This solution has me thinking of the trials from legend of Zelda skyward sword. Man I hated those things. I really like this solution. Although tbh I would prefer the hatch is just removed and the killer doesn’t have to close it. That or make it so that the hatch can’t spawn within x feet of the survivor or killer and it…
If the shrine is fixed how would we get overcharge every week though? I’ve grown fond of seeing it in the shrine so much.
I want one where every time I hook someone in the basement it plays the sound of Michael Myers going into tier 3. Nobody would ever get rescued from that basement.
I like to keep my games against legion fair. Whenever I find out I’m against legion I just turn off my monitor and run in a circle. Haven’t died to him yet.
You think he’s op now just wait until they come out with shirtless Jeff.
Let’s make that 19-7 then. No.
Claudette face made me want to play leather face. Does that count? Technically it is a skin. Claudette’s to be precise.
You can count on me to camp bois with bubbas basement build. What day is the patch coming out?
I’d be David with shirtless cosmetic. 100% free abs and girls for life. Yeeeeeeeeh
They should make it so you get matched with other people who dc a lot. Then the killer would dc if he starts doing badly and all survivors will dc if they start doing badly. It would be hilarious to watch too.
The fact that you think lf needs nerfs and wraith is good makes me sad. Leatherface chainsaw is flaming hot garbage without good addons. The only thing it’s good for is killing overly altruistic survivors who think they can unhook in his face. If you honstely thinks it’s op you must be an entitled survivor main who thinks…
Okay so at high ranks if every survivor knows how to pallet loop correctly without messing up, then how do you win? Sure you might get one or two at the end if you’re playing a higher tier killer like billy. But what if you’re playing someone like leatherface or wraith? You’re stuck chasing each survivor in a circle until…
You realize the loops don’t have to be infinite right? With enough pallet loops semi infinite is enough to last until all gens are done.
I kind of would like a bnp buff. Like it scales up with the rarity of the toolbox. Brown is 15% yellow is 25% green is 50% and purple is 75%. Plus the toolbox and add on would get consumed in the process.
I feel like this would be pretty op because of the numbers. I mean this perk would basically just outclass so many others. I mean if you would combo this perk into some kind of slug build it would be pretty much an easy victory. Tbh I think thanataphobia just needs its numbers buffed some and it would be better. Maybe make…
I think the devs said they would never buff no mither. Not sure if they would do a small bp buff or not either. I also don’t understand why whenever a no mither buff is suggested some people just immediately say no. I for one would like a bp bonus and injured music to be removed. They wouldn’t effect the perk much but they…
I wear Claudette face all the time. I like to think it scares away the squadettes with dstrike and flashlights. So far it seems to be working. It’s like a ward against pure evil.
I would prefer to see the perk instead of losing tokens on hit you lose a token every time you hook someone. You would still gain tokens the same way but if you lost them on hook I could see some amazing slug builds with this perk. You might have to decrease the bonus speed slightly to balance it out though. What do you…
Throw bloodwarden on there and you could get some pretty funny cheese. I once got a 3k cheese with noed nurse because of bloodwarden. Soon as they opened the exit I downed all 3 and hooked them. It was glorious.
It would be really cool if it had another effect when last person standing. What if for every generator you complete another one was completed on the opposite side of the map. The killer wouldn’t know which gen to check and you could escape that much quicker. Could be kinda op though, what do you guys think?
Two killers not being able to team up kinda would take the fun out of kill with friends. The whole point of 2 killers would be to do cool cheese strats on the survivors not just be like oh yah your survivors are over here have fun. I would rather have like a kill with friends where there is one killer and one survivor who…
You would have to find toolboxes. We’ve finally discovered why there are golden toolboxes hidden around the maps. Yeeeeeeeeeh.
Or make it so that it ignores objects. The chainsaw that can phase through objects LOL. Can you imagine the salt that would go with that.
The problem with rewarding survivors for losing a teammate is that swf would just abuse it. One of them would disconnect if they are about to die and the rest would get free bonus points. If both a reward to survivor teammates and a punishment to the dc happened the system would be somewhat balanced. Survivors would get…
This idea seems strangely familiar to me... I totally think this idea could work as a temporary fix to the gen rush problem. At least until some better secondary objectives are added.
