Seam on the ground in Gas Heaven
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: There's a seam on the ground in Gas Heaven, on the side of the building with the garage. Steps to reproduce: Play on Gas Heaven and it should be there. How often does this occur: Unknown, but presumably always.
Locked out of bloodweb due to simultaneous events
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: Purchasing an item as the killer while simultaneously getting into a lobby seems to block access to the bloodweb altogether. Steps to reproduce: Effectively impossible due to the precise timing required, but the idea is to buy an item on the bloodweb at the same time that you get placed…
Stuck after attempted pull off Gen
Video pretty much shows it all. Couldn't do anything but stand there and swing.
huntress hatchets Bug. DBD mobile
On DBD mobile, when you used huntress, you used to be able to hold down the throwing hatchet button, and when you released it, it would throw the hatchet. But now you have to press the hatchet button once and then one more time after 2 seconds to throw it. Can you fix please
Visual Bug - Charms clipping into Survivors Butt
Hello, there is a visual Bug with Charms - they are clipping into the Survivors Butt. At first I thought this is only the case with Cheryl, but my Nea has the same problem. Platform: PC, possibly all Platforms Description: Visual Glitch, Charms clipping into Survivors Body Steps to reproduce: Join a Match as Survivor with…
M2 Macro Invisible Killer Bug
PC https://twitter.com/TobiSouls/status/1307081507098505222?s=20 I can see how this one got through QA, but this one needs to be fixed ASAP before people start abusing it.
Survivor/Killer Cosmetics & Builds
This is the 2nd time I’ve gotten on & I’ve had to re-equip everybody’s cosmetics & put their perks back on, this just started happening when Blight was released.
Apparently got mori after crawling out of gate
In a high-lag match (230+ ms), Killer (wraith) smacked me down at the gate and I crawled out. Then he actually stepped beyond the boundary to do something but I couldn't see since my match was concluded. It was only latter did I realise I got moried. See screen cap. But I escaped with a brand new item in hand.…
Killer interaction bug (NINTENDO SWITCH)
Anytime I am playing as killer, if I try to interact with something like a breakable wall, a pallet, a gen, a locker, or a hook, about 90% of the time it bugs out, causing me to be unable to perform the action multiple times and sometimes teleporting or getting stuck. As seen in the video with Nancy, this can also happen…
Wrong Scoring for Totem Cleansing in Lightbringer Emblem
Platform: PC - Win7 Description: Cleansed all 5 dull totems by myself in a game but scored only 37points for Totem Cleansing for the Lightbringer Emblem. (Referring to the official wiki, it should be 20points per totem, so 5x20, i should have got 100points.) Perks Used: Detective's Hunch, Bond, Self-care, Botany Knowledge…
Hooking doesnt work Nintendo Switch
either I press r1 in vain until the survivor wiggles out or i have to drop pick back up and then hook and it should just work the first time plz fix
Bug - rank resetted twice
Hi , Platform - Xbox •Description of the issue - prior to the 13th I was rank 8. Logged in on the 15th and I was rank 9 which was expected. Logged in today and i’m now 13 , big sad :( • Steps to reproduce - described above • How often does this occur- it occurred last rank reset too but I didn’t bother to report .
High lobby
Until today everything was fine most of lobbys were 54 ping but today i dodge like 40 lobbys alll of them are 150-240 ping .
Handyman Challenge not completing
I’ve met all the requirements to complete the Handyman Challenge. (Escape carrying an item with no charges and equip the perk open handed) I’ve done that twice and still the challenge won’t say it’s complete. Please fix this.
The Executioner slide during ability activation
When the Executioner activates his ability and plunges the knife into the ground, he glides on the ground for a few seconds without animation for his feet.
PC - Survivors cannot be picked up, if they are under a hooked Survivor
Survivors crawling under a hooked survivor cannot be picked up. The collision from the hooked survivor prevents me in this clip to pick up the Meg. https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereSassyCurlewBrokeBack
Survivor no sound
Platform: PC No grunting sound after getting hit (no iron will equipped) This bug actually happens kinda often Unfortunately I didn't record when the hit happened but the survivor didn't make any grunting sounds after getting hit. After getting hooked and unhooked the sounds were back to normal. Edit: added log
Generator bug
When you pull the metal rod/lever things they don't move your hands clip through them. Animation all glitched out. Same for everyone checked on streamers.
