This will be expected and will get hate for it . But Wesker. Good appearance, good main menu music as well as chase music and TR music. Really well designed and fun power. Balanced somewhat. Definitely the best recent chapter we got. Forged in fog, tools of torment was just straight up garbage
Knight. Boring killer that has been designed to defend 3 gens and overall really boring chases.
Honestly if you care about survs tbagging idk what to say. Quit this game. Clearly you aren't having fun and you just get mad at survs so might be healthier doing that.
Buffs are most likely not gonna happen. As someone said here, i just want her to stay the same or even if she gets nerfed just slightly.
Yeah that's what i said but really hope they just give up on the idea completely.
It's definitely much better then before, they reduced the size which was a big problem. There are some unsafe pallets and other more safe ones. I think it's not balanced in a way, but it's definitely much more manageable.
At high MMR, all you will find is good teams. And it's a pain to killers.
Shattered Square's only problem is the size honestly. It has an okay ish main building with some really unsafe pallets sometimes. I have played it as both modes and seems to be that is pretty balanced. I just hate how some pallets are all close to each other sometimes.
The Game is not the worst. That's why i didin't put it there, mainly cause the map is also smaller which is easier to manage.
Eyrie is a way too big map, which already is a problem. Along with that, there's 2 gyms behind the main building, and 2 gyms in the middle of the map. Along with the shack at the corner, with that there's also some filler pallets which makes the map very hard for the killer.
Haddonfield is not that bad. In some RNGs. The middle of the map is pretty empty with only a pallet here and there. The only thing i can complain of the map is the windows. The rest seems pretty okay and it sure won't be that hard as a killer. Gas Heaven has an okay main building with a very good pallet behind it. Besides…
I have been playing Wesker since release and i can confirm that right now that he is pretty much fixed. Sure some collisions in the maps aren't great, but that's just the map optimization for Wesker that isn't great. But imo he is in a good state and he doesn't need any kind of change. As for the most exciting chapters,…
Gen rushing and SWF also ruin the game.
I can't tell if you are joking. But if you aren't. You are 100% wrong. First you are at low MMR. Hence why you win 90% of your games. Secondly, if you face a good coordinated SWF with good perks and items. They will completely obliterate you.
Taking a break from gaming in general? That sounds like a good idea but yeah i don't know what to do that's fun other then gaming.
Gen rushing and sweaty teams/SWF also ruin the game and no one is complaining about it.
The meta changed. New perks are used. And no. Off The Record didin't replace DH. Off The Record replaced DS. Cause DS is complete trash now. DH is still a very good perk.
My current survivor build is Dead Hard, Off The Record, Unbreakable and Adrenaline. That's a pretty good build that will take your games far. You can switch Dead Hard for Lithe if you want. Both very solid perks.
Those dudes haven't played DBD at all im afraid. That whole tier list is a joke.
I would easily put Vecna into DBD.
It's a common strategy. It works pretty well for killers and that's it.
It's funny how entitled survivor mains want everything on their side. Before they try to do something about tunneling again they are going to have to do something about hyperfocus, toolboxes and proves. Plus all the sweat perks like CoH, lithes etc. You say it's not fun being tunneled, but is it fun for the killer in…
He is just boring imo. And he isnt really that strong either. As someone said, he is map dependent because of the locker spawns. I like the remnant which can lead to some good plays. But it can be countered. I just feel like he isnt worth playing.
All this really isnt worth it. Its cool to see stats yeah. But not really good for comparing the modes. If you ask me, a good coordinated 4 man SWF with very good perks such as CoH, Lithes, Proves. It's very hard for the killer to do anything. As people previously said your MMR is probably low. Appreciate the stats. Peace.
Agreed. I also think the tiles sometimes are pretty strong for the survivors. And some filler pallets around them as well.
What im gonna say right now is a fact no one can deny. If you find a very good team with 4 proves, adrenalines, lithes, dead hards. They are pretty much unstoppable.
I didin't even bother reading the whole thing. But reducing the the gens to 85 seconds and even buffing prove thyself is beyond stupidity since gens are still pretty fast with Proves and hyperfocus. Anything prove deserves is nerfs, not buffs.
They want to buff "killer". BHVR: Proceeds to give base kit unbreakable to survs.
I have been playing for almost a year. I loved the game. In that time i managed to become a proud killer main, and got all the killers. Killer is a really fun and unique mode. And i enjoyed it alot for quite some time. But with the recent updates and decisions BHVR mad,and how the game is infested with cheaters now. I…
Very true unfortunately.
Yup. This makes me think devs are surv mains. They did one killer sided patch. And immediately reverted it.
Blight is terrible on that map because the colissions are broken. Either you slide or hit something invisible. Real sadge.
The whole map is just broken, making it very difficult for killers.
Replying to all the comments is boring. So i will just say it here for everyone. Nurse is harder to catch up then any other killer. But pretty easy to master after that. Her difficulty is exaggerated by the community. I don't know how a killer that ignores walls, pallets and can literally teleport at high speeds is the…
This is a theory and the one i believe the most. No one actually confirmed this. But i believe PH can beat the entity easily and he is there to punish it as well.
Yea lmao but the thing is, deadman's switch can't be used now. Oh yeah, it still regresses but the thing is. If someone is working on it and you dont know who and what gen because there's no info. it's useless. You are just delaying a few seconds the inevitable
Pyramid Head easily has the best chase/terror radius music. The most unique one for sure.
Clown is underrated. Clown is pretty good in loops.The pink bottles slow people down in for example pallets or windows loops. Which you easily guarentee a hit. Same as is other bottles. As much as i don't use them much. It's still great to catch up.
You can't just expect for them to implement everything from RE 3 Nemesis. They had to do something with it. And they did what they thought it would fit for him. And honestly. Its okay. He has his tentacle and his zombies. Could it be better?Yes. But i think it's not bad. Leon bring a flashbang. He is a cop and even in RE 2…
This. SWF's with flashlight are so easy and fun to play against because the fakes of picking up always work so in the end i just snowball them all cause they keep trying. Here is a tip.
Definitely survivor sided. The buildings have too many windows and there is really safe pallets for really long loops. So yeah. That's why i hate playing on Haddonfield
Tbh the buff to his basekit would be adding more time for the Tier 3. Something like 20 or 30 seconds more would make him alot stronger.
As much overused this idea has been. I would always enjoy a FNAF chapter and a Slender-Man chapter. I think they could create something really cool, unique with these 2 concepts.
This game is far from being balanced. Due to maps mostly. Look at Gideon. That map is known to have the most pallets in the game(20+ish) with like more then 3 god pallets. That map is the most survivor sided map on DBD so far. So anyone that can loop and is in Gideon. You are pretty much done. Another survivor sided map i…
Fair enough. Iron Will not working while exhausted. I have to agree. It's pretty bad and unecessary. But the 75% is completely fine.
I think the nerf is more then fair. We can all agree that the 100% was too OP. Specially for killers that need audio like Spirit. 75% is still pretty great. You can't hear much but atleast you can hear now.