Rancor not working with Plague! (PC)
Edit: So Rancor's mori is only activated when all gens are completed, they gens aren't considered completed when you close hatch and block them off?/power them up to open the gates.. I feel like I should have been able to mori kate.. idk if this really is bug. So I finally made it to the Rancor Rampage Challenge and I have…
Player level update error makes me unnable to get rift fragments
The title sais it all. From this day, 30 of March, I've been unable to get any rift fragments because of this player level update error I get each and every match. As you can see, here's the error I get each game I play. haven't tested it for killer since the queue times are just really long atm. Here you can see I'm…
Bug inviting friends on console ps4
Me and all of my friends are not able anymore to invite each other in a group or even join each other. An error message comes everytimes we try it. Can you fix it please ?
Falling thru map
Xbox one While playing as jane on the the pale rose map i got hook by the spirit in the big boat 's basement. I ended up falling thru the map just like the old bug on sanctum of wrath's basement. I did get into a locker to do headon as the spirit was approaching.
Connection lost
I just bought my friend dbd but when i tried to invite our other friends it says connection lost. No matter how many times I reopen the game the same error happens. I checked my wifi and its all fine. What do i do?
Killers hitting to far away!
Here is two examples of what i mean when i say that the killer is hitting to far away. especially the one through the window... i have more examples but this is what i recorded today.
Dead Dawg Saloon FatShame Spot
Lower Volume i was being loud.
FPS Issues and Crashes on small maps
PC Whenever I load in to "The Game" or "Hawkins Laboratory" my fps is significantly decreased. I have had my settings on low always and my FPS consistently hits 100 on any other map besides these two. I'm pretty sure it happens on "Lery's Memorial Institute" but I'm not quite sure. I haven't had any steps to reproduce, I…
Dwights Elf Costume clipping with lockers.
I play on PC and this bug is pretty recent. As the title says the bug is literally dwelfs feet sticking out of lockers and the killer is able to see it clearly. I don't think the bug is reproducable, sometimes in locks your feet just stick out. It's happened on 2 occasions so far but I usually don't get into lockers so…
Infinite flashlight blind bug
First time playing after weeks, this game is unplayable seriously.
Game Breaking Trapper Carry Bug
PC This has only happened once, and not directly to me, to someone I was playing with. A trapper picked them up, then dropped them repeatedly on an opened trap. At some point during this process, the trapper became bugged and no longer was able to drop the survivor, and the survivor could not wiggle off. They could…
Freeze problem [PC]
Hi. Whenever I play survivor or killer, sometimes I get 0 fps for couple of seconds, especially at the beginning of the match. It is really frustrating. Rarely, but it happens, it can kick me from the game to the endgame lobby and there is nothing I can do about this. It happens on every map. It started about year ago,…
Music doesn't play in lobby
It happens when i play as survivor and finish my first match. The music in lobby and main menu stops play. It doesn't happen if i play as killer.
Quick and Quiet bug
Platform: PC (the platform where I saw the bug happen, not my own). Issue: When Quick and Quiet is on cool down, you can do a fast fault just as the cool down ends. It will cause a loud noise notification but the perk will start it's cool down again. Replication: Fast vault a window/pallet just as Quick and Quiet comes off…
rank error
Every day that I play dbd, this error, I already opened a ticket, I already made a report, but none with a print, I come here again to ask for help, because I have this error since I downloaded the game.
Red Herring stays active
Red Herring gets deactivated if the gen you are working on gets finished, but if you have it ready to go on a different generator than the last one to get powered, it stays active. It also stays active if the perk is ready to go on any generator and the end game collapse gets triggered by closing the hatch. You don't see…
Decisive Strike skill check not affected by Unnerving Presence and Huntress Lullaby
Summary: Decisive Strike skill check is not affected by Unnerving Presence and Hex: Huntress Lullaby. Description: The perks Unnerving Presence and Hex: Huntress Lullaby have no effect on Decisive Strike skill check. I experienced these bugs when I was playing as Feng Min with Decisive Strike perk equipped. One time I…
Perk bought in shrine does not appear to be unlocked
My username is BesJen and I play dead by daylight on pc (on steam) Issue: So, this week I saw that ruin was in the shrine, and since I don't have hag, I obviously bought it. I leveled up my legion (who is at lvl 50), and usually when I buy a new perk, I immediatly get it in the bloodweb, but it didn't show up. At first I…
skill checks
couldnt see my perks and my skill checks the whole game. I literally had to tap the gens and do saves cuz that's all I could do. And I also seen that my borrowed time didn't work yesterday. And I'm tired of the pipping system.
