Huntress bloodpoints glitch
When you hit a survivor with a hatchet you get no deviousness points at all
delete that
Stuck on pallet
I got glitched on top of a pallet after getting stunned by a claudette morell on coldwind farm - thompson house
Stuck in pallets/hook as a killer and surv
I couldn't record when i got stucked as I killer, but it was hillibilly and it happens when survs stuns me with pallets, I cannot move any direction so bug force me to break the pallet only with chainsaw
Stuck after being unhooked - The survivor saving was screaming while unhooking
step 1: get hooked by electric doctor Step 2a: get unhooked by survivor step 2b: the survivor doing the save must be screaming while performing the unhook Step 3: realize the unhooked survivor is stuck and any attempt to move in any direction goes in vain Only way to be unstuck is to be carried by the killer video link is…
Graphic bug
My graphic bugs but i have my game in Low Frame rate Cant fi what to do?
Shrine Of Secrets is not working
so i bought the perk bond 4 days ago from the shrine of secrets and it said it can be unlocked in my bloodwebs and i have got from level 30 to level 40 and have yet to see the perk in any bloodwebs since i bought it. is this a bug or am i just really unlucky and if it is a bug can i know when it will be fixed?
Hook bug
Happened today on PC, Dead Dawg Saloon. While being persued by Hillbilly, I positioned myself directly in front of the saloon piano window from inside, facing out and dead harded. Billy M1 (didn't hit bc of DH), I 360 around him and medium vault. He grabbed me during the vaulting animation and carried me to the hook. My…
Shrine of secrets - borrowed time not working PS4
Hi there, A few days ago I bought borrowed time in the shrine of secrets. It took my iridescent shards and greyed out. After looking for it in the bloodweb and not finding it, I went and looked under character info and it says I have not unlocked it there. My shards are gone and it will not let me try buy it again in the…
Please fix pallets - specially for Legion
Ever since I've tried playing Legion after 3.7.0, the pallets don't work properly anymore, specially in feral frenzy. Whenever I activate Feral Frenzy and go over pallets I will usually (like 75% the time) get stuck rubberbanding next to it and the only fix is to try vault over again or wait for feral frenzy to end and…
Feng Min Moonrise Cosmetic is changed.
After the 3.7.0 update, Feng Min Moonrise event head cosmetic got completely washed off. everything that made that cosmetic unique is now gone and it's became just a normal hair style cosmetic.....please look into it.
[EN] An unknown error does not let me play with friends. I can play only one game with them and then kick me out of the game for an "unknown error". I can play alone, but it won't let me play with friends more than one game in a row. [ES] Un error desconocido no me deja jugar con amigos. Solo puedo jugar una partida con…
automatic lunge cancellation (PS4)
I really have no idea if this is a bug within the game or the dedicated servers, most of the time the game cancels my lunges automatically and the killer just swings at the air, it happens to every killer not a specific one
The Unknown error Oucur
after 1 match the game with Friend. The game throws me to the main menu screen with a unknown error pop-up and then i can't join Friend lobby ( can't see invitation or can but in lobby it will stuck . i can't see everyone in room press ready even Even though they say they do ) i need to close the game and open the game to…
Don’t increase protection hit
Before last patch on PS4, when you get a hit near hooked survivors, then you gain protection hit. After patch it’s don’t working! Protection hit increase only when get a hit near injured survivor. It’s very difficulty to get 4 point on “We’re gonna live forever”!
Ghost face stuck inside pallet.
Killer ghost face-i Was chasing a survivor and got stuck inside the pallet as they pulled it down. I was only able to crouch inside the pallet and basic attack.
