PS5 - Bardic Inspiration Not Working Properly
For a few months now, starting probably around the release of Lara Croft and maybe earlier, I've had issues with Bardic Inspiration and haven't gotten it to work properly. The dice roll animation is extremely slow, the number finally presents about halfway through the song. When the effect appears, it doesn't last the 90…
Bardic inspiration only lasts 15 seconds instead of 90
i searched and found it has been like this for months already, please fix this i want to play the guitar :(
Custom game bot loadout bug
When playing in a custom game, there is a bug that affects the bot loadouts. Normally there are four loadouts you can make, one for potentially each bot. However, since the Dracula chapter dropped, there are effectively only three possible loadouts. Currently preset one and two are linked, and changing one will change the…
"Bardic Inspiration" doesn't seem to work with "For the People"
When I try to use Bardic it instantly goes into cooldown not getting the effect, there's no animation at all. Platform: PC Steam
EAC client cannot be instantiated
I just recently reinstalled the game after taking a year long break from it. I am on a new computer and I even tried to turn off my firewall just to test. Unfortunately nothing fixed this error from popping up at the start of the game. I know there are a lot of posts about it but I never saw any fixes. I am on steam on…
Achievement "Outta Nowhere" is still bugged and does not track progress
At this point I know this is a repost, but the issue still has yet to be addressed. PS4, trophy "Outta Nowhere" does not progress or track progress. I noticed this after hundreds of undetectable basic attacks. When will this get fixed?
Muted Noises Issue
I've noticed recently killer games have been much harder because survivors have been making no noise at all from behind objects, making it nearly unplayable because I don't know where survivors are in chase. This isn't Iron Will, it applies to footsteps, coughing, falling, grunts of pain, etc.
"Outta Nowhere" trophy bugged (no progress)
Platorm: PS5 I have tried all different perks (and killers) of gaining undetectable, but I won't gain progress of this achievement. I have been stuck at 22% (9/40) for couple months now.
Yun-Jin Lee facial animation is bugged
here is a video of the bug: It's been happening for at least a month. Her idle face animations are really bugged and immersion breaking. Can you please look into it for us Yun-Jin mains? Thank you.
Xenomorph Acidic Blood doesn't activate after first use
Platform: PC Description: Acidic Blood deactivates after triggering once Perks: Deadlock, Pop Goes the Weasel, Bamboozle, and Discordance. Addons: Acidic Blood and Parker's Headband Reproduction: After using tunnels once, Acidic Blood is deactivated for the rest of the game Included are two clips, one of the start of the…
PC: EASY ANTI CHEAT ERROR NOT INSTALLED - Is Behaviour doing anything about this?
Since the update I haven´t seen Behaviour´s DBD forums or Twitter say anything about the issues with EasyAntiCheat not being detected (my case and other players) or even I´ve read about players logging into the game but being kicked out because of an error with easyanticheat. Is Behaviour doing anything about it or have…
Faulty Window Vault on Shattered Square
I was playing as a survivor and tried to vault a window in chase. It did not send my character model over the window, but I got Lithe activated and the vault animation was active. I played as Meg against a Dredge, and it seemed like the killer could also not vault the window. Video link (I don't think MP4 format is…
Patch 8.2.1 bardic inspiration still bugged
I reported this bug in 8.2.0 and got tagged "duplicated" but even in patch 8.2.1 the duration of bardic inspiration is 16 seconds if it helps someone on youtube said it could be that bhvr used the distance value as the duration
Broken window vault on Decimated Borgo
As the title states, there’s a broken window vault on Decimated Borgo. It’s in one of the titles near Killer Shack. You’ll find the video attached. The window disallows successful vaults from either side.
"Outta Nowhere" achievement bugged (gaining no progress)
Platform: PC (Steam) Using all known methods of gaining undetectable (Dark Devotion, Unforseen, Evil Within tier 1, Hidey-Ho mode etc) I am unable to gain progress in the achievement, Outta Nowhere since the All things Wicked chapter. I am currently sitting at 19/40 and have been for months despite trying in nearly every…
Window in 'The Shattered Square' can't be faulted
This window in the middle of the map, the ruined hut, cannot be faulted by survivor (the killer was no nice and didn't try if he can). When you try fault through it's like jumping against a wall and you end up on the same side. Game log files in ZIP folder, last game played. 06.09.2024 around 3:30 pm CET
PC - Blight entering fatigue twice in a row.
