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  • Welcome to DbD
  • Oh hell definitely be coming. Jason is the most famous of all the slashers
  • While I agree with OP, tunneling is actually a bit more complicated of an issue to fix. Lot of people will rage and scream at that but its true. Way I figure, there are 3 reasons Killers tunnel. They want to. Maybe its malicous and wanting to ruin someone's day. Maybe they are doing it for a meme, Lore Accurate Nemesis for…
  • To play, Oni. Every time Ive touched him I deal with a bug when using his power. Slam not breaking things, getting stuck while turning, one time I got pallet stunned and launched out of the map. Worst Killer though has got to be Singularity, which sucks cause hes easily one of my favorites. Just get an EMP and youve denied…
  • I use it in all my builds cause it helps snowball, and it has good synergy with Nemesis, in that it makes the now exposed Survivor Oblivious. So they may know youre coming, but not always from where
  • Turn off the TVs? Sadako main, Survivors have no reason not to grab a tape in her current kit. This game to me sounds like you made a bad choice in staying on the gen until it was to late
  • Like Gentleman said, to make that action bannable means Survivors teabaggobg, or GF or Pig teabagging become bannable actions. Its immature yes, but it suddenly becomes a slippery slope
  • I for one am fine with this, cause I suck with Artist and dont feel like struggling to get her challenges done lol
  • I used the Invo to replace No Mither in my No Mither build. I mostly pkay Solo Q, playing with others kind of sucks the fun out for me. I like it cause I feel I leave value for the team, however minimal even if I die. It also has the nice effect of countering Merciless Storm. Also I no longer feel like Im feeding an Oni…
  • Honestly Im having fun using Sables Invocation paired with Resilience and Desperate Measures. I temd to than just run Windows, but Alert and Distortion have also been good. Not a high meta build by any means but Ive been enjoying it
  • Im more annoyed cause this is no meme one of my favorite perks in the game and ran it constantly. Once I learned of the exploit Ive stopped running it, now just gotta wait til BHVR finally fixes this in 8 months
  • Hex: Insidious Counter All gens are blacked for 5/10/15 seconds and begin regressing at 100/200/300% speed
  • Nemesis is a great purchase specifically for Lethal Pursuer. It has great snowball energy and synergizes with several perks and add ons. PerPersonally, I love Sadako. She has good perks that while not S Tier are useful in most games, and I rnjoy her playstyle. Just dont focus on condemns and instead try and use her…
  • MMR has never existed and I've seen no evidence to convince me otherwise. And even if it does, the Devs nullify it because if a player or group waits to long, the bracket they are in loosens so to speak until they can find someone a match. That means if a Killer lobby dodges, the game goes into oanic mode and starts to…
  • I'll sound rude. Pretty sad example of a community manager to respond to a question in such a way, question wasn't rude or breaking any TOS. Another prime example of how BHVR has no idea how to interact with their community like adults.
  • The community in general just has a massive problem with complaining and wanting the game to cater to THEM. Survivors can't play with friends, or use these perks, or play this character without drawing ire. Theres a thread up right now of people defending griefing a pkayer using the new Invocation perk and its pretty…
  • Id like a collection of cosmetics for Survivors aboit what their Killer variants would be. Imagine Kate having a banshee like scream that disorients Survivors,she has long claws and a jagged mouth. Or Vittorio leaving sigil traps that explode like Hag traps except can damage. He could be skinned but covered in sigil…
  • Nurse- I see it as an opportunity to see how good I am in things like stealth amd mindgames. Twins, Skull Merchant- For me they are rare Killers, so its different
  • Good questionnaire but like mentioned a little barebones. I'd posit these other questions: When do you feel tunneling becomes "acceptable". 3 gens remaining? 2? When Exit Gates are powered? Have you ever tunneled for a meme, such as Lore Accurate Nemesis? Can tunneling be used as a punishment tool (Unhooking a Survivor…
  • Personally I want them to bring back the endgame Mori idea, as well as announce new moris. Best way I can figure is they just make the yellow Mori basekit, that way Killers can have the choice. For Survivors, they can just pick themselves up after about a minute of being slugged. Would help stop hardcore slugging without…
  • I pair Friends to the End with Lethal on all my builds
  • Was about to do the same thing lol
  • 360s certainly cause I fall for them often, auto aim is always making me hit a car and not the Survivors. Main thing is when people complain about characters and perks on both sides. I could care less if Im against a SM tunning NOED amd Deadlock and Lethal and Ultimate Weapon, nor could I care if I go against a SWF running…
  • Here are my opinions. Skill Expression: I disagree that those are exploits, simply because the devs as stated they are not. And if the feature (crouch tech, hug tech, flick techs) are unintended than it should be on the devs to fix it, which they seem to be with Blight. I also want more interaction between players such as…
  • Will certainly make people here angry but who cares. Killer Build: Lethal Pursuer- Get that early snow ball going Friends to the End: pairs with Lethal, and lets me get right to a chase more often than not. 3rd Perk tends to be a bit more fluid, Lightborn if I see multiple flashlights, Surge, Monitor and Abuse. Just…
