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  • Then just hook the survivor before you close the hatch and I think why most people don't like NOED is because it often rewards bad killers as it activities when the killer literally fails their objective.
  • probably because one last 5 seconds, the other until it's cleansed, and healing a health state can be done in 15 seconds without the perk anyway. NOED is an instadown that usually gives the killer a free kill.
  • Stridor is the worst on every killer but spirit
  • I agree with spirit 100% and kinda with PH but deathslinger has counter play.
  • I can agree with this
  • Maybe not entire reworks but some kind of significant change.
  • I think Wraith would really benefit from faster uncloaking speed. That alone would improve him a lot. but also making him quieter (breathing and footsteps) would actually allow him to be stealthy. Wraith is my personal favorite killer to play and I think this would make him a lot better.
  • lol yeah I was saying that WGLF should get a buff the other day.
  • Completely dedicating your gameplay to one thing is very counter productive. Also you continue to ignore that the only thing that I think NOED should stop doing is giving bad killers a free kill. If a good killer uses it and secures a 4k with it or a decent killer uses it and gets a few kills because of it, the perk is…
  • I literally mentioned this but as I said before I agree with you, but once again in solo Q if I get chased all game my teammates usually don't do totems(this is just an example) so as I mention before I would just like to see a killer have to do at least something to make it work.
  • How? I'm actually curious you obviously have a different perspective than me and although this is kinda uncivil I am enjoying my discussion with you. I understand DS but it has a small window and rarely comes into effect.
  • You are so incredibly angry for no reason. Ive literally never used UB even once. And because no-one can say NOED is annoying because they aren't doing what they're "supposed" to do then never complain about DS or DH because as a killer your not "supposed" to tunnel. You see how that is dumb and counter productive? I'm…
  • I don't really have a problem with NOED I just think it should be earned. Yes it is annoying when teammate or me dies solely due to NOED and then gets face camped and despite how well you played all game the killer is bailed out and gets a free kill. I actually make it a point to do all the totems and try to learn all the…
  • "JuSt DO tHe BOnEs" dude a bad killer shouldn't get a free kill, just as bad survivors shouldn't get free escapes.
  • A second chance perk that you literally don't have to do anything to earn. DS and UB are second chance perks but counter 2 of the most toxic things in the game tunneling and slugging. Totems obviously slow the game down, they have random spawn points and assuming you find all 5 totems with 15 seconds of each other and the…
  • LOL ok bud. Looks like someone can't get a 4k without NOED. If NOED is completely fine because it has a counter than DS, BT, UB, DH are all perfectly fine and should never be complained about ever ok. You should not be rewarded for playing bad. I'm tired of explaining to killer mains why NOED should't be as strong as it is…
  • No, I literally didn't use it as I said. I don't like the whole "locker tech" thing I think it's abused. I only jump in a locker when I'm getting hard tunneled and I know if I don't the killer is gonna slug me and proxy camp until it goes away.
  • NOED isn't fine tho it rewards bad killers for doing nothing and "JUsT DoIng BOnEs" slows down the game for the killer without them working for it. A totem can be the difference between a gen getting hit with pop or being finished (just one example). NOED is too strong for requiring absolutely no effort at all. I suggested…
  • I also play red ranks and very rarely see this. I didn't even think about endgame but if you can only get one kill endgame anyway you probably got outplayed. I definitely get the SWF thing tho but like I said before SWF is a massive advantage anyway.
  • "Do BOnEs. NoeD IS fIne"
  • How often do you only find the survivor that was just unhooked? Because when I play its pretty rare that the killer isn't in another chase after someone is unhooked and usually the unhooked survivor is healed doing a gen by the time the killer is back on them and by then DS is gone.
  • A good change to Ebony would be that you have to hook every remaining survivor once then you can kill them all by your hand. I say remaining because of DC's and stuff. Ivory being a cool animation with no real advantage completely takes away its purpose.
  • That's very true. I think that we should agree that killer takes more skill but acknowledge that survivor isn't as easy as killers like to pretend it is.
