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  • Yeah it shows all their games, but you can see their games listed and when’s the last they played a certain game
  • It’s not about showing the killer anything. For me personally, this is a game. If im not having fun in said game, ill move on to the next game. now “having fun” doesn’t mean I need to be winning and stomping on the killer. for example, if I get into a long chase with killer, over 2-3 minutes, I get downed eventually and…
  • And yet, everyone who ever complains about is how killers need to be buffed, or survivors to be nerfed, and in both situations, solo q survivors get f**cked.
  • not everyone. They just wanted to please the 'top' performers on the platform, which are a small percentage and just put them in with everybody else. As a result, they might have better matches, but a lot of the matches for average people are frustrating because of it.
  • Haven't used DH since the nerf, I feel like it would be much more frustrating to use than not at all because of the very tiny small window + lag issues... I considered getting Botany and Self Care, I usually bring CoH to benefit my entire team.
  • True, but in a lot of those games, you don't feel like you're getting stomped on every game or every other game. I don't know if their MMR is better or what, but I can't think of another game where you wait to load into a match, start the match and then within 2-3 minutes, you're basically held hostage until you're kicked…
  • Appreciate that this was your intention, but there's no way for Jill to know that. Tunneling is so often in games now that I can understand her DCing.
  • That's true, they designed it this way so the best players don't have long queue times (or have to go up against the same people all the time) but then it hurts the average player IMO.
  • Yeah, it depends how long you last in the game. From experience, the longer you last in the game, the more pips you'll have. (Unless of course you're doing nothing but hiding all game) But yeah, I meant that it's easy to lower your MMR by dying at the end of every match, but still getting pips to increase your rank.
  • ? Have you never played games where you died in the end but still got +1 or +2 pips? The pips are not solely based on your escape.
  • it's essentially ranked mode without everything else you mentioned. Which is what makes it a bit 'unfair' and 'not fun'. If it wasn't ranked, they'd just match you with the fastest random players and your matches would vary greatly.
  • It wouldn't make it less frustrating for some, sure. But instead of someone blaming a certain perk or killer and thinking it's broken, they might think, hey, maybe this perk is broken at that MMR level. I just wish the devs were more transparent in terms of what they take into consideration when they're balancing the game.…
  • I'm not sure how it works, but I can tell you that for a period of about 10 days, I constantly died as a survivor and my MMR kept lowering to the point where I was facing almost baby killers. It took maybe, 3-4 days of escapes to get back to what I assume is my regular MMR.
  • My point exactly. People who are going to bully you in post-game, are going to use any information they have (alongside your perks). I have literally been criticized for having "Windows of Opportunity" as a 'try hard' perk and to call me a bad player. People have been criticized for their prestige level (if too high --> no…
  • Interesting... Is that only at rank 1? That would be counterproductive considering they confirmed they don't use our public ranks to use as values for MMR.
  • I think having the number though would either be a 'wake-up' call to some people who think they're much better than they are as well as be useful to those who appreciate the info. I'd certainly appreciate it.
  • Seeing your MMR wouldn't fix it, but just give you a better picture as to why you lost a certain game (possibly because your opponent's MMR is much higher than yours). It's simply to give context.
  • You could already do that now though. Without finding out your MMR level. We know that the only thing that MMR takes into account are escapes, so you can theoretically do very well in a match to get your pips but still let yourself die in the match. Your MMR will go lower.
  • I would like to have ranks related to your MMR as well. With possibly good rewards. I don't play League of Legends, but I hear that's what they do more or less.
  • We already face toxicity from killers/survivors who'd call you in post-game a baby killer or baby survivor, or saying you aren't good at the game, etc etc. Do you really think having a number to throw out would make that worse? I would agree knowing your MMR value (or your teammates) would not be relevant if matchmaking…
  • Yes, obviously. I am simply saying that them increasing it to 10 seconds instead of 5 virtually doesn't make a difference to truly protect against tunneling.
  • I had to look up what Dark Theory does because I haven't used it nor considered using it since its release. The problem with this perk is that if they increase its speed and bundle it with other boons (like shadow step) it can make an incredible difference in looping tiles for expert loopers, especially in a SWF.
  • It's not going to make any difference. People thinking increasing the basekit BT is going to do anything against tunneling are wrong. I've seen it first hand, killers will simple hit you off hook instantly and then keep chasing. They don't care if you have 5, 10 or 40 seconds of BT. They'll hit you instantly and get rid of…
  • After the BBQ nerf, I don't use it on the majority of my killers. Like you said, it's easier to find survivors once you have a good game sense. They're going to be on gens or going for that unhook.
