Doctor skin - bug.
The skin is called "Blood test".
Location report
The survivor, somehow, has reached up there and for the killer it is impossible to hit him. My steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198151791684 Steam ID of the cheater: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tylko1
Jigsaw box faces wall
On Grim Pantry map a Jigsaw box spawned facing the wall, making it impossible to use. Platform: PC
Myers No-Stain/Terror Radius Entire Game
When playing a match against a Michael Myers, I encountered a bug(or a hack I'm not sure) where he had no terror radius throughout the entire match. He never made it to tier 3 and he had no red stain. He had no perks or add ons that would allow him to be invisible throughout the entire match. From the beginning of the…
Pyramid head movement speed bug (ps4)
It appears that if you stun a pyramid head during the sword planting part of his power he can glitch out and will move very very slowly for what appears to be the rest of the match
(PC) Hooking a Survivor beside a hook
https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulWittyGalagoPunchTrees As shown here on my friend Fiber's stream. This girl just phased to the side until she was hanging on nothing.
PS4 Pro When I put memento, during the game it does not appear. In offerings during the game there are other offerings, but memento is absent! It appeared after the last update.
PC - Disconnected at the beginning of the game
Platform: PC Description: I launched a game with a friend. At the beginning of the game, just after the loading screen, I saw the map for one second and the game gave me another loading screen and ended up kicking me out of the game. As a result, I lost my rank and my offering. I didn't have any problem with my connection.…
Ruin bug
Ruin doesn't work when you interrupt and grab a survivor working on a genenerator. It will only activates when another survivor starts repairing the gen. This occurs every time you grab a survivor who is repairing a gen. ( I'm on pc btw )
White screen bug
Hello, I logged in today and this happens on some maps (see screenshot) Also, the menu screen background is all white showing no characters. All graphical drivers are up to date etc first time it has ever happened. Any ideas? Tried relogging etc
Generator on Grim Pantry Pier
So there is that one pier on the swamp map with the big house. On this map there is in most of the times a generator on the pier that is blocked on two sides (one on the fence and another next to some barrels) and the shorter side of that generator can't be accessed as a survivor and killer.
Cant see UI in game including: skill checks, teammate status, all progress bars. (PS4)
Just had a game where the map title stayed on my screen the entire trial and I couldn't see skill checks, my perks, or teammates status. Basically I couldn't see any UI at all. I had to rely on my friends coms. Only happened to me once today out of many games. PS4
Stuck in the Wall of Léry's Memorial Institute while traveling through portals as Demogorgon (PC)
I was playing as Demogorgon on Léry's Memorial Institute during endgame and traveled from one exit gate to a portal near the other one, the portal I was traveling to was placed next to the garbage dumpster on the north west side (assuming the closest exit is north) and before I could reach it I exited my traveling through…
Getting stuck in and getting on top of a pallet as The Legion
On the map "Badham Preschool V" when The Legion vaults the pallet next to the preschool at the car from the side with the fence, instead of playing the normal pallet vault animation, the game plays the animation which is played when The Legion vaults a high window which doesnt make The Legion go forward enough after the…
Can't cleanse totem in Mount Ormond Resort at 2nd floor of the house
I couldn't cleanse it and it's appeared that it is a Hex totem
Jigsaw box spawned facing a wall
This happened on PC. The last jigsaw box spawned facing a wall and I was unable to remove my trap so I died. I was on Grim Pantry map. This is the first time I've seen this particular spawn.
Missing invisible wall - Midwich Elementary School
Hello. You can get from the window to the top of the wall. Fortunately, the killer can hit you from below, so it can't be abused. You can stay only in the corner.
Night of Dwight- no credit received
I just got done escaping a match as Dwight and yet did not receive credit for this challenge. The text states you just have to escape as Dwight, no special conditions. Just thought I would let you know.