Hi ! When I select the challenges Dance of Death or Beast of Death, I don't get the reward. I Tried out everything : being chased for 30 seconds in one puirsuit, in mulltiple, being chased exactly 30 second (with a clock) ... but never get the progression for this challenge. Same for the Beast of death : I've even…
Stuttering the whole game after hooking a specific survivor
PC There is this one survivor using Nea, Whenever I got near her I, I been getting lag spikes (she teleports a lot too so i'm thinking she had connection problem) until finally I hooked her, and then it broke my game. I stutter for the remaining game. I'm not sure if there are any steps to reproduce. this is the first to…
Bug on red forest maps [PC]
I can blink in walls next to exit gate
Blocked under a hook / Estate - Coal Tower
• Platform : PC • Description of the issue : As you can see on the video : https://youtu.be/tLcT7md04_w I was playing on the map Macmillan Estate - Coal Tower, against the doctor. I unhooked a survivor and got stuck under the hook. The killer was able to down me but not able to pick me up. The only way I could escape this…
Rank Update Error
I'm playing on PC, but there's a major problem. There is a rank update error after every single game. I can't play with my friends anymore because of this. I cannot stay on lobby. I have been having this problem since 3.5.0 update and it hasn't been fixed.
Help me pls
When I turn left with the mouse on the left create a cursor and I can neither hit nor use special power
PC - Survivor Teleporting?
Booted the game. Played as Killer. In game, hooked survivor in basement. Survivor teleports up into some hay bales and can't move/escape and I can't hit them/pick them up. Character Played: Legion Perks Played: No One Escapes Death, Discordance, Ruin, Bitter Murmur Map: Cold Wind Farm: Fractured Cowshed where Basement was…
Getting the exposed status trapped a player in place
Michael Myers got tier 3 Evil Within and it got a player stuck in the map. When it happened again later, it got them unstuck. This was on PC and has only happened once. Not sure if it can happen in any other spots on the map or other maps. Would try to go to the same place and get the exposed status if wanting to try and…
[Bug]: The Hillbilly is flying after a pallet - Lampkin Lane Haddonfield
Platform: PC + Steam Description of the issue: When my friend make a down pallet against the Hillbilly in this particular place, the hillbilly is flying on the air, and this killer is stucked. (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)During the match of the killer into the Lampkin Lane Haddonfield, my friend is starting this match 2)When…
I'm disconnecting a lot. Getting stuck everywhere.
And by a lot I mean, at least once a day. I already got stuck on a pallet as a survivor (vaulted while a Hillbilly was breaking it), on a pallet as killer, OVER a pallet as killer and in a hook when I killed one guy. So basically I'm getting stuck everywhere, and I'm taking the 5 minutes penalty to write this. You should…
Ghost Face Moving too Fast
I was just playing an average game of dead by daylight as ghost face, and then i downed someone and went to go down someone else and i started moving at around double the speed. I instantly left the game and went on the forums to report this.
Myer's stalking
Since dedicated servers, Myers has been unable to stalk at least half the time. You clearly have line of sight and you gain no stalk. Why is this not fixed yet?
Unbreakable totem on lerys
-Solved- Xbox - stuck in a pallet
I started the game normally, chasing survivors with the spirit (in a public match), until a bill drop a pallet in me after a hit him, this bug has happen a lot off times when a was playing, but this time i can't even destroy the pallet making me stuck, until the bill appears again and started jump over the pallet making me…
Still disconnecting from matches
can somebody explain whats happening?, already got a 1 hour ban because of this without any intention of disconnecting?, is not my connection, so... whats happening? why im able to see killer's build when it happen? even if the match is not over.. because i played with friends, since i started playing this game, this kind…
Zarina's New Outfit is Bugged
Platform: PC Description: When you have her new body piece equipped (the head and pants don't matter), there is severe clipping issues with her neck and you can see the seam line along her neck as well. It just looks very badly but together. Steps: Just equip Zarina's green cardigan and you can see the inconsistency. How…
generator bug
after completing a generator, you became stuck to it, just getting out of it when you get hit to the ground, being picked by a killer
there is a bug that prevents the game from running its normal course being a killer
Hi, I'm from Chile and I've already played two assassin games in a row with the same error, so I don't know whether to keep playing or wait for a new update. the killer was the ghost in case you were wondering. The mistake is that I get caught right in the middle of a pallet. This happens when I am chasing a survivor and…
Stuck to hook as Deathslinger on Thompson house
Platform: Xbox Issue: Stuck to hook as deathslinger on Thompson house. 1. Play Deathslinger on Thompson house 2. Down Survivor 1 while they are attempting to unhook Survivor 2, but don't pull/grab while they are unhooking Survivor 2. 3. Pick up Survivor 1 and let Survivor 2 be unhooked by someone else. 4. Stuck to hook :/
Nea´s Bloody P3 Head & Adam Francis coats bug
Hello, Platform PC, Steam -Visualbugs-
Match making error
PC Terrible match making:
Stuck in a wall
While playing on ‘the game’ I was hooked and my character model was inside the wall instead of on the hook, after getting unhooked i remained trapped inside of the wall for the remainder of the game with no way out. I was able to eventually bleed out since healing other survivors let the killer hit me. I play on the Xbox…
The Plague unable to drink from (Very Specific) Fountain on Family residence
On Family Residence, there is a tile spawn the has a Large Stone Incense Burner that is up against some rocks. For me it spawns next to the gazebo between Shack and the main building. This fountain was undrinkable for me. I tried multiple times, alas i could not.
