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  • LOL laughable, should I use those 2 cartires and car against her? You know that only works against nurses that don't have the muscle memory to blink past right? On big buildings it's basically a damn cointoss unless I'd be able to 360...which I am not, which I won't ever because that garbage "Mechanic" needs to be removed…
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • You're just theorycrafting now with no actual gameplay in mind, the situations you're mentioning are happening against people who would lose to perkless M1 hags who only trap the hook.
  • Single bounce knives are in fact not basekit and will not be basekit and what you're describing is 2 addons and a ######### ton of situations in which other killers would just down you. Why the heck even "Rapidfire" at a survivor who is super close to me when I can just smack him. To build up Main event which is…
  • Well he's probably really good if you want to depip without actively holding yourself back so he's got that going for him?
  • Even Facebook which is mostly survivor biased says he's weak LOL. And even survivormains who want him to be weak bring the argument that he needs to be THIS weak or else they'll never escape if there's no weak killers like him LOL.
  • Again if your teammates are ACTUALLY getting camped you don't need a key.
  • i don't see how YOUR key helps YOU when you get face camped. Your teammates have to do less gens yeah but they'll escape anyways against a facecamper if they just do gens.
  • Never said it wouldn't since I can't think of a single bigger content creator who thinks that Trickster is strong ESPECIALLY with the announced nerfs. Still makes polls like these absolutely worthless since they're part of an echochamber.
  • Oh you mean she's been complained about after NUMEROUS nerfs to survivors indirectly pushing her up the ladder? Mapchanges especially to making pallets less safe (gideon being the exception) making her excelt at something she was already good at? Colour me shocked. The trickster can literally be run around a big rock…
  • Never said Otz doesn't get wrecked sometimes but he also doesn't claim that he played good when he gets wrecked and aknowledges that he has WAY more hour than most people playing while commenting that he gets the "creme of the crop". I also play stupid for a more relaxed experience but I won't call the game unbalanced (for…
  • Again camping and tunneling are legit strats that do not make you "bad". They make you sweaty and you should not need to do them ESPECIALLY if you play this game professionally like most streamers do, but you seem to ignore the video i posted earlier of the one you call better getting destroyed by people who play like…
  • You can control your power a bit by deciding if you want to build up main event or just go for the M1. Blindly spamming his power and never M1ing even when it's an easy M1 loses you games. If you're close to main event plan accordingly as hitting surviors with knives fills it up, mostly use it when you know you can make…
  • Welcome to effective killerplay, I guess tournament killers are "boosted" too then? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=embxAHI_-Jg Don't mistake actual killergameplay with killers trying to make the game entertaining for their viewers. In the End Dowsey gets Ridiculous winstreaks and challenges while tru3 get's reckt at game…
  • I think his power is fun if you just see it as a tool to derp around a bit, don't expect 4k's and you're golden with him.
  • NOED is a crutch for bad killers - tru3talent back when hexperks got introduced. "I get the best survivors" - guy who plays on the same server as everyboody else "I played perfectly" Not a fact, no matter how much he tried to spin it. His videos already got ripped apart here, especially the bubba one where he got…
  • Myers shows that good lore or design is not enough for people to play a killer, this is not an RPG.
  • Just compare the general attitude of those streamers to the bitterness in tru3's stream and then apply it to the community following them. There's no point in arguing, that poll is worthless, end of story.
  • A biased community is not a good leg to stand on and most of his viewers think survivors are unbeatable which they only are when they are tournament level players.
  • I only saw scott's take on him and he agrees that he's weak and broke down his power pretty well. Otz did good with him but then again he could've just played an M1-ing hag. I haven't played against Otz for like 2years but I also don't know how capable of a survivor he is now.
  • do you play on US? On EU i rarely see him, I can't even remember the last time that I faced one.
  • Uhm, you basically just made my point. Why are we talking about one of the slowest learning content creators when we have Scott or Otz who are not only mechanically way better but also have much more game knowledge objectively speaking? Do you remember how long it took tru3 to understand the friggin legion or plague…
  • Which is why I'm concerned because even with this background myers is a RARE sight at redranksv and most of the time on most maps he just gets destroyed unless survivors play the altruism BS.
  • Love it, a ######### ton of free hits and if I know that I won't make it to the hook I'll drop the surv. Those games mostly end in a 4k unless it's a really busted map like the Asylum or Hadnofun
  • Starstruck? Do you really want survivors to not even try to bodyblock and all just sit on gens?
