Entity block on vaults are invisible
It seems that since the latest patch on PC the entity block on windows don't show up, despite the window being blocked. If the killer uses bamboozle, the window is blocked but you cannot see it. The same thing applies to cruel limits as well as the normal block from overusing a vault in chase. I went into custom games with…
Feng Min's Red Peony cosmetic
Feng Min's CNY head doesn't have her makeup or the bloodstain on her cheek which is very disappointing because it was my favorite cosmetic head for her :( Hoping this gets fixed soon because it makes me not want to play Feng.
Unable to move bug
I was playing in a game on Thompson House. I was hooked as normal, but after a teammate came to unhook me I got stuck. She was in the middle of unhooking me and the killer downed the other player. I was glitched and unable to move for the remaining duration of the game. Linked is a twitter video of the specific issue of…
Dc penalty
Disconnects from YOUR servers and I get penalized for it. Not once have I disconnected purposely and I already have a 48 hour ban within the span of two days. Fix your servers and fix the penalty increase, a half hour to a full day is a bit ridiculous to begin with, even if it was intentional
Social connection
I am using a second controller signed in as a guest and using my account to play and am unable to join or invite people as it says the server connection failed but am still able to play games.
PS4 NoED broken
Just had 2 games running NoED first game when all generators were done the perk was lit but when I hit someone it didn't down them just injured them. Then played a second game same thing happened but had a look around and saw that the hex totem was standing.
Hillbilly is broken.
Platform:Steam Description of the issue: Cant turn chainsaw the same as before. Chainsaw animation cause freezing. And he feels laggy overall.
Prove Thyself it Doesn't have the 15% repair speed.
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: When u use prove thyself and work in the same generator with another survivor the 15% repair speed is not applied. • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Use Prove thyself and work in a generator with other survivor. • How often does this occur: All the time u use the perk.
Oni gets stuck on hook PS4 after hooking a survivor
I was playing oni on “wretched shop auto heaven wreckers” I hooked a Kate and then I got stuck on the hook a Nancy came to save her and I was still stuck.
[PC] - Clown bottle can´t hit vaulting Surv
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : Chase a Survivor and try to hit him with the bottle during he vaults through a window (That´s not a Quest) Character played: Clown Perks played: Enduring, Barbeque and Chilli, Spirit fury, Brutal Strenght Map: Blood Lodge Frequency of the issue:…
Doctor bug in a pallet
I was playing a public game, i threw the pallet and he buged. Finally he can unbug picket me when I pass on the pallet http://www.mediafire.com/file/btql5atzyn95zxy/Bug_Doctor.mp4/file
No check skill or progress bar in the hud
PS4 - No check skill or progress bar in the hud Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, repair a generator, purify a totem, escape the hook, shake off the killer Step 4 : the hud does not go beyond the name of the map ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Dwight Fairfield…
myers ledge bug
when survivors are vaulting I cant grab them , there is the hand grab animation for 1 second then it just stops and the survivor vaults the ledge .
Hit Boxes Please Fix Them
I play on the xbox one platform. When I play as survivor I find that if I get a stun before the killer hits me I always end up going down, when injured. It's happening in 7/10 games I play and I don't know if it is due to the updates. I hope that you can fix this issue.
Locker bug
Platform: PC Description: Many times I hide in the locker my entire character is outside the locker and can be hit by the killer even I'm in the locker. I had asked the killer as well that can he see me outside the locker and he said yes. It's happen so many times not sure which character but definitely Jake with Halloween…
Stuck in Rubble as Demogorgon
After i traveled through the Upside-Down using the Demogorgon i got Stuck in a pile of Rubble for no reason I will try to upload the Video of the incident on Youtube so i can show it if needed Small bit of additional info: The map was the underground complex (via map offering) Hope i helped to fix the Bug so i and Other…
PC- Launched into air and stuck above pallet as Legion
As Legion I swung while in feral frenzy, the survivor dropped a pallet on me and I got launched into the air and got stuck above the pallet. I was unable to move from that spot no matter how I moved or when I tried to swing out of it. That's a pretty damn bad bug, it literally just froze me in place for the whole match.…
Bug Rendered killer incapable to move
Using trapper I went through the building with stone columns and a rounded center area and upon hugging the wall inside the central area surrounding the columns I was caught in a bug/glitch that caused me to be stuck. I could turn, swing and could slightly move but only millimeters from where I was caught. The game was…
Graphical Error - Zarina's charms in the wrong place
Zarina's charms are lower than they should be. I know its not major, but it drives my OCD crazy haha.
