About repeatedly/overused escape techniques
Hi, As a killer, after some rank, you will inevitably meet some players constantly using the same evasion techniques over and over. The most annoying one by far being probably that constant loop/pallet dropping with/without lamp use. I guess it is "alright", many will think, but what when it does just happen for like 20…
Stats being shown
I would also like leader boards but that doesnt need to happen... What I really want and love to see come to the game is: How many pallet stuns did I get in the game I just finished and do I have fully. As survivor what was my longest chase in the game I just finished and as killer what was my shortest chase. As killer how…
Flexible Killer Buff Against SWF
The game desperately needs to be balanced around voice comms. It's extremely unfair and on the killer side only leads to frustrating matches where we feel there's nothing we can do. Obviously not every survivor who plays with friends is good at the game... assuming all 4 survivors individually play at a similar skill level…
Increase Bloodpoint Offering Percentages
At the moment, Escape Cakes and Survivor Puddings give 100% bonus to all categories and are of yellow rarity. The offerings that give 100% bonus in single categories are of green rarity which I find to be a little odd. They should be 200%.
Barbecue&Chilli / Distortion buffs
Barbecue & Chilli can be countered by getting within 40 metres from the hooked Survivor or by hiding behind a Generator so it doesn't hurt stealth as much as other perks and addons do (as it has some countermeasures). Therefore, Distortion and Lockers should not work against this perk. That being said, it would be nice if…
Mangled should have a base repair speed debuff
The Mangled status effect should apply a debuff to repair speed for survivors. This will give survivors an incentive to heal instead of gen rush through it. This debuff I had in mind is more akin to the debuffs Begrimed Head and Begrimed Chain give to survivors. As for those two add-ons, their repair speed debuffs should…
Distortion buff?
Just played a few trials and in summary: - Amount of tokens is pathetic. If killer uses aura reading addons or/and plays Freddy, he can delete perk in a few minutes. What i want: - Make Tokens given scale with level 4/4/5. - Cloak time increase to 10/12/14 secons.
Borrowed Time Balancing
It still feels like Borrowed Time is broken to a degree. I was discussing it with friends and wanted others opinions on this because I have 2 ideas. Since Borrowed Time is limited and the killer has to be in terror range radius for it to go off- 1. Make it affect both the person on the hook and the one taking them off. Or…
Why only the spirit use the power and use perk "A Nurse's Calling" , Can't see survivor ?
Why only the Spirit use the power "YAMAOKA'S HAUNTING" ** and use perk "A Nurse's Calling"** , Can't see the survivor ? But when the spirit use perk** "RANCOR" ,Each time a Generator is completed, all Survivors' locations are revealed to killer .Even the spirit still at spirit world .** So can change the Spirit use the…
Xenomorph and Ghostface or similar killer cosmetics
Who doesnt fear aliens? How about xenomorph with an ability to lay eggs that hatch face huggers when survivors go near similar to Amanda’s traps but with a different twist. And imagine the mori! Imagine stealthly walking around trying to avoid being noticed by the killer when Your Phone goes off!? Who could possibly be…
Everytime a survior dies with thier item you loose it. To me that seems unfair because you paid hard earned blood points for that. You should at least have a chance fo save your item or something.
Tweak Vigil
Perhaps Vigil could be tweaked so that you also recover Exhaustion while running? It might be a good tradeoff since the survivor will have one less perk slot. In addition, I'd still like to see Open-Handed increase the range of Vigil, Leader, Streetwise, etc.
Lampkin lane ideas
i think all the houses could be open bc the map is kinda of small and theres only like 4 houses. I also think there should be fewer gens in the street bc its really hard to do them bc the killer is constantly gaurding them.
Please make players able to vote for the map
Please make so players can choose a map on the lobby, 1 different map per survivor, while the killer can "ban" like 2 or 3 maps, like: The killer bans cold wind farm, the doctor map and the swamp because he's goin nurse. So the other 4 survivors can vote for the other maps. Seing that the killer banned only "hard to see"…
Please make players able to vote for the map
Please make so players can choose a map on the lobby, 1 different map per survivor, while the killer can "ban" like 2 or 3 maps, like: The killer bans cold wind farm, the doctor map and the swamp because he's goin nurse. So the other 4 survivors can vote for the other maps. Seing that the killer banned only "hard to see"…
A Delete Button
I'm a weird kind of completionist. I like having done, earned & achieved everything... ...But i also like the road towards that. Make it be hidden in 3 menu layers & make it have 5 layers of warning messages, idc. But i'd love some sort of reset button on your account.
