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  • I rather see them changed in a way that is fun for both sides, when I saw the knight trailer, I thought I would be able to swap between the characters (guards)a and use them myself, I was disappointed when I saw they were AI. SM drones should be reworked because right now there is no point in dodging them in chase, you'll…
  • Unfortunately they would still bring those perks + free base kit corrupt.
  • Yes, Tomb Raider is not horror 100% yet is not a stranger to this genre either. There's plenty of horror elements in the franchise. The original ones specially are well known for enemies that jump out of nowhere and lots of unsetting places (the end of Tomb Raider 1, the antarctic in 3 is 100% horror or the swamp in…
  • Probably busy complaining about Vecna, and they'll swap to Dracula in a couple of months 😂
  • Let killers leave through the exit gates (or something alike) once all gens are done and let survivors stay till the end game colapse ends in case they want to do extra objectives for challenges or whatever By that time the match is already over and is not like giving up mid match. I don't want to camp or get kills by…
  • Dont know what's the point of these posts, is not like BHVR is going to care anyway. They'll stick to the licenses they can get / already have in the works.
  • Yes please, I'm having lots of fun as both roles. I agree 💯 % about add-ons/items and I would even remove map offerings. Please BHVR, keep this mode 🙏 is the closest thing to a casual mode.
  • Can we let them test the mode first? I think as a first step this is great, monitoring those 5 killers (+ their roles) will be easier than the whole thirty whatever. They already said they'll introduce more killers in future versions, but let's see how ppl enjoy the mode first. And the good thing is that you're not forced…
  • Im really excited because we could get non human survivors with plenty of cool cosmetics + the killer could have some pretty interesting powers coming from a fantasy world. Cant wait to see the map also :D I like Stranger things but Im not a fan of having more than one chapter per franchise, RE was enough for me. I'm ok…
  • I'd keep it the way it is or maybe give the endurance to both survivors. But as others have stated, BU+FtP shouldn't even exist.
  • Such a pity waiting all this time for the Twins rework and almost everything is reverted. Couldn't they find a middle ground between live twins and their PTB version? Like letting Victor latch onto downed survivors as an OPTION while giving Charlotte haste for a couple of seconds.
  • Always except for challenges or toxic behavior
  • If you want to kill them by ANY MEANS then they have the right to ask for tools to at least try to fight those means.
  • Hitting someone on hook twice should stun the killer for 10 seconds. Crouching twice near an exit gate, should block it for this person for 10 seconds. Now coming back to reality, just ignore them, if there's ppl still alive, the killer is wasting their time; and if you are the last survivor, just do something else, the…
  • I see these posts with evey recently released killer. Can't wait for the anniversary to see the reasons why the next killer is going to be a D 😅
  • Whatever you want to believe bud
  • I don't see why dowing survivors during endgame is toxic. But I agree 💯 about killers rising their MMR when they should not because of a perk. And good luck if the totem spawns next to the downed/hooked person, this person can say GG next even if it was their first down/hook xD That said, downing 4 ppl with it doesn't seem…
  • If you don't feel like spending money right now, don't do it. Alan will always be there ( and of not, they'll give you time before removing it xD) so you're not in a hurry. I'd save that money for the next chapter that includes a new survivor and killer + their respective cosmetics. Don't spend money if you're not sure, I…
  • Good, ppl who can't play much also have the right to get rewards without turning the game into a job. For those more dedicated to the game, I think prestiges should give better rewards.
  • I only let killers hit me at exit gates if they are already there, if they aren't and my teammates no longer need help, I leave. As killer o also appreciate when survivors just leave, but if I'm already at the exit gates and they want to give me those extra hits, I won't say no lol. Overall I think is better to just leave…
  • I think if you want to be nice/fair, is for those survivors who are also nice, so you all can have fun. Never expect to be treated nicely by toxic ppl since they will alway have an excuse to act as such. I don't tunnel/camp and I found many survivors who are nice during endgame chat or giving me their items instead of…
  • 😍: RPD, Midwich, Ormond and Lery's (I love indoors). 🤮: Garden of Joy, Swamp, Badham and Haddonfield.
  • Personally I prefer original chapters, and we got way too many licenses back to back. BUT since this is about licenses, I'd say Jason since I think this horror hall of fame feels incomplete without him. (I'd love The Thing and IT tho)
  • At this point, if killers really NEED that 4k because hatch is unfair, requires 0 skill or their families have being kidnapped and their lives depend on that 4k...can we have a give up button that let us move to the next match while we are replaced by a bot?? So they can still have that absolutely necessary 4k? That would…
  • I'm not interested in prestiges on either side other than P3 for perks, and I already have all survivors/killers at 3 so I couldn't care less. - They offer nothing, other than a number. - Ppl tend to think high P = Skill and I've seen ppl mocking high P during endgame chat for not performing as their number would suggest.…
  • I'm pretty sure the new player experience ain't fun either for new killers being paired against experienced survivors that will make the game as stressful as possible and still BM them after clearly seeing it's a new player. So its bad for both sides. Other than that, I agree. I stopped playing survivor for now because…
  • To me it would be definately Ash, i know he says stuff in lobby, but i think he deserves the same treatment as Nicholas Cage.
