SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: Ps5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: we are stuck in a research of game with a message "TimeOutCreated" VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Error when trying to join 2v8 as killer
A few days ago I waited in to join a killer match in 2v8 and when we got into the lobby it gave me an initial error message about not being able to verify me through anti-cheat and told me to restart the game. When I restarted, every time I tried to join a killer 2v8 game I would get a "disconnected from host" error…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: "DISCONNECTED FROM HOST" PLATFORM: Xbox Series S STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I logged in, chose "Killer," and queued up for a match. I received the "match found" notification and then the load screen crashed sending me back to the pre-match lobby and gave me the "Disconnected…
Stuck in a infinite loop of a error after searching for a game and getting "timeoutcreated"
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE:I was trying to play today and do the rift challenges, I got through 1 game then crashed and when I try to load back after resetting my game I just get a error when matchmaking on either side saying "timeoutcreated" PLATFORM:PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:I was playing a normal…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: "The matchmaking process failed." PLATFORM: Xbox Series S STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Was playing a match when suddenly I was disconnected from server receiving an error that said "Restarting your game should fix the issue." So I restarted the game and my console. Then I logged…
Initialization error
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Initialization error for the last few days. Can sometimes take 10 minutes for game to launch. Began same day as 2v8. Once in game, bloodweb sometimes not updating, connection to host is lost etc. Just with DBD, no other games affected. PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:…
Time out created
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PS5 Says error time out created when trying to load into a match VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
[2v8] Survivor becomes Invincible after being unhooked, and Unable to unhook another survivor.
Upon unhooking the Jane in a recent match, they began to fall through the map while standing still and were unable to be hit by killers. They couldn't interact with generators, vaults, pallets, or even escape the game, only able to go out of bounds. This player was on an xbox console. Another survivor, after being hooked,…
Weave attunement applying double oblivious and sometimes doesn’t apply oblivious
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The 30 second oblivious after picking up a dropped item can sometimes double to around 55 seconds. PLATFORM: Xbox series X STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I picked up my medkit that was on the ground and got the 30 second oblivious, but at around 5 seconds left of the oblivious it…
Player controller/pawn camera desync on unhook: 2v8
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After being unhooked in 2v8, my pawn's camera didn't seem to line up with my mouse movement anymore, nor did my player's movement in general. I was able to be healed, but when attempting to move, the issue immediately became obvious. A killer approached me and tried hitting me, but I was immune. Then…
Tome 3 Grenade Launcher Challenge uncompletable
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I've been trying to complete the Tomes from the beginning, but I ran into a roadblock at Tome 3's Grenade Launcher Killer Challenge, where I have to "hit 2 Survivors With Charged Hatchet Hits as the Huntress" in a single trial. The problem is, I've completed five games, four of them back-to-back as…
Vaulting a pallet with chemical trap on it makes the survivor immune to Hillbilly's chainsaw
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: While vaulting a pallet that has Chemical Trap on it, if the Hillbilly uses their power to break the pallet, it won't hurt the survivor, and still triggers the slow down effect of the perk. PLATFORM: Steam / PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Use the perk Chemical Trap on a pallet…
Tome challenges not registering
I’ve been having it happen more and more often lately where I will complete a challenge, it’ll pop up on screen game, when I’m at the game screen, the archive symbol will be gold, but once I leave the match and go to the tone, it says the challenge is not completed. PS5
Got slugged by a bot.
2v8 match against huntress and legion (legion was either console or epic game) on mother's dwelling. Situation of 2v2,the huntress knock me,go reload then leaves. Somehow the other survivor escape throught gates and I'm left bleeding out. At the end it appeared that the huntress was in fact a bot I wouldnt have escaped…
game crashes randomly during matches (exception access violation )
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: the game crashes randomly since a few days, i've already tried checking all the dbd game files and checking windows files via "scannow" PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: it occurs randomly during a match
Wesker stuck carrying survivor in 2v8
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After using my power on a survivor instead of picking up and hooking it continued carrying the survivor. Putting me at slow walking speed, not allowing me to use power. Stuns and blinds don't knock him out of it. I had to dodge the game. PLATFORM: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:…
Snapping out of it takes priority over unhooking
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When attempting to unhook a survivor when in tier 3 madness against The Doctor snapping out of takes priority PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Attempt to unhook a survivor while in tier 3 madness (I use Keyboard + Mouse) VIDEO: No video PLAYER LOGS: What?