Killer stuck in the pallet
*Sorry for bad English* Platform: PC Player name: Yorokobe Recently I encounter this bug a few times when playing killer. The bug is if I get a pallet hit and stunned by survivors, I have about 10% chance to stuck in the pallet, can't doing anything except turning the camera angle. Walking near the pallet never make me…
Please help I cant fix it
my graphic is not fully loaded, for example, one side of the map is always visible, not loaded at all.
Hatch spawning when 2 survs still alive ?????
It was normal game(PC) on hag, pale rose, perks and add ons that i used can be seen on a screenshot. I hooked meg and she tried to escape from the hook she failed and hit struggle, someone went for the rescue and few minutes after she stepps into my trap and i hook her again, she dies, generator is repaired,i find dwight i…
MY USER IS WallyDelRey game on Xbox one s console,
as the photo shows I was hiding in the closet when I gave a BUG and I couldn't get out, nor the killer who opened the closet could catch me.
Bug Can't Move after complete process.
After complete process. Why i can't move?
Bug in temple of purgation
Are 2 corners in the temple of purgation that lock the killers. (i dont record about the other corner but is the in front of me(Oni) in the oni video) Character played : Oni and hag (probably works with all killers) Map : Temple of purgation (in the center of the temple)
Bug report killer
Bug al golpear motor me he quedado atrapado en el motor sin poder moverme en toda la partida. He perdido dos rango mas todos los items mas las ofrendas pido que se me devuelva porfavor Platadorma ps4 Id:David_lalinea_es Mapa: Salon arponero Killer: Doctor
3.7.1 bug: collapse music starts immediately
when I start a match as killer, the end game music is immediately playing, at a low volume. this continues until the first time the music changes
PS4 End game/ all gens complete audio bug killer
On playstation4 immediately following patch 3.7.1 The endgame/ all gens complete audio is constantly playing for killer in the following matches due to either all the gens being done or even closing the hatch in the previous match. It doesn't matter if you play a different killer next round or not. The only way to make the…
Billy Charge Bug
If your pallet stunned while charging chainsaw, once unstunned, the charge progress stays the same and didn't reset. Occurred for me on PC and possibly it only happens if your using Enduring
Keep having to validate my game?
So, I was in the middle of a match. It was my third or fourth match and all of a sudden I was booted out of the game saying that it failed to validate my game and something about anti-cheating? Like, I don't even know how to go about cheating, just btw lol, but it kicked me out of the game and then I got the penalty D/C…
Visual bug around the Grim Pantry
On Xbox One on the map Grim Pantry I noticed earlier today that there was this raised tile around the outside of the map.
Stuck on stairs as Spirit on the map The Temple of Purgation. Have video proof but won’t let me upload.
PLEASE suspend disconnection penalties while pallets not fixed.
I'm already at the 15 minutes penatly, I got stuck AGAIN at a pallet against a Bubba. I got stuck as killer and survivor 7 times already in the last 5 or 6 days. It's almost 1 DC per day. At least, please leave all penalties at 5 minutes until this issue is fixed. Thanks.
Revert back hillbilly changes. He s unplayable.
Cant turn chainsaw the same as before. Chainsaw animation cause freezing. And he feels laggy overall.
