
Quentin main = big brain


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  • This is a terrible idea because instead of fixing the issue, you've decided it would be good if we just ignored it. RNG is an issue. Badham had a balance and has been fixed. Let's just fix all the maps instead of never playing on a select few maps ever again.
  • Y'all are babies. Nurse has counterplay. Nurse takes some level of skill and awareness to 4k. The issue isn't Nurse, it's her addons. Spirit is a coinflip at unsafe pallets. And you need 2 heads to win a chase.
  • After getting feedback from reddit, I've decided that the perk should have the following line included: "Does not affect curses or effects from killer abilities". This means Vigil will be a perk to counter regular non-hex perks, and addons.
  • I've not been hit by it since it got changed.
  • @Orion I love how you can't give a straight answer
  • yeee the forum is the worst reddit is mostly memes so its alright steam is full of actual children so they aren't mentally capable of reasoning yet but this forum caters to people who genuinely have an interest in DBD and want to voice their opinions, thus the average forum user will be more passionate for their side
  • But how can the killer be better than the survivor at chases? For a killer, the way to win a chase is to hit them twice. For a survivor, the way to win a chase is to not be hit twice. If it takes 10 years for the killer to reach his goal, then how in the world can you say he is better than the survivor? The survivor…
  • Okay let me reverse the question to expose your clear bias. If it takes 10 years for a killer to catch a survivor who is looping him, but at the end of 10 literal years of looping, the killer downs the survivor, is the killer good at winning chases?
  • Okay let me reverse the question to expose your bias. Is the killer good at winning chases if he downs someone after being looped for 5 gens? Your logic against my first question would answer yes to my second question, which specifies what is demonstrably true; you're bad at winning chases.
  • Can't speak for other survivors, there are definitely some boosted noobs at high ranks who rely on DS (I've been paired up with many Claudettes), but I got to R1 without actually having DS unlocked. I only got it from the shrine a few weeks ago when I saw the rework and I love it. It's a huge ######### you to tunnelers.
  • I've ignored it because my original question didn't include it. If I loop you for 5 ENTIRE GENS then I get knocked down, am I bad or you?
  • Sorry, just to verify this because I can't believe what I am seeing. If I was to end up in your lobby, and I manage to loop you for 5 gens then go down at the end, am I the bad player? Or you?
  • So if I make two mistakes in 5 gens worth of progress, then in your eyes I am a bad player and not the killer who couldn't catch me for 5 gens? Okay mate.
  • How do I win a chase if the killer never leaves the hook? How do I win a chase if the killer is only ever chasing me? In the 5 gens I run the killer around and only make a mistake twice, am I the bad player or the killer?
  • No hypocrisy here because you compared two different issues.
  • Tunneling is a choice of playstyle - DS punishes tunneling. Gen rushing is a problem of mechanics because there is literally nothing else to ######### do as a survivor. I'm not going to wait around and have a picnic in the killer shack while I wait for you. Gen rushing is a problem, yes, so we need another objective.…
  • Its not invulnerability because you can still pick up and hook people. It only activates after you tunnel, so if you hate DS so much because you go against it so many times, then chances are you wouldn't get any kills anyway as a tunneler.
  • Hit the unhooker during the unhook animation, then chase them down. Easy. Why is not tunneling hard for you?
  • This whole place is just a killer circlejerk. I came here when the site just opened, but left because it was dead. I come back months later and its even worse. At least reddit has some good memes.
  • Its is an ad hominem because he is ignoring the argument and instead is mocking his grammar. Perfect example of how to dodge debates - he has been in Arroz's shoes and is mocking him as if he was anyway special or different. If its not RSB's first language, then he of all people should know how hard it is to learn new…
  • @RSB Hey buddy, just stop. Correcting others grammar is a form of ad hominem. It is not a counterargument and just portrays that you cannot think of a defence. I'm assuming you only know 1 language, and you're not even a literary expert in it. Do you write books? Are you a renowned author? The average person in this world…
  • Whats the cooldown on that? If the cooldown is too long, its useless, if its too short thats means the killer can never win a chase against the user.