d/c penalty bug
hi i was playing earlier with some friends i d/c for the first time out of a match and i got a 24 hour ban? i have friends who play more than i do who d/c more than i do and all they have gotten is a max of 30 min ban or "timeout" can you fix this cause this is most unfair to someone who d/c only once i would have glady…
PS4 - Killer Can't Pick Up Survivor and Survivor Can't Recover if Under the Hook of Hooked Survivor
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, get slugged by the killer and crawl under a hook Step 4 : In-game, killer must put survivor on hook Step 5: Notice that you cannot recover while under the hook. Step 6: Killer attempts to pick you up…
Deceisive Strike Bug (still being absued)
Since the new tome is out, we are finally getting into games faster (yay). With the amount of people returning to the game, there is an increase in players/killers abusing the DS bug. When they pick up a survivor and perform a hit into the air and the survivor hits the DS skill check simultaneously, they won't jump off the…
PC - Demogorgon Shred Hitbox Failures
Problem 1: Maximum range shreds almost never hit despite animations CLEARLY indicating that a survivor should have been hit. Step 1: Play a match as the Demogorgon Step 2: Shred a Survivor at the supposed maximum distance where they SHOULD get hit Step 3: Watch as survivor does not get hit as your arms literally pass…
Servers are not working properly.
I post this in another section but today i saw a lot of people having the same issue with this. Platform: PC Description of the issue: This last days I noticed the SA server is not working properly or the game is buggy and join me to a server that is not the closest one to me, I asked how much ping my random teammates had…
Xbox - Sprint burst doesn‘t work
So shortly and sweetly, I encountered a bug in a survivor match, regarding the perk Sprint Burst. During the whole duration of the match, Sprint Burst didn‘t exactly activate. I did get the exhaustion effect, but no added speed boost to my running speed. This happened while I was injured and fully healed. There was nothing…
PC - Stuck inside hook after hooking a survivor and even after being unhooked
Playing as The Shape on Backwater Swamp: The Pale Rose probably (didn't had time to explore and don't remember). I hooked a Claudette next to the brocken building made of iron where the cave can spawn. I immediately got stuck inside of her as I hooked her. Hoping that getting her unhooked would save me from my demise, I…
Stuck ON a pallet
PC Played as Wraith on Haddonfield (Shapes map) Perks:Sloppy butcher, Overcharge, Shadowborn, Bloodhound I was attempting to hit survivor who was staying behind the pallet, from the slightly higher ground(the house, he dropped the pallet and instead of stunning me pallet placed me on top of it, thus making me unable to…
Léry's Memorial Institute: Totem cleanse
PC You can't cleanse the totem.
Currently in a bugged lobby and don't want to lose a pip or have a 5-minute timeout ban
It's the bug where someone got stuck in the "pickup" phase instead of being put on the hook and now the timer is gone but both the killer and bugged survivors are still standing in there. To top it off, I am spectating the bugged person and I a really spectating the killer. Is there any immediate fix for this that the…
Trapped on top of Pallet
Ghost Face Brutal Strength, Hex: Devour Hope, All Ears, and Thrilling Tremors Azarov's, I don't remember the name of the specific map but it is the one in the capital I formation. First time the issue has happened, but there was no way to solve the issue once it started. So took about ten minutes to get into the match.…