Nemesis causing dedicated servers to crash
For the past 2 days (could not determine which log file would have the correct one from yesterday but I included from when it happened today), 3 out of 4 nemesis matches I have played have caused dedicated servers to crash halfway through the game. There seems to be no other common thing other than that at least 1 person…
Wraith Uncloak Attack Not Working
The Wraith normally lets you instantly attack when you uncloak, its his main feature, the uncloak lunge. Platform PS4 When you uncloak it makes you wait like a half a second to be able to attack, wasting your entire surprise and uncloak lunge speed that makes Wraith even playable. This happens frequently.
Demogorgon basic attack animation bugged.
When using a basic attack, Demogorgons left hand doesn’t animate properly, it stretches and his fingers go all straight.
HEX: NOED Spectator visibility glitch
I was in a SWF with my friends and I died on hook, the killer (wraith) was running NOED. So when they finished the last gen it activated. I found that when I switched which friend I was spectating I could very briefly see NOED's aura no matter it's distance. Extra info if necessary, the map was The Game, Killer had…
Singularity Ability not working
Character: Singularity Issue: Pods are able to be launched but cannot be accessed. *Attempted to insert video of bug but site would not allow it to upload*
Scratch marks not going on the Garden of Joy
So, i was on a custom match, playing Wesker on Garden of Joy, trying to slide on fences and stuf, and when there was a bot left i noticed some scratch marks next to a hook, i thought i put pebble on bots but when i downed the bot, the scratches stayed there, next to the hook, as if the ghost of one of the bots was running…
Tile generation bug on groaning storehouse (ps4)
On my last match I had a tile generation bug on the shack-side of the groaning storehouse, it seems to be that a tile had a different orientation on my screen to the survivors and servers perception, there was also an untextured section of the ground next to shack. The whole video is too big to send but I did take some…
Nurse Blink deadzones
Nurse can't Blink through certain stuff at the 2nd floor of the Crotus Prenn Asylum main building. Here is a Twitch clip showing where she can't blink. Nurse bugs - Twitch
RPD and The Game are causing massive input delay, high latency, and performance issues
Every other map seems fine, definitely can notice a bit of it, it might have to do with the servers being jank since the start of the event but the worst of it is on RPD and The Game. Getting major input delay, high latency, and a lot of FPS drops when I go to RPD or The Game, and it only seems to be this bad on these two…
Bone Clapper add-on is not working
I played a game yesterday against a Wraith that was using Bone Clapper but the bell's sound was the default one. The other add-on he was using was the brown one that removes terror radius for a few seconds after uncloaking EDIT: Oh yeah, I just remembered that his "cloak and uncloaking" whooshing sounds (I don't know how…
Multiple Knight Bugs
The guards will not got thru recently dropped pallets(mid Hunt) they will re-route and not go through the pallets as intended and will get stuck on windows sometimes. Problems started on 6.6.0(Tools of Torment) patch. Problems persisted in 6.6.1. Problems persisted on 6.7.2, along with the Knight being stunned after…
Friendly Competition not working with Prove Thyself
Platform: Steam I played 3 matches with both Friendly Competition and Prove Thyself equipped. Each match I would finish a gen with someone else, and the Friendly Competition would not activate. Then I took Prove Thyself off, and Friendly Competition finally worked. Nothing in the description of these 2 perks indicates that…
PC - get no credit towards individual pallets dropped in match
Dropped both event and normal pallets in the match while being chased by the killer. Got 0 progress in the individual challenge progress bar at the end of the match.
PC - breathed life remix challenge and Property damage remix
I'm having trouble with the random skill challenges for both the killer and survivor. What happens is that when I select the challenge and enter a match, I play with my assigned skills, but at the end of the match, the random skills that should have been assigned appear. I need help because if I don't fix this, I won't be…
Invitations bugged?
Playing as survivor, the killer and I both tried to interact with an invitation shrine but to no avail. I was on PC Steam and the killer's profile was visible, so he was on Steam too. Second game I was able to pick it up no problem.