  • I like how you are ignoring my comments now instead of just parts of it. 1.) This comment shows you don't know how to moonwalk 2.) Legion limits chase time to less than 30 seconds. The timer means a survivor cannot chase for more than it lasts. Addons make it shorter. 3.) Chase is the most fun part of the game, for both…
  • He can't come up with a valid response so he makes jokes in an attempt to refute the standing point. Legion is bad.
  • Add me on steam, get your best SWF group. If I play Legion against you, you will all die.
  • What counterplay? People like you say "Oh you guys don't bother to learn counterplay for legion" BRO WHAT COUNTERPLAY? GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE
  • No. Legion is bad.
  • If you play legion and can't even do the mindless task of moonwalking then there is no hope for you.
  • How the ######### is susie cute? She has a creepy ass smile, scars all over her face, ugly shoes, and has blood on her clothes. What part of that is cute?
  • What counters. Tell me a counter. I have window juked, faked, walked back after the killer vaults, used diversion, used iron will, faked the fake, literally anything you could think of. The issue is simple, and I remember a video I watched from Tru3 where its shown clearly.…
  • I love it when a billy tunnels me. They have to stop at every pallet and window unlike Legion. Hag is slow as ######### so goodluck with my loops. Clowns are hard to escape, because the best thing he does is ending chases, so that is a fair shout. But I can still window and pallet stun him.
  • Good job at attempting to evade point number 4, the strongest one. If a legion is tunneling you, you will not escape that match. As soon as the deep wounds timer is on you, you are marked for death. As for point 1, its rare for me to ever match up against a Nurse I cannot mindgame. Since it hardly ever happens, I feel like…
  • 1.) Nurse has counterplay, Legion does not. Legion can miss as many hits as he wants in frenzy mode and not be punished. If a nurse misses her swing, she suffers from an inbuilt stun kit. So point 1 is just wrong. 2.) This is true - do not group up when playing legion. 3.) Legion doesn't take skill. All you have to do is…
  • No, because their perks work on 4 people. They work 4x as much. And really, survivor and killer perks are so different its hard to compare them. How did you compare empathy and brutal strength? They do nothing in common. Did you just see one had a small number so you went "hurr durr survivor op". What about "Wake Up!"? It…
  • You need to start playing both sides of the game. If a survivor DCs and its a 3v1, then the killer will get loads of easy points because guess what - its a 3v1. Match will be over in less than 10 minutes and will end in a 3k. If a killer DCs, the game is done. If a survivor DCs, the game continues and is now heavily in the…
  • Damn this place is actually full of killer circlejerking. The reason why the killers perks tend to have lower numbers is because it works on 4 times as many people. Like for ######### sake its simple balancing.
  • It's almost as if the devs intended that 625 * 4 = 2500
  • You're forgetting that there is literally 25% less people to pressure you. Less people on gens, more time for you to get an easy 3k as most 3v1s go. Your issue is that you need to play both sides of the game.
  • @Orion that's because if the killer DC's, the survivors have lost all potential points they could ever get in that match. If the survivor DCs then that just means an easy 3k for the killer, giving them more points. I've seen your posts alot around here and tbh you just look like the most biased killer main ever.
  • The issue with this entire post is the simplification.
  • Adrenaline is fine. Survivors have to fix 5 gens and survive to the end game using 3 perks, since Adrenaline only works once.
  • @Orion you can completely counter Adrenaline by just killing survivors before 5 gens pop, easy.
  • It's been so long. ;( Those jake skins are looking tempting, but I don't want to splash out on a new survivor if Quentin's cosmetics are confirmed.
  • Thats because healing and holding M1 is so boring. The Thanata buff would just annoy 3/5th of the playerbase. I want killers to have more time in trials by giving survivors more objectives, not just holding M1. And I don't mean more skillchecks either, I mean actual objectives like collecting gas or picking up parts of…
  • @DudeDelicious NOED always makes it to the end game, killers can't die like survivors. Your argument is invalid.
  • I really like Quentin. The movie was "meh" in general but Quentin seemed cool. That's probably why I subconsciously picked Quentin - he is the most similar to me being a male teen.
  • I think you are confused. I'm not talking about new licenses, I'm talking about adding to current licenses which the Devs did say they were potentially doing last November.
  • If a character is gay for the sake of just being gay, then it's not a good character. They shouldn't be known as the "Gay character" token, they should be known as just a character, who also might be gay but who cares. I really hate token characters, makes them seem 2D.