There is a bug where sometimes it can happen that Blight performs the fatigue animation twice when ending the rush.
Broken vault on Borgo
This middle map structure vault has been broken for months.
Singularity's teleport location is incorrectly determined when survivor is hugging a tile
Any platform Singularity teleport marker doesn't follow survivor that is hugging a tile. That results in the teleport location being far behind the survivor than it should be. Steps to reproduce: Survivor needs to push the collision of the character slightly into the tile collision while running forward (hugging the tile…
Gatekeeper emblem not working correctly for more than three months now!!!!!!
Maybe you can change the task, or fix your game? I've been trying to complete this challenge for 3 months now!!!! Do you think this is normal?You've already changed the task in the archives once, just do it again. Many people can't complete this task because gatekeeper emblem not working correctly FOR MORE THAN THREE…
Can't vault one window on the knight(?) map
Please see video below for full details. Its a small bug overall. Another player couldn't vault the window as well (sp it wasn't just a problem I had) Additional information Character played: Mikela Perks played: Windows, lithe, resilience, and the Laura Croft vaulting perk Map: The knight one (I think) Frequency of the…
Bardic inspiration bug
Bardic inspiration status affect only lasts a few seconds than ends.
Survivor bot perk loudout presets glitched
In the Custom Match pre-game lobby, you can give survivor bots up to 4 perk loudout presets. I have had mine all set up for months, but encountered an issue yesterday. Perk loudout 2 had became the same as 1 and whenever I tried to change either of them, they would replicate eachother, like they were the same thing.…
Xbox series s - outta nowhere achievement bugged
I’ve posted this before but since I posted screenshots there’s been no comment, so I’m posting again as I still don’t have the achievement.
PC - DBD Vault bug on Map: The Decimated Borgo - The Shattered Square
Reported this already but you informed this is fixed I tried to test if you fix , which as you can see it's still not fixed you will also see bot's trying the same thing as killer was a friend from previous clip (he was the one who found but doesn't have recording software) 04/09/2024 21:09 tested Gmt (London time)
Bardic Inspiration is still not fixed
They haven't fixed it at all. the same problems that have been affecting it haven't been fixed. The animation auto cancels immediately, the one time I got it to work, it didn't show a dice roll, and the bonus wasn't given. Just kill-switch the perk at this point because it literally doesn't do anything.
fire up is bugged right now
fire up is bugged, it can only get 1-2 stacks regardless of generators finished, as the only fire up enjoyer in dbd, this is very disturbing to me.
Bardic inspiration bug
when BI first release it work for yourself, now it’s only 15 seconds after 15 second song. But other survivors get the full 90 seconds(I think) Is this a shadow nerf because none of patch notes say anything about it.
