Problem with the Ace Visconti bundle cosmetics
Inthe past you were able to buy the of flesh and mud dlc, to get the cosmetc, but the dlc kinda doesnt exist.instead, as said in the faq you were meant to be able to buy the cosmetics in the store itself so uh, a few things wrong here.
Broken cosmetic
This jake cosmetic has a scarf that isnt supposed to be there, and the scarf has a broken texture.
Skull Merchant... drone bug?
Not really sure how to title this. Was going to put in under Community Q&A but it's technically a bug. Spawned into Lery's against a Merchant, and found this thing in the corner… tried to record it but could only get a screenshot. It appears to be… maybe a drone stuck in the floor? The circles were spinning. But when one…
Hatchets hitting but not injuring
For a while this has been happening to me and every other match there will probably be a hatchet that I throw and it still makes the weird squishy noise that it makes when it hits someone, but they do not get injured or downed at all. I've also seen this in some YouTube videos and it is happening on any platform and this…
Cant even play DBD at all after I bought it. Network Connection error.
I sent a request to support team which after many days still has not had a response so I've decided to come to the forums to see if anyone can help or is having a similar issue. Error states: NO NETWORK CONNECTION In Order to access this content, An network connection is required Provider id: press here to display provider…
Crashing and lagging!
Ive played dbd now for a while and never had problems, But since the update my Game keeps on lagging so much and my sceen gets in like a slow motion even tho i have good Internet. And another problem is that my game crashes and says error but everything was fine a second before the game crashes and when i look there isnt…
The game freezes when you log in.
When you log in after the logo, the music stops on the boot screen, and not abruptly, but fades away. The boot screen is black, without the usual crosshair, and the red boot icon is just hanging at the bottom. Neither Alt+Tab, nor Alt+F4, nor Task Manager helps, only restarting the PC. I can't take a screenshot, because as…
No perks in normal mode. In post game screen shows them normally.
PC - No Mither + Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain shows status effect on the HUD, but slowdown not applied
Step 1: Play as Survivor with the No MIther perk equipped. Step 2: Get hooked on a Scourge Hook: GIft of Pain. Step 3: Upon getting rescued from the hook, the Scourge Hook: GIft of Pain status effect shows up on the HUD. Step 4: Repair and Healing speed are not affected. Although it makes sense that the Survivor with No…
Residual Manifest in Nostromo Wreckage secret door
Using the one token for Residual Manifest in the chest on the Nostromo Wreckage secret chest (in the secret door) gives a duplicate of the original item in the chest. For example, I opened the door with the card, searched the chest, and got an Engineer's Toolbox. Then I used the token from Residual Manifest and got a…
Undone Regression Penalty Error
When using the Unknown's perk "Undone", kicking a generator applies an incorrect regression penalty of 2 events instead of 1 and this happens every time the perk activates. The perk activates when a failed healing/repairing Skill Check occurs, granting 3 tokens up to a max of 30. Damaging a generator regresses the…
Inconsistent formatting on perk flavour text.
The flavor text on the Unknown's perks is incorrectly formatted as a quote. For example: On every other perk, it is formatted as plain text:
PC/Steam: Main Screen sometimes goes black after a match (since change to UE5 - 7.7.0)
You can see how this looks in this stream between 1:20:00 and 1:25:00: A restart fixes the issue, but this is still annoying.
