PC- Steam. Happends since a month.... Yeah pls fix those 2 trees.... at eyes u perfectly can pass with killer and survis, but there are a invisible wall wich don't let u pass. I know, but later in chases u many times lost that chase or lose time because those 2 trees... (as the gen near, still bugged with just 1 place to…
PC - Steam. In 400 hours i tryed just 1 day to play with a guy, and in more than 20 minutes was impossible to join tooguether in the same lobby. We finaly stop trying.
Yes, totally agree. We need a Trapper buff, as it's needed a nerf of SWF As i always say, the best choice for me, have 2 queues. NORMAL QUEUE: u can play with all ur friends, to play just for fun and try new perks/addons/killers RANKED QUEUE: u just can play in SWF of 2. With this we do SWF more balanced, playing as killer…
Maybe it's like the killer is? Just askin i never played Bubba. Maybe it's a little nerf, to his so OP m2 wich just clicking m2 u have instadown just for keep walking XD
Pc, Steam. hahhaha happends to me too, i think in that same place...i was following a survi, he cross between those 2 trees, then i tryed and get stucked. KIller can't cross betwen those trees.
is very high always, would be nice to have a personal mouse sensivity with victor too, because for me it's a bit high too
reinstall will be better
I have fun playing killer, and most of my matches are against SWF.... but i agree, im a bit tired about face SWF of 3 and 4 with thousands of hours.... i can dodge that lobby also, but want the challenge to beat them, many times i can, many others i can't. But this game need a balance with SWF with VOICE CHAT... game is…
where are u from?, im from spain, and at nights it's impossible to play as survi... queues 8-13 min or more in night. At sun hours, i find so quickly, not more than 2 min as survi.
But guys if u agree with something vote up so devs will see easier and will know who much people tink the same!! VOTE UP!! not only in this post, in all... many people agree with something but they don't vote up
He can disarm traps, i played recently as survi and cleaned 2-3 consecutives traps... 2 of them were 2-3 metres near... But yeah agree, Trpper is one of themost weak killers in the game, and the weakest when u are playing against SWF... why? apart from the general advantage playing in SWF with VOICE chat, this against…
When it starts to become night, IT'S IMPOSIBLE TO PLAY AS SURVI, QUEUES OF MORE THAN 10 MIN.... i sometimes wait 10 min, then the game sends me an error message, and then another 5-10 min to play... then killer all time days finds in 10 seconds... This happends because more survis, and tons of SWF playing hole day and night
Don't need a nerf, u just need to clean totems, it's so ez. Need to say i play more survi than killer. I always clean 2-3 totems per match. If al my team clean always the same amount of totems as I, no NOED in late. But many noobs/casuals/ good players with thousands of hours cry because of noed, complain and insult, for a…
Agree. At first i play more survi, lke 70% survi - 30% killer. And i never face camp, not usually 'tunnel' or camp (WHEN MATCH IS LOST, 5 GENS AND 2 HOOKS, WHAT SHOULD I DO, GO TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP, GO EVERY SINGLE SURVI AND TRY TO HIT ONCE TO ALL OF THEM, NO, IM SMART) Depends on the context. People need to…
Pc, steam. Queues at night really are annoying, i usually needs more than 10 minutes to find a match of survivor, and many of those times, DBD sends a message saying: 'an error ocurred, u removed from the party' ... AND U NEED TO START THE QUEUE AGAIN. I started playing just killer at night, if i play, because is no sense…
Agree. Personally, i not not usually camp (if match goes really bad or 5 gens are done and 0 kills, i will), and i never face camp... are a bit dirty ways (especially facecamp, i hate when people do facecamp near to the hook) but finally, are an STRATEGY, as survis need to do gens and scape. Sometimes also the only way to…
Sounds really good, also, they could give more Blood Points XD
In notmal matches, Trapper can be really good... but the problem comes... with SWF, who are PLAYING WITH VOICE CHAT. If SWF is good counter to traps, play with VOICE CHAT makes them really useful. They are playing tooguether, so they know not only where the killer is, also where he place the traps. They can dodge the traps…
me too, same problem a few matches ago
sensibility so high yeah, i'm usually play with low sensivilities in all kind of games and this Victor movement makes me crazy XD. Anyway this should be better in feedback, it's not a bug, but i thought the same.
Pc, steam. Just hapend the same, same map exactly same gen, only 1 side (front one) allowed to repair.
