Simple DS Fix
* Spawn 1 non-breakable hook in exit gate, so you don't have to worry about nonsense of using DS in front of open gate and 100% free escape... Not many teams run more than one DS, so it will not be a huge issue. * Fix the bug with Endurance not interacting properly with DS.
Balanced Landing should reduce landing sounds
I think Balanced Landing should reduce, if not completely negate, the sound effect of landing from a fall. Thoughts?
Buff Doctor's Base Shock Therapy Range
It's a fair buff for the nerf he got (Nurse's Calling no longer reveals Survivors snapping out of it) but also is just a quality of life change. His shock therapy's range is so short that running a range add-on often feels mandatory. Shock Therapy also isn't a damaging attack like Huntress hatchets, and only helps shorten…
Just curious was it intentional or accidental to make your hitboxes the size of an old school Buick?
My change to DS - Collect a Shank
OK, so the issue with DS, is that it wastes the killers time, especially in the hands of someone who is good at looping, secondly, being hit with an Obsession DS, is annoying, but at least you know its coming, being hit by a non-Obsession DS user is just plain infuriating... So, here is what I would do.. What is DS? Its…
It's Been Two Years, PLEASE Change Decisive Strike
I'm stunned (pun unintended) that this perk is still a get out of jail free card after two YEARS! It is extremely game-breaking and shouldn't of existed in the first place. With my proposition, you don't need to worry about creating new animations and all that jazz. The perk will instead keep its effect but with a twist.…
When killer is a victim...
I am wondering, if there is some patch in early future, which can make this game less stressful for Killers on ranks 1-12. I remember when I start play this game and I had plenty of time for one match + had fun too. But from my side it looks like devs wasn't excepting how fast game can be with all that surv perks and…
Few more survivor tweaks needed after SC fix.
Reduce survivor movement 10% when hurt and exhaustion perks only work when hurt.
Stop forcing me into stacked games
Please, oh please, make me not want to abandon killer. Please give me some way that I don't have to play against SWF groups... it ruins the fun of the game. I don't wanna waste my time in a game with that, getting every cheap trick in the book used that can only really be executed if you're on voice comms and coordinated.…
My list of current concerns in DBD
* when killer insta DC at game start, we lose PIP and offering (screenshots), we shouldn't this is BS * people bring their low rank friends in games, lobby should not accept starting a game with a high difference in rank. We have a 'ranking' system in place, which at least could sort inexperienced people from highly…
Dead by Daylight in Czech language
Please add Czech language to the Dead by Daylight. In Czech republic and Slovakia are big bases of DBD players and it will be awesome if will you add this language. Sorry for my grammar. And thank you.
New idea to help deter campers
When I bring up face camping there's a few things people complain about, so before I bring up my idea let's just get this out of the way: Face camping/extreme camping. Well, first off if you're here to tell me face camping isn't an issue anymore because swivel hook- I'm describing their actions. If they're in your face and…
Legion stalking like Myers
TLDR: What if The Legion have to stalk all survivors in order to activate frenzy for the rest of the match. —————————————————————— I remember Janick said they originally thought of Legion stalking survivors but they didn’t like the idea because players felt their was no counter play. Which is still the same way players…
More gestures and other ideas
I only know this game due Psn Plus. I enjoyed it so much that I bought all the DLC's and I'm looking forward to more killers, maps and survivors. After playing a while I missed some things in the game that I'm putting down. 1 - Maybe add more 2 gestures for suvivers. Be quiet and stay still or denial (miss a skill check) 2…
Items and Add-ons (Suggestions)
Items and Add-ons I was going to start by suggesting an entirely new game mode i.e., Survive With Friends and Kill Your Friends. This new game mode would be devoid of items and add-ons. I've since reevaluated my position. Creating such a mode would remove tons of work and creativity from the game. I've been thinking it…
Moved: feedback for ptb 2.5.0
This discussion has been moved.
Buff We're gonna live forever to 50% bonus bp per each stack.
I think you should buff We're gonna live forever to what it was before (50% bonus bp at the end of the match per each stack because We're gonna live forever does nothing to help you survive and barbecue and chilli gives you the same amount with all stacks and it still helps you.
Just a random idea....
