Frame rate issues occur when combining The Doctor's Foul Bile and Auto-Lobotomy cosmetics (XBOX)
Has this bug been fixed yet? Frame rate issues occuring when combining The Doctor's Foul Bile and Auto-Lobotomy cosmetics was listed as a known bug back in the 3.5.0 patch notes and we have heard nothing since then. I can't use a cosmetic I paid money for without breaking the game with horrible lag. They need to make…
[PC] Hawkin's Laboratory Fountain Stuck Glitch
On Hawkin's Laboratory there was a glitch where after purging from the fountain at the location shown below my character (Meg) became stuck in front of the fountain. The plague then walked up and used the fountain then picked me up. At this point the plague became stuck too. The plague eventually freed herself by using a…
[PS4] Feng Cosmetic Not Attached Properly When Searching a Chest
Step 1 : Play as Feng Step 2 : Use the cosmetic Mad World Torso and Washed Demin Shorts and Boots Legs pieces. Step 3 : Search any Chest Step 4 : You will notice the torso piece doesn't connect properly with the leg piece anymore which lets you see inside the model slightly. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Occurs on every map and…
Pyramid Head’s cage killed me instantly
PlayStation4 btw Pyramid Head sent me to the cage for what would have been my second hook stage. As soon as I reappeared on screen in the cage, I was instantly killed without receiving a single skillcheck. Not sure how to reproduce this; I guess just get sent to the cage for your second hook stage and see if it kills you…
PC - bug since Hotfix 4.0.2
Was playing game as survivor (dwight) on lery hospital map. First, Killer hooked a survivor, she was not really hooked on the hook (not normal) - can't show started the record after. I unhook her, then killer down me and grab me, it started to bug badly at this moment. Was stuck on killer point of view for a moment but…
Crash On PS4
Step One: Boot game Step Two: Play a public match as survivor (David) Step Three: Chased by then avoided killer (Trapper) Step Four: While still within heartbeat range interact with the crown to become crowned Step Five: Game freezes as crown is interacted with Step Six: Game sends me to the tally screen and gives the…
pink syringe audio bug
if you use it and it kicks in during working on a generator even if you have iron will the character starts grunting, i only did it on tapp on pc but i'm just going to assume it works that way across the board
Game keeps crashing after update 4.0.2
Cannot use flashlights as Dwight (PS4)
Every time I try to use a Flashlight as Dwight Fairfield, it points at the ground, and no where else. Load into public or private game with flashlight (or find one) Flashlight points directly at ground It happens every single game. I don’t know how to fix this, it’s been stuck like this since Deathslinger.
PC - Freddy starting match with 75-80% Dream Projection Charge
This bug doesn't occur unless specifically attempted so it is not something that will occur during normal game play it has to be intentionally abused. This bug is caused because Freddy starts with a full dream projection bar instead of none at all at the start of a match. The way to fix it would be to have his power start…
Stuck in the Aftermath of Endgame Collapse with Frozen Survivor on hook
So as it was down to 3 survivors, this Feng I hooked just frozed there. Her time wasn't moving whatsoever and I thought, "did my game crash?" Because I couldn't phase or damage anything. But that was until this David came and exploded a gen and after I hooked him, I could phase. Fast forward, I killed all three but…
Pyramid Head cages dont despawn on DC
Platform: PC Description: if a survivor dcs while in a cage, the cage remains on the map, with collision and everything: I added a picture Steps to reproduce: Dc while caged How often does this occur: I assume every time, I only had the case once.
Killers getting match with over raked survivors!
In the photos below are many of the games I’ve played recently and there seems to be a bug where killers are getting place with over ranked survivors. It’a something hard to pick up on but sense I hit rank 10 I’ve had one or more rank 1 or two survivors against me. Sometimes it’s even the whole team is top tier players. I…
Invisible Wall on Grim Pantry (video proof)
Platform: PS4 Description: there's an invisible wall/object between a rock and a tree in the path that connects the big building with all the crows and the little two stories one (see video for reference) Video proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/FunnyAttractiveSwanTinyFace
White screen?
hello! Im on PC, and have never experienced this before. The game has changed all white, except for menus and icons. I cant see any textures or my character on the side of my menus. Same in game heres pics
Silent Hill map: Bloodwarden can be bypassed
Platform: Windows/PC Description: The Bloodwarden perk can be bypassed in the new Silent Hill map. if it activates, the survivor can simply escape by finding an exact point by heading the entity's claws or whatever it's called. Steps to reproduce: Use the bloodwarden perk as a killer and select the new Silent Hill map,…
4.0.2 hotfix no bonus
The hotfix said there would be a onetime logon bonus, I can confirm there is no bonus given when you log on.