The greatest one liner I have ever read on these forums. You could literally take this sentence and apply it to 90% of the posts on this forum.
I hope it’s more of a rework than a buff. I get that Freddy is a terrible killer but I absolutely despise playing against him.
I honestly find it hard to believe that you play BOTH Freddy and leatherface and think they’re fine where they are. I especially find it hard to believe if you’re running perkless addonless Freddy and still think he’s in a good state. Also not all killers are easy to play. I mean nurse is the hardest killer in the game so…
While interesting idea on paper put this in the game and I feel like it would be equivalent to the tripping mechanic from smash bros brawl. It would receive a lot of hate and probably be removed by the next patch. Tbh I don’t really think any killers should get nerfed until the game is more balanced .
There is literally no reason to play either of those killers when you have options like nurse and billy. Billy is literally a better lf in every way and Freddy gets annihaleted by a good team of survivors. You honestly must not play either of them to think that they’re fine where they are.
I love this guy.
Do you mean like a league of legends style system? Where you have ranked matches and unranked matches but who you get matched up against is determined by your actual rank.
That’s kind of the point. Fight fire with Fire, except in this case I’m fighting a stupid idea with another stupid idea.
I’d agree with this if survivors got a similar nerf. Once one gen is completed all other gens are locked for 60 seconds. This effect triggers every time a generator is completed. Oh and the generators can still be damaged and regress while locked from survivors. I think it’s a fair trade off. What do you guys think?
That’s both sad and hilarious at the same time.
To be honest I like all these changes. Especially him having a smaller radius. If you ran monitor and abuse leatherface you could get in some pretty amazing chainsaw sneak attacks.
Out of curiosity how many games have you quit playing because of issues like this?
I have to admit I threw up in my mouth a little when I read the entire post. I don’t want to be one of those guys who only says “git gud” but I think you kind of need to. When I first started this game I thought survivor was harder than killer too, but I got experienced and learned how to play the game and I can definitely…
Do you mean punish the killer for dodging lobbies or leaving the game? I can understand a punishment for leaving the game but a punishment for dodging lobbies is stupid. I mean it’s the killers lobby so if he doesn’t want to get stuck playing against a 4 man swf with insta heals and flashlights why should he?
You start it but don’t let it finish. Do that like once or twice then just finish the mori though. Don’t want to be like the guy who spammed it for three min. Edit: I almost forgot about nodding XD. If you really want to piss off a survivor on hook you just nod up and down at him. I typically only do this if the survivor…
Tbh if I catch a really toxic survivor I either spam mori em a few times or camp them. I like to think it teaches them to not be toxic in future games. As an added bonus some toxic survivors are swf and camping them could lead to a 4K if they’re team hook rushes.
Nice job. It’s always great when you get revenge on those annoying toxic survivors.
Do you have any plans in the future for leatherface buffs? Such as reduced charge time, keeps chainsawing after hitting a pallet, reduced terror radius, increased movespeed, etc.
Why not simply make the drawback to self care be that other survivors heal you 65% slower and vice versa. Maybe something like that that makes you more self reliant but less useful in a group? (The numbers would be adjustable)
Umm. I play on Xbox and it doesn’t really have any of those issues. The one issue is that you can’t use it when you’re right on a hook or you’ll lose it. Otherwise it works as intended. Once you get the timing down on hitting the skill check it becomes one of the most overpowered perks in a survivors tool kit.
If anyone ever goes up against him and absolutely destroys him I’d sure love to see a video.
I agree with this 100%. We could also add to its description “The definition of a crutch perk”
I hate playing against Freddy so I might be a little biased. But I think survivors having 0 action progress would be op. Simply because skill check odds are so weird sometimes like you can complete an entire gen without getting one. Slowing down the vault speed is also completely unwarranted. Some of the add ones also seem…
The hatch really needs some changes because it’s broken right now. The hatch standoff heavily favors survivors and the hatch in general punishes killers for killing 3 people. Why should one survivor get a free escape because the killer destroyed their team? it’s a 1v4 game and if the killer is good enough to turn it into a…