Dwight flashlight broken
When Dwight is carrying/picks up a map, toolbox or medkit and picks up a flashlight when you try to use it it just shines at the floor making it unusable
I I’m the player and I see the killer POV
So I was playing normally as the player and the server was certainly quite lagging everyone was lagging. Then the killer knocks me down and walks away he puts my invisible body on the hook. My friends can’t get me off the hook and on the top left screen I’m not on the hook. Then my POV jumps to the killers POV. Only it’s…
Rancor Bugged on Roulette build (pc)?
Was playing some Oni and had furtive chase, Nemesis and Rancor on as obsession perks and Rancor failed to proc. Isn't it supposed to be possible to proc on multiple people if the obsession changes?
Nurse Blink Disabled Bug
Just had a match on Midwich as nurse (bloody nightmare can't blink through half the flesh blobs in that map), hooked a donkey jacket david, lost the ability to blink for the rest of the match. No matter how flat and unobstructed the terrain my blink stayed in place outside of occasionally dropping me down a floor. Only…
A survivor bug that kills you in struggle.
While playing on survivor (PS4) I noticed a bug that makes the tap X button disappear causing you to die. It has happened to me twice and to my friend once. One thing that is in common between each time is the fact that it happens when another survivor is right next to the hooked person, and the killer is near as well. My…
whenever i play the Pig killer my laptop freezes..
and it forces me to turn off , i dont know why why this is happening. I've been playing other killers but i have never had this issue before. And right now I'm trying to finish the Rift and each time i want to use the Pig i've wasted at least 20 to 30 miinutes each time and my rift challenges in the game is gone and i have…
Rangers Med-kit bug - doesn't increase great skillcheck area
PC The Ranger Med-kit doesn't increase the great skill check area. IMO it even decreases the area by a few pixels. It should increase the good and great skill check area though! Equip the medkit and heal yourself for example. Everytime. This is with the yellow medkit This is the bugged rangers medkit
Borrowed time bug (PS4)
It doesn't work half the time for some reason
Textures Missing
And I mean GONE. People said they didnt have it, so I'm validating my files and checking rn. Anything else this could be? Sorry about bad pics, my computer decided to not cooperate with me.
Super buggy game patch 4.0.0
Im not sure if this bug was fixed but not sure what was up during this game. Platform: PC Laggy servers / Hook bug with oni Not sure if I can reproduce This is the only time
Nurse on Midwich can't blink through a certain corridor
Can't blink though this corridor. Doesn't matter how long I hold the blink. On the left is the door to the courtyard. -PC
I want to point out a bug!
Good evening, I want to point out a bug because of which I broke two keyboards and spent all my nerves... Please note, I attach a video where it is clearly visible that I get a drop and should raise the rank of a maniac. However, for a long time, the rank of banal is not updated... I paid money for the game, bought…
3 times recover from dyingstate with unbreakable
On PC (steam) I used unbreakable and tenacity and I could recover 3 times from the dyingstate in the last match.
Multiple Bugs during one match
hello, played today a game as ace on ironworks of missery (Pc) i couldnt use sprintburst, nobody could heal me and i couldnt take items from chests. on top of that i had the daily "get 120sec chased as ace" and i got zero progress that round.
Couldn't Mori survivors with Pig, PC
PC I brought an Ebony Mori into the match, while I was playing Pig, the map was Coldwind, Fractured Cowshed. At the end of the match I had two survivors on the ground but when I tried to initiate a Mori, I couldn't. The only options available were Crouch and Pick up. Both survivors had been hooked twice already and should…
Every time I play on a map with grass, the killer’s movement speed decreases, most often this happens on the autoheaven wreckers map (when I start walking on the grass), I played as Legion ( it works on a ghost face too), please fix it. because of this problem it’s not possible to catch up with the survivors. It's not…
PC - Executioner's cage of atonement deadlockes the game
Map: The game Prerequisites: Survivor in cage of atonement. Steps to reproduce: 1.Activate endgame collapse (was activated by opening the gate) . 2.Wait for timer to ran out. 3.Endgame collapse timer line dissapears and ER: Survivor is killed by entity/cage AR: Survivor stays inside cage, and cage's progress line…
I want the Crown
-survivors & killers aren’t getting the crown cosmetic even after escaping and completing the trial. Description: Step one: boot game Step two: Play as a survivor/killer in public match Step three: Make contact with the crown and obtain golden flakes. Step four: Escape/ complete the trial Step five: No crown option in…
blood web frequency of event items bugged?