not getting any blood points after match
platform:xbox issue not getting any blood points after match started when event was released and happens for every game i play
Ready Up Glitch
On my friends screen, he's joining the game and everything completely fine. But on my screen, he won't even show up, and if I join one of his games myself he'll show up, but he won't be readied even if he's readied on his screen. What is this
Recovery Bug
I'm on playstation 4 and I have been getting the recovery option when I'm on the hook or being healed standing up and when I'm fully healed. I don't know how it happens but I do have some pictures
Muchos errores desde que empezó el aniversario en xbox
Soy de xbox y desde que empezó el aniversario estoy sufriendo los siguientes errores: no veo a amigos que están conectados dentro del juego (o si que los veo pero no me deja ni unirme a su lobby ni invitarlos al mío), error de progreso después de cada partida, si se une alguien a mi lobby ni veo el mensaje ni veo a nadie…
Dedicated server is not responding: disconnecting
I play on my PC through steam. I have had Dead By Daylight for about 2 years and just recently I started getting kicked from 2-3 games everyday. I have gotten 30 min penalties for something that's not my fault. There is no problem with my internet, the install, or any of my pc parts. I uninstalled the game to see if it…
Nurse's Matchbox addon + Agitation makes her faster than 115 killers
Performed 3 tests on Rotten Fields, walking from one end of the map to another: Nurse w/ Matchbox+Agitation, carrying survivor: ~25 seconds Nurse w/ Agitation, carrying survivor: ~29 seconds Trapper, NOT carrying survivor: ~27 seconds My guess is that the modifier on movement speed when carrying a survivor was not changed…
(PC) 7 year anniversary ability button
Ability button doesn't work for both roles also can't change it in the menu, restoring setting's to default and reinstalling the game didn't help
PC - UI duplicate glitch happening for bloodpoints, shards and auric cells
Hi Platform - PC (Steam) Description of the issue: The currencies count which we see in game on the top right of the screen i.e. bloodpoints, shards and auric cells, are getting duplicated above it. Please refer to the attached file. When we are in the main screen, then it doesn't shows, but when we select either killer or…
pallet on RPD not breakable
Was playing on PC Could not break a pallet dropped by a survivor Saw in my game once will keep eye out for same pallet in future Link to twitch clip https://clips.twitch.tv/SleepyTriangularAlfalfaKeepo-WxralxhSz85MOo3Z
PC - Visual Notification on survivor and killer for cleansing dull totems
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, cleanse a dull totem Step 4 : Other survivors and killer get notified of dull totem that has been cleansed. Does not happen every time, may take a couple tries to proc it. Character played : Nea, Zarina, mikaela, and dwight Perks: inner…
"Don't Resist Treatment" Doesn't Work
Xbox One: I've been trying to complete the "Don't Resist Treatment" challenge in the latest tome as the Doctor. It requires hitting four survivors within ten seconds after they're electrocuted and with five meters of a pallet. When I hit the first survivor, the blue status bar pops up as usual. When I get the second hit,…
Ps5 - Stuck in Borgo
Was playing a match on Borgo and got a crown pillar on the wooden platform area and then got stuck. the image I attached is the corner I got stuck on where the crown pillar Spawned.
The Singularitys' EMP Printers not showing
Silent Hill map. (2k hours and can't remember the damn name) Only one EMP printer showing at any time. Duration: Entire match PC/Steam Killer had no aura blocking perks or add ons
Survivor Getting Stuck
Survivors can get stuck to the tree next to the coffin when Albert Wesker tosses them into it at the Forsaken Boneyard map. The tree is where the coffin and bent over fence is.
PC - Killer: Twins, Charlotte walks incredibly slow UNTIL Victor is crushed/Killed.
I was playing as The Twins and every time I unleashed Victor, he'd play like normal, but if I switched to Charlotte, she'd be moving at an incredibly slow speed. At one point I was able to down someone with Victor and the slow speed also effected her when I carried a survivor to a hook. She also remained slow if a Survivor…
PC - Game is unstable
Platform: PC Description: I used to play on average with 80-90 ping while connecting from the ME to EU servers. However, 2-3 weeks ago, my ping suddenly jumped up to a minimum of 130+ every match, and it has been that way since. I tried connecting to a US server, and my ping was around 160, which is consistent with what I…
Executioner bug, locked in place after caging mid DC.
Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM6WQlvnqB8 Platform: Steam Playing as: The Executioner Map: Dvarka Deepwood Survivors: Claudette with torment(the DC in question), Carlos with Torment, Nea, and Jane. What happened: Sending to cage during a DC breaks Executioner Claudette is unhooked and body blocks with her basekit…
Nurse's Spasmodic Breath with Agitation bug / Nurse can blink while carrying a survivor
Nurse's 'Spasmodic Breath' add-on with Agitation is allowing her to carry survivors double the carrying speed of Agitation. Platform: PC Steam How to reproduce: The only way for this to work is have the Spasmodic Breath add-on and Agitation equipped and down a survivor using Nurses power. It will not work if you down a…
Constant Unknown Errors and with the roup of players
Platform - PC, Launcher - Epic Games. 1.Constant Unknown Errors - happens often after leaving the match (throws not in the lobby of the maniac or the lobby of the survivalist, but in the lobby of the game) and gives an error, it is still very rare to give this error immediately after choosing a killer or survivor. 2.When I…
Game crashes
Game crashes whenever I play as the knight or against the knight never had this problem when he first came out now I'm having issues
Servers have been really laggy since the start of the event
US servers have been very laggy, I have always been on 80-100ms but everyone in my lobbies and the people I've been watching is lagging in terms of high latency and frames are constantly dropping. Have never had this issue before but it's bad. Platform: PC Steam
No "event button" in the game settings!