After I was unhooked in the 2v8 mode, my FOV was going nuts and I found myself completely unable to interact with anything. I couldn't be hit by the killers except for their powers. I have no idea what caused this and I could tell the killer players were just as confused as I was.
Freddy not in the Dream World
On some maps Freddy is not in the Dream World and the map looks just like normal from his POV. Autohaven Wreckers is an example
Power struggle bugged
You're only supposed to see the aura of available pallets (as in the description) but the aura of broken (useless) pallets are also revealed.
2v8 with Wesker
I was playing 2v8 survivor side and it was happend "I send a video". It might be glitch but I wanted to report it. Thanks in advance those who return.
scratch marks bug in 2v8
Scratch marks remained in 1 place and did not disappear whole game
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Version 8.5.2 caused chucky to have several bugs to his animations and audio sounds including slice & dice. These bugs are NOT by chance. They happen 100% of the time. PLATFORM: XBOX STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: enter hidey ho mode, use scamper, use slice &dice VIDEO: PLAYER…
Killers Hit Box needs buffed
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE:I've been Killer main for some time ans I've been noticing that the killers hit boxes have not been working properly. I first noticed that chucky (The Good Guy) couldn't hit anyone that right in from of him. Like it does not register that I hit them when I clearly did. I know it's a silly request to…
Missing Audio on The Oni
The Oni is missing multiple sound effects in-game, including: •He makes no longer makes ambient armour SFX when performing actions. •He has no footstep audio when playing as him. •When exiting Blood Fury, his sword reappearing once had a ‘whoosh’ sound, which is no longer present.
Infinite carry bug with Whisker in 2v8
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Cannot be sent to cage or stunned or escape from whisker, infinite carry bug in 2v8 PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: -I was getting chased by whisker during 2v8 then after he got me with his ability and when i got carried, i was not sent to cage. -Other survivors tried…
Bots CANNOT use their Powers at 2v8
All of them are stupid and get two-tapped like it's nothing: Scouts: Instead of fixing pallets, stay AFK and then run away. Escapists: Never use their Stealth. Guides: Rarely use their power during gen repairing. How could you fumble that so miserably, BHVR? Do you want that 2v8 FNAF event to just get wasted? Guys, get…
Game breaking bug that allowed a survivor to run through walls in 2v8
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: attempting to flashlight save a survivor who is being picked up in 2v8 may cause them to be dropped into the dying state and while also still being carried (or stuck in the animation for being carried) which also allows them to run through walls/disable all map collisions until being hooked again. The…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The motion blur effect that was added back in November in the lobby is no longer present. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: When in lobby, rotating the character fast no longer feels as smooth as when the motion blur effect was enabled.
RE6 Leon has Carlos's voice in game and Leon's name turns to DSO agent when equiped
RE6 Leon now has Carlos's voice in game / lobby's voice is still Leon's And his name turns to DSO agent when the skin is equiped :( Please fix this
Chucky's animations/sounds are even more bugged
Following the 8.5.2 bugfix patch, the animations for activating hidey-ho and slice'n dice attack cooldown are instant with no windup or anything. Alongside that, the slice'n dice scream does NOT continue after performing a scamper and still makes the slice noise. Please stop relying on player feedback and actually play…
Nemesis visual bug when leveling up from Tier 1 to 2 and 3
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: This has been there in the game for quite a few patches now.. Every time you tier up with Nemesis, his tentacle clips through his entire arm and goes all over the place, ESPECIALLY when reaching Tier 3. Can we expect this to get a fix or is this in the pile of "it doesn't look too bad, we'll settle…
2v8 Downed Survivor (bot) got stuck in DC-d killer and game would not end
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: While playing 2v8 as killer, the other killer got disconnected while on top of a downed bot, and at the end when the timer ran out the game did not end. I had to leave manually. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: At first the bot killer did not move, but when it did the…
2v8 Can't be damaged or interact with anything after being uncaged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: In a match on Coldwind, I was caged and when uncaged the camera was drawn way back from my character and video was stuttering. And while I could run, the movement was sluggish and I couldn't interact with anything. Additionally, the killers could not hit me. Oddly, I could take damage from the…
I obtained skin which I didn't buy
