Your best moments in DBD
I am just curious to know what some of your favorite moments are as the killer or survivor/spectator.
If Thanos Played this game...
He would be disgusted for how unbalanced the game is.
The tags system
I'm just curious on how many people actually use it, if I should begin using it and how you would improve it? For a example, I think there should be a system that would apply the new tag whenever you create a new discussion.
Did they remove the killer and survivor tabs?
I've noticed the killer and survivor sections are no longer under the general discussions section on the forum. Did they remove these?
Anyone else feel worried despite all the exciting things coming?
I just cant get it out of my head..the devs touching the nurse...bad vibes are all I feel..I've done all I can do as one person to try and avoid the worst with her changes..but I still cant shake this feeling its gonna be bad
I need some opinions on this...
Do any of you put Tabasco or any hot sauces on your pizza or am I in a very small group?
You're all Filthy Casuals
That goes for @Peanits crow too! .... :P And your salt tastes bad!
Don't know how to contact support,here should I click and send ?
Don't know how to contact support,here should I click and send ?
I was given the ban,although my game is not even purchased,what to do?
I was given a ban,although I have a game not even bought,I do not understand what the ban is,I can provide a link to your account and a screenshot too,or that all because of family access ???
Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry Ice-cream?
Community, do you think Hide or Die is a worthy competitor to Dead By Daylight?
Title. Please keep the discussion civil. Surely Hide or Die will turn out much better than Last Year: The Nightmare and Friday the 13th, right? Do you think HoD is going to be good and be a possible competitor to DbD? Or do you think it'll fail like the others, or not be as popular?
When the devs said they will expand the lore with cutscenes they really mean cutscenes?
You know, just like the intro when you start the launcher and the logos come up and then the CGI with Claudette and Jake.I really hope they don't get lazy and put some crappy animated imagery to disappoint all of us....
Nerf monstrous shrine
Too op.
Party in the Legion house!
It's time to make a party in the Legion house! My fellow Legion's you are welcome and also my fellow survivors! We have did it! The interest in the Legion is so big for a variety of reasons, that the Legion tag is now above the Devstream tag (with 331 to 330) and I like to thank everyone for it <3. I don't care if the…
Post your tier list here!1!1!1
Moved: (FanMade) Survivor 3 teachable Perk
This discussion has been moved.
Does this look like a deer would do to my corn here's some pictures.
Is this what a deers bite mark looks like on corn?
Your Top 3 Anime OPs and EDs.
So as the title suggests, and providing there are any fellow weebs among us, I want to know, what are your top three openings and endings from anime, wether it be because of the animation, the music or both, I'd love to hear what you prefer; perhaps I may even investigate myself and find a new anime that I'll love. And…
Skit : Are they trolls are genuine?
You know what will be really interesting ? No What ? Posting Candyman and Chucky treads everyday. Reeeeeeeeeeee!
i don't know why but i wanted to share my very few screenshots from 2016 dbd
Ah, that bug yeah it was basically 2016 dbd in a nutshell.And yeah, you see that meta?I used to be a little jerk back then (not now tho).I ran the game on medium and in comparison to what the medium setting looks now, the old medium i would consider to be high or ultra. That was also pretty cummon bug in 2016, and do you…
Best Cinematic Mori
This mori was all time favorite: Share yours?
Lobby Screens
I’ve been thinking about this for a while but never really brought it up much until now. I know this might sound picky but, The lobby screen as your waiting to play a match, was changed around when the saw DLC launched early 2018 and in my opinion hasn’t looked as great as how it was before then. The lighting from the fire…
I owe a apology
I owe a apology to either @artist or @thesuicidefox for a bit of a false fact I was spreading in my ignorance .-. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I tested The Spirit's Phase ability, and found out for myself her power doesn't move grass when she is in it. I would have put this in General Discussions, but this is a…
Want to hear a funny joke?
If Trapper was in Smash, what would his moveset be?
With SSBU only having 2 slots for DLC left, i thought it would be fun to create a raw moveset for Trapper should he somehow get in. Trapper would be a Heavyweight with extreme damage output and area-denial, at a cost of agility and recovery. REGULAR ATTACKS now... Trapper's actually pretty hard to make a regular attack set…
Best exhaustion perks?