Pc too, this game need a high optimize update
fps issue in whole game all the time XD this game need a hard optimization update
Agree, FOV it's bad placed, need to be a little bit higher, not only for be more playable, also to be according to the real height of The blight
As with Freddy when im in Freddy's world, playing as survivor XD
Yo la compré también, al menos en Bill me acabo apareciendo. Pero eso es bug bueno XD, prueba a irla jugando con otros personajes a ver si te sale
Happends to me too on PC, and also with that killer, the Twins. So annoying to lost 5-6 chases because of that same pallet in the same match
happends to me both of them. On PC
But guys, if happends to you also, SEND VOTE, so they will see easier and better how much people have this bug. Under comment of the one who open this thread, click on VOTE UP XD
Happening in PC also, sometimes you can see a few scratches while running lol, most of the times around the walls near the head of survivor... I was thinking i became mad XD
So much time survivor queue, i play solo and sometimes need 1-2 min, but others like 10 min.. And killer always less than 1 minute, usually just 10-20 seconds
One of the worst ones of the new 'reworked maps'... I sincerelly like more the old style and the ambient, also my fps were higher rate XD
Can be a good option to try new perks, like funny challenges, i sincerelly go always with 6 perks for survi and 4-5 for killer. Also not at all meta-perks, i guess, just fine with those ones and feel comfort XD
Agree, but you don't need to remove chat. Maybe this two options can be perfect, in my opinion 1- Just add a option to HIDE THE CHAT, and that's it. The one who don't want to see the post lobby chat, just press that option and it will be switch it off. (or the option to can mute some guy in special, maybe there are 1 toxic…
hahahahah i understand what u are talking about, but as u said, it's an incentive, not a fix. It's not bad, but something more needed. Not just BP. Maybe, a good fix under here: Maybe they can make a NORMAL MATCH QUEUE, where u can play full SWF, and people can play also more chill there, and test perks/addons/killers....…
So ur fix it's just give more blood points? what kind of fix it's that? XD Anyway i can know if im playing against SWF just looking their profiles... as i always do since i get tired XD
Maybe that's too much but something is needed to play against SWF, it's not only maybe they are 3-4 full swf, it's that they are playing WITH VOICE CHAT. Thats op and unfair for the killer. For many killers the match get super hard, also when those SWF have got thousands and thousands of hours.... but with killers like…
I need something to can play Trapper against SWF of 3 or 4 people.... 1 day i just get tired when i played 4 consecutive matches against full SFW and didn't get a single kill, impossible. Thousands of hours, lanterns, DS all.... Since then, if i see they are SWF of 3 or 4, i go take mori 100% I play more survivor than…
I usually use playing as killer and survivor because i like those maps, as killer and as survivor... but i agree in 1 thing, the 1 thing i don't like is play Blight in one of them XD
i just said the same XD
agree XD
totally agree
So here I am, I LOVE INDOOR MAPS, playing as KILLER and as SURVIVOR, i like play and love the atmosfere of those 3 indoor maps (except play The Blight in one of them, u are not going to be able to use M2 as in outdoor map XD) Also there are... how much? 10 outdoor maps? moreless? or more? And if u don't want to play there,…
Many killers maybe yes, as i said i don't like play The Blight in a indoor map XD....or maybe Deathsliger or Hauntress. But some of them can be still playable and even work better, as for example Trapper or Doctor, in my opinion. For me, it's not harder to play indoor maps, as killer or as survi, and i love to play as both…
hahah why u are so toxic? At first, english it's not my mature language, buddy, if u want let's talk in spanish, wich it's my native one.... can u talk in spanish buddy?????? do u want to talk in spanish so i will be the one who makes laugh at u? buddy? :) Then, im rank 6 survivor, 7 killer, as u see, im not rank 20, toxic…
Why people don't like indoor maps? i love the 3 of them lol, as killer and as survivor (except if im playing with The Bight XD)
Hi, i guess u are a noob or so bad player, because u don't know u can remove NOED just cleaning totems. At first, it's a perk of the game, it's a mechanic of the game, why u refuse to use it? Then, in a match, i agree, i much times saw potatoe killers do 3k or 4k just because of NOED, but..... U NEED TO DO 5 GENS BEFORE…
Yeah, of corse, as i make my own decision years ago, and as i can share my opinion, as u did, and as all. And i didn't wan't to make a PC vs console war, i just say what i think and what i think it's the truth. Have a PTB on consoles is far harder than in PC, and less people will test it so maybe it's not worth for them…
Then he maybe is one of those people who cry when pc players say something about console.... XDD.... And he is making stereotype of something, as i said earler, he can't really know, and he is just try to rage someone... At first it's not true, and secondly.... how do u know it? -PC players can know if they are playing…
again, totally agree XD