No DC Information
A Nea dc'd in my game, however it never made the dc noise nor did it give my any visual indication. Best proof I could give was this screenshot. I only have 2 hook stages left yet the person on the floor hasn't been hooked and the person hooked is still on their first hook. Second image shows she dc'd
The knight bugs
The Knight has two errors that can be seen in the video sent.
Killer cannot go through specific place on map but survivors can - video
I dont know map name, just see video. At the end it shows place where me as killer can't run between 2 obstacles but survivor easily can. Exact place
Tome 2 Page 2 Challenge Broken
Hi DBD Devs, just played a few games with Dead Hard using this challenge and I cannot get the challenge "Dead Hardy" done. (Upper Right Hand Corner). Not sure if it's a me issue, or if it's a dead hard issue, but it doesn't want to work for me! Please fix if you can, thank you.
Unobtainable spot for catching survivors on Dead Dawg Saloon
There's a sort of wheel barrel prop near the gallows you're able to climb onto them by going up one the corners and moving your camera either right/left, I didn't exactly how the Yun-Jin Lee did it in my game, but I believe killers can't get to this spot either, causing disruption in lobbies. Luckily, it's a Huntress, so…
PC - Survivors turning invisible or their models are stuck in their last animation
It happens with and without Franklins Demise but with it, it happens almost every game. The Killers named here are the ones I played. I don't know if the bugs also happen with the other killers. How it plays out: 1. Enter Match as Bubba, Trapper or Dredge 2. Hook Survivor 3. After the Survivor got unhooked, the Survivor…
"Blood on your face" achievement awarded incorrectly
Platform : Playstation 5 I got the achievement in a match where 2 survivors were sacrificed, 1 bled out and the last survivor i killed using a cypress memento mori. This achievement requires you to kill all 4 survivors by your own hand which i did not do.
penalty from the game kicking me? bug since last event
so i dont know if this bug has been made aware but during the last event their was a bug that kicked me from server to the point where i had a 2 day penalty forcing me to make a backup because of this and just now i was kicked from the match and got a 47 hour ban from this game kicking me? this bug needs to be fixed i play…
Oni "Fire Moon warrior" Cosmetic bug and Demon Dash audio bug.
The Spikes that come out of Oni's body when he is in 'Blood Fury' in his "Fire Moon Warrior" Cosmetic are supposed to be glowing red. Currently there is a bug that make them appear a plain black color. This bug occurs at all times when he is in 'Blood Fury' Below are two Images, the First one was a screenshot I had taken a…
Whispers activated when I go near a hook someone was sacrificed on. (PC- Epic)
The Killer perk Whispers that is supposed to activate whenever any survivor is within 32 meters of me. However ever since last patch it also activates whenever I am within 32 meters of a hook a survivor was sacrificed on. Happens every match.
PC - Sadako (The Onryō) visual bugs in the character select screen
After choosing Sadako in the character select screen, two visual bugs happen: 1) The well's texture is completely pitch black 2) Her feet clip inside the ground during her first steps out of the well Played on PC, on the Epic Games launcher. This happens all the time since the last game update; has never happened to me…
Saw Tome not working
Steam/PC "Hit 1 survivor(s) with Ambush Dash within 10 meters of a generator as The Pig," challenge not registering hit. Hit a survivor near a gen with the challenge on and it does not complete. Every pig game I played tonite. Tried restarting game, tried deselcting and putting back on.
everyone dragged to hook, cant wiggle, and bugged pov (after player left)
Nemesis game on Coldwind Farm, the killer tunnelled the ttv. On the ttv's last hook they dced, after that is when the game bugged or Nemesis started hacking. Nemesis would stay still whilst doing his picking up animation, then we would stay on the floor in the same place whilst the wiggle UI was on screen but we weren't…
Infinite Aura on Survivor
I was playing on RPD as Ghostface, and encountered a random bug where a Vittorio player had a constant aura outline despite nothing being active. I do not know what triggered it, however I know what both I and he were running. I was on Steam, he was console. I was running Lethal Pursuer, I'm All Ears, Jolt, and Thrilling…
Glitched Auric Cells???
So I purchased Rift Tiers for 900 auric cells, but it didn't take them away from my credit, but the rift still gave me levels?? It also gave me more Auric Cells when I went back to the main menu. It might be because the game is bugging out today for everyone (I think), but I think this is banable and I've spent well, let's…
Fleet of Floot achievement not considering buffs from other perks?