The Sadako nerf bug again
When Sadako's invisibility duration buff got announced last time, it was actually accidentally nerfed and it's been shorter than it has ever been for more than half a year now. Can we expect a fix anytime soon? It impacts her anti-loop capabilities quite a lot
Decimated Borgo vault doens't work
Tried to jump over this vault and my character tries to jump over it but gets stuck in the wood. The vault is to narrow for my character even fitting through this. Could be a collision problem. I jumped as often as possible before it got blocked naturally without a perk form the killer (He was as confused as I after he got…
theres a tile on borgo where you can't vault the window and ive died like 3 times to it
killswitch borgo or fix it because its one of 2 usable tiles on the entire trash map
Steam : Bug Windows on The Shattered Square
I made a video of my game, i can't pass the windows https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/iARlxLeFbNP70vFZb/d13375tfZS3p?invite=cr-MSxqYmUsMjYxMDcwNzgwLA
Outta Nowhere Achievement
Been stuck at 24 out of 40 for months never goes up no matter what i try
no directional sound when playing spirit
Hey! It's been happening for the past 3-6 months or so, but in some matches there barely is any directional sound made by the survivor when phasing as spirit. it is as if a global "injured survivor.mp3" sound is playing when youre near them. similarly the sound of footsteps, especially boots, sometimes just completely…
Decimated Borgo Vault Bug
I have seen other people post this bug, but there is a specific window on Decimated Borgo which, no matter what, will make you vault in place. I was playing with a few friends on PC. This has happened multiple times to me since I got this map with a different killer. Below is a clip to show you proof about the bug. (If you…
Constantly affected by Weave Attunement when picking up an item
TItle may be a bit misleading, you aren't permanently Oblivious, nor do you constantly have your aura read. However, the HUD permanently displays the warning that you are being affected by Weave, completely removing the warning that you are currently having your aura read (or not)
8.2.0 flying survivor blocked the killer's actions
• Platform Steam • Description of the issue Killer lifted me on his shoulder, but he couldn't hang me. I was suspended in the air and couldn't break free or recover. At the same time, if I click on WASD, the survivor slowly floated through the air. Killer was hit with a pallet, but it didn't help. Killer couldn't do…
8.2.0 - Rain Carradine has the default lobby theme
Title. I just noticed that the Rain Carradine legendary cosmetic for Ellen Ripley suddenly has the default lobby theme. This was not the case before the update, and is therefore a bug introduced with the current patch. PC, Steam, Windows 11.
Dark Lord's Sylph Feather bug
PC but may be all platforms. When pairing The Dark Lord's Sylph Feather add-on with the Ruby Circlet functions as normal with 0 tokens on Sylph Feather, but with at least 1 token on Sylph Feather, the cool-down becomes like 14 seconds and 12 seconds when at 5 tokens. https://youtu.be/o0OwuBaX_Rk
PC - Strength in Shadows (Visual Bug)
Looks like there is some visual bug, when you're using strength in shadows on Larrys' basement. I had the visual issue three times in same match, bar was already full but I wasn't health already, but I could healed myself. I played a match before on The Shattered Square and I didn't have this issue. My build was: Bite The…
DBD Vault bug on Map: The Decimated Borgo - The Shattered Square
PC - Specific vault not recognized in Decimated Borgo tile
Steps to Achieve: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor on the Decimated Borgo, Shattered Square Step 3 : In-game, find the tileset and try slow vaulting, but the option never pops up Step 4 : In-game, find the tileset and try fast vaulting and the character does the action, but does not move through the window…
The Shattered Square can't vault window
Video in zip archive shows bug. Same bug like was in Swamp in main. Here in little destroyed building near Killer Shack and place hang man is.
DBD not opening (tried everything and really desperate rn)
Heyy, so quick check up with you guys. I newly bought DBD from the Xbox Store and after installation couldn't open it due to the error 'Game Client not found Continuation not possible' I also get the notification from the Windows explorer saying "EasyAntiCheat: Unknown file version (DeadbyDaylight-WinGDK-Shipping.exe). I…
Bardic inspiration still bugged
I play on PC/Steam, when I use bardic inspiration after finishing the performance the duration is 15~s instead of 90s and while I perform with bardic I have the prompt 'E to cancel' I press it and nothing happens
Vecna's Potion of Speed addon shows incorrect value in description
Should be 0.35s instead of 0.5s
Nemesis Hinder status effect not working properly
With the new update and changes to Nemesis, his tentacle hit infections are supposed to apply a 20% hinder effect for 2 seconds, and with the licker's tongue addon added it's supposed to be a 20% hinder for 5 seconds. But when testing this out ingame, the survivors are barely hindered at all and get the same amount of…
Bardic Inspiration is not working correctly
the perk says that it should work for 90 seconds, but in fact it only works for 10-15 seconds
Bardic Inspiration STILL BUGGED
So the Bardic Inspiration perk had a bug for a while where if you didn't hold down the ability button it wouldn't give the buff. They fixed that, only for a new bug to take its place. Basically whenever you use bardic inspiration now, you get the buff, but… it only lasts 15 seconds on a completed performance despite the…
Rancid Abattoir need to be kill switched ASAP
PC - Steam Although few players know about this issue right now, but this is very easy to exploit.