Why doesn't the "event button" appear in the game settings? By default, as far as I understand, this button is assigned to the Q button. And I have this button is responsible for turning the camera to the left. I changed the control button to TAB, thinking that the "event button" will remain on Q and when pressed will not…
Nemesis animation bug
Hello im writing to you guys again regarding nemesis' bugged animations while hugging walls. I play on pc and this is an issue that occurs nearly every time I will give steps on how to reproduce this 1. Walk up to a wall with tentacle strike ready Pictured below 2.Have a survivor friend observe you firing the tentacle at…
Doing actions in front of EMP chests gives both the cancel and "Collect EMP" prompts
Platform: PC Description: When doing an action in front of an EMP case, both the "Cancel" and "Collect EMP" keybinds are shown, sharing the same button as well, despite not being a valid interaction at that time. To reproduce (Note, tested with healing): Have an injured survivor next to the EMP case Stand in front of the…
Event sound cues causing sound and FPS issues
On PC, noticed on killer. For the first 6 or so hours of the event the game was playing fine, but since then I've found that certain sound cues from the event (largely when triggering the dancing torsos) cause the normal game sound to drop out. It will vary, sometimes the sound cue will overlap, sometimes it will suppress…
Noise notification not occuring when game starts while tabbed out
The game used to give me a short noise notification while im tabbed out when a match loaded in. This was helpful as i was able to perform different tasks on the PC while waiting for a game without worrying about ending up afk after the match started and im sure there are many who feel the same. Please consider fixing this…
PS4 - The Knight's guards can detect you through walls
I spawned into the Family Residence map as Haddie outside of the main building. Shortly after, the Knight summoned a guard inside the building, so I hid against the outside wall to avoid being detected. However, about a second after the guard reached it's full detection range, it somehow spotted me through the wall I was…
Stuck after using Deliverance
platform: PC i used deliverance and didnt get the broken status effect, i tried to get an invitation and was soft locked for about 2 minutes. the ghost face i was against tried grabbing and hitting me but i was still stuck but on my friends screen i was perfectly fine this happened before with the exact same circumstances…
Clown hit animation is bugged
Clown animation after hitting a survs is bugged and the movement is weird, much like the demo wipe animation being bugged also.
PC - Lampkin Lane Invisible Object
I've found this invisible "object" that players can't go thru when walking in front of this bench (visual aid on the screenshots). Walking, running, standing and crouch, always hit it. If it's hard to understand where is it, the 3 screenshots my character is situated around it. I'm sorry if someone else already posted…
Meg's Waterfront Massacre Shirt is Buggy
When you switch to another torso after equipping the Diving Vest from Meg's Waterfront Massacre collection, the two belts at the stomach area and a small equipment on the right back side of Meg's waist is there forever, both in matches and in the lobby. Whichever torso you equip will have those buggy accessories, but only…
Got Stuck In Rush Animation As Blight - PC
Platform : PC Description of the issue : I was playing a custom game with Blight to try him out, when after a rush I got stuck in the rush animation. It stopped when I did another rush and entered cooldown. Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEXasCCvfu0 Game logs :
Tombstone Piece disables survivor's interface
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : get matched againsed the Shape that is using "Tombstone Piece" add-on Step 3 : get downed while he has tier 3. NOT KILLED! just downed. Step 4 : your interface gets disabled untill you die additional info(perks, characters, add-ons) in the screenshot i'm pretty sure i got downed at the…
Loaded into match without addon equipped
I had ran out of an addon, in this case it was The Cannibal's Iridescent Flesh. I bought one from the web and joined a game, but when it loaded in, I didn't have the Iri Flesh equipped, only the accompanying Speed Limiter addon. The post game lobby showed it in my loadout, but it's still in my inventory afterwards.
Singularity EMP DC
Playing on the Game, right in the first few minutes of a Match I was unhooked and picked up an EMP. At this time the singularity was carrying another survivor and I used an EMP that destroyed 3 Pods. A few seconds later, the match is interrupted and, in the chat window, both I and the killer are shown as Disconnected.