Closet strike
I recently played survivor matches where I'd be in a locker for awhile to head-on the killer for them to basic strike the locker and down me while I'm inside I hope to god this isn't some new stupid feature it's broken ....
bug hook
the killer hangs me the second time they bother me on the hook, unable to finish the game, neither the killer nor I are required to leave the game receiving a time penalty and unfairly losing 2 survivor rank points unfairly
Screen Cracks when Downed by Piggy
Been playing all day, haven't had this issue with any other killer, but when I was downed by a Piggy (Before she put the helmet on) this happened to the screen. It went back to normal after she hooked me and the animations played.
Can't leave from Exit gate
None of us could leave through the exit gates. It was blocked by the entity like how it is for the killer. Platform: PS4 Everything was normal throughout the whole game, he killed one of us in the beginning and the rest of us managed to get the gens done and open the gate. I don't know how this can be reproduced. I've…
Deathslinger Cosmetic Clipping - Cold Stream & Stampede Shirts
Summary: This is purely a cosmetic issue with his belt buckle with these outfits. Description: The belt buckle appears to be textured onto the belt and part of the pants, which causes it to warp, bend, and fold on itself when he moves. You can see this when viewing his idle animations well looking at these outfits in the…
[Bug]: Ghost hit on the pallet already down on the Purification Map - Oni
Description: When my friend down this pallet, the killer hit before which the pallet is already down, (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)The game is started, 2)My friend is selfcare himself but the killer return back to tunnell and don't see my friend 3)This survivor make 1 turn around the pallet and down the pallet 4)Here the…
Match Management Option in Public Lobby
The Match Management Option is available in a public lobby. PLAT: PC STEPS: In a public lobby, ready up for a game Cancel the search option should appear once you go into the ui of it, and click apply changes, it disappears HERE IS A LINK TO AN UNLISTED VIDEO SHOWING THE BUG AND HOW TO REPRODUCE https://youtu.be/53JQE2o70oE
Legion sound issue
PS4, happens multiple times across several matches. Upon starting feral frenzy, I hit a survivor but there is no sound indicating this. No slash sound, hit sound, no scream. Any other survivor I hit sounds right, the problem is only for the first one hit after starting the frenzy. This will occur several times in a match,…
Hovering over an item creates two small black dots
Platform: PC Description: When you hover over any item in the item selection screen two black dots will appear. Steps to reproduce: Hover over any item and two black dots will appear. How often does this occur: Every time you hover over the item. Not hovering over the item: Hovering over the item:
Prove Thyself Either has a wrong description or is not functioning as intended
Platform: PC Description: Currently the perk states Increases Repair speed for all repairing Survivors by 10 % for each other Survivor within a range of 4 metres. This means Prove Thyself should completely negate the penalty for repairing generators cooperatively the way it is described because it states it increases…
Red stain and abusing it by using configs
So a few patches ago there was some kind of an engine update,which made regular stain not pass through walls. It still does pass through autohaven/macmillan/asylum walls even with the engine update that was made. Except that,people use certain UE lines and put them into their engine.ini file to remove mist/increase red…
Major Input Lag
I have just got this game and it is unplayable for me. If I click on the house or press a key, the game freezes until I stop pressing. Basically a permanent stutter. I have changed resolutions and switched of vsync. It happens on the main screen and in game as if the input from the pc is stopping it. Any suggestions?
sabateur bug
Platform: PC Description: sabateur goes on cool down even if unsuccessful in sabotaging a hook. So if you accidentally start sabotaging a hook instead of performing a heal action after rescuing from hook or get interrupted during you now have a cool down even though you really didn't use the perk. Repro steps: As survivor…
Red herring bug
Platform PC: Description: red herring does not reactivate after cool down if you were working on a gen during cool down. Repro steps: As survivor equip red herring in any perk slot. Activate red herring so it goes on cool down. While on cool down continuously work on a gen until it comes off cool down. It will never…
brand new part bug
Platform: PC Description: brand new part uses toolbox charges. Repro steps: add brand new part to any toolbox and repair a gen with that toolbox.