I want to know what your favorite exhaustion perk is or a tier list kinda? So my exhaustion perk tier list is Adrenaline Balanced landing Dead hard Lithe Sprint Burst Head on So what is your tier list i want to know
Dont mind me
Just showing off the greatest cosmetic released to date. Also, build thread, because why not, show me your builds!
is it worth playing again?
Former Nurse main wants to return is it worth it? originally quit because was bored and the game looks fun after not playing for a year.
what if Dark Deception and Dead by Daylight had a crossover?
hey all! so, just in case you happened to click on this post without knowing the game i am reffering to, let me provide you with a link to a lets play of the first level of the game: so, now that everyone knows what the hell i am talking about, let me come to the point of this post: the devs of Dark Deception (or just in…
Dead by Daylight Dream
Nope, not talking about Freddy, I literally had a dream about the game! Story Time So, it started off with the killer camping the Exit Gates, but of course, I was injured, so I couldn't tank a hit. Therefore, I started looking for the hatch, but in my dream, I had no UI to see that the killer already closed it. I wasted so…
Petition: Change the Legion’s name to “the L”.
Since L’s are the only thing you’ll be getting when you play them.
Die Hard. Is it or Isn't it?
A Christmas film? some say yes, others say no. To me, it isn't...yes it was at a Christmas Eve work party, and it's played around Christmas because of this, but to me i don't class it as one. Sorry people to those who feel the other way around >.<
Türk var mı
Yok? (mu)
Official merch store
I ordered a trapper mouse pad two months ago. I have sent multiple emails and have not gotten a response back. I honestly don't know where else to go. @Peanits Is there any chance that you'd be able to ask around what's up?
So this is a topic i see pop up a lot more lately: Development teams being pushed to the limit. We're talking 14-hours per day, working all weekend, etc. Heard a report of people just bursting out in tears purely from stress. Now these are some "Very Rare" cases of course, and i refuse to believe a company does this until…
Wholesome messages
We all get salt but surely we’ve gotten wholesome messages, post ‘em here. :D I got both of these in the same match. :) She really wanted to save me but I was fine with dying. :) r/dbdgonewild
I’ve been up 24+ hours straight
Just got back from my concrete job. Someone send help! Send me Meg or Leatherfaces two set of lips! PLEASESESSESS
The Terrifying image that ruins games for survivors and killers
No more paying for memberships?
I play mainly on console, anld when I heard that dedicated servers were coming out, I wondered if we would have to continue paying for memberships on console to play dead by daylight, since the game wouldn’t be using xbox live gold services.
The trophy "where they go!?" is so difficult
It is literally the only trophy that I lack and it is impossible to unlock it alone, I have no keys left and I was about to take it out (without swf) but the killer closed the hatch to the last survivor....I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Tell me your advice on how to unlock the trophy and tell me funny (or sad)…
What colour underwear would the Doc wear? <:3
I was thinking maybe navy with stripes.. hmmm :))) something old fashioned seems like his style
If Jason Voorhees was added to Dead by Daylight, what do you think his power would be?
(I know he wont be added but still...)
Does anyone play for honor? And what's the online like does it have alot of players?
Does anyone play for honor? And does it have alot of players playing on pvp modes? Cause I just got it for free.
Storm the Entity's Realm, It Can't Sacrifice All Of Us
If we use Sprint Burst, we can move faster than the Killers. Lets see them bloodpoints
Moved: I drew my experience in red ranks
This discussion has been moved.
Will this laptop run the game at 60 or 144 FPS
Acer Predator Helios 300 GTX 1060 16 gb ram intel i7-8750H 256 GB NVMe ssd 144hz My current MSI runs it 30 fps at ultra GTX 1050 ti 8 gb ram 128 gb ssd and 1 tb hdd 60hz also its i7-7700HQ
Legion or Ghostface?
Ok, recently I have been playing as Legion and Ghostface a lot and I have spare auric cells so I could purchase an outfit. Should I purchase an outfit for Legion or Ghostface and if so then which one?
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Moved: Option To Turn Off Drafts
This discussion has been moved.
Who can we make fun of for being nerfed repeatedly now?
Freddy got buffed...Who now?