Seems like the achievement is only counting from Guardian perk, but not from Boon Dark Theory. Is that correct?
PC - Bloodweb Error
This appears to occur on both survivor and killer on any character. After spending and leveling up in the bloodweb, randomly the next level will not load and instead show the small red node and nothing else. There are times where waiting a few seconds (10-15s) the next level in the web will load, however it can never load…
Lockers bugged with Knight
More of a goofy bug than game breaking as everything still worked. I had a guard patrolling through shack and a survivor was in one of the lockers. I searched the locker and the locker fell over leaving the survivor just standing there. I was still able to grab them, but the locker stayed on the ground the rest of the…
Deathslinger Camera/Viewmodel Bug
There is currently a Deathslinger camera bug that occurs whenever Deathslinger spears a survivor. The patch this bug emerged in was 6.2.0, and it can be reliably reproduced 100% of the time. Below is a recent clip with the bug: https://clips.twitch.tv/PopularHilariousBorkPupper-oqqzMWI64HFsGbUZ As you can see here, when…
Rift is not loading properly or advancing.
Platform details: PC Steam Comcast direct line. Nvidia 3070, 32gb RAM, AMD 5900X 1)I logged in and played 4-6 matches (about 2PM) the game soft crashed. 2) Dead but not closed. 3) I checked progress on rift and achievements and saw none (Example: unlocking gate and escaping raccoon city PD) 4) Logged off and relogged in.…
Shrine Of Secrets Bloodpoint glitch
So basically I accidentally got free blood points by spending it on tier 3 to get 100k because I wanted to prestige a character more and it caused my iridescent shards to stay the same but my blood points increased. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/871351794394091540/1074417183356096562/db.mp4
Bugged trap location on Yamaoka shrine map
Playing on PC build 6.5.2 as Trapper with Nowhere to Hide, Lethal Pursuer, Call of Brine, Brutal strength, no offerings or addons. Playing on Yamaoka Estate: Sanctum of Wrath Trap near one of the hills (very close to the ramp) could not be picked up when holding either 1 or 0 traps. (Prompt to pickup would not appear,…
Nintendo Switch - Unable to go thru hatch when slugged
Description step 1: Load into a match, solo or swf on any map step 2: Get slugged as the last survivor step 3: Find hatch while slugged step 4: Try to leave through hatch, and (1) the prompt doesn't show up at all on screen even after crawling all around and on top of hatch (2) BUT sometimes it does show up when you crawl…
Bots don't do puzzle box
The bots in my Kill Your Friends lobby always picked up Pinhead's puzzle box but never did it. It's really annoying when all the survivors get the chains after the killer got them. And because they were always the first one at the box.
Darkness revealed/distortion
Unless something changed which I have not read about, darkness revealed won't make you lose a token and will still reveal your aura when using distortion as a survivor. have ran into it twice now with a buddy who also uses distortion. Either darkness revealed has the bug or distortion does against that perk.
PC - Map glitch on Dead Dawg Saloon
Description While crouching survivors can get to the top over the right hand wheel of the cart where they cannot by hit by the killer from the bottom. Survivor doesn't even fall off if you manage to down them which can be done from the top side which I did here by summoning a guard. Ban this loser for purposely exploiting…
Dead Dawg Saloon cart at the Gallows
The survivors seemed to use the vault to get on the cart but I couldn't see it. I heard the notification, teleported to the Gallows and they were on it.
Dredge Getting Stuck Inside Locker in Shattered Square After Teleporting
Cannot interact with door. Cannot break potential bolt on outside with m1. Escaped by teleporting out.