  • As solo survivor, what I'd like to see is: - A basekit weaker version of kindred that shows only the aura of your teammates even if for a few seconds, just to know who is closer to the hooked person. - Some kind of indicator for perks like power struggle or head on, so teammates/you can act according to those perks. -…
  • I'm really enjoying all these teasers and I'm very excited. I hope it can mimic survivors in some way! I love licenses, but I still prefer original chapters because we know nothing about them and are more mysterious. Also they are more likely to get skins + being able to buy them with shards. And deeper lore. Most of my…
  • Personally I love Dramaturgy and Kindred. Those are almost always in my builds. Being useful to the team while hooked feels good and I love the randomness of Dramaturgy 😬
  • I rather see those being entirely removed, just accept the map you get like everyone else. "But what if I need it for an achievement?" Well then you hope for that map to be selected by the game, because it seems everyone needs achievements in the maps more convenient for them 🌝
  • Skull merchant matches are pure sci-fi, all drones and bots 😂 I'm not sure if ppl refuse to play against her or if her toolkit is really problematic, specially for newer players since she has a lot of stuff that may be hard to understand at first. Either way, she is too strong and/or hated so much that ppl refuse to play…
  • He looks fantastic, I play Vittorio and Dredge a lot and Im so glad with their cosmetics 😬 Is this outfit time limited?
  • Probably because previously only a specific group of ppl used to play him and focused on M2s for fun even if they threw the game. Right now is a popular killer which means all kind of ppl will play him, and tunneling is on the menu right now, it seems. But I'm pretty sure all those Billies u mentioned are still chilling…
  • I feel like i miss funny perks again, Ripley and Alan were pretty boring to me :(
  • Same, my friends don't play DBD and is not on custom games. I don't mind having it available for customs, but I want to play it with randoms😟 Hopefully they'll reconsider, because even if they add new modifiers, I like the dark setting.
  • I don't understand why it has to be removed other than updating it. It's in a different queue so those who don't want to play it will still be able to play the game normally? It would be nice keeping it for those of us who want a change from core game here and there
  • - That I miss darker maps more than I thought - I enjoyed stealth killers as never before - Many times when I drop a chase because I go for jumpscares, survivors end up running into me again 🤣 - How fun this game can be when we don't sweat - I suck at tracking players, can't play without my "discordance" and "Nowhere to…
  • Poor Freddy being specifically affected by this perk + being left out of "Lights out" lol. When i saw the killer roster for the first time during the modifier, i thought of you xD But yes, if adrenaline doesn't rid survivors of Plague's, wesker's and Nemesis' infections + any other killer with some kind of status…
  • I'm loving it as stealth killers, i think is the dream of those of us who love jumpscaring ppl. The setting is great and maps like Lery's truly make dbd feel like a horror game. It doesn't mean is perfect and im sure it could be improved, but knowing that it will be completely removed saddens me. I wish we could keep both…
  • Not sure if it's killing the game, but certanly has killed my willingness to play survivor for the time being. In the last week i haven't touched the game once as that role. Things must be really out of control when i've seen some survivors thanking me during endgame chat for not tunneling xD
  • I'm sure is extremely unlikely since it's the remake one and it only has one movie. Unless they added the original one and...yeah 😩
  • The perk randomizer is my top pick and is already in-game via challenges. But I want it to be a feature that is always available and not a time limited modifier. I'd even add a killer randomizer 🤣 For modifiers, I'd like to see that 2vs8 maybe perkless, I think it was implied that instead of hooks there would be something…
  • DS should start a knight-like animation where the 4 survivors mori the killer. I'm sure killers would stop tunneling...i would like to see that animation as killer tho 🤔🤣 Jokes aside, i'm pretty sure is easier to buff DS than making 50 changes for alternatives that would affect other perks/mechanics.
  • Soloq is always miserable, i dont think is worse now lol. I feel like there are only 2 roles: SWF and Killer. SoloQ is...there, like bot matches, is a feature that doesn't represent a real match 🤣 Personally i mainly play killer and my rule for survivor is: If in 3 matches i didn't have any fun, i just call it a day and…
  • Oh definitely! I always thought it would be a cool feature, adding some kind of special ending cutscene when 4 ppl escape 😬