Disabilty Support
I love Dead by Daylight. It’s very hard for me to find a game that’ll keep playing. Most of the time I’ll start a game and play through it a bit and stop. I want to see Dead by Daylight reach great heights. I’m deaf in both ears and I have a coaclear implant on my left side. I’ve noticed there are things I’m supposed to be…
Spirit outfit
Can you guys make a school uniform for the Spirit complete with a magical girl transformation? Maybe a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth?
Camping Solutions.... again
When I bring up face camping there's a few things people complain about, so before I bring up my idea let's just get this out of the way: Face camping/extreme camping. Well, first off if you're here to tell me face camping isn't an issue anymore because swivel hook- I'm describing their actions. If they're in your face and…
Let us re-map console controller
Self care is the same button as vaults and dropping pallets. Let us assign self care to a custom button, like left or right on d-pad. Why does the same button is used to perform completely different actions??
Lost Items
When a killer rages and dc, why do survivors still lose the items they bring into the match? It's a dub for the survivor, so they should keep the gear.
Is there anyway we can have KB/M work on Xbox One because I don’t want to have to buy and adapter, and Microsoft has said that only the game developers need to enable this for console, I have many people telling me that it’s easier for them but they have an adapter. Can we please get Keyboard and Mouse support on Xbox One,…
Perk Power Distribution
I think is kind of pointless to have a perk leveling sistem when on highier ranks all perks are T3 either way, so... WHAT IF you could customize your build more with a Tier distribution sistem? So pals, it works like dis: the Tier of all your perks total must be equal or less than 8. the common configuration would be 1 T3…
Hex: Mad Fingers
A hex totem that triggers non-stop skill checks for healing and gen repairing but allows wider great skill areas. Survivors may keep totems up because more blood points, giving more life to lullaby and devour hope.
Hillbilly and Nurse balance suggestion
Problem: There is not enough variety of killers at higher
levels of play as it is mostly dominated by Nurse and Hillbilly. Causes: The core mechanics—while the initial learning curve
may be a hurdle—of these killers ultimately lead to more secure success over
using other killers*. As a result, they
are more streamlined and…
A nice change that I would like to see for the pigs ambush
Her crouching movement speed would be 105% and her charge up timer would have to be reduced to 1.5 seconds. The roar effect happens when you hit a survivor and increase the dash speed or increase how long the dash lasts by a couple seconds. But seriously the crouching movement speed needs a buff it literally slower than…
Can we get statistics on the amount of players currently in each rank (from 20-1)? And perhaps, how this changes over a rank-season period? This per platform and if not available, all together) Thanks!
How I would rework the Legion (In-depth)
How I would rework legion For anyone interested on why I think Legion's current state is bad for dead by daylight, I've included a detailed description on my thoughts on the killer later in this post. I assume most people are here to read the rework idea and, for lack of better words, could care less what I think about…
Launch Cosmetics
I have no clue if this has been brought up before. I really like the launch trailer and artwork. It has got me thinking, how cool would it be if they added them to the game as cosmetics for their corasponding or similar character. That or see them as actual survivors. Kind of like they have been here all this time and we…
Much needed Wake Up change
Wake Up at the moment is really underwhelming. A whole perk slot dedicated to 3 seconds of time saving at the end of the game isn't good. My proposal. Wake Up will remain as a team support perk, giving distant teammates the ability to see each other and "recover" and group up (as Quentin's character description says) after…
Ranking/Surviving Analysis 2.0
Ok devs, do you see this? This is the crap I am talking about. Free rank ups because killers don't care and more skilled teammates who carry me to the next rank. I am afraid when I actually do get to the red ranks the only reason I will survive is because of better teammates, the killer doesn't care, or just takes pitty on…
Lore Related Offerings
No formatter is installed for the format not-found
"Chests" but for killers
I think there should be a loot chest of sorts for the killer. Perhaps the add-ons wouldn't be useable in the match, but would be given after match is done if given a "winning" end screen. If preferred, add-ons could also be reworked to have a usage meter and be something activated with E for instance (the dead hard…
Prevent skill checks from appearing when using medkit/toolbox and you reach less than 5% charges lef
When doing generators or healing someone, we usually just use the item till about 5% of it's charges because we wan't to save the item in case we end up surviving, but there is an average chance of every time we are just about to let go of the M2 (button to interact with item) a skill check pops up and then we just cannot…
Prevent offerings to actually burn until about 30 seconds of a match atually starting
We all enter sometimes matches where the game breaks and we are unable to load, or we load and the killer for whatever reason instaquits, and then we lose our offering without being able to actually use it, the devs should come up with an implementation to make sure offerings are only burnt when we actually enter the match…
Add Loot for Killers when hooking
Survivors can get items with add-ons while searching in chest. How about give Killers something similar. When they hook someone, they get a chance to get a goodie (either an add-on or an offering). Since Ultra Rares are coming with the next patch for SV in chests, Killers should get the same. We have 4 SV, so the Killer…
Can we please get a maskless head cosmetic for Legion?