I got Alessa Gillespie skin which i didn't buy. I don't know why I have this skin. PLATFORM: Epic games PLAYER LOGS: My player name is vawin8
entire game glitched when grabbed as jane
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: killer, survivor and match itself broken by grab PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: got grabbed by Wesker as Jane. Wasn't even interrupted, had just gotten off gen. he seemingly could not put me on hook or drop me. I started getting crows as if I was sitting somewhere…
2v8 bug survivor stuck on shoulder
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was playing a survivor game on 2v8, and the blight and nemesis tried to pick me up at the same time. The game bugged and i was stuck on the nemesis shoulder. He couldnt do anything except swing for the rest of the game and i was stuck on the shoulder. Then the end game collapse finished and the game…
2v8 Hillbilly rev bug PS5
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Sometimes the rev animation will get stuck in place when not pressing the rev button. PLATFORM: PS5 Sometimes when revving the chainsaw will get stuck in rev mode with no sound. I ran into a survivor this way and it damaged them. I’m not sure how to recreate it. It happened on Ormond and the other…
Freddy's power is broken on Hawkins
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Nightmare's snares will not pass through most walls on Hawkins, and there are no pallets spots to utilize early on, making playing The Nightmare on this map extremely underwhelming. I believe the snares are supposed to go through the walls PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE…
Tome 2 Doctor challenges not working.
Multiple of the Tome 2 challenges for Doctor are completely not tracking even though I did what the challenges said in a game. Specifically Mad About You, Mad Skills, and Doctor's Orders completely do not work and can not be completed. I got a 4k as Doctor and didn't complete Doctor's Orders, and putting survivors into…
Ghostface mori animation is missing it's camera
When performing a mori as Ghostface, it plays as normal until he takes out his phone and takes a picture, but the phone is never actually there and it just flashes. Xbox one S
Fall Noises Despite Having Balanced Landing
Occurs on Playstation (5) and Steam Deck. Reproduce by equipping perk and entering literally any match to use it. Upon falling, you hear Feng Min’s (or anyone else’s) high pitched scream as she drops from literally any height. Any map, any time of day, any platform I play on. This bug is getting me killed over and over…
There is no connection. The dedicated server is not responding.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: с конца января появилась ошибка, во время игры происходит вылет, пишет "Нет подключения, выделенный сервер не отвечает" и БАН на 29 минут, могу не играть пару дней. потом захожу в игру. сыграю пару игр и снова такая же ошибка, при этом БАН также на 29 мин либо на 59 мин PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP…
vigil can't reduce Hindered Status Effect by freddy、clown、Forced Hesitation
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: vigil can't reduce Hindered Status Effect by freddy、clown、Forced Hesitation PLATFORM: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: use vigil face freddy clown or Forced Hesitation not work VIDEO: none
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Error Code 8,012 PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I have tried to play the game tonight. I have logged in around four or five times and am getting this error which I believe is an internet issue. My internet is fine and I have done a speed test which is giving me the…
why do I do the quest mad about you tome 2 level 2 cannot be done? is this a bug, and please can thi
Blanaced landing makes noises while not exhausted
When survivor has balanced landing active when they fall from a great height they will still make the sounds of falling and grunting from hitting the ground as if the perk is not active or the survivor doesn't have it. Which can cause problems for killers as they will not know if the survivor has the perk or if it's active…
Steam game recording broken on Linux
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Steam game recording does not work for Dead by Daylight on Linux. This is the only game I have tried to record that seems affected by this issue. Recording does work using OBS. This issue started sometime towards the end of last year, as I was able to record using the Steam beta client (prior to the…
Black Box permanently blocking Exit Gates after entering Locker
I entered a Locker after opening the Exit Gate against a Freddy with the Black Box addon. I was Injured and asleep after getting down about 2 minutes before. The exit was visibly blocked for longer than 18 seconds while in the Locker. I watched my 3 teammates escape while it was visibly blocked for me. The exit was no…
Huntress is extremely quiet with heartbeat
All huntresses hums are muted. There have been numerous ones that they have a very quiet sound and you can't hear the Wereelk at all. The heartbeat doesn't show up until they are right there in front of you.