Lost 150,000 bloodpoints
Step 1: Enter cutom lobby Step 2: Go to shop and bought a teachable from the shrine for 150,000 bloodpoints Step 3: Go back to lobby (a friend joined my party without an invite) Step 4: Left lobby to go to Plague's bloodweb Step 5: Notice Bloodpoints are gone and the iridescent shards have been spent Step 6: Go back to…
Stuck, map temple of purgation
I was just playing the wraith and was uncloaking walking up the basement steps. Right when i finished uncloaking i got stuck just to the left of the stairs and could only look around. I could still attack and cloak but i couldn't move from that spot Using wraiths three perks and the two add ons were (the serpent and the…
PC - Can't mend while in the broken status effect
Step 1 - Launch the game Step 2 - Go in a public match as Survivor Step 3 - Make sure the Killer is Plague Step 4 - Get the Plague to vomit on you until you enter the broken status Step 5 - Let the Plague hook you Step 6 - Get your teammate to save you with the perk Borrowed Time and make sure they save you while in terror…
DC Penalty Issues
The game gave me an error midmatch saying "You must have an internet connection to access this content." It was very clear that I did still have an internet connection. My stream was still up and running on twitch. My party chat on xbox was still working perfectly. So I think something went wrong with the game itself and…
Stuck in Pallet
Playing on Pc I got stuck in a pallet after it was thrown down on me I swung through a pallet as legion, i hit the survivor and then they threw down the pallet on me. The combination of the pallet and the survivor pushed me up against the wall and i slid up the pallet as it came down and got stuck atop it. First time ive…
Wraith Cloaking and Uncloaking - Patch 3.7.0
The Main issue I have been seeing since the recent update is the uncloaking/cloaking time of the Wraith has been slowed making it 2 Hits of the bell instead of 1 and then a burst of speed. Speed boost has also been reduced. There also seems to be an auditory bug as well when suing the wailing bell power- for example the…
Bamboozle bug.
As survivor on the crotus pen asilum map, me and my friends in SWF doesn't see the when a window was blocked by the entity. If we are close enough from the killer when he's vaulting we can heard the sound but it doen't seem be block. Of course we can't vault the window. The killer was the Deathslinger and I didn't have the…
Switch-Exit Gate Open Not Triggering
Step 1 : Popped 5th gen Step 2 : Heard sound for exit gates Step 3 : White location outline didn't appear Step 4 : Went to each door but open mechanism wouldn't trigger. Another player and I were trapped and ended up having being killed because we had no way to get out. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Meg Dark Sense, resilience,…
Save erorr
I got save error and when he come i get DC please fix this problem
Legion stuck on Assilum after vault the "cupule" window while frenesy.
so... that, i vaulted that window while frenesy and after fall from it i stuck on the wall all the match...
PC - Character stuck inside trap after disarmed.
I was caught in a trap against the trapper and I had my friend take me out of it. Once the trap was disarmed, I still could not move but was standing up. When I tried to move out, my character would just glitch back in the trap so I was stuck to die. Please fix this.
Ps4 - Getting stuck at the base of hooks when trying to rescue a survivor.
This has happened twice now while playing as Detective Tapp. When I went to unhook someone, i became trapped and couldn't move in any direction. Was using self-care, stake out, detective's hunch, and spine chill.
Cannibal audio and plague vomit
First off I play on PS4 I was playing on one of the corn maps, and when I chainsawed a pallet the audio of the chainsaw kept playing even when my chainsaw wasn’t up. With the plague at the start of the match when I went to vomit just for fun, the vomit meter only when up like .5 percent of the way till resetting. So…
deathslinger stuck on plague map.
plataform -pc the killer was stuck in this part of the temple of the plague map and wasnt able to move , we survivor tried to unstuck him with no luck. one of survivors let himself die to end game to make sure he dont lose pip because of the bug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzWJhX4PLow
Bugs on hadonfield map [PC]
Me and my friend @finnus Find new bugs on hadonfield
XBOX1 Unusable Hook on Dead Dawg Saloon Map
Played a game as The Nurse and wasn’t able to hook a survivor on one of the hooks near the gallows as it had a rock in front of it. I thought a survivor was blocking the hook but it was a rock. Don’t have a picture unfortunately.