I’d like to address how bad deranking has affected our community. First I think we all know is that if someone just bought the game and wants to play a match well then there’s most likely going to be good people at rank 20 because of deranking. And I know it hasn’t happened yet at rank 20 but I’m a rank 5 killer and I go…
My sugestion how to make legion a good killer for both surviors and killer
my ide (i dont know if anyone else has suggested this) what if legion frenzy did't put you insta to deep wound effect?!? i suggest that surviors wil first be put down to hurt state if you stab them with frenzy (you will still actived killer instic) and if you stab them agine then they are in deep wound effect ( you get out…
New perk idea
Can we get a perk that makes your hands sticky or idk, that the feeling of threat makes you hold harder your items so I don't have to play a minigame called "Where's your key?" when ever I want to bodyblock or just die first hook without needing to kill my self... (dw leatherface we all went though bad times). It could…
REP System
Hopefully this is clear enough. So, I had an idea recently while discussing something similar with someone on the forums. Like a relationship system or a person rep system where you could see if someone was toxic to you in the past. You would be able to mark people with colors (like red:toxic/mean, green:nice) and it'll…
Killer coop mode for swf and casual/competitive modes
A new mode in which two killers versus 8+ survivors. Of course if would need some reworking like bigger maps, more totems, more gens, etc. To be able to have someone to work with to kill survivors would be AMAZING and to make it even better, survive with friends could be in this mode which would remove the skill gap of a…
A completely nude David King skin
Just seeing his rippling biceps and pectorals isn't enough.
Make dying light affect every survivor
Everytime you sacrifice it affects every survivor, where non-obsessions hurt less when sacrificed then the obsession death Killing obsession- 10% delay Killing non-obsession-5% delay (stackable) is it too op?? would bring dying light to a good level since this perk is usually allways used to focus on 1 survivor
More uses of the deafening feature
Although it's probably not all that useful I find that deafening thing from that 1 Hag add-on to be pretty neat and it would be cool if other Killers could make use out of something like that.
Killer as johnny sins
I think this is too scary
Alright so legion is a killer that is boring to play as and to play against. His overall ability doesn't allow for counter play making it only a matter of time before the legion downs you... and you pretty much have nothing to do about it. So what i suggest is adding a negative to his ability. The way i think they should…
Update Avatars
Nothing too big, I just wanna see more avatars. Can you at least add the newer killers that's been released already?
Another Freddy rework idea.
This is not a complete rework as Aura reading and dream transition will be relatively untouched. Here is are few general buffs, a new mechanic to further mindgames and a way to wake up that no longer uses RNG and is independant off skillchecks. General buffs - The 50% debuff will now apply to the dream transition. - Any…
explanation about error 8014 by the developers
I can't play this game since 22 days and this problem has got 16.4 k follower Plase somebody explanation about this connection error
Bloodpoints for survivors are lower than killers always.
I'm trying to learn the game so forgive me if I don't know but constantly when I play survivor I get about 18-20k per game where killers will get an much larger bloodpoints at the end of games. Any reasoning that survivors can't get the same bloodpoints as a killer?
Could you explain me the Sole Survivor and Distortion interaction?
Combining Sole Survivor and Distortion in the same build, what would their interaction be? Would Sole Survivor take precedence, saving Distortion tokens, or would they both activate? For example, if a survivor is dead and I heal myself, which of the two perks will protect me from A Nurse's Calling? Does Sole Survivor…
How about Candyman as Killer?
Hey People of the Fog! I don't know if somebody has asked this or stated it before but, What If Candyman could be a Killer for DBD? What are your thoughts on this? I find it kinda interesting...
Auric cells
This is something that’s bothered me for a while. First I’d like to start with inconsistent pricing. Prices in the Canadian Playstation store are 30-40% higher across all items (other than the base game) than Xbox and pc for Canadian stores. A dlc is 10.99 on the psn store and 7.99 on the Xbox, auric cells are 13.49 for…
Letting yourself die on hook
I think it would be a nice change if letting yourself die on hook wasn’t a option. As killer it’s really annoying when I hook someone and they kill themselves so the other survivor can get the hatch. Besides the struggle phase is just rapidly pressing one button and my rb button on my controller is already messed up from…
Ormond can not see footprints and bloodstains.