Feel free to add ideas this is just a thought... Why not make it to were if u reach rank 1 and stay in the red for example 20 days without dropping below red. U are given a teachable of your choosing.( to address concerns of perks not showing up in the shrine of secrets.) or give 800000 bp (to spend on who or what u want.)…
Re-entering the SWF lobby
Couldn't they make that when you finish a game with your friends it brings all of you back in the same lobby?
The team really needs to rebalance the Rotting Fields.
That map is just way too ######### huge for anyone but Hillbilly to put pressure on any of the generators, on top of that dead tree loop being impossible for most killers to deal with. Not to mention that the corn is a ######### nightmare to navigate, and the jungle gyms provide way too much time wasting potential, and…
Legion Rework Ideas
Purpose and Reason The main problem with Legion is that they aren't enjoyable to go against. In a match with them. All five players are at the same skill level. If Legion wants you downed, it will happen. Survivor and killer skill doesn't matter. The chase is very unenjoyable and uninteractive for both sides. With…
Spirit is way too weak without addons, and pretty strong with them. This needs to change.
With how unbelievably grindy this game is, if you haven't been playing since release, and playing constantly, killers who require good addons to be viable at the Red Ranks are extremely frustrating, since a lot of these killers are pretty fun. The issue then becomes that with addons, some killers because almost stupidly…
Surviving with voice Com?
Hello all, As a new player (52hrs in game) The SWF groups are really taking all the fun out of the game. I am still learning that is granted but getting 4 generators under 2 minutes is making any learning or Blood point gain impossible. On top of all they are clearly using voice comm so if I am chasing some one they all…
Flashlight stun during pallet break is a bug
While breaking a pallet the killer is effectively stunned. 1 he/she can't look up 2 he/she has to spend 2 seconds while breaking it. How does the flashlight beam hits my eyes while I am litteraly looking to the groung? I think this is a bug. If the survivor wants to wait for the break animation to complete than try to…
Rank 20s who aren't actually rank 20 survivors
It's weird when someone with a lot of skill and a lot of hours magically end up never leaving rank 20. I know someone who admitted they cheated to achieve that. Is there any way to detect such things?
My newly found idea to reduce the rush gen without ruin (ruin users)
Hello, people i thought of a fix for the current gen state as you know, the gens is taking 80sec ( solo) and 28,57 (Full team) so the idea is to reduce the contribution per player. For example 80sec solo (unchanged) add a 11second contribution per player for a total of 33 second which make the gen at 47s at four players…
Killers have their own ranks.
What if your killer rank wasn’t shared across all your killers? I am currently rank 1. I know rank doesn’t actually mean anything. However speaking for myself, when I am playing certain killers I don’t do so well, especially if it is my first time playing as them. I just think it would be nice for each killers to have…
New Pig Add On
Name: Lock jaws Rarity: Very Rare Description: A lock over reverse bear trap jaws to prevent peoples' jaws from splitting. *Reduces amount of Jigsaw Boxes to 0 ***Disables** the ability for Reverse Bear Traps to kill survivors ***Disables** the ability for survivors to remove reverse bear traps *Trumps all other add ons…
New perk and customization item
Hello, I imagined two cool things. First one - shoes for fun or skillful players. It should be yellow-duck shoe or clown shoe, that will make a sound while running. And perk that will recover your exhaustion when you are together with your team, even if you are running.
Unique Julie Cosmetics
I know most people love Susie from Legion, but I actually prefer the underrated Julie. Yes I know based on lore her and frank would wear similar outfits but I would like to see cosmetics unique to her like Susie and Joey.
Surveillance rework
Whenever you damage a Generator, you also attach a tracking device to it. If Survivors start working on the Generator, their Aura will be revealed to you for 10/15/20 seconds. The Survivors have the option to disable the device by holding down the active ability button for 15 seconds while close to the Generator. The…
Hits & mori
Prioritize killer hit action over mori.
In-game achievement's tracking
Hey guys, trying to take at my almost earned achievements, an Idea came to my mind, it'd be great if we had a "My achievements" section in-game, very similar to the one in Left 4 dead, guess there's no problem talking about L4D since we have Bill in game, showing each achivement's progress, etc, I'll leave an screenshot of…
Make certain perks not work late-game
Decisive strike and deliverance not work if they is only 1 generator left. Adrenaline only work if you are outside of killer's terror radius.
