer to max out the sacrifice category?
If someone can't take themselves out they'll probably go out of their way to waste pallets or get you killed. The majority of players will still go for self unhooks in appropriate scenarios.
You still need to work your way up. The perk is SUPPOSED to feel great and make a huge impact if you work your way to a lot of stacks
It is still a very good perk, you just need skill to gain this benefit. You can greatly extend a chase but you gotta earn it and deserve it. You can't just "press E" and win a chase, you gotta play with skill now.
I found the new lightweight to be very strong when used well especially when combined with overcome. If more survivors did this it could really drive killer's ire. They want new synergies and undiscovered metas, players WILL find them. I'm pretty sure...
funny, I remember this same problem being a thing earlier but dead hard and swfs were making the survivor side too strong. The ratio (on average) was 30 survivor players to every one killer player... THIRTY... This is a one v. all type of game. For a one v. all type of game to work, the "one" needs to be and feel…
It's helpful but players are using it wrong. Sure, it's a long window of endurance is great but some players get unhooked and think "well, i'm gonna try to convince the killer to chase me for the next 80 seconds." Now i'm not gonna pretend that someone with endurance distracting the killer is rarely gonna be helpful. The…
I can actually try fun builds as killer now. I don't feel forced to use 4 S tier perks. I feel like I can play how I want to and If I play well and make smart choices, I'll have a decent or good round to show for it.
I started playing in January 2019 and GOOD LORD it sucked being killer!
Playing killer is actually fun and rewarding now. Dead hard is not an oppressive "nuh uh" button that takes the reward of downing a survivor who makes a mistake away from you. I thought it would be fun to experiment with brutal strength with the new "fast breaks" and when I baited a drop it lead to such fast hits and…
I think a horse can work. I think the horse would work as a weapon too. Headbutting survivors, smashing pallets, the works. Obviously this killer would need lots of special animations
people are saying the street is a dead zone but the street can have multiple god pallets and you can go from pallet to god house, god pallet to god house and pallet to god pallet with no threat and the totems spawns are bad for killer.
I don't like EVERY change but I overal like these changes
were you using a flashlight and/or dead hard?
I wonder how heartily Doctor mains laugh at all this "tracking perk" ordeal...
My vote for a walking dead survivor would be Lee, Glen or Clementine
so you think survivors SHOULDN'T be allowed to risk their own demise to save an ally on death hook?
Many "Alternate attack" killers already HAVE add ons that do this. These values are buffed and nerfed on a case by case manner across various updates. I don't think huntress will get a faster successful hatchet cooldown any time soon for example.
I mean... You should NOT run self care without botany anyway...
I don't see a reason to RUN we're gonna live forever anymore. Desperate measures, botany knowledge, we'll make it... Hell! Even AUTODIDACT heavily outclass this perk now...
I have an idea. What if there was a keyhole under the gate lever? Keys other than the broken key could increase gate opening speed similar to using a toolbox on a generator. Some add ons can increase this speed or grant efficiency bonuses. Keys wouldn't be oppressive like they were before hatch rework (especially in SWFs)…
Well with nurse, learn how to force her to play prediction based instead of reaction. Do this and you can cause that 0.01% of nurse players regret being born. Thats what i do.
When I play Bubba I happily basement all dead hard users. I don't care if the other 3 escape. I want to make that jerk regret that they brought dead hard.
"leave lobby" exists for this reason.
I will not give up corrupt. That big help at the begining is WAAAAY to good.
I think this would be even better if bloodwarden increased this drop back
Let's say SWF is disabled. The player count drops, dbd is no longer enjoyable as a fun time with friends. Daytime killer queues become longer and people playing on same hardware STILL set up parties for information. So basically it STILL happens AND the community falls apart.
I don't believe Ethan will be the R E 2 survivor. They do not have a strong tie to Wesker. With Chris and Claire already being legendary skins, my bet on R E 2 survivors would be Rebecca Chambers and THE... BARRY BURTON!
I think it should deactivate if you try to open a gate, I don't think someone should ever be completely invincible for 60 seconds.
yeah, Huntress is CLEARLY struggling...
I like using devour hope on wraith. When you excell at getting first hit easier than other killers and it's all one shots...
Dead hard is the problem, a chase with survivors having a 3rd health state makes downing survivors quickly and efficiently much more difficult.
So one arguement i've seen is that you hit them by that safe pallet and they vault it then it gets destroyed... It's a SAFE PALLET. They aren't going to get hurt by it. You should just break it anyway. This perk is just outclassed by brutal strength and spirit fury. The "worst thing" that ever happens with spirit fury is…
What the heck is Batham? Does Batman keep it in the Batfridge?
well DBD, you finally did it! You put the worst ######### thing from almost every 1st person horror game and put it into yours. Limited visuals just piss me off. The only thing they do is take fun away from players. Any time it activates i'm like "I can't see worth ######### for awhile." That is not fun it is not engaging. The…
I hope THIS rework doesn't ######### up the frame rate so bad that 80% of platforms can't even PLAY killer... AGAIN!!!
so it takes a few seconds away to mend. Never bothered me much. I think it should prevent exhaustion recovery, cause much larger blood spills, increase pain grunt volume or frequency. Any 1 of these would help. Being in deep wounds never has and never will bother me in its current state.