Legion sfx (not sure if bug or intended)
Since the 6.5.0 midchapter update legion had new sfx added of a leather jacket rustling when picking up a survivor or vaulting a window, or at least that's when i first noticed it. I've used multiple cosmetics and the sfx still plays even on ones where legion's normal leather jacket (on frank and julie's base cosmetics) is…
The jailer drop his flag instantly at the start of his chase
If you pay attention to when the Carnifex and the Assassin drop their flag it's after a few seconds, the Jailer on the other hand is right when the chase begins, so a survivor can simply loop 1 little rock for 1 second and take the flag instantly, making the Jailer truly useless in chases. Plz fix. Steam, 6.5.2, play the…
PC - Survivors can get outside the map after gates are opened when using both controller and MKB
I've been able to replicate this with nearly 100% reliability. Once the gates are opened, if you run forward out the gate with the controller (holding left shoulder + up on the left stick) while nodding your head with the mouse, it seems the "escape" trigger zone in the exit doesn't trigger, and you wind up outside the…
Nemesis hitbox
Get hit by nemesises whip through wallss and whne i am far away from the hit area of his whip. his whip is bugged, and its gonna get worse if you dont do anything
Wheelbarrel Bug on Dead Dawg
Just played a game on Saloon where survivors went up the wheel-barrel next to the gallows. The one by the stairs. I've seen it before but it was months ago when that last happened. I thought they fixed it. Unless you are a ranged killer you really can't hit the survivors.
After stunning the traper with the pallet the game is stoped for Infinitity time
Merciless Storm bug?
As you know, when Merciless Storm starts, the survivor is bombarded by skillchecks. If they miss one, the gen immediately loses 10% of progress and is blocked for 20 seconds. However, if during the skillchecks you simply decide to just let go, the gen becomes blocked WITHOUT losing the 10% of progress. This is in contrast…
Exploit on Crotus Penn Map
I recently played a Match as Killer on Crotus Penn and 2 players were able to climb up to some spots on the map where they could not be reached. BHVR should consider to temporarily disable this map. Screenshots: and what should i say, after match i let me show names. david king was hiding his name and oh well, vittorio was…
Bush Spawn Next to Shack on Garden of Joy
Dredge teleport locker grabs bugged.
Platform: PC • Description of the issue As Dredge when teleporting to a locker and a survivor Locks said locker the Dredge will sometimes fail to exit the locker with the survivor automatically. Normally you grab the survivor, automatically exit and then can walk around and bring them to a hook but with this bug its as if…
Delays On Bloodweb/Archives (PC)
Everytime I complete a bloodweb or select a challenge in the archives I get hit with this massive delay and I have to wait like 5 seconds before I can do anything else this is really annoying to deal with when I have bloodpoints I want to spend and have to wait an hour just for the bloodweb to spawn.
Game is taking very long
Steam Whenever i try and launch the game at first its fine but when it asks for me to press a button it does the loading stuff and then stays on Initialization Complete and whenever i do get past it, if i press play as survivor or anything else then that takes a long time. It started today out of nowhere. it was working…
Desperate Measures Bug and other known Bugs
Desperate Measures doesnt increase the speed at which you can unhook yourself, which can matter in rare situations. I think that this has been the case forever, however it shouldnt be the case and is therefore considered a bug. Other known Bugs: Cenobite Camera sometimes gets locked in place ( cant look up & down but left…
Third seal tokens are not transferring to Undying
title Third seal tokens are not transferring to Undying
Weird Locker Glitch - Locker is knocked down revealing the survivor
Not sure how to report this but I'll do my best to explain what led to this. I'm a PS4 player, I was playing Wraith on the Game, game was not going well for survivors, they started dropping all the pallets. I was focusing on a different surv while two neas keps fast vaulting the same two lockers, like 100 times or…
PC - Rubberbanding every game since 6.5.2
I can't play a game without rubberbanding. I think this has been a problem for me ever since the 6.5.2 bugfix patch.
abnormal usage/power draw in menus/store
since the recent update, gpu usage is %65+ in menus(around what it normally is during a match) when it's typically around %20-40, going into the store cranks usage up to %98, can't give exact power draw as Radeon is being weird.. has anyone else noticed this? amd rx 580 8gb
Perk bug platform Steam
Perk Mad Grit not working on Wesker (THE MasterMind)
So... why has no one mentioned this?
GRAVE OF GLENVALE exploit location
I have not taken screenshots, but survivors can stand at the top of the bix box that is leaning to the scaffold and cannot be hit. As far as I know, the point of entry is at the bottom, left side of the box.
Forced character change when game is about to start.
So when i hit ready button my character suddently switched from my curret character to Leo. On top of that leo had all perks item and offerings unequipment for some reason, after the game ended the game crashed. It swaped the momenet timer hit 5 second remaning.
xbox version is very buggy
the xbox version of DBD takes a lot of time to initialize into the menu then also when you want to join your friend it takes forever to join and results in error many times. Meaning we have to restart the game when that happens. Can this problem be looked at and solved?