To my knowledge, all 4 body types for Legion already have their faces designed. And making a head cosmetic that is literally nothing should be ridiculously easy. It would take a matter of minutes, make a lot of Legion players happy, and bring in a little revenue for people that buy with auric cells. Seems like a yellow…
Bring Back Alternate Outfits!
Ever since Curtain Call, new survivors have stopped getting alternate outfits. They only get a recolor of their original shirt if you buy the DLC. I know they get a ton of cosmetics in the shop but I wold really like to alternate outfits come back!
Loadout UI - Quality of Life Changes
How we don't have these already implemented in the game is beyond me. I've been wanting this feature for so long. :'( I hope my very rough draft of what I want it to look like makes you feel the same way too.
Simple Idea to slow down games against "Depip squads"
I promise it makes sense when i say it will mostly affect the groups that work on gens mostly seperatly. I think the simple solution is to simply massively increase gen regression. Atleast twice the speed it currently loses charges (which is a pathetic 0,25 c/s) and have survivors take like 2 seconds to reactivate it…
Perk Change
I know it's a bit of opening the floodgates, but it's an idea to entertain. As evidenced by a another thread, tier i and ii perks feel a little unnecessary as it only reflects time/points drained into a survivor rather than strategic value. So why not have perks on a tier system for the load out? Like let's say that…
Remove Leatherface
He is the single worst killer in this whole game. He encourages camping and tunnelling. I looped him for 5 full generators and he tunnelled me the whole time yet once I'm hooked I may as well kill myself. He just stands with his chainsaw and you can't be saved. Insidious makes him even stronger and don't even talk about…
Hatch and idea's
Devs.. Remove the damh hatch, Its called "Dead by daylight" not "Dead by daylight the hatch" is it?, The survivors get so much anyways, It's there team fault for getting caught 3 times in a row then when you kill 3 people that's 6 hits on 3 survivors and it takes 3 hooks per survivor so that's 9 hooks if you don''t have…
An idea to buff Trapper a bit
With the addition of regular traps a different kind of traps(malfunctioning) will randomly spawn and set on the map(" x" amount). The second kind of traps cannot trap a survivor, cannot be picked up or used by trapper(they will have yellow aura instead of red), addons do not apply to them, survivors can still interact with…
Ranking/Surviving Analysis
I wanted to give an analysis of my games to show the devs the bullcrap ranking and matchmaking system. So I will do 10 games every now and then and post my results here so maybe the devs can see it and possibly fix it. I was a rank 6, but had trouble surviving any games at that rank. It is too easy to rank up. It doesn't…
Add icons for killers on top of the totems
So we can actually tell which totem is which. It's not that hard. And would be a way better and useful feature, then adding a mori icon to the hud...
Make pig addons better & my idears
Sry for my bad english :3 I make this discusion in the killer forum, too. Maybe a mod can delete my other discusion. I realized afterwards that this discusion should be in the balance feedback. My mistake and im sry for it. First i wrote some basic things for the pig, because she should be a complex killer. In my opinion.…
Slugging and Hatch mechanic
Alright so i have an idea around the slugging mechanic. Hear me out. We've all been there where the killer is doing a slug build and running around just dropping everyone. That can be fun to play, usually makes the games long but its entertaining from time to time. The slugging for the 4k though is where the game gets…
My Ideas to tweak Legion. Feel free to poke holes so we can come up with a possible Rework
So a lot of people on both sides of DBD are at odds with the Legion. Killers know he's brain dead to play as, and Survivors have no fun factor getting focused, especially with the Infamous Frank's Mix Tape. These are my ideas to make Legion fit into what his design intentions seem to be; a killer capable of map pressure…
I Know what you did last summer
If anyone here was born/raised/loved the 90's this movie is iconic. It doesn't have to be the killer itself which is a fisherman, but something similar would be extremely nice. What are your thoughts?