If you play with killer at Ormond you will lose track of Survivor as you can not see footprints or bloodstains. If you play with Survivor at Ormond it is difficult to make your skill check succeed with FPS Drop. Please delete this map. Nobody wants to play with this map. If Dead by Daylight developers did not delete this…
Beartrap size
Can we please get the original effective size of beartraps back? At least it should be possible to block a doorway with it. Most of the time the survivor can squeeze past the trap, but the killer can not and gets caught in his own trap. That might have been ok, when the game started, but that's why the Trapper dropped in…
One idea for the killer ds fail
I'd like to share with you a problem that I see when I'm at stake as a survivor, the concern being when a survivor has a decisive strike skill because I often see when the survivor is down the killer who picks him up and release him then pick him up and release him and that until the hook the survivor can never make his…
Regarding Ruin and NOED
Why do people say just push through the ruin and disregard the totem meanwhile other people say to break 5 totems to counter NOED? Which one is it? Should I hunt for totems instead of enduring the ruin since either way I need to counter NOED? I think one of these should be changed since it is kind of odd that the counter…
to combat moonwalking legions
remove scratch marks for survivors suffering from deep wounds, this way, the survivor only has to worry about the noise they emit, and line of sight, also meaning the legion can’t follow them backwards. This will promote the idea of seeking new targets as legion, and add a reason to use a normal attack with the knife if he…
Spirit Fury + Enduring meta
Everyone knows that this combo is absurdly important on any M1 killer that has no anti-loop mechanics. You don't necessarily NEED it, but it addresses their main weakness to a massive degree. It honestly makes it very difficult to not use. Most games as the Pig/Wraith/etc you usually have this combo, Ruin (lets be real for…
rank system = unfair!
few weeks ago i sugested a small change to the rank system that would make matches more fair. it comes down to this: rank is split between how good someone is in chasing/evading. and the rest. a developer that i sugested this change to reply'd that the rank is already mainly looking at this. wich is not true. as is right…
Add an alternative input for the "Kill" action instead of "Attack" on The Shape
Every time I try to tombstone or kill someone, it most likely ends in me downing them instead, even at point blank - close range. I think an easy way to avoid that is to have Michael's "Kill" action bound to his power instead of his main attack button, which is right click by default. That would be reasonable, since the…
Incentives to aim for higher Ranks.
Currently the game doesn't reward players for gaining ranks (apart from the matches becoming on average more difficult for killers as they rank up and survivors tend to have more competent teammates). To fix this, I think rank should give bonuses that scale up the higher your rank, maxing out at Rank 1. I'd prefer a…
idea AGAINST toxic gameplay
Yesterday I played a few hours, and I don't know if it's because of the rank reset, or something else but I played against WAY too many toxic Cannibals. I didn't understand what's happening. I played 3 toxic Cannibal in a row, and even more before that. It's okay if it happens sometimes, but last night all in all I had 5-6…
Idea for fixing Rank system and de-pipers
This is a suggestion not sure, was thinking to make a yt video of this might want the community suggestion first: this is ALL self opinon What if: * Hitting Rank 1 gives you like a cosmetic just 1/3 parts end of the month, doesn't have to be a good cosmetic, just a symbol of Rank 1 of that month. * When you are in rank 1,…
Trapper, Wraith, Clown, small buffs and QoL.
I feel like these 3 Killer could use some buffs, i chose these 3 because i feel like small changes for those 3 would make them a LOT better. Trapper: -Starts with 2 Bear Traps, one Bear Trap is removed from the map to compensate.(Buff) -The ability to quickly reset disarmed Traps on the ground. (QoL) -Escaping Traps is now…
Survivors hooked should have Madness 3 regress to 2
The Doctor is among my top 3 killers and I find very annoying the propentity to tunnel of most Doctor players. The reason they can keep up despite playing horribly is just one: survivors who just got unhooked are still in Madness 3 and are very easy to find. I think if unhooked survivors had their Madness regressed to tier…
Legion Changes
If the changes to Legion in the PTB are going through, missed frenzy attacks should consume a part of the meter.
Deaf mode
my friend is going deaf and she has been really depressed about it, and she also loves to play this game. I’ve made a build for her to compensate as legion, but it’s not enough upon playtesting with no volume. A deaf mode in the options menu that REMOVES ALL in game audio in exchange for additional visual aid would be…
You did arrows to fast change character so now..
please do music menu choose or/and character music to choose. You can do inport your own music, or do signature music for all characters and classic survivors music and killer music only in lobby. Example Legion his Chapter theme forever. (like Clown and Spirit) and new themes for the others.