General Perk Revamp Suggestions
As a general idea to allow more unique and varied perk builds alongside giving incentive for players to complete various objective while with the trail I'm suggested that certain perks be increased in strength or tweaked with the drawbacks of needing to complete tasks similar to Deliverance. For example i'll give a…
I wonder when the devs will fix borrowed time instead of adding cosmetics to the game
There is a bug when borrowed time just disappears or does not activate and it does not work on leatherface or billy's chainsaw
Give us low ranked players better lobbies.
been waiting for like 30+ minutes as survivor and killer to get a game going, is this how the game should be? that ain't it. fix it.
Iridescent shards should be easier to earn
As a player who dosen't have the money to buy auric cells to gain access to cosmetics, the only way I could get the 10/10 cosmetics is if I grind iridescent shards by leveling up. And just to put into context how much effort is required to get the sufficient iridescent shards for ONE cosmetic piece I am currently level 52…
Basic Susie Suggestion
Just a skin for Susie that would be linked to the dlc
Please BHVR, take an "Operation Health" esque break to fix this game.
I begeth you.
Prove Thyself (Suggestion)
Prove Thyself: You have a tendency to show your dominance to other survivors! Whenever you perform a collaborative action with a survivor for 20 seconds, receive a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Every token will grant a 3% speed increase for all actions (Repairs, cleansing, healing, and etc). Basically, the perk is…
Optional Ritual for survivors to complete
Special ritual offerings should be added to the map. They can spawn anywhere, only 1 is available at any time, their aura is visible to survivors within 12m, but they can’t be seen by the killer until completed. When a generator is completed, and the previous ritual was completed, a new ritual will spawn. The spawn…
Fix the hook problem
I only play killer and people don't like how i play.. Why should i leave the hook when i don't get rewarded?... I just don't sit by the hook, I run around the area of the hook to bait them.. Why not do this for the hooks.. There first hook is 10% debuff off everything, If they get caught again it goes upto 12% debuff, It…
Too many levels and perks suggestion.
I watched the dev Q&A where they mentioned that there are too many perks now. I fully agree. The more characters you get, the more levels you have to grind to get those sweet 4 perks you are actually looking for. I don't know if it is too soon for something like this, but my suggestion is: Every time you complete a…
A disconnect timer
We all know those players. They take their 2nd hit by the killer and have disconnected before their face hits the ground. They hinder their team, rob the killer and altruistic teammates of bloodpoints, and ruin the mood of the game. Here’s my solution to all this: When a survivor (or killer for that matter) disconnects,…
redesign of the addons for the Nurse
Hey people of the fog, I'm not that much a killer-player but when I play killer I play as the nurse. She is simply my absolute favorite and most fun killer to play. The thing that really annoys me is that she didn't get any relevant addons until today. There are 1 or 2 who you can consider to take but the rest is just…
Why doesn't the Doctor start in Treatment Mode?
Hey all, I hope everyone had a great Halloween/Samhain/etc. One question/suggestion I have is: Why doesn't the Doctor start in Treatment Mode? I feel like the Doctor doesn't start with anyone in front of him (though it does happen on rare occasions) and so - in the very beginning - you want to be in Treatment Mode to find…
Legion is the BEST killer in the game, thats why he's so WEAK.
Please read the entire discussion before posting. Isnt it ironic? How the BEST killer in the game is so weak because of It? You dont see why? I'll show you why. I've been playing Legion a lot since he came out and to be honest I think his power desing is incredible and really unique. Yes, I really like his power. The thing…
PS4 Frame-rate
I play DBD on PS4, and have played a few games since the release of "Darkness Among Us". The frame-rate has dropped considerably, especially for killer. It is extremely hard to hit a survivor, especially topped off with the amount of 360 and ead hard users we see on console. I don't know if this is the same on Xbox and PC,…
Freddy Krueger: The Dream Catcher
Freddy Krueger is back asswards, as he should be trying to enter the Corporeal World instead of bringing survivors into the Dream World. Freddy Krueger: Dream Catcher & Flashlight God I propose that Freddy should start out in his Dream World, where he has no interaction with the Corporeal World, and uses a Dream Catching…