We better get a pirate killer this year!
Come on devs All I ask is a pirate killer this year!
Reset Hook Stage timer back to 30 seconds each
For those who don't remember or didn't play the game back then, Hook stages used to only take 30 seconds per stage. The devs increased that to 45 seconds per stage. The game's pace was quite different back then and with how much faster it is nowadays and with how little time Killers have on their hand already (a situation…
Let us choose the menu theme please!
I will dearly miss Legion's menu theme when it's gone. pls bhvr.
New Killer: The Horde (or The Beast)
I think that adding the Beast from the movie Split would make for a good killer. The survivor could be the girl from the movie. The map could be the underground tunnels he uses in the movie. The different Cosmetics for the beast could be relating to he's different personality's. I would love to hear your guys thoughts. I'm…
Small passage to the basement
Dear devs of dbd. I am writing your to think about small passage to the basement. The problem is that killers can block the passage to the basement and troll the survivors. Please consider this problem.
More Music For Killers
I would really like to have awesome chase themes like Myer’s theme playing while chasing survivors as other killers, any chance we could get more ambient and chase tracks for killers?
Revert Borrowed Time back!!!
The new mechanic is BS When I hit someone who has BT active they wont go down after a certain time if chase them. They can technically run forever until I catch them. Remove Deep Wound mechanic from it ASAP. This version makes the utterly broken.
Strong Punishment for Disconnecting
This is something that happens almost every day, players abandoning the match because it was knocked over or because of something that does not justify the disconnection, I would like to suggest something more severe that would help players to avoid/stop disconnecting so much from the game. Thank you.
Santa Claus Skin for Jeff
I am sending in this wishlist now to give BHVR 11 months to do it. For next Christmas please give us a Jeff Santa Claus skin. Was disappointed that Clown got a Santa skin but no survivor did. Jeff has the perfect build for Santa Claus, so I can do my Santa Claus build with more authenticity next Christmas. Build is Bond,…
Prestige 6
Are they going to add prestige 6 becuse i am a quentin smith prestige 3 and i can't get otter costumesation.. so maybe the devs could add prestige 6 with new costmetics. They can do lava, water, woundes evrywhere, dirt.. all sorts of things because if you are prestige 3 with your favorite survivor/killer then you can have…
Distortion exceptions: dying, trapped... and sleeping survivor
The wise Developers added in the 2.5.0 PTB two exceptions to the Distortion mechanic: the perk tokens won't be wasted if the survivor is dying or trapped (also hooked, right?), because in these circumstances they have no defense to preserve their perk. In my humbly opinion, there is a third situation that should be…
New Killer(The Seeker), Survivor(North Strider), and Map(Bison Hotel) Idea
My wish is to get my own personal chapter added to the game. I call my chapter "Hide and Seek"! Killer: Lucy Miller OR The Seeker Age: 6 Gender: Female Backstory: Lucy was born into a simple middle-class family. Her mother was a doctor, and her father a hotel manager. Their lives were simple and sweet - each of them very…
Balance the game.
I'd really wanna hear from people who's played since way back when we just had 3 killers. Is the game better now or worse? I see a lot of both, BUT mostly I see complains from both sides saying that they are too op and the meta needs to change, I wholeheartedly agree, as a survivor, I hate seeing Ruin and BBQ pop up, same…
Hex: Entity's Curse
"The Entity grants you a sliver of its power, something it decided to do..." Gain a token for every hooked survivior, up to a maximum of 4. Every token grants 2% increase cleanse duration. When a generator is 50% completed, its progress is slowed by 15/20/25% for 30 seconds. Increase this time by 5 seconds for each token…
New patch is OK but.....
Look, I understand that you made Killers' perks not shown until everyone exits the game because if one Survivors dies, he can shout out what the Killer's perk is in the game and take advantage. I understand, but in fairness, why haven't you block the Killers from seeing the Survivors' PSN id? I have ran into numerous time…
Thanks for improving totems
Already a great start. Can't see how far you guys can go with these.
The animation of being sacrificed by Entity is too long.
Can't it be faster? When I got down by Killer and I got already hooked two times before, then I just feel like disconnecting because of the long process of sacrificing. And I think banning players who often disconnect is harsh. Instead, just add penalty where you disconnect then you lose 30000 bloodpoints or so. And Killer…
Hidden Killer Loadout: How do I know he is cheating?
