Frame Drops and Overheat on PC
I'm having a really bad issue with Dead By Daylight overheating my graphics driver above 80 degrees Celsius. The frames can drop down to 20 FPS during a match. I also have frames uncapped in Dead By Daylight, but am considering capping them again if this is the problem. This is only occurring with Dead By Daylight and I've…
[Bug]: bulbs not illuminated at gates - Version 3.7.0 PTB
Platform: PC + Steam Description of the issue: When the survivor open the controls of the gates, bulbs not illuminated at gates at this game. (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)Survivors start the match 2)The killer is a my friend and he's a streaming 3)At the end of the match when the all generators are made, the bulbs aren't…
Sound bugs
Trapper doesn't make any footstep sounds on killer side. End game collapse has no music playing when gens are done.
Camera moved from survivor pov to killer pov.
I was playing Meg. After the killer tried to hook my character, my camera pov moved to the killer's pov. For the rest of the game, my camera was stuck on the killer's pov. After the killer disconnected, one of my teammates said that they couldn't get me off the hook. Another survivor said that he/she was getting lag. pov =…
I cant play with my Friends
I cannot join to my Friend pls
PS4 Medic Trophy
Please fix this trophy. No one has earned it since May 2019 when the archive dropped. This is the last trophy i need for a platnium! :/
Exploit In Dead Dawg Saloon (With Video Proof)
PS4 and All Platforms. There is a crack where survivors can squeeze through between the wall and a cactus, forcing the killer to go around a a rock and a cactus at an attempt to get a hit in. I've provided video as proof. The Kate darted to this location as soon as I began following her, it's a known exploit. This is PS4.…
Flashlight permanent blindness
Plataform: Ps4 Bug: After getting blind with flashlight the effect stays permantly. How to reproduce: It happened to me twice today, in the beginning of the trial after getting pallet stunned and blinded while breaking the pallet the blind effect stayed permantly on two diferent trials with diferent killers. One with…
[Bug]: bulbs not illuminated at gates - Version 3.7.0 PTB
Platform: PC + Steam Description of the issue: When the survivor open the controls of the gates, bulbs not illuminated at gates at this game. (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)Survivors start the match 2)The killer is a my friend and he's a streaming 3)At the end of the match when the all generators are made, the bulbs aren't…
Auto haven
I don’t know if it’s a map issue or a ghost face issue but in the auto heaven map (can’t remember the name but it has the garage not the one with the gas station). While in the map with ghost face as killer he was able to hit me an my party way behind the pallet drop. I even stunned with the pallet after it dropped and he…
Auto endgame ( I don't really know how to call it)
I was playing Deathslinger on Autoheaven (yellow bus version). The game started, and I found this Yui. I chased her for a bit, hit her once. Then shot her and reeled her towards me. As I was about to hit her, she disconnected. 10 seconds later, I hear the the hatch noise (when It's opened). Keep in mind, there was still 4…
PS4 loses network connection
Summary: Various network errors in DBD cause my PS4 to lose connectivity for up to 30 minutes. Description: When encountering almost any network error the PS4 loses connectivity for five to thirty minutes, e.g. rank update error, connection to party lost, a network connection is required, and so on. Any troubleshooting…
when the game turns so long the server instantly kick me from the game, i was doing comeback in my game that i wanted so hard to win and this happened, meg was on the ground but cant find her, was the last one and the game just DC for NO REASON. ALSO IM HAVING ISSUE WITH MYER BECAUSE I CANT STALK WITH HIM, FORCING ME TO…
Hillbilly Add-ons not affecting his power.
In the video below, both turning add-ons were equipped but to no avail. In this video below, both quieting add-ons were equipped, but to no avail.
White ward bugs the game on xbox
I've played multiple games where I bring a white ward in the last few weeks and it works fine if you die. The issue is that every time I've escaped with a charged item and a white ward my item is lost. It only happens when I bring a white ward and it happens every single time I do.