Making sound after death bug
I had a bug in my game where a survivor after being hooked third time and died they still made struggling noises.
Kindred bug with DC
Aura reading effects of Kindred is always alive til the end of match if a survivor on hook who has the perk did disconnect.
When counter part game begins, instant crash
Xbox One S. West USA. Anytime of day. Every time. If I were to be playing killer and I finish my game and go to play a survivor game my game completely shuts down once entered into the environment. (This will happen with survivor to killer also). When I’m queue it’s completely normal, when in game start lobby completely…
One of Blight's add-ons are bugged I believe.
Blight's Purple add-on "Vigo's Journal" say that it applies the Undetectable status effect which in turn, should disable all terror radius perks so long as you are rushing. But it doesn't seem to work like that, as I have found that Borrowed Time will still activate if you are rushing during the unhook. TL;DR: Blight's…
Bug needs to be fixed
I noticed recently many bug in a game you have to look after 1: decisive strike stun it is not 5 minutes sometimes as a killer hit me just after i escaped 2: many action cannot be done like healing teammate ( there is no button to press as he is not there ) , as a killer cannot hook a survivor in a hook like something…
Stakeout - Bug with depleted items
Platform: PC (playing with a controller, if that matters) Description: If you have stacks of Stakeout, and you use a toolbox on a generator and keep holding down the toolbox button after it's depleted, normal skill checks still count as normal skill checks, and a stack is not depleted. Note: This may or may not happen with…
[PC] Stuck on Crates in Ironworks
I play on PC via Steam. Just now I was playing Shape on Ironworks of Misery. A Claudette was cleansing a hex totem between some crates, and when I tried to grab her, the grab didn't register, and I hit her instead. She ran through me (iframes) and I tried to follow but couldn't move. Or I would go forward about an inch and…
Lag increases when around specific players over time!
In this match you can visually see stuttering the more I chase a specific Meg. I don't think she is lag switching. I do think your servers are causing this lag due to my chasing this specific player. The craziest things like my not being able to kick in a gen simply cause this Meg is near, and later I can not open a locker…
Frequently crashing halfway through the match.
Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0005 - 'REMOVED') DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 47677812 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 47679235 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 47636811…
stuck in floor in basement
Platform: PC Had 2 survs hooked in basement as trapper. 3rd came down as i was hookinng so i spun and grabbed her. It started the grab animated, abruptly stopped and then i couldnt move except jitter in the gorund. cannot place traps or anything. https://youtu.be/3z_UDvucsV4
Stuck in pallet
I was playing a round of legion and when I was stunned I got stuck in the pallet and couldn’t move for the entire game. I could still hit survivors when they vaulted the pallet, but was unable to move at all.