Gunslinger bugs
Found 3 bugs with gunslinger, one where he shoots his grapple gun and misses on survivors side but hits on the killers side, when this happens he gets stuck in an animation of reeling in the survivor but cannot get out of it, and the survivor can just run around freely. The second bug is when the gunslinger hooked me and…
Nurse Second Blink bugged
PC I was playing nurse in the new map (deathslinger map) and all of the sudden my second blink started to bug and i couldn't cast it
Decisive Strike can be canceled by Mad Grit
So here we go again with the reintroduction of a 6+ month old bug. When using Mad Grit and spamming M1 swings you can block a survivor from using Decisive Strike. Even when the skill check is hit, and the sound effect plays, the effect doesn't trigger. So once again just hitting a weapon swing stops DStrike, basically…
Nurse's addon not working the way it should
The addon Campbell's last breath should only activate when the blink is full charged, but as you can see in the video sometimes it activates even when the blink is half-charge. And sometimes it doesnt work at all https://clips.twitch.tv/KnottyStrongLatteKreygasm Platform PC
Im forced out of lobbies and then punished for it
So i keep being deranked from red rank four to purple 5. Not because im bad or I've been disconnecting purposely, but because Sometimes when im in a game it will just crash. What will happen is i get into a match and out of nowhere after I complete a stalk or something ill begin to walk extremely slow to the point where im…
Sabotage bug
At first I thought it was just a glitch that had occurred until now. 2 consecutive days I've sabotaged a hook only to be cut down and placed on the very hook I previously broke, today I realised it was not a one off after completing the sabotage, getting hooked on the hook in question, being unhooked by a team mate, doing…
Platform: PC Frequency: Almost every match Steps to reproduce: Every time this happens when I pick up a survivor anywhere or epenas trying to put him on the hook Unfortunately I am suffering a lot with DC that is not my fault The first time I believed it was a problem with my internet, but it happened more often (I lost…
Spirit can block survivors from unhooking
I ran into a killer that abused a bug/glitch, whatever is the right term. Spirit can enter the invisible form and travel inside the hooked survivor and appear in physical world in a spot where the unhooking becomes impossible from any angle. She can just stand there not moving a muscle and wait for the survivor to die. We…
Plague fountain doesn't work
*Steam/PC *Tried to heal agaisn't the plague in the fountain but it wasn't possible How to reproduce: -MAP: Sanctum of wrath -If the fountain spawns on this location like in the picture, it's impossible to survivors heal
Game freezing after actions
Maybe we just need to keep posting it until they knowledge it's an issue it's been going on for years after searching and there has been no fix for it with devs just blaming your pc (even though it does it on console) killer gets bloodlust - freezes for a second or two killer goes to hit me for first/second time in the…
Failed to create party and Error Code 8,014 on ps4 🤔
Well the title pretty much sums it up....I can not play as a survivor at all and rn I can't play as a killer either soooo? It's not because of my internet connection 😅...rip Bloodpoint Event
"The lobby doesn't exist anymore"
It happens on ps4. My friend can't join me since Sony lowed the psn down. Even with lan cable! I swear to God this game has so much bug's...
Ranking error
Since I bought the game, I have been suffering from an error, which says "It was not possible to update your ranking" I am feeling angry, if you can remove this error as soon as possible I will be very grateful! Thanks!!
Pierdo puntos de sangre
En casi todas las partidas que juego ya sean públicas o privadas me sacan de la partida de la nada, pierdo ofrendas y puntos porque no puedo jugar, en este evento de 1.5 puntos extras yo uso serpentinas ensangrentadas para conseguir puntos pero se me sale de la partida y bajo de rango ademas de que no gano ni un punto de…
skill check will not succeed whatsoever
No matter when i hit space bar for the skill check prompt the only place the needle stops is after the success bar making me fail ever time. Never seen this bug before but ive tried verifying and uninstalling and no luck.
Intro video added to EAC file check
Removing, renaming, or replacing the video fails EAC file check. Launch options -novid and -skip_intro do not work. There does not appear to be a setting to disable the intro video in GameUserSettings.ini <s> All of my user input doesn't work specifically while the intro video is playing. </s> Resolution: make one of the…