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  • Its fair. Its still an inconvenience for survivors that ends up getting survivors killed sometimes. As a killer, you shouldn't disincentivize late-game altruism because late-game altruism can get you more kills. Plus its fun for both sides. EGC should be for ending the game, not meant to land you kills you shouldn't…
  • I've been saying for years that they could make like a blue or pink version of legacy. P3-50 Max Perks a character before X date (like pre-graphics overhaul). Opening people up to obtain Legacy again will make it basically worthless, but they can reskin it in a way. P3-50 Max Perks takes like 12M+ bloodpoints, plus needing…
  • The event started 51 hours ago. 3 days is 72 hours. Its been 2 days. But it still sucks. I've missed out on at least a million bloodpoints these last few days since nobody else's offerings give me anything.
  • If you walk up to a fire barrel or any fixture with fire and you're holding M2 (you have a bottle in your hand), Pressing the secondary ability button allows The Clown to morph that bottle into a Molotov Cocktail after like a 3 second animation. Pressing M1 to stash the bottle back in your pocket turns it back into a…
  • Crossplay is a great idea. Console Survivors vs PC Killer is nothing really different. Console survivors will just have to learn to run tiles better instead of relying on 360s so much. A number of great PC survivors play on controller. Keyboard doesn't really have an advantage for survivor. This isn't a competitive shooter
  • If they ever did a legacy 2.0, it should be if you p3-50 MAX PERKS. Getting to P3-50 is the easy part, and maxing the perks takes even more bloodpoints than going from P0-1 to P3-50. Maxing all perks also means you were dedicated enough to get all the teachables and spend money getting all the DLCs. It's the only thing…
  • I wish props did something
  • Mettle of Mom is a bullshit perk but it's kind of similar to Spirit Fury - rewards you substantially for just playing the game normally. Both perks need to be altered to make the conditions something that isn't just playing the game normally. I'd also like to see some kind of indication that the perk is on the table…
  • Now in a 1v1 situation, killers have the upper hand. Just close the hatch to power the gates and activate your lovely NOED perk. With Whispers, the last survivor will never escape. You can now activate NOED every game, even if no gens get done loool
  • Ebonys shouldn't even be in the game imo. Make Ivory Mori ultra rare and require all 4 survivors to be hooked first. Done. Promotes not tunnelling and has some counter play instead of giving the morid survivor a bad game and easy depip.
  • It's funny you listed Spirit as a fine killer concept when she ACTUALLY goes invisible. The devs keep the shimmer on wraith and allow you to see Freddy during the transition, but a coinflip killer literally popping up in front of your face is okay. There's not much outplay potential because you receive no feedback when…
  • So because of Sprint Burst, we have to annoyingly deal with canceled heals every game and deal with the removal of some tech? Yeah, just bind canceling to something else. It's a not a bad idea to Sprint burst far from the hook, anyways. Better yet! Why not make the tips found on the loading screen actually useful tips for…
  • Good. Current Legion is a braindead bullshit killer that should've never existed in its current state. The changes coming to him are mostly fantastic but I'm sure there will be some tweaks, like being unable to see blood is slightly unnecessary but doesn't change too much. Legions the only DLC I haven't bought but that…
  • Sounds like you just need to get better, especially if you think purple flashlights are still even good. Did you even play the game before 2.0? Killer is the easiest it's ever been.
  • "so they can face, without being scared, the teams that act like a swarm, skilled in the loops, ready to blind and bodyblock to deny a hook, devastating totems in a matter of seconds and often inclined to gen rush." Sounds like your problem isn't the communication, it's 4 good survivors playing together. In solo queue,…
  • One charge of puke is all that's usually needed to make somebody injured/broken. If you catch a survivor away from a safe area, they can be punished by puked on and M1'd for a down. She can heavily punish mistakes similar to Billy.
  • I don't think they said it gave her a ranged attack I believe they said that the fountains heal survivors, but the fountains can be infected to harm survivors.