That's the saddest thing I've heard all week. "You got called out by a dev whose trustworthiness is paper-thin, so I'm going to hound you wherever you go." News flash, trying to get attention from me won't make up for the attention you didn't receive from your parents growing up. Basically, Peanits said that their desired…
It's all you ever post about, is how Spirit is fair and balanced and fun and mega skillful and everyone who dislikes her is a big meanie doodoo head Survivor main who has no idea what they're talking about.
Anything that dares to say Spirit isn't the literal most big-brained giga high skill curve super ultra quantum 4D chess Killer that requires the best gamer socks on the market is a huge reach to you, huh? Spirit main moment.
I mean, I guess Spirit is fun if you want to turn your brain off and put zero thought into your gameplay. At that point though I'd just pick Nemesis or Plague.
That's a weird way to spell "Hillbilly".
Have you never listened to them talk about MMR and their balancing in-depth beyond this one QnA? Wanting 2 kills and 2 escapes every match is their paradigm. It's what the community has been getting at them for for a long time now, because their logic and philosophy are flawed.
And this is where your argument fails. You claim over and over that the system isn't trying to create a 50% kill/escape rate for each match... but it is. The devs have explicitly stated, over and over again, on a multitude of occasions, that this is the end goal. That is what they want. That is their ideal balance. It's…
"if you're the kind of person who excels at looping and runs the killer for five gens sometimes, that means you're going to escape more often than you're not, or you're going to slide down to the point where you will start escaping." And the proof is in the pudding. We can see that their measurements used for calculating a…
Nothing about what they said shows that the MMR system's standards is actually a good indicator of skill—which it isn't. In a game like DBD where there is more RNG-based variance than there is player input-based variance, not only is a skill-based matchmaking system a bad idea in the first place, but when you throw out all…
I still don't see how this post succeeds in addressing the two biggest issues with the SBMM system, which are: It doesn't matchmake based off of an accurate measurement of skill. It doesn't match you with players of a similar rating.
So, I can either choose to play how I enjoy the game, be it sweaty or casual or with a niche or an oppressive build and get told to kms in the post-game chat by Survivors who feed me free wins with their terrible plays, or I can choose to actively gimp myself and go out of my way to play nice... and get told to kms in the…
Then that's not a problem with DMS; that's a problem with Artist being able to do damage at an infitite range through walls.
I think Boil Over will probably get its bonus drop effect removed since there are certain ways the hooks can spawn on maps with second-story buildings that can make a Boil Over user impossible to hook. If DMS gets nerfed, it will likely be because of its synergy with Pain Resonance, since on its own it's still quite…
Well one looks like a turtle, and the other is Chris Redfield.
I would pick Plague in the pre-game Killer screen.
Legion. It's concerning how many people, including Legion mains who've played him since he came out, will assert the idea that you should never Frenzy injure Survivors. Legion isn't about getting rapid injures; he's about making people mend—he is a hit-and-run Killer and should be treated as such. If an injured Survivor is…
I don't think anyone asked for MMR.
"Twins are likely the reason (emphasis on THE REASON) Borrowed Time was buffed to no longer include hearing the killers terror radius." Actually, if you look at the April 2021 dev update, the reason they buffed Borrowed Time was "to remove some confusing intricacies with how Borrowed Time interacts with some Killers and…
Because in my personal experience, "Look at a wall" doesn't look anymore since they can apparently blind the back of my head now.
And you clearly didn't read anything beyond that because the entire rest of the post is talking about why that logic is faulty and fails to solve anything.
It's like you didn't even read the post. The problem has nothing to do with the nerfs themselves. The problem is not the what, but the why. The nerfs are meaningless and only serve to demonstrate that BHVR doesn't know what the root of the problem is. Also, for the record, the Iridescent Pendant buff is a joke. 45 seconds…
Yeah, they're so incredibly hidden. Like that one time I loaded into a match of reworked Gideon's as Survivor and could LITERALLY SEE THE FLAME OF A HEX TOTEM DURING THE LOADING SHOT.
Well it's simple. I am. I'm just playing the game so I have an asymm to play while I wait for VHS to hit early access.
The issue isn't with the time they budgeted to make these changes. The issue is that the changes they made and, more importantly, their justification for doing so, egregiously show that they have no idea what they're doing for this character.
The problem with CoH and Freddy is that it's the same problem as Self Care being so strong against him, except now the healing speeds are doubled. If old Freddy went against CoH, Freddy's slowdown wouldn't counter the healing speed; the healing speed would counter Freddy's slowdown.
Not a hack. Zombie AI is just that bad.
A butter knife could still theoretically slice something.
