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  • I guess I missed that survey. I never would've said that this map and Freddy's map was fine. Even now Freddy's map is unplayable, where I get huge fps drops in areas of the map! If I come across these maps until there is a fix, there is no point in playing it, dc or suicide and move on to a map that IS playable!
  • yep same with me many times. I keep forgetting that all hills are glitched atm. so annoying! cant even dc bcs the the ban is back. so Im stuck there for the rest of the match until the killer decides to come and get free hit and hook points.
  • Yea Ive had the same issue of constant fps drops and jagged performance of game play, both survivor and killer. Really annoying and hurts my eyes while playing. Taking a break form this game bcs of it. Also experienced players Dc'ing or game crashing due to the latest up date being unstable.
  • After 4.0.2 and still the webs are dry; so how is the post even "acknowledge"? 1 million points on survivor and only 14 cakes, 5 flashlights and 7 med kits? 1 million points on killer and only 22 cakes?! am I the only unlucky pleb to get such a low rate of event items? So many of my killer webs had no cakes! The rate that…
  • Blood Point cap max of 1 million should be turn off and uncapped for this event. Its utterly painful to see only 1 cake or NONE in my killer webs (Edit: going through more blood webs for killer, Ive actually got no cakes- a web completely void of anything suggesting there is an event!) and forced to spend points because of…
  • Another 1.2 million 1 event flash light and 1 event med kit. More than 50% of my blood webs lack any event items and mystery boxes. Hopefully when the cake offerings get "fixed", the blood webs can be addressed as well?
  • this is getting ridiculous, just played bubba and on post game score board it showed No perks or add ons with Oni's power!? As well I still can not click any profiles. Id like to see the killer build most of the time, so this is annoying af! Pig as killer, score board no perks no adds Freddy's power.
  • Yes, it does look like its bugged. Ive tried many times and nothing has counted toward the achievement.
  • Platform: PC Area: NA/CA, East Coast Ive just waited over 10 minutes to get into a killer lobby(rank 5) to complete a killer daily and my ping was 145?! Now Im testing survivor and still the same garbage! @BVHR this is completely unacceptable; to wait that long for a killer lobby and get awful ping, then consistently get…
  • Survivors can leave the trial if the RBT is not activated via the opened gates; all survivors can exit the trial regardless if the RBT is active or not via the hatch.
  • Yes it is still an on going issue, happens to me a lot and I'm on PC. It will be a difficult fix due to latency; so if you're going against a swf and they're friends from all over the world, chances are good for some of them to have a high ping. Its sad to see that killers can no longer see the survivors' ping during…
  • That happens to me as well and I am on PC. Playing killer I will be in a chase, vaulting a window, or breaking a pallet and in some random instances I get that same type of slower movement speed. The survivors gain a large amount of distance to extend the chase. Really awful and unfair imo.
  • @Citrusfruit, Thank you so much for some awesome feedback and lovely comments ❤️I'm so glad you enjoyed those ideas to Amanda's powers. With that said, I feel a killers' power should be strong and bring some sort of ominous feeling in a particular instance. In comparison to a Survivors' perk, Adam Francis' Deliverance:…
  • https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/154422/the-pigs-add-on-rework#latest Cheers ❤️
  • Yes an old Dev pod cast Ive seen, mentioned that they are in the works for a rework on a bunch of killers, some time in the distant future. I just a post on where I should place my thoughts/ideas of The Pig's rework Add Ons. You are absolutely right that most of her Add Ons are underwhelming and RBT based; where in the mid…
  • There are many bugs on billy atm, that one feels like bumping into a wall and the normal chainsaw cool down timers are stacking. its ridiculous and its on PC as well. Also if you think you let go in time before you hit the object and you get that glitch, its bcs you came too close to the object and letting go at that time…
  • I guess these crashes are just random or just on Auto Haven? This time on Bloodlodge, against the wraith. I was running from the killer next to killer shack. This is getting to be ridiculous!
  • it is a 'bug" and there are some discussions on similar issues about the wraith. since then there is a post where it has been "acknowledged". so hopefully a fix comes out soon?
  • another hook bug: while trying to save a survivor on the hook, I got hit with the plague's corrupt puke and got stuck at the hook in the unhooking animation?!
  • the more patches the more broken billy gets. Ive tested this in kyf and just now in a live game; the chainsaw hit box is now smaller?! Ive ran by survivors and they just walk right by me. normally the chainsaw would have a curve animation and hit them. also tested in kyf on the pied piper map, the car in front of the…
  • can confirm billy is still bugged. just got out of a game and chainsaw faking stutter's and makes me lose movement speed with animation freezing. base kit chainsaw is still slow and not the 2.5 sec as it was. rip billy 😥
  • sounds very much like my games; both as killer and survivor.. luck means nothing from my experiences.
  • Right which is controlled by a smaller parameter of only having 4 boxes, base kit. Whereas the Trapper base kit for attempts is much larger, hence the title of this post
  • So the Pig's boxes are not random is what youre saying. bcs its 1 in 4? but it could happen at any one of those boxes, which is random? ye you make a ton of sense. Have a smaller parameter of 1 in 5 base kit, is still random bcs it could be in any one of those attempts; having a ridiculous amount of attempts over 15 is…
  • 1-5 or 1-15, landing an escape attempt on the former vs the latter is still "random". Which instance would you rather have? A consistent parameter, say 1 in 5 attempts (base kit, no add ons) is still "random". Hence why I said it is poor, because when I play as the killer, survivors escape quickly. Than when I verse a…
  • the rng is really poor and the difference of when I play killer vs survivor is night and day; as survivor its an average of 10 attempts to escape, mostly unsuccessful and when I play killer I see survivors escape on their first try. I give up playing as Trapper. it needs to be more consistent, especially when running…
  • Wraith is severely bugged atm(among other killers, after the 3.7.0 up date), some of his add ons dont work, along with speeds for cloaking, uncloaking and movement; A similar post, wraith being bugged, was placed regarding his add ons and has been "acknowledged" awhile ago. hopefully a fix comes out soon \o/
  • He does feel very different after patch 3.7.0. for me I feel the base kit chainsaw(no add ons) charge time is slower than before; movement is also strange. hopefully there will be a fix soon?
  • duplicate post; was mentioned awhile ago in a previous post and it has been "acknowledged". Hopefully a patch comes out soon?
  • billy is different after the latest patch; base kit chainsaw(no add ons) charge speed feels a ton slower. Ive tested it with a timer and it does show an increase in charge time, from the 2.5 sec it suppose to be? Also his walk animation feels different, almost as playing as wraith, it has a bobble to his walk. kinda of an…
  • before patch 3.7.0 prove thyself would have the progress bar grey when 2 players were working on the same gen and you could see the difference in gen speed. now when 2 players are working on the same gen the progress bar is red and the gen speed does not looked like it has a buff.. if prove thyself is truly adding the 15%…
  • Yep, wraith does feel slower and so is billy base kit chainsaw charge time.
  • Same. Very annoying; Id like to play killer, but Im getting a headache hearing that sound throughout the entire match; does not go away even on different maps or running a map offering. I guess I know why kiiler queues are decent at the moment- who really wants to play killer with that constant nuisance happening. Awful.
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