Oni can't activate Blood Fury
Platform: PC Description of the issue: While playing as Oni today, during the match I was unable to activate Blood Fury after already having been able to. You can see in my provided YouTube video that I was pressing the button prompt, which briefly disappears then reappears but did not activate the ability. Hooking a…
White screen.
I am playing on steam on PC. After i press the space bar to play, my screen turns white and i can see the hud and my killer selection but my actual screen turns white. when i load into a match, i can see my perks, power and add ons, but the rest of the screen is white. It has started since the update that fixed the…
Solid Bush next to Myers House
While playing in a public match, I was chasing a survivor when suddenly I bounced off something while running in the bushes. So naturally I thought there must be a survivor hiding in there. After playing with it for a bit and with the help of a Jeff and Bill we found out that you can't walk threw this tile at all. You…
Dcing during loading screen
I have been having an issue after the newest hotfix where I cannot get into games and I disconnect during the loading screen. (The game doesn't crash or anything and it shows someone else disconnected but for everyone else it shows I dced) This happens over 80 percent of games and I've only been able to get into 1 game…
Friend Lobby Bug
After you start searching for a game and accept a friend’s request for a friend lobby, after taking all the perks (in friend lobby) (offerings and things) you will be thrown to ordinary players and you can play with the above listed things
Game Crashing - 4.0.2 Hotfix Update
I recently updated Dead by Daylight on Steam to patch 4.0.2 which was the hotfix update. However moments after loading the game and being brought to the menu screen, the game will suddenly crash providing this error report:…
phrasing with a ball of hair
is this normal for spirit? btw i use the crown cosmetic
Rank Up Error
PC (steam) Hi, I have a problem when I finish the game and I have to get the ranking up, I get a message saying "There was a bug that prevented updates to your rank". It happens when I get a lot of points and I get a ranking up, so almost every game.
Randomly disconnecting
I’m on Xbox one and I’ve tried to play three survivor games within the last 2 hours and each time I’ve froze at one point then suddenly disconnect for no reason and now I’ve lost all my pips and down a rank and lost a few items and offerings ! All this since I done the most recent hot fix update!
Oni pretty much everithing is bugged
When i play the oni and only the oni, i often had to press the same button 5 times before it works(for starting an attack for example. And sometime i can't do some actions ( hit, enter on blood furi , demon dash or strike ) for 10 seconde. And i also really often had already reported bug like the blood fury that didn't…
Lobby is white and The Game is completely white
after the new patch the game suddenly became completely white. I have lost 2 flashlights, bloodpoints (not really sure how much since i kinda had to leave) and 2 offerings (the event cake offering) because of this! I hope thiis get's fixed and i am pretty sure am not the only one.
Anyone cant open steam profiles after game? I used to left click on profile in lobby, but now its not working. Any solutions? Thanks. 2.7. 2020
Being carried forever without actually being carried (PC)
so i was farming with some friends yesterday and this happened: https://youtu.be/RbqxzjlaXrU (i'm the guy flying on the killer's side). Log file: pc: windows 10 pro, version 10.0.18362 build 18362, AMD FX-6300 Six-core processor, RAM 8gb. issue occurred when me and my friends were farming at the new silent hill map, the…
Very poor PC performance since 3.6.0
I am experiencing terrible fps drops since 3.6.0 release, killer's camera movement is not smooth, when I play killer, I get dizzy too. I don't know what they added to the game, but I'm experiencing a lot of lag to movement. They should improve PC performance.