  • A last Survivor standing mode would be cool. Survivors load in and are all exposed. There are no lockers, no gens, and all they can do is stealth and hide. Crows can be alerted even if you crouch walk, Killers have Spies from the Shadows just at a lower range. When a Killer downs a Survivor they can mori them. When one…
  • If you DC or let yourself go on hook against SM, your opinion on SM doesn't matter, its that simple. You made the choice to load DbD, you made the choice to choose Survivor, you chose to search for a match, you chose to ready up. Each of these steps you operate under the possibility of going against a SM. To quit against…
  • Ultimately the event should have started at 200% BP Bonus and only increased, and Id argue dont have a limit, just see how high the community can go. These events should be celebrations for the community, but it honestly feels like having to do chores to get the presents
  • Making me laugh, but only cause I do the same stuff. Had a game the other day where I was playing my Cybil (fav Silent Hill character, the cop skin Cheryl has). We loaded into RPD, entered the main lobby same time as a Legion who saw and hit me. In a desperate attempt to save myself, I ran behind the counter and started…
  • I got called incompetent and having an inability to think, as well as a selfish and toxic butthole on a Youtube vid cause I argued that people who AFK against a SM have entitlement issues, simply cause they are getting upset someone played a Killer they dont like. I'll also add all I said in my initial comment was that I…
  • In light of recent events on Twitter I do on the rare occasion give a Tombstone Myers the Mori if its clear the game has been lost. As in, the other three were all Morid and only Im left. I do like to still find hatch than draw Myers attention, all so he can see I found hatch. Its silly, but its my way of saying I could…
  • I like a mixture of games. Easy ones are fun cause they give me a sense of power whether as Survivor or Killer. Balanced games let me see both my skill but the skill of others, and can lead to tense plays that if played back can be seen as the deciding moments. And than sweat games help me think on my feet and see what…
  • Lightborn of course. You can also try to position yourself staring at a wall. If its Background Player causing issues, Singularity has I believe Genetic Limits is the one that causes exhaustion whrn you pick up a Survivor so it hard counters BP. Someone else mentioned Infectious Fright so you at least know if someone is…
  • Its less of BHVR and just the mechanics of the Killers that can be used. Trapper- Cannplace bear traps all around a 3 gen Wraith- Usain Bolt level patrolling Hillbilly- Chainsaw dash patrolling Nurse- Nurse Huntress- Can throw hatchets at fleeing Survivors Can go down the whole list and find someway to 3 Gen with them.…
  • Potential Energy, Windows of Opportunity, Wake Up, Distortion 40/60
  • Agreed. Max amount should easily be 10X the normal amount. Its only for two weeks, and itll probably take the community a week to get to maximum multiplier. That would give the community just a wild week of BP farming, which would easily bring in players, help new players build up characters, let experienced players build…
  • Excited for the new SM outfit. It looked really nice so Ill dust off the ol girl and pkay some games with her
  • If 4 gens are done and only 4 hook stages have been made, than at best Killer has only gotten 1 person out. Even in that situation, if a Killer hard tunnels and proxy camps one person that should only result in a 2 K as the other 2 can finish a gen and open the exit gate and survive. Camping and tunneling only work because…
  • I use it with my old No Mither build, replaced No Mither with it. I actually like the perk. Its not insanely strong, but fun for a few games
  • I learned about the AFK penalty whem I dod the Slinger challenge to reveal auras with Retribution. Just loaded in a game with Lethal, Bitter Murmur, Lightborn, and Hex Retribution. Started the match amd away to do some chores, came back it said I dcd. Figured I lost connection so I did it again, and same thing 2nd time.…
  • Unsure, Im wearing the whole cheerleader skin but changed the weapon
  • People are sandbagging Sables? Thats really dumb. Ive used the Invocation and either people come to help or they keep working on gens, looping the killer, etc. The only one who did anything was someone who chased the Killer i to the basement, pointed at me and than DCd. The Killer just stared at me for a second after…
  • I also go for Adepts and have (most) of them saved as Youtube vids. I know some people like watching and seeing so here's my hat in this ring. Main advice I can give for any Adept hunters is that throw any "rules" away. Some games are easy, some games are not. Some Killer powers and/or perks can carry the Adept, others are…
  • New perk so a lot of peopme are trying it. Ive found though its far better to just have one person do it. Yes, it takes 2 minutes, but it allows the other 3 to still work on gens or distract the Killer. Unless everyone has the Invocation, better to just stay out of the basement
  • I duod, all 5 gens did get completed and I escaped out the exit gate. I also got my Adept Sable done in that same way
  • Seems like a bug, I got the achievement my first gen as well as my Adept Sable.
  • Not just the Purples, even greens. Running around with the Cheerleader skin and I predominantly hear a female voice
  • I will. I enjoyed Unknowns gameplay, and his gen block perk will pair well in some perk builds. The Invocation perk will do well in my No Mither build, itll replace No Mither itself. Map is free, but it will be interesting
  • Old Freddy definitely, I really liked his kit and the ability to see auras when Survivors were asleep and outside of your TR was very nice. Than they "fixed" him and he's been super boring ever since. The other though actually has been Twins. Yes, it sucks having to traverse the map for getting pickups, but being able to…