PC - Game will "Unfocus" itself
Randomly while playing, the game (or more like my mouse and keyboard) will be no longer affect the game as if someone hit the "Windows" key to be able to use different monitors. Sadly, its not something that can be screenshotted or how to reproduced it as it happens randomly. Sometimes one or two games go by before it…
Dead Hard Bug
I was playing against a nurse recently on the chaos shuffle gamemode, i got dead hard and 2 times when i clicked the activate button before getting killed to use my dead hard it wouldnt activate, my ping was fine, i even tried to hit it a bit earlier the second time and it just did not activate. I would like to know if…
Ultimate Weapon not causing screams
Had a match against someone with Ultimate Weapon, and they procc'd it about 3 times. The first time, my character screamed. The other two times, no scream. I asked the killer (live TTV) after the fact if they were seeing the notification (the red bubble you would normally see if a survivor screams) and they said yes, but…
Nancy's Arm Bug In Lobby
I play on Xbox Series S. Nancy's arm sticks out more than it should when holding an item every time while in the lobby. I believe this began with the 7.7 update, as that is when I noticed it, but I am not entirely sure. At first I thought I was imagining it but after viewing a screenshot I took in November, it confirmed my…
ps5 deliverance
in ps5 chaos shuffle that perk don’t work i did save from hook and i wasn’t hooked not once and perk was on but still didn’t give that option to use it and added picture of end result map was LÉRY'S MEMORIAL INSTITUTE - Treatment Theatre
Repressed alliance
There's a bug with repressed reliance where sometimes if you use repressed alliance it makes your character be in the kick off animation unless doing other actions. I used it on Rebecca on Azarovs resting place immediately after mending from a legion right after merciless storm block finished. I have not gotten a chance to…
Nurse out of the map
You can do it as seen in the video works everytime and its easy if you have the brown addon to see where you are blinking. Im playing on epic games version on windows 10.
DC Bug
As the title says DC Bug have no idea what's causing it on gas haven just was DCed when attempting to break wall near generator inside gas station. Server issue maybe. Please look into I've had it happen on different maps too. Also I had a 3 player lobby glitch other day.
map glitch on bedham
on pc while on the bedham there was a couple of bushes near each other but not touching that looks like you could go between them but cant actually. i hit a survivor near them and during the faster moving phase of them being hit they walked through said area between the bushes while i could not, i tried to walk between…
Nintendo Switch - Yui Fire Moon Outfit Bugged on 2nd Hook
I just purchased the Fire Moon outfit for Yui. When she is on 2nd hook, her skin on her upper back bleeds out over the cosmetic.
Nintendo Switch - Endgame Screen Displays Terrormisu Incorrectly
This has happened to me twice in the last 24 hours. When I am the last Survivor to join a lobby and see a Nancy player, I swap my Survivor to Johnathan who has Terrormisu already selected and ready to go. When I die, or escape, the end screen falsely shows the Nancy player having brought the Terrormisu. My Perks, Item and…
"Game Version is Invalid" Error | Patch 7.7.1
soooo this hasn't happened before and all of a sudden it's happening today. i play on Steam and use a Windows 11 PC.
Nurse break animation is broken
So it's been this way for a long time, but I haven't seen anyone adress it: nurse's pallet and generator break action animations don't play properly. She's supposed to do a specific hand motion while breaking, but instead she just sticks her hand out with no animation to it at all and it's bothered me for a very long time…
Unhook option not appearing
PC - I was playing a survivor game on the Chaos Shuffle modifier and a teammate was hooked during end game and it wouldn't let me unhook him. I stood there for a while and the option never showed up. I also couldn't let them know it wasn't on purpose bc they had no chat.
I can't hit them while they're standing there.
Endgame screen showing no perks
Game clearly thinks I have no perks, despite having a full build in-game: Seems to be only a visual bug. Perks functioned fine in-game and show up like normal in lobby afterwards. PC, Steam!
PC - Missing Before The Masquerade Weekly Login Outfit pieces
I still haven't received the Meg or Huntress parts that were said to be given out each week during the Before the Masquerade Event. I've checked my characters outfits and the parts aren't in my inventories. i missed the first day of the event, but from my understanding that shouldnt of mattered because the announcment for…
No Prompt to Unhook Survivor in Basement
My platform is Xbox Series X. A survivor was hooked in basement and when I went to rescue them, there was no prompts to unhook and I had to watch them die on hook. This has only occurred once so far.
PC - Aiming Down Sights has no warning sound
The Deathslinger has no warning sound when aiming down his sights on a survivor. It's used to tell how accurate his aim is on the survivor, and when to avoid the shot.
PC - WoO/dream pallet bug
Not sure if this is actually a bug (though it probably is) or even already known, but: PC Jane Object of Obsession/Scene Partner/Troubleshooter/Windows of Opportunity Grim Pantry vs. Fredward (Nightmare) with Dream Pallet add-on (I believe he was using the Prototype Claw). After dropping a Dream Pallet and while asleep, I…
Keybindings reset and I cannot change them.
