I lost a game solely because of the Technician
This perk is one of the most counter-intuitive things I've ever seen in a video game. My teammate Feng (clearly a beginner) was on one of his misadventures playing this game, where he had a notable difficulty performing SkillChecks. The citizen managed to make the generator last twice as fast due to its consecutive…
6 Years 👍️
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EM3-cl-svPsYoVhtcyLeLIrNPt30NJ7y/view?usp=sharing 6 years...
Head On and Inner Strength QoL Changes
With this new Undying + Ruin meta, Inner Strength basically won an indirect buff and I started using it again, but as soon as the placei in my build I remembered why I stopped using it. I believe that certain changes in this perk would make it more pleasant to use Inner Strength The heal time starts when since you…
Make breakable walls an interaction of survivors and add breakable valts
(Google Translate) Breakable walls should never have been an interaction for Killers. It is not enough killers who waste time in earlygame with their own power like Trapper / Hag / Demo, you need to break a wall to make a God loop a common loop is just stupid. Making them an interaction of the survivors would make a lot…
I really want to recommend DbD to my friends but ...
(Google Translate) I can't do this while MMR and MatchMaking are a joke I will not put my friends to play a frustration simulator being trampled by players with thousands of hours, not giving them the opportunity to make mistakes and learn without feeling like crap BHVR, I don't really understand your priorities, but if…
Doctor without his chase music from the survivor's perspective
(Google Translate) I played against a Doctor and his chase music was one of the game's standards, not the one that was made for him in his adjustment
Boil Over basekit?
(Google Translate) Title In addition, I think an increase in weegle speed after being grabbed by the killer after 25-30 seconds of getting off the hook is an interesting addition to discourage tunneling. Maybe ignore Iron Grasp?
I'm done, maybe i'll back when kindred basekit / keys-moris gone
Devs are give a sh#t to fix bugs, imagine the frustrations that keep players out from fun on both sides. I honestly cannot tolerate this incompetence anymore, do you know how much you are losing by making stupid decisions? Why this game is not free? you already capitalize with dlcs and skins, what're you guys waiting for?…
My FPS uncap when I broadcast on discord kekw
Just take the test Start a DbD transmission on Discord and watch your fps return as it was before this update Do not ask me why And not only that, I realized that when I was in Full Screen my FPS was locked at 30, while I put it in window mode it went back to normal Apparently I'm forced to play in window mode or broadcast…
GhostFace Basekit/Addons Changes
(Google Translate) @Peanits Currently GhostFace is completely dependent on addons mainly the ones of Cooldown, being practically impossible not to use at least one of them in the match My ideas are to improve the GF basekit and unlink the passive way that the cooldown addons currently work, requiring some condition to…
Jigbox should not give the key to disabled traps
(Google Translate) This would make the Pig trap less useless. When looking in a box with the trap off, you would just be eliminating the search in that box later. If you look at all, you will find the key in the last box Thoughts?
Plague is just boring now and how to fix it
(Google Translate) The mere fact that corruption is OP compels players not to purify themselves, thus causing the killer not to use his true power. Being impossible to dodge corruption, players simply prefer to be broken, making noise and having a terrifying green effect than purifying themselves, making an unfortunate…