Hello, Vile Purge with plague is not infecting any survivor, I hit a survivor several times with the green vile purge and i saw the animation and the sound of a survivor being infected but he is not. This is happening some weeks ago. Thanks
Disconnect problem (pc)
I was playing a normal match and 2 minutes, i got disconnected, i got the error "no internet connection" AND I GOT A PENALTY FOR IT. Steps to reproduce: I just played in a match normally, I have not tried if it happens again. but hopefully not.
Nurse mid-blink sensitivity
Platform: PC (Steam) Desc: while mid-blink, your sensitivity lowers drastically Steps: blink and try to turn the camera while flying How often: almost every blink
Endless fall.
-PC -The game went on as usual. Killer(Huntress) was dressed in a kimono. After a short run, i was carried to the basement. Where did this...bug happen. -I was hung on a hook and this...bug arose. Before that, everything was fine. -First time.
Survivor perk not levelling up
Hello DBD I have a survivor perk "Left behind" that is at level 2 and I have all others levelled up, whilst I am in the bloodweb spending blood points it is not appearing to level up. Please help Thank you!
White Ward offering broken
Just played a match and died to the hook. I had a White Ward offering and my item was consumed. Am sadface now. :( This is on PC Not sure if the process is reproducible
[Thai pc] the add on for doctor Iridescent Queen and scrapped tape has the same description
the scrapped tape should be shock with ring shape but the description is iridescent queen
DLC not working
A friend gifted some cosmetic DLCs to me. I received only a few of the outfits, meanwhile my friend was able to get outfits I didn't get. Is this a bug or something? How can I redeem the outfits I didn't get?
Losing still equipped items after killer DC's (Xbox)
While playing as survivor, after a killer dc's in a match and you return to lobby the item and add-on's you brought into the match appear still equipped on your survivor however you have lost the item. When you return to the lobby it equips a new copy of the item and add-on's from the match. Basically it will show that you…
Missing Pips / BPs after Killer D/C
Summary: When a killer disconnects, survivors do not keep their earned bloodpoints or pips. Description: Same as summary - If a killer disconnects during a match, on some occasions, I do not receive my pips or bloodpoints. This seems inconsistent, however, as it happened in one game but not the one after. In the "Steps to…
Hatchet bug
Can I know what is that bug please ? It's was on stream for me and the streamer and it's on PC.
Window Grab/Invisible Survivor Glitch
Summary: I grabbed meg from a window the game then thought that she was on my shoulder however, she was not. On my end i could not drop or hook this fake survivor and could not do any actions. On the survivor's side they could still do generators and throw pallets but do not leave scratches and can bodyblock me. Steps To…
Skill Checks Turning Invisible While Trying To Snap Out
While Trying To Snap-Out Skill Checks Turn Invisible While Trying To Snap-Out All My Skill Checks Turned Invisible and I wasn’t able to hit any and couldn’t do anything about it Platform Was: PlayStation 4 Doctor Has To Shock You Too Tier 3 and Then Suddenly You Can Lose Your Skill Checks
dead hard doesn't work (PS4)
I dead hard and I still get hit
Item Bug ps4
Fully depleted items stay with you. Whether you bring an item into the match with you or find one while you're there, the item stays with you even once fully depleted. It can no longer be used, but will be saved upon successfully escaping the match. Toolboxes also seem to deplete faster, but i can't be sure of that part.…
M1 and M2 arent working properly
Plataform: PC Description: While in a chase, and sometimes out of one, the basic attack wont work. By that I mean that the killer wont do anything, making me spam my mouse until he finally swings. It also happens when playing survivor, when, sometimes, I need to spam the M1 to get someone off the hook. Besides, the M2 is…
Getting stuck on matchmaking loading screen
I am not aware of whether or not this has been solved before, but I have been consistently having this issue and would love a solution. Platform: PC Issue: Matchmaking - After readying up for matchmaking, I will go into the loading screen before being placed with survivors (or against as killer). This loading screen will…
Completing the healing progress bar on other survivors doesn't heal them
Summary: Completing the healing progress bar on other survivors doesn't heal them. I've had this happen myself, my friends have all had this as well and it is game breaking in my opinion. Description: When one survivor heals another fully (until the end of the progress bar AND the animation/action stops) the injured…
Moved: Huntress Bug (PC PTB 3.7.0)
This discussion has been moved.