PC So I just spent over 1 million and about 35 blood webs later Ive gotten only 1 event flash light and 2 event med kits? I dont get it- why have and make event items that are so rare in the blood web? It feels like BHVR doesnt want me to have and use any of them? Even the cakes I get in the blood web are also not as…
(PC) Legion's menu theme not playing
Usually when you select a specific killer their menu theme plays, however this does happen when you choose Legion that has their own custom menu music. It instead plays the normal killer music.
Incorrect killer loadout on match display screen.
Played a match as survivor on badham preschool, facing a deathslinger on PC. End results screen showed that the killers loadout was a clowns with no perks. Event cake a hindered add on and something else. (Yellow I think probably not important) Talked with the killer and they said that its a common bug but I couldn't see…
Is this a server issue , or an actual bug ? (wraith not burned by flashlight)
Konami code lie
In the recent ‘hotfix’ I was told just like every other player who plays on console, that the Konami code was finally fixed. So I decided to buy the Silent Hill DLC on my Xbox to see if it worked and it still didn’t. I have seen other forums that it is somewhat working for PS4 but I have seen nothing for Xbox. I have tired…
The Oni Blood fury not usable until hitting survivor
I've bought the Oni dlc a few days ago and have stumbled upon this bug about 3 times out of around 10 matches ive played with him. It happened to me in my last two matches when i was trying to reproduce the bug while playing normally. From my knowledge, the Oni's passiive blood fury progress gain stops at around 98% after…
The Executioner's reach
I was playing against The Executioner and I had used my sprint burst about 10 meters away from them and halfway through my sprint burst he still hit me.
Double bug screenshots: offerings not being consumed and perks not shown in tally screen
PC Both bugs happen regularly (rough guess every third game) and currently I would say randomly (at least I did not recognize any pattern yet). The 4th anniversary cake (not tested with other offerings yet) is selected, but not shown while burning and after the game the count is still the same. I.e. as I had simply not…
Unable to Update Rank
To whom it may concern, I'm a mobile user of Dead by Daylight, and I've been having this annoying recurring issue where it's unable to rank. I've won the game and sacrificed all survivors as a killer, and every time I've won. The game refuses to update my rank and its EXTREMELY frustrating. The only time it accepts my rank…
nea got stuck in a hook in hawkins
i was playing demogorgon on the hawkins map. i was hooking survivors and others where unhooking them whithout incident when all of a suden a nea got stuck in a hook (picture could not be uploaded for whatever reason). the nea could not be hit by my m1 or shred but she could be healed by another survivor the nea could…
host disconnect
help plssss
Couldnt unhook survivor after running into clown fog
PS4 I tried to unhook survivor who had been hooked by clown, he smashed bottle before leaving so not sure if thats related as when I tried to unhook I couldn't. Not able to reproduce as play solo video can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSTIm-iNxdc
No inputs are working, just the camera.
I was playing a game against the clown and after being hit with his poison, I couldn't do any inputs. I could only move the camera. Then when I was hooked and the entity came down, it acted like I was pressing the space bar and I couldn't even die. I even turned on a controller and could still move the camera but could not…
Make your choice Rank 1 not working
EDIT: I can't read. You need to be away from the hooked person not in range. So no bug, just makes the perk useless. I have it equipped as The Pig since level 1. I am now level 16 pig and it has NEVER triggered. Last game I tried it in the basement: Hooked a survivor, crouched down behind a wall 2m away from him. Unhooker…