If pallets and DH are decided on the server..
Why can't the survivors screams be too? Getting false positive feedback is super frustrating.
New trapper noise
The noise when trapper picks up his traps now is so out of place what were they thinking ?
Does counterforce affect boon Totems ?
Does anyone know if counterforce let's you bless quicker ?
SBMM has ruined killer queue times.
I used to play quite regularly but with SBMM I spend longer getting into a game than I do playing it. I don't find the games I do play any different than before . Is anyone else just playing less due to the longer wait?
Does SBMM only take in to account kills and escapes ?
From the developer update it seems they are only measuring escapes as a win. Does this mean crouching in the corner all game and getting hatch is a win but doing 5 gens and getting 6 unhooks with super long chases but dying is a loss ? I think if we're going to have SBMM we need to know what a win is
Is the basement outdated ?
This isnt a complaint just wondered what people think. With a handful of killers that can just make it impossible to save in the basement and any killer can at least get a trade if anyone goes for unhooks is the basement good for DBD? Also as killer some times you just wanna hook and go and if basement is the only hooks…
What will happen to the labs offering ?
Will it just be unusable or will it be converted to something else ?
How has deathslinger not been reworked?
A ranged killer with a tiny terror radius, able to zone for free just cross your fingers and hope he misses. It's not that he's a stronger killer he's just boring to play against
Hemorrhage add-ons ?
Does anyone use these ? Freddy has at least two not sure why I would use them ? Can they ever be useful ?
Why shouldn't I tunnel?
It's the best strategy , it works and often leads to super altruistic teammates. It's not like any one expects survivors to ignore a hex or ignore a gen. We also don't expect survivors to make it fun for killers so I don't see why it matters if someone dies early.
Totems spawns are broken
5 games in a row I have had at least one totem spawn no more than 10 metres away form a gen in clear view. Why has this not been fixed ?
What if everyone got 6 perks ?
How broken would that make the game ? The current problem with the game is there is must pick perks especially for killer. It might get average perks used a bit more one thing this game needs is a new meta
Useless offerings ?
Have the Devs ever addressed offerings. It seems like there's a lot of filler stuff that I don't think anyone would miss. I think a clean up off offerings is due
How do people enjoy playing legion ?
You can't down with your power and if you miss your power you take a stun longer that nurse. They are just so dull to play
Weighted Head add-on pointless ?
What is the use for Weighted Head add-on for huntress what does 10 seconds of incapacitated get me ?
Does anyone play Billy anymore ?
It seems like after his change I never see him anymore. Is it because better killers are out or he's just lackluster? It would be interesting to see all the kills pick rates.
Question for colour blind players
With the latest response from the Devs on colour blind support being " we will get to it when we get to it", does this make you wanna stop playing the game? I've never had any issues myself but I can't imagine still playing this game I'd I couldn't see scratch marks or auras.
Trapper change
Why did they change the escape rates over letting trapper start with 2 traps? People have been asking for this for years it just seems like they don't want to cave in now.
Any uses for deadmans switch ?
Has anyone managed to find a use for dead man's switch ? It seems useless if not detrimental if you have ruin.
Skilled Huntress ps5 issue
Why didn't the Devs reduce the achievement for the play station 5 version it's still at 100? Seems like an oversight. At least we get tracking I guess
Can't get adept because you use your chainsaw too much
Surely you shouldn't be punished for using your power in the pip system. Trying to get 4 iri emblems for the achievement is made worse when you don't get enough "hits" in chaser. Will/ have they addressed this ?
Desperate measures buff
Should desperate measures work on totems too ? With hexes becoming more meta this would make this perk a more versatile option
New blueprints and keys
Why were the new offerings added ? They work so well together, that with out Franklin's you have to slug most of the team once hatch in close to appearing. Hatch was fair when it was random but now the brown offering can mean a free escape
Freddy Vs trapper
Why does Freddy have a teleport, slow down with the dream state, oblivious with dream state, non directional terror radius and an anti chase with snares, but trapper can only have one trap?
Issues with new offerings
While more offerings are a good thing, we have 6 luck offering, four reagents and 4 oak offerings that do close to nothing. I would rather see theses offering removed or reworked to have more of a use
Simple trapper buff idea
Start the trapper with all his traps and change the bag addons to give him more. You should still have reposition your traps so if you place a trap in the corner of the map it's on you instead of random RNG. I think this simple change could make trapper deadlier but not overwhelming. Any thoughts ?
New found respect for survivor mains....
As a killer main trying to do the archive challenges I dont know how anyone plays survivor only. The 10/20 min queue times, the face camping at 5 gens, the moris , the teammates that are allergic to gens and running the killer for muilple gens and getting one hooked, all of this is more soul destroying then any sweaty swf…
Gen and pallet breaks
Why is breaking a pallet a button press and a gen kick is a hold ?