"The skill-based matchmaking isn't bad, it just doesn't matchmake based off of skill." This kitchen knife isn't bad, it's just dull and doesn't cut food.
The new speed adds 4 seconds to the time for healing yourself and 2 seconds to the time for healing others.
The changes Wraith received were plenty good, like the addon pass, basekit Windstorm, letting him break stuff in cloak, starting the trial cloaked, et cetera et cetera. They were not; on their own, BAD changes. The issue is that was Wraith was so hilariosuly bad they just weren't enough at the time. It's like if Legion got…
"i could point to killers like doctor and wraith and hag, to show they can make good changes to keep the spirit of a power in-tact while helping the killer. i could also point to freddy and billy to show that they cant." The differences between those Killers and Twins is that BHVR did not repeatedly demonstrate their…
So, you admit you can't come up with a good rebuttal? Because if you can't, I'd rather do something more productive than debate an insult that did a big meanie bo-beanie to your feelings. Let's not waste each other's time here, ay?
That's a whole lot of writing to propagate your tinfoil hat theory that can be simply explained away by "DBD's coding is atrocious" and "There are far worse and far more prevalent things in this game than Twins".
You certainly cared enough to come on here the first place with your snarky "Who's gonna tell em" reply like the screenshot you showed is any reassurance of anything.
Sure, continue deflecting about an offhanded jab. That's totally what the thread is about. One hundred percent. The entire reply section is full of people hotly debating that singular line. You know what the thread is about. Answer the question or admit that you can't. What's that thing people say on Twitter? "Cope,…
Yes. I don't leave home without it because it's incredibly strong in solo queue. It allows me and my teammates to expediently take care of ourselves and each other without exchanging a single syllable of communication. It is an INSANELY strong solo queue perk.
The problem is, the addons DON'T give Twins an edge in camping because they don't affect what makes Twins' camping good. What makes Twins' camping good is the ability to dump Victor underneath a hook and then run around with Charlotte applying standard pressure. None of the addons they changed had any effect on that…
Never got back around to this. Good job proving nothing, I guess, but try not to derail here. I'd still like you to answer my question: With how Twins has been adjusted and changed in the year they've been out, why should I trust BHVR to make the right call whenever these changes come out? Just because changes are coming…
Twins being "good at camping" and Bubba being "good at camping" are two different things. Bubba is good at camping in that his camping is hard to counter. Twins are good at camping in that they can camp the hook while still walking around doing normal Killer things. So, like, I totally buy the idea that "good" or "high…
"BHVR released them in that state because they had to release something, its just they didnt have enough crunch time to fix all the bugs" X to doubt "plus the problem with them is not bugs, its how campy and sluggy their playstyle is, they created a monster." So, again, if they're so clever as to keep nerfing Twins to…
Let's be honest with ourselves here, man: If BHVR were half that clever, they wouldn't have released Twins in such a garbage state to begin with. Plus, if you watched the QnA, you'd know that how fun they are to play against has nothing to do with why they were nerfed. They nerfed them because the stats said they were OP…
... Wait. So, you agree that these changes are pointless and shouldn't have happened, meaning we are in full agreement over the reasons as to why I'm so frustrated with the changes and their logic behind it. So... why are we here?
Did you not read anything in my original post? My issue with the addon nerfs is that the addons aren't the problem. Camping is. That's why the changes won't do anything, because it doesn't address the issue. Yes, weakening their addons counts as a nerf. But it's not a meaningful nerf. Sure, their kill rate might go down by…
Problem: Twins' camping makes them incredibly strong Solution: Nerf addons that have little to no effect on their ability to camp Do you see the issue?
You find me five people who consistently play Twins and don't have Toy Sword and either Tiny Fingernail or Madeleine's Scart grafted into their skin and I will find you 5 liars. If someone isn't running those addons on Twins, they either have no idea what they're doing, haven't levelled up the Killer yet, or both.
No, it solves no problems because the addons aren't the problem.
So, we can expect Twins to get changed in 2 and a half years? Cool. BHVR still has continued to make it clear that they do not understand what the problem is, so whatever these changes are, I and anyone who plays Twins have zero reason to believe they'll be anywhere close to the changes that need to happen. I get that your…
"lindly following stats without any further thought clearly isn't what's actually going on here." Except it is. Stats are the sole reason these addons got nerfed, because the stats said they needed to be. You know why Twins players who ran these addons had such a higher kill rate than Twins who didn't? Because every single…
I don't think it'll be enough. 75% is still a huge increase that you can have pretty much anywhere, any time, on top of being able to heal yourself at a fast speed and giving the Killer a new objective that they can't really deal with on account of how ready it is to use and reuse at all times.