  • I can tell you that what we have right now is good. I play mostly solo survivor and pre those changes, my escape rate was higher. Not that much higher, but I can expect to escape maybe 1/5 games? A little more, a little less depending on many factors. Now, it's much worse. Sometimes I can play all day/all night and not get…
  • People don't like to admit that what they did was a mistake, or that their selfishness cost anyone else but themselves. I've been in many situations similar to yours and I cannot fathom the thinking behind it. I sometimes feel so puzzled (especially if like you mentioned, it's two people nearby on a gen and killer is…
  • I disagree with this. A smart killer would not tunnel someone who is good at looping. A stubborn killer (like a lot of killers) would want to tunnel you out of the game. Especially if you're in solo q and your teammates are not efficient on gens.
  • Highkey disagree. I play equally survivor and killer and I no longer consider teabagging/ flashlight clicking as toxicity (nor do they happen that often). Smart survivors know that teabagging/flashlight clicking only slows them down during a chase instead of making more distance, so the majority don't do it. Killers tunnel…
  • Not against Bubba, you have to be within 6m of hook to activate this perk. Yes, it is a bubba issue, but this is why it's hard to balance the game because there will always be a killer that will ignore or take advantage of that 'balance' (aka nurse with the new Wesker perk that got nerfed)
  • The problem with basekit BT is the fact that it's counting on the killer to 'wait out' the 10 seconds (or 5 seconds now), same goes with OTR, they're designed to dissuade killers from going after a survivor that has just been hooked. However, in practice, that does not work. If a killer wants to tunnel you, they'll…
  • Try to use this anti camping perk against Bubba and let me know how it goes.
  • Survivors will get a shorter game, killer's MMR goes up higher to face tougher survivors, I move on to a new game with hopefully a more engaging and entertaining gameplay. I've been in games where other survivors suicide (sometimes unjustified IMO, like getting downed first etc), yes it ruins the game for the rest of…
  • Definitely looking forward to this next chapter! I do agree, the devs have been giving us really good updates in the past few months. I wish some things came faster, especially when it comes to improving the solo Q experience for survivors.
  • Wish it was the same but 2 hits instead of 3... I tried to use that perk seriously and I think the most I got was one use of it the entire game. I understand though that if they make it 2, in a strong SWF, it'll be an absolute nightmare for killers along with basekit BT and other stuff.
  • I fully agree. I've been playing solo for months and I would say 80%+ of my games result in death. And yet, I get the sweatiest killers, the sweatiest builds, but somehow my survivors are not good? So I don't understand how the MMR work. I think the biggest flaw in the way MMR is designed is that it 'expands' to find…
  • I completely disagree. I played Wesker in PTB (and got shitted on) but I still had fun, his power seems very fun to master. The survivor perks also seems pretty good and very viable. I'm not sure how you say he's very weak, in almost every tier list I've seen from big streamers, they always rate him high up. His power lets…
  • If there's a board game where someone can block me from playing the game and I'm just sitting there watching until I am out of the game, then yes, that doesn't sound like fun and sounds like a huge flaw in such board game. A killer camping and/or tunneling essentially doesn't care about the game being fair for everyone…
  • That's a very good question. Maybe 90 seconds time limit every time it's used?
  • I would love this option as well. I actually find the new webs very annoying. It used to be much more 'efficient' to gather up more items/perks on a full web without having to go back to level 1 and start with a small web and have the web-leveling-up animation every few seconds.
  • This is exactly my mentality behind it. A killer is tunneling me? They want me out of the game? Ok fine, I'll make it easier for you. Enjoy overpowering the 3 other survivors. I can tell you from experience playing killer, when I am constantly winning against survivors over and over, it doesn't feel fun or engaging.…
  • This is probably a controversial opinion, but this is a game. If you're not having fun in this game, go ahead and DC/suicide on hook. If a killer is camping you first hook at 5 gens and you're solo Q, just go ahead and get it over with. If I notice the killer tunneling (or they're tunneling me), it's better I move on to…
  • Agreed. Thought this patch would make killers tunnel/camp less because they have better base-kit attack speeds and slower gens to give them enough time to get downs and hooks, but it's gotten worse. Killers now tunnel or camp someone quickly out of the game and then enjoy getting a relaxing 4K game. P.S: for those saying…
  • Yeah, I’m aware of that intended lingering, but currently, it is much longer than usual
  • Honestly, I would like more of a solution from the devs to make tunneling/camping not viable for anyone to use. I find the game much more fun when killers are good at using their power and mind gaming during chases, much more interactive.
  • Your comment is valid 100%! I play killer and survivor equally and I’ve seen time and time again that tunneling and camping are very good strategies to almost guarantee a “win” (at least 3K) id never blame the players for doing what they need to do to win. However, I do believe the devs should do something to mitigate that…
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