Demogorgan lunge
The hitboxes on the demogorgan pounce are terrible I lunged onto a survivor opening the exit gate and nothing happened even though my camera went inside him plz fix
I don't understand how a flashlight works (its bug or not )
how am I supposed to understand this where in the first video I blinded a maniac and nothing happened I wasn't blinded here and in this video, I was blinded, even though I had time to look down and away I can't figure out how to use the flashlight properly. And most people don't know how to use it properly either In…
Bugged survivor head while injured
Whenever you get injured as survivor, your head barely turns when looking around. This makes it practically impossible for the killer to notice if a survivor is looking around or not. Killers like Huntress or Nurse, that heavily rely on information, are mostly affected by this. I'm playing on Steam. This problem happens…
(PC) Michael Myers - Beatheart
Hello, I see that michael myers terror radius is bugged, on Level 2 it plays when it's practically next to you and at level 3 it's a little bigger but far from what it should be has anyone seen that?
Xbox- legion lobby music bug
Whenever I play legion his lobby music doesn't play. Whenever I play anybody else, it works just fine.
Look those charms on NEA, its bugged
Gamebreaking Bug (PC)
Basically when the killer hooks a survivor the survivor has a chance to get into the Killer's perspective, thus breaking the killer (they cannot break pallets or use their ability) and themselves (their body is frozen in a seated position on the hook but they are not considered hooked and they do not bleed out). End game…
Oni blood fury not activating
Was playing on PC on hawkins lab to get oni daily. Collected enough blood to activate blood fury, hit left shift and nothing happens. The left shift graphic at the bottom of the screen blinks but no blood fury. Tried multiple times no luck. DC'd to end the game early and make bug report. This is the first time this has…
Losing challenges progress and an error pops up.
Hello everyone, i'm having problems with the challenges from the archives. Sometime at the end of the trial a sign pops up about an error saving my progress for the challenges. A lot of time i'm trying to take a screenshot of the error but it always comes with the "ranked progress error" and it sends me to the main menu.…
Nightmare lullaby too quiet / radius too small
Xbox One I was the last remaining survivor and working on a gen next to the open hatch in the shack. I heard The Nightmare's lullaby start to play and immediately got a skill check. I figured I could fail the check, wake myself up for points, and bounce, but no! The killer was already closing the hatch even though I was…
No Heartbeat for killers on Switch
Just played a few games on the switch as a survivor. Every game I’ve joinEd the killer has no heartbeat. Whether it’s Legion, or Doctor, or Trapper. The music does seem to intensify when the killer gets closer and then when I’m spotted it goes into chase music. But not once was there a heartbeat. Not sure if this is a bug…
Tinkerer is bugged again on PC
The killer loses his terror radius after the first generator for the rest of the game.
Bad Hook Spawn
On Dead Dawg Saloon, this rock spawned too close to the front of this hook in the corner of the map and could not hook survivors on it. Don't think any additional details would be of any help but discovered this on PC.
Keep crashing randomly
Just random times i will crash. I have tried, changing game to different hard drive, to a ssd, to regular drive. reinstalling game, verify files, fixing easy anti cheat, tried to optimize frames by engine.ini, also tried to put steam and dbd to run administrator mode. really close to just stop playing since i cant play the…
Skill checks vanish
So i can't show an image of the bug but when facing doc all of sudden skill checks just disappear i get the notification of one but nothing shows up
(BIG) Lots of bugs with DWIGHT specifically
This is a post that I'd consider pretty big just because.. a single playable character, and only this character, has multiple bugs. His audio, his movement, his emotes. Dwight is just.. bugged a lot for some reason. For one: Dwight against the Plague. Dwight makes NO sound when being vomited on by the plague. He just waves…
Missing(?) audio on Myers' tombstone mori
As seen in this YouTube clip, at one point, the swing sound for initiating the stab was present however, as seen in the clip below, it is not present. It seems to have gone the way of the "move to cancel heal" mechanic before it was re-addressed. If this is intentional, my apologies, and please delete this thread so as to…
PC - Instant EGC trigger
Issue The game started, I hopped through a window, placed a portal and instantly the exit gates were powered and EGC triggered, even though the doors were not opened yet. Character played: Demogorgon Perks played: BBQ, Pop, Monitor, STBFL
Pretty Sure It's a Bug: Executioner
Platform: PC (Steam) Pretty much, I was in a match with the Executioner, I was working on a generator, no place near his carved trails, and after about a minute of working, I was randomly afflicted with the Torment status effect that is received upon running through his trail. Unless I'm missing something here, there's n o…