FPS Drop every 10 seconds
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: The game freezes and drops 15 fps every 10 seconds (I counted it) after the 4.1.0 update • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Just open Dbd • How often does this occur: everytime
Lunging Attack sometimes doesn't work
I've stopped playing this game for a while and jumped back in arround 2 weeks ago. (I play on PC via Steam) I've noticed that lots of times (atleast 1-3 times per game) my lunging attack doesn't register. My mouse is perfectly fine (Swapped it once) but sometimes while I am in a chase, I am holding M1 to go for the lunge…
annoying sound when peoples escape + proof
minor bug but still... (PC) Happend 4 times its pretty rare, i think its on some maps
LAG SWITCH is simply awesome
Platform: PC Description of the issue: watch the video Steps to reproduce (if possible): just go to the game How often does this occur: constantly (in every game)
Styptic+Bandages+Camping aid kit
Ps4. When I use this combo I'm able to get one heal and a styptic use. I healed A Nancey did 1 normal skill check. As soon as the healing action was complete. The med kit was consumed. :/
Styptic+Bandages+Camping aid kit
Ps4. When I use this combo I'm able to get one heal and a styptic use. I healed A Nancey did 1 normal skill check. As soon as the healing action was complete. The med kit was consumed. :/
Resurgence not calculating properly
The achievement is tracking, However it it clearly not tracking properly. At first I followed the steps and it didnt work, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. However this situation made it clear: I had 3 allies wounded. healed one using 'For the People' which made me broken. Then went to another to heal them 1 FULL…
Legion Frenzy = chase music
On "Blood Lodge" there was a bug that, whenever Legion entered Frenzy, I would hear the chase music as if he were right behind me, regardless where on the map they were in relation to me. The following map was also on an Autohaven Wreckers map (cannot remember which) and also featured Legion, but the issue did not repeat.…
PS4 - Badham Preschool map update graphic issues - To dark for Freddy
I played the badham preschool map with The Nightmare aka Freddy after the graphical updates and it is not playable. It is so dark that you cannot see anything on this map right now. Although the survivors do not have the white glow when they are in the dream state. I play on PS4. It only happens to me on Badham Preschool…
Doctor add ons
I don't know if this occurs in other languages, but in french, 2 add ons (a rare one and an ultra rare one) for the doctor have the same description
Hook struggle bugged?
Xbox One X - Dunno why, but sometimes when I am at the struggle stage on the hook, when I still have 50%+ worth of struggle left, I'll just die. Like I have given up struggling. It has happened quite a lot now and after testing, it isn't dependent on how fast I am smashing the struggle button, its just random. Could be an…
StakeOut : Buffed or bugged
Right now, any MISSED skill check count as a GREAT skill check and give the 2% gen progression. Is it an intended behavior and description was not updated?
Nurse occasionally loses her power (possibly related to using Franklin's Demise)
I usually play Nurse a lot with Franklin's Demise. I suspect that sometimes, when hitting a survivor using an item, that it also "drops" the Nurse's power. However, I cannot get it back at all after the bug occurs. Here is an example video of a match I played recently. https://youtu.be/GHrkw3DUNZg
Lunging through walls
I was playing doc yesterday and while lunging at jungle gym walls, I could both hit survivors and even phase right through them. It was unintentional and happened multiple times. This was probably extremely annoying for survivors, and I don't want them to think I'm abusing it and report me. It wasn't normal walls, only…
Clown hinder not properly applying on tractor ramp
Platform: PC Issue:Clown slowdown not applying properly on edges of the gas cloud when the survivor is running up the tractor but addon effects still work properly(such as the exhaustion addon) just not the normal power's slow. Steps: get hit by the edge of a clown bottle's gas cloud while running up the tractor's ramp(I…
Game Constantly Skips and Stutters When Playing The Blight
Xbox- Played a game as the New Killer and was met with a ridiculous amount of skips and stutters, was hardly even able to play.
Resurgence not calculating properly
The achievement is tracking, However it it clearly not tracking properly. At first I followed the steps and it didnt work, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. However this situation made it clear: I had 3 allies wounded. healed one using 'For the People' which made me broken. Then went to another to heal them 1 FULL…
I teleport on top of pallets when I get pallet dropped
I've been pallet dropped and multiple times I've teleported into of the pallet it's happened on different maps on different characters
Can’t buy Spirit cosmetic (SOLVED)
I want to buy this face cosmetic for Spirit because she’s ugly. But when I go to buy it with my auric cells it just says it fails It fixed itself
Killer Stuck By Hook Bug
Im on Playstation so I don't know if its the same with PC and Xbox. You get stuck by the hook and can't move anywhere. I tried lunging and hitting survivors when they come close by but nothing seemed to work. For this bug to happen, you're gonna have to attempt to pull a survivor off the hook while they're saving their…
Blight hitbox blunder?
Platform: PS4 Description of the issue: even if I'm visibly striking a survivor that is basically standing still, I still don't actually hit them. Steps to reproduce: I'm not sure. It might have to do with a different timing between when the hit is detected and when the strike visibly appears How often: considering I still…