"Hidden Killer Loadout: Removed the ability for Survivors to view the Killers perks, add-ons and offerings in the tally screen during an on-going match. Killer information will be revealed once all Survivors have exited the match." When we have some suspicion of an undue advantage, the first thing we do is look at the…
Please consider buffing Fire Up.
Please consider buffing fire up,as it is a very situational and under powered perk.It provides many benefits to the killer,but only at the end game.Destroying pallets? If it's late game, a lot of them are probably already destroyed. I can also just use Brutal Strength instead, and now I'm destroying pallets and kicking…
No escape
Ive been wondering this for a while. If a killer gets near the exit gate and "the entity" blocks the exit why does it only affect the killer. Survivors have 2 gates to escape from making the killer and a distinct disadvantage. Also if a survivor ends up opening the gate that results in a safe area for survivors. I believe…
Hatch stand off suggestion.
Quite a simple work around/suggestion for the current hatch stand offs. How about a new debuff/status effect that applies to survivors when being hit as long as all gens are powered or only one person is alive and hatch is open. Said debuff would disable interactions with the hatch for the next 5 seconds on top of that…
Trapper and the red Trackers
In no way should the trapper be allowed to put traps here, you can't undo the trap and he can still hit you from there. It is more than just unfair for survivors but an issue when this was a spot survivors got banned for in the past.
Ability to disable the most hated killer
Hello. I play in DBD 1 week, 15 rank. And i hate f***ing Pig, impossible to play against her. It is impossible to run away, because of crouching. It's a hell camping. If you are wearing a trap, you have to run all over map, search a key, where she will easily camping you. I have no idea, what to do against her. In all…
Sabotage Basement Hooks (or at least let them break)
Dear devs, Since you nerfed sabotage into oblivion and made numerous addons and items worthless, it would be nice if you removed the restriction on sabotaging basement hooks so that Breakdown can work on them. Sincerely, A fan of your game
Custom Outfit Saves
In patch 2.5.0 ypu added outfits in the customization menu but it's only for complete outfit sets bought in the store. What i want is to ability to make you own outifits with whatever clothing you pick and save them in the outist section. So say i have 3 different clothing items on but i like them all together, i can save…
Random idea to buff totems
I've seen the suggestion more than once that Hex Totems shouldn't automatically light up at the start of the trial so that they could maybe stick around a little longer. I think that's an interesting idea. Usually, the suggestion is to make it so it doesn't light until the ability activates. I'm thinking maybe we could go…
Menu Background changes.
Could we get different menu backgrounds instead of the campfire? Like map based backgrounds? Like the swamp or The Game?
Third Person Killer?
Firstly, I'm not entirely serious here, I know it'll probably never Happen but I wonder how would you go about making Killers view as Third person? Obviously it'd give a much wider FOV, better than Shadowborn tier 3 so If it ever were to become a thing how would you go about balancing it? I Just wish I could see my Killer…
The Cultist Killer idea ---> 3 powers, no melee attack.
Alright guys, this is really a longshot and much more complicated than basic killer design we've seen so far. Without much postponing, i will simply write what i had in mind. The Cultist is a fully ranged killer, with no melee attack avaliable. He is able to rotate usable power manualy on demand, but can only have 1 power…
Prove Thyself problem
I get that this perk needed a buff and I'm sure everyone is ok with it, but for the love of god, do you devs even check how high values can go if Prove Thyself stacks up with toolboxes? A gen can get done in 15.8 seconds, and that's with toolboxes without add-ons. I'm not saying this should be nerfed, but there HAS to be a…
Please burn offerings after the loading bar instead of before, please. It's so annoying to always lose because of loading errors. >_< Thank you :)
Is there a way we can let dead survivors spectate the killer without raising an SWF problem?