  • DS and BT yes. UB nowhere near that often. DS and BT are kinda needed to counter camping and tunneling although both are rare you never want to not have those perks. I run both in my main build and only use DS like once every 10 or so games.
  • I agree that killer takes more skill but survivor does take skill as well and obviously is an asymmetrical game so of course survivors can make more mistakes. This doesn't take away from the fact that although you say you just press E the survivor does have to use it at the right time for distance or it will be useless.
  • You're argument depends on many individual factors and the only time your scenario would only ever happen is in a SWF group which everyone knows is broken.
  • That's 4 mins that you can't touch one individual survivor it's not like everyone is unkillable at once. And to say I'm lacking in knowledge when my question is really why people whine about meta builds when they have meta builds makes no sense.
  • I'll apologize for that but it's annoying when people act like only killer takes skill. DH for distance is the same as enduring or spirit fury because they have similar impacts. I understand what you're saying but don't downplay that it is hard to loop a killer when realistically killers have every advantage in chases.
  • Assuming all 4 have the combo when its actually really rare because most people aren't dumb.
  • Mine was fine today. maybe its just where you live.
  • But Perks like Ruin, Pop, and NOED have the ability to affect all 4 survivors at the same time. DS and unbreakable is viable for exactly 60 seconds of any match. I agree with you that BT and BBQ aren't really that great but they are considered meta.
  • if you think using dead hard effectively is really as simple as just hitting E you're wrong. No one had unbreakable. He went out of his way to message me and I was running Quick and quiet, lithe, DS, and BT. I literally didn't use DS because I didn't need to.
  • Midwich is the worst map by a mile it sucks so bad. As survivor its way too hard to find objectives and on both sides chases just suck.
  • New Ruin might actually be even worse for new survivors. A lot of time newer players play scared and leave gens and hide after hearing the slightest heartbeat so it could be just as punishing.
  • spirit.
  • At low ranks killer is easier at, red and purple survivor is much easier.
  • But they're not if you actively only try to find one survivor and purposely ignore the others if they are good survivors you're gonna lose rather quickly. The other 3 will just split and do gens and by the time you finally kill the survivor all gens will be complete. So in a competitive game it will literally be why you…
  • You really gonna complain about DS when tunneling is the cheapest way to win. Tunneling is stupid it's one thing if a survivor is constantly hovering around you or there the only one you can find but to go out of your way to find one guy is ineffecient and just scummy.
  • Im just surprised a killer main actually acknowledged that camping and tunneling actually exist.
  • lol, your response was actually what I was thinking.
    in Hag Comment by CWill22 July 2020
  • How is this toxic then because there is no item (like toolbox, brand new part) the survivors are just on different gens. So are survivors supposed to just wander around until the killer gets a hook.
  • How though like what makes it genrushing.
  • If you think NOED is too weak than so is DS because I rarely use it in game.
    in NOED Change Comment by CWill22 July 2020
  • I think just an actual visual sign like animation the killer get where she actually puts her hands in front of her and starts phasing. Maybe they make it to where she actually does this when she phases. Then she can still mind game but its not just standing still.
  • I get that but I'm just saying a killer shouldn't be rewarded for playing badly all game long. Someone shouldn't be one hooked because of a perk. Yeah but camping shouldn't be an option. It's a scummy way to play and ruins the game for someone who did well all game and then dies on first hook because of a NOED camper.
    in NOED Change Comment by CWill22 July 2020
  • NOED wouldn't be crippled it would only affect people who camp with NOED.
    in NOED Change Comment by CWill22 July 2020
  • You probably complain about genrush being a thing, just pressure gens and there won't be a problem. It's an argument that just makes no sense by just saying "Just Do BOneS". I literally said NOED should only be changed to discourage camping.
    in NOED Change Comment by CWill22 July 2020
  • I don't see how BT is OP it literally only activates if your terror radius is at that hook. DS I understand but then again you shouldn't get a free kill for tunneling at the end of the game after you were outplayed.
    in NOED Change Comment by CWill22 July 2020