After not playing the game for awhile (PC) I decided to do a match of the randomizer event going on. Unfortunately all my keybindings have been reset to default. No worries, I go in to change them and I cannot. Whenever I click to change an input, it says "PRESS ANY KEY" or whatever and then stays that way. Even if I click…
Disconnecting from dedicated server and losing progress
PC- Game keeps disconnecting and coming up with disconnected from dedicated server. I tried everything in the DBD support bot recommended, didn't work. It occurs almost every game, making DBD almost unplayable. Racked up a lot of time bans from this. Here is my computer info, BTW this is a new computer that I bought very…
I think it's rubber banding issues with chucky
I know it's not my internet as it's stable and I checked all the settings. I don't know if it's actually rubber banding but I also has this issue on the backwater swamp map as well where if I touch anything that has collision I get slowed down. My favorite killer is chucky so I hope this issue can be resolved. I can't…
Rubber-banding is still an ongoing problem
It's very discouraging to see the dev team focused on new content while the current game is still unplayable for many due to massive rubber-banding issues. We need an update on this and a timeline or something.
Microsoft Store and Twitch Drops
This has been an ongoing issue with Twitch drops and players who own DBD on Windows Store, I have my Microsoft account linked with BHVR and DBD, along with twitch. For the past while with Twitch drops is they will show up on my Xbox but will not show up on DBD in the Microsoft store. Is it possible to connect Windows Store…
Switch - RTM Server issue
When trying to login, the screen sticks on connection to rtm server.... If you want a few minutes, you can join an empty lobby as Killer.
It is impossible to play with the dredge, when nightfall activates, the generators start to glow, and it is not possible to see anything else. Before, I played a lot with she, but now it's impossible. I hope they fix it soon!
So I was playing dead by daylight on my PC earlier today and over the past week but due to my main account being on PS4 and me not having all of my unlocks and characters I wanted to go play on my PS4 but when I tried last night the rubberbanding was so unbelievably bad that I was physically unable to move. I just Shrugged…
PC - Randomly crashes computer
Every time I play DBD and it only does this when playing DBD. I've sent the report every time so not sure if this is redundant. My computer completely freezes, I get a black screen that sometimes returns to normal and sometimes is stuck on a black screen so I have to forcefully restart my computer. I restart after every…
people in party not showing
im in a party with my friends but im not showing on their screen, anyway we try to ready up but for them they can get into the game but on my screen they dont appear to be readied up so they get in and i dont, this error is only happening for me and idk what is going on. so if any1 knows what issue this is then please help
Can't load into the game
I've been trying for at least 3weeks to open my dbd but when I do it will either get stuck with the load wheel or go straight black. If it's just black I can close the game but if it's got the wheel I have to restart my pc. I've tried -dx11 & -dx12 as well -d3d11 and nothing worked. I've Uninstalled, reinstalled, updated…
2 bugs - PTB Vecna and Map
The new map when spectating a survivor, if they go through a portal your spectate camera stays at the portal until they enter a locker. Also one of the items for Vecna "bag of holding" has two unfinished bold code that displays " b> in the item's description".
Outta Nowhere Achievement Only Progresses When Playing as Chucky
If I play any other killer and get a normal M1, the counter doesn't progress at all. The description doesn't specifically mention Chucky, so I assume either the achievement is bugged, or the description is inadequately worded.
PC - Issue with Prestiging The Artist
So for some reason, a little after the grade had reset, I decided to level up the Artist and get her Prestige 3. The thing is, it currently doesn't allow me to click out of the page that shows Prestige 3 and I don't know why. I can't access her bloodweb, but I can still access the bloodweb of every other survivor and…
Cheater encounter gave me a dc penalty
Reporting this as a bug because clearly something isn't working right: I just encountered the type of cheater who insta teleports to everyone & makes them instantly die on hook. (killer bot) I figured, fair enough, not that big of a deal since it was a 10 second game and maybe a 2 minute wait to get into the game. But then…
dead hard isnt working when Wesker rushes
equip dh get unhooked to make dh active be injured (no deep wounds) and run away from wesker use dh when Wesker is rushing get exhausted but still get caught die
bug with auric cells
if you buy a rift in epic games, then the auric cells in epic games will be spent, but not in steam, but the auric cells from the rift will be credited to you in the steam. Initially, there were 1610 auric cells in the steam and 5360 auric cells in epic games. (I'm attaching the video below)