Slight changes for generator
1.Generators must be opened so that repair can begin. All generators begin the trial closed. They must be opened which should take about 10 to 15 seconds. The action would make more sound than repairing a generator (something like +4 meters to the distance that it can be heard). Lazy implementation : All piston are…
Legion 2.0 (A rework that tries to keep Legion's "identity")
The Legion (2.0, aka ‘An attempt to preserve parts of Legion’s kit while balancing them out) Opening statement: This is long. If I don't mention something, it's because I either forgot it exists or didn't feel it even needed to be touched. Feedback is appreciated, it helps me as well as anyone on the development team that…
Remove Pointing Gesture!!
I can't count the number of games that I've been killed or a dumb teammate loses us the game because they think it's cute to point out my position to the killer.
New killer idea
A killer with a pet as M2 or something like that. Pet could track survivors or do the first hit, idk. Feel free to add more ideas.
Nerf Nurse
Nurse is a character who is impossible to deal with these advantages. Tanatophobia - Ruin - The Nurse's Call - Barbecue and Chilli With three blinks, there is simply no game. There is no way to make generators and this is frustrating too. There is no counter of it. Pallets, jukes are simply impossible with add-ons. In rank…
Pallet Health balance idea:
Since it's a common thing that killers get stuck in the pallet in a way like hag teleports in it, etc. And also the newer killers don't really try to kick the pallet, this is the idea: Make pallets have HEALTH and depending on their health state their appearance is different, like it will be half broken, etc. By making…
Simple DS Fix
* Spawn 1 non-breakable hook in exit gate, so you don't have to worry about nonsense of using DS in front of open gate and 100% free escape... Not many teams run more than one DS, so it will not be a huge issue. * Fix the bug with Endurance not interacting properly with DS.
Balanced Landing should reduce landing sounds
I think Balanced Landing should reduce, if not completely negate, the sound effect of landing from a fall. Thoughts?
Buff Doctor's Base Shock Therapy Range
It's a fair buff for the nerf he got (Nurse's Calling no longer reveals Survivors snapping out of it) but also is just a quality of life change. His shock therapy's range is so short that running a range add-on often feels mandatory. Shock Therapy also isn't a damaging attack like Huntress hatchets, and only helps shorten…
Just curious was it intentional or accidental to make your hitboxes the size of an old school Buick?
My change to DS - Collect a Shank
OK, so the issue with DS, is that it wastes the killers time, especially in the hands of someone who is good at looping, secondly, being hit with an Obsession DS, is annoying, but at least you know its coming, being hit by a non-Obsession DS user is just plain infuriating... So, here is what I would do.. What is DS? Its…
It's Been Two Years, PLEASE Change Decisive Strike
I'm stunned (pun unintended) that this perk is still a get out of jail free card after two YEARS! It is extremely game-breaking and shouldn't of existed in the first place. With my proposition, you don't need to worry about creating new animations and all that jazz. The perk will instead keep its effect but with a twist.…
When killer is a victim...
I am wondering, if there is some patch in early future, which can make this game less stressful for Killers on ranks 1-12. I remember when I start play this game and I had plenty of time for one match + had fun too. But from my side it looks like devs wasn't excepting how fast game can be with all that surv perks and…
Few more survivor tweaks needed after SC fix.
Reduce survivor movement 10% when hurt and exhaustion perks only work when hurt.
Stop forcing me into stacked games
Please, oh please, make me not want to abandon killer. Please give me some way that I don't have to play against SWF groups... it ruins the fun of the game. I don't wanna waste my time in a game with that, getting every cheap trick in the book used that can only really be executed if you're on voice comms and coordinated.…
My list of current concerns in DBD
* when killer insta DC at game start, we lose PIP and offering (screenshots), we shouldn't this is BS * people bring their low rank friends in games, lobby should not accept starting a game with a high difference in rank. We have a 'ranking' system in place, which at least could sort inexperienced people from highly…