  • An echochamber voting on something is basically worthless, it's like asking about Voterfraud (which literally cannot exist) within the extreme fringes of rightwing twitter accounts,
  • Pyramidhead, LF, Slonger and huntress are not OP in the slightest, all of them have a measly 50-56% killrate
  • Let's ignore the ######### ton of buffs that she received I guess. Same for ghostface and other killers who were garbage during ptb. Besides that, as long as nurse/spirit exists a power like tricksters cannot overperform
  • Imagine complaining about pop/bbq which only in certain situations is even worth using while he probably claims that DS is not PP at all
  • Again you're counting legit normal gameplay Strategy in your weak arguments. Name me one situation where you'd let all 4 survivors bleed out simultaneously, and I'm not talking 1 guy being chased for 5 minutes I'm saying 4 ppl are down within the first 2 minutes of the match while the killer hooks nobody. You can't. And I…
  • Yet heißt got no compensation
  • I love how you defend ######### toxic behaviour just because it's "not bannable". I had people hold me hostage in league for an hour because they wanted to "punish" me, I just turned on my macro and let my character run down lane every 3 minutes with auto-attack on.
  • SWFs are calling out if a stealth killers goes for you or where a killer heads, it's basically the same. If I see that the streamer is not giving info I close it.
  • Respecting and not tunneling because of DS already makes DS op since tunneling a person out of the game is a game-breaking strategy more often than not, dealing with 3 survivors is WAY better than dealing with 4 2-hooked survivors. The person there sitting under the hook or the person hook-trading would be immediately…
  • Camping a lane is a strategy, leaving everybody on the ground to die is not. The equivalent would be keeping the enemy team in the game by not destroying towers and inhibs and letting minions finish the whole game while you farm them under their towers and people have been banned for less when a rioter was in the game.
  • The goal is to kill the survivor by hooks, not slug all 5 and leave them to bleed out with 0 hooks done the entire match while you run around and nod at each person on the ground, if you don't think that's toxic at all then you're delusional.
  • The goal of the game is to kill the survivors, not leave them on the ground when u already won just to gloat. And no don't tell me that those people are afraid of kobe's if the whole team is still on 5 gens and got crushed in less than 2 minutes. The equivalent would be keeping your boxing enemy who can still barely stand,…
  • even if you find the Make your Choice which is easily countered by stealthing by the way unless the killer proxycamps at which point he could've hooktraded in the first place, DS is still the same power ASSUMING ssurvivors are not running around injured in the first place which they often are.
  • So the NEET who needs to make a game which he already won miserable for everybody involved is totally not a loser, your logic is flawless. The game needs a surrender option like identity V and this would not be an issue at all.
  • I think it's mostly a perk to make unsafe pallets not an automatic hit and I like that design. If you stun a killer at an unsafe pallet you gained nothing currently, this perk would make stunning the killer at those short loops worth it.
  • I can't play against spirit too but I won't DC suicide against her because heck, she's not in COMPLETE control over the match, it's mostly a cointoss most of the time and if I'd really be pissed off against her I'd use Iron will.
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • Great, you can play your pre-determined loss against a good one, I'll just go to the next lobby.
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • I boycott ######### broken design, I do the same in league or any other competitive game. My mates were yelling at me for banning/dodging against ######### like Xin Zhao (Release) or Reworked Irelia to the point where nobody would play with me anymore. Each time they'd "want to get better" and "learn" against #########…
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • again, don't give a #########, if you'd talk to me on an actual competitive game sure I'd take your tips, but you have your "team" on DBD which tells me enough, you do realize that I don't even read a fraction of what you're spamming right? This is not a tournament game, it doesn't need to get balanced for the less than 1%…
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • Again, what stops you from hanging up the survivors and ending the game instead of letting all 4 bleed out on the ground at 5 gens? If some NEET who felt he got "bullied" by a 4man SWF who was just having some fun thinks he's a hero by getting a 4 man slug and then essentially holding the game as long as possible so the…
  • That's a really bad argument, survivors are getting nerfed a ######### ton and because they're still OP they'll receive more nerfs in the future.
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
  • Absolutely agree and I love how all of the people here assume this is about normal slugging and not some manchild scratching his sweaty armpits while slobbering at the thought of pissing random people with less time off by leaving them on the ground until they either disconnect or leave.
  • Especially against trapper with no STBFL holding W and running instead of going through unknown stuff wins you the game if your team just genrushes but to be fair most trappers will for this reason use STBFL.
  • The only counter to W gaming: Actual good map design where killers can cut off survivors. Reverse Bloodlust where bloodlust builds up if the killer finds nobody and is not in a chase for X seconds and immediately gets removed once he is in 32 or 48 meters of survivors on a horizontal plane, (to prevent moonwalking and…
  • Break LOS against a good nurse on Maps like Ormond, good luck tell me how it went. Why the heck defend a killer that nobody plays in the first place and the few that do play this game professionally. And yeah if it's so easy to run her go play against Zubat or any player who's competent with her, all of her power is in her…
    in Nurse Comment by Yumyumtasty March 2021
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