I would really like to be able to spectate a good killer's gameplay to learn more about the game. But I realize this raises concerns that the survivor will spy on the killer and report his every movement on the SWF Comm. What is a way to fix this, other than recommending I log on to some Killer's Twitch feed? I would very…
P3 Outfit option + DC offerings returned
I was just thinking that it would be cool if, after unlocking all 3 of the prestige bloody pieces for a character, for the full P3 bloody ensemble to appear as an outfit in the outfit section so you could equip all 3 at once. Second request -- there has to be a way to make it so offerings are returned if you never load…
Pig Buff Idea with Current 2.5 Patch
The Synopsis Currently as The Pig stands she can safely be said to be one of the more balanced killers of the game, no insta-down mechanics, no cheap anti-looping or chasing mechanics, and a kit that has a good vision and design with ways to slow down the game potentially without making it too overpowered. The Pig, in all…
Shroud of binding offering for killers
Pallet stuns
Hello, not seen a single mention of the change to pallet stuns in 2.5; there's not even mention that I could see in the patch notes? How are you all finding it? Personally, finding it particularly brutal from a Killer POV, lots of potential hits being stopped dead, will need to relearn chase dealing with loopers.…
What this game really needs...
Is an official forum
Become consistent with the stack/does not stack description of add-ons
Add-on description are a mess in terms of consistent telling you if add-ons stack or not. For example: * Trapper: No stack key word at all even if it does. * Huntress: Has a lot of "does not" but no "stacks" even it it does. * Hag: Some say "stacks" other do not even if they do. * Legion: No "stack" key word at all and so…
Ranked Rewards and Collectibles
Some sort of collectible system would be fun. Also the ability to collect emblems or something for shards? Ranked Rewards would be nice, and we're all waiting on that "Ladder" ranking.
OKAY, hear me out. What's scarier than children? How about a little girl killer who moves at 50% speed. (I'm not joking) Think about it. A little girl . . . chasing you, but she's so slow, and all you see is her little body after you. Oof. How would this work you ask? Her power involves BUGS that SLOW the survivors. Kind…
Agitation + Iron Grasp
I feel like it should be made so these two can not be used together. It makes it near impossible for a survivor, unless the killer does not think and takes you all the way across the map.
Borrowed time change or another perk works like it
As solo survivor I like to have the option against getting tunneled or hook farmed. It should not just depend on the person who saves me but also I like to have some kind of helping perk. They rush to save you without borrowed time no matter where the killer is and you end up on the hook again. Personally I would carry a…
Buff idea for overcharge.
You are fuelled by your hate for progress. When you overcharge a generator, the damage regression is applied to all generators on the map. (Does not apply to fixed gens and when the survivor is working on it.) The next Survivor interacting with that Generator is faced with a moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult…
No Mither - Bloodpoints bonus
If We're Gonna Live Forever gives points for being altruistic, and Prove Thyself for being focused on gens, then No Mither should give bonus bloodpoints for being bold. Just my 2 cents, so that every kind of gameplay can be rewarded ^.^ Especially since No Mither is such a dangerous perk to run!
[Playstation 4/XBOX] Minichat in Lobby and Summary Screen
Hi, I would love to see a chat on console versions like it is on PC. It actually doesn't have to be a full blown keyboard chat. Without a hardware keyboard it is a pain in the *** to actually chat. But what about a minichat like OnRush has it? With the D-Pad you decide the category like "happy", "sad", "angry" or…
Survivors not being able to see "scream bubbles" should be a feature for the Doctor
It was a bug I honestly enjoyed a lot as survivor. Not being able to see where the Doctor is most of the time contributed to the atmosphere of uncertainty a good Doc can give and made him just a little bit more competitive in a pleasant way (plus hearing constant screaming in the distance without knowing precisely from…
Privacy / Anti-Troll Settings
Can we have the option to hide our auras from other survivors and disable other survivors from spectating us? Survivors in a SWF group with Bond worked with the killer to get others killed. I hid in a locker to hide my aura from bond, and they still found me and trolled me because one of them had died, was spectating me,…
Get rid of Whispers audio
The Whispers perk sounds unpleasant when it's active. It also makes it harder to hear other noises in the environment. Unlike the Terror Radius, Whispers doesn't get louder or quieter to signify how close your are to a survivor, so the sound effect is unnecessary. I think Whispers would be better if it only had the perk…
Music options.
I would love the option to turn off the in match music. Sometimes it's so loud you may miss a survivor's footsteps or the sound of them breathing. Or hearing the heartbeat better before it's right on top of you. My hearing isn't the best and the music, or terror soundtrack (lol), really bothers me sometimes. I don't want…
Please reply
Just so I wrote it once: The game design of DBD was a grade F in 2016. So far the Devs have worked their way up to a D or a C. But it's still a shame to make so much money with this game. Don't you see the many obvious game design mistakes? I just played Survivor and could only survive longer than 5 minutes with an…