Moved: Killer can't pick you up in this spot on the new Coal Tower on the PTB
This discussion has been moved.
Rusty Shackles red stain
I was playing survivor against a hag with the addon rusty shackles. The bug is, that I could see the red stain. The phantasm didn't show up, but the redstain of the phantasm did. So I always knew if I triggered a trap.
Loss of a skin several months after its purchase
Hello, my nickname is POL1, I play on PC. My problem is I lost a skin, "the pro protector suit. I had equipped my character with another skin about a week or two ago, and I just realized that I lost it. Please help me... THANK
sorry wrong plce
plz delete this.
Game ends randomly - Xbox
Xbox I would be playing a killer match and then I would enter a chase and it would go normally too then I would swing my weapon and the game would end, not dc me but end like all the survivors died. I still get the blood points and everything but it stops prematurely and it’s really annoying. it happens randomly so there’s…
Carmera Angle Glitch
Ps4 When i look a certain direction my camera will shake or automatically move to where is was before this is for both killer and survivor; this makes everything harder because not only do i have the soft auto aim, theres the camera turning as well. To make thing worse i had one match where there were two survivors left…
Game crash, can't play, during this BP event
Platform: PC Type of Bug: Game crash Description: When I try to start the game, it crashes, I get blackscreen and a error report. Everytime the same Expected result: Uhh, for the game to start to I can play? Actual result: Game crash Reproduction rate: 100% System Specs (PC only): Intel i7-8700k 3.70 GHz, Geforce GTX 980,…
The Wraith using old unused trapper animations
The Wraith is now using the original trapper first person idle animations as seen in the screenshot, tested in custom game. It's really funny to me because I'm pretty sure The Trapper's new first person idle is based off The Wraith's so it's as if they swapped idles.
[Prove Thyself] No negation of 15% debuff or visual bug of progression bar?
Normally you would repair at normal speed when 2 survivors repair the gen with Prove Thyself together, but the bar still shows red: I know that this happens for 3 or more Survivors, but not for 2.
Rank Update Error
Hey I am sorry for the trouble but I wrote this report before and you guys replied saying that it will be fixed. This have been happening for the past 3 months and it is often (2/5 games I have it). I tried reinstalling and verifying the files but it is still the same. Please help me..
Torchlight Bug
Summary: When killer blinded by survivor during breaking pallet, the blind become permanent. Occurs On: PC Attachment:
how do i stop lag
ok im not talking about fps lag but the PING lag, i keep being ruber banded back and forth for no reason while chasing survivors, but in the menu before the match i have 60 to 70 ping but when the match starts im all over the godamn place, i would really like some help
I keep getting randomly disconnected (general connectivity issues)
Several games in a row now, usually whenever the killer gets close, the game will just straight up dc me or boot me to the title screen. Been having a LOT of connectivity issues in general as both killer in survivor. Games have been consistently laggy with sometimes extreme rubberbanding, i.e. getting randomly downed 2…
Matchmaking system and ranks are totally unfair
I have been playing with my friends on PS4 for a while and it seems that lately the matchmaking has become incredibly difficult to find a balanced match. It seems to happen about 80% of the time now. We are rank 14 and below, yet have been paired with ranks as high as 6. We all love the game, but it’s pointless to even…
At the end of the escape animation, the Survivor falls through the texture.
Occurs: Every match. I am sorry. Every time I publish a report, it is automatically published in the wrong place. Initially, I wanted to publish this in the PTB error section.
Prove thyself should not lose any efficiency when repairing gens with 2 survivors
But in the PTB it is