I confirm this. Plus, it actually crashes the game for me.
What's Dark Deception? The game where you run in a maze?
I did vote but chain blinding is done by bully squads. If it isn't possible they move on to doing something else. The issue is with the players not with the game.
Nintendo Entertainment System?
The tutorial should teach others things, too. There could be various stages - kinda like in Street Fighter where the game teaches you how to do combos not just the basics and the super moves. More tutorial could come with more BP and achievements.
Mummy - there is a new movie under development anyway. Sadly, this will be a prequel so without Fraser. :(
Interesting poll… can Singularity do 3-genning? This is new for me. Also, what's a Forever Freddy?
I picked Dredge but all are good except Unknown: who would want a room mate not much is known about?
So you find being good boring? Never seen a thread like this before. What killer do you use? And what perks (build)? And at what time do you play? I'm in GMT+1. In the evening I get the 100% bonus for killer score which is when the SWF groups are out. They certainly know how to do other things not just pressing W. You can…
I think some of these events can return in a slightly modified version. The team can get the feedback and release a Chaos 2.0 or Light Out 2.0 later.
Today I was using her to get the claw trap achievement. Since no 3-genning was involved I received moderate hate only. Also barely had any DCs but the rudest remarks come from SWF groups, naturally. Mindgaming is pretty exciting given the undetectable feature of your drone usage.
Must be the same glitch that we had with the shuffle challenge. I would switch back to normal then back again to the modifier.
Normally, I agree with you, however, I know that it is "Plot Twist" when it happens. I just pay attention to the HUD. Team mates need to be that skilled…
Pig. I just can't win with her. Very, very difficult. Unless I use an offering. Interestingly, I'm fine with Freddy and Myers in my matches.
It wears off quickly. After a handful of matches my team mates keep giving up. Sometimes the modifiers are great and sometimes they are not. I noticed killers do not tunnel / camp that match.
It may be off… but then again if someone uses Adrenaline+WoO+DS+Unbreakable all the time then that person finds it difficult to adjust.
It is as random as it gets. I face killers that almost all have "Plaything". And yeah 2-3 matches one team mate got "No Mither". I find this modifier the best so far. Definitely more interesting than "Lights Out".
Keep it or Leave it? They both mean the same, no? The current MMR has a lot of issues. Going back to the old system would be bad - a new approach is needed.
Behind bars downstairs.
"Do you think they loaded into the game only when I started my first chase? They had plenty time to see their surrounding gens. Defending this just means you could be part of the problem." So why don't you show us the entire clip? You do not have spectator mode during game - you can't check what they were doing "wasting…
Not sure about God, I voiced my own concern. You must be new to the gameplay or the current state of DbD I assume.
Emotes? So that team mates start meme-ing instead of doing gens. No thanks. The "crouch-slap" and "repeated-crouch" "techs" are way too common already at the beginning of a match.
Thanks for clarifying. I didn't know. I use the "keyboard" on my TV to log in to various streaming services so I assume you do not spend several minutes with a sentence using the controller only.
How would you do the endgame chat on console with a controller?
Thank you kindly!
Thanks a lot! Quite a lot of BP!
Nice match, but I would have loved to see the builds the survivors had. I turn off the recording after that usually. Also, remember that OP talks about Sadako in general - it is, of course, possible to win with her (just like winning with everybody else), the experience is just not the same.
It was a joke...
So is it a nerf, a buff or QoL change?
Come on. :( I always look forward to these special events.
I do not like it, at all.
Thanks a lot!
10/10. I love him and I need him reworked... right... now!
How do you know no action was taken? Did they tell you working with the killer was not bannable?
Also, at least this kind stops being an annoyance sooner as even the shortest click means -1 sec usage. Remember the old days when it was just a split second and people could spam it for eternity?
I like it but rarely see in my matches as a killer. Survivors run "Prove Thyself" and "Resilience" instead. The rest are perks for hiding or extending your chases.
Looks great but perhaps the "cone" could be a bit smaller? He can be seen from miles away.
Actually, how is it familiar? It is a win for you, no? Escape challenges immediately trigger. Plus, you played well by quickly doing 3 gens. Tell me how it is fun, on the other hand, when the killer just tunnels me, I lose, get depipped, and as a spectator I can see the team miserably goes down just the same. At the end of…
I can confirm it is bugged. Just had a match where I couldn't see the aura. Accidentally bumped into it but it was too late.
Perfect combination with Dead by Daylight. Alan Wake's Dark Presence is now the Fog. The model looks like Jake Gyllenhaal, though.
Slugging is nasty but in the video you are all hooked. If Bubba felt he could take a risk by downing all of you then it can be perceived as an efficient tactic. Real slugging is when you are all left on the ground and the killer just watches or humps or does something else they find "funny". It is, unfortunately, not a…
I agree! Doubling the distance could have worked. I was surprised to see the small increase only and the reduction in the percentage.
"i know i’m defending this change for killers a lot, but i’m a survivor main, and i can recognize this update probably feels reeeallyyy crummy for killers. and for survivors too! being able to tap a gen to stop regression is an essential risk it for the biscuit move while in chase. will i tap it and get away quick enough…
How successful are you with Demo in terms of wins? What was your best streak? Can SWF give you a hard time? What is your experience?
Isn't Spirit instinctive just as Onryo?
Finding Nemo. :) What add-ons and perks do you recommend?
I'm struggling with my killer, too. I'm at Iri rank II but I'm not sure I'll have the patience to reach rank I this month. Also, when losing to a team (0K) with my Clown a rare phenomenon occurred. The survivors were toxic with the 4th individual for making mistakes and deliver me to them multiple times during the match. I…
Nurse. I hate her so I don't want to learn her teleportation. And don't want any repeated crouches for missing any attacks either. David. Recently, however, I have decided to pick him up. There is now a balance of survivors as I am having the same levels with them with only those standing out I like most.
I've been sitting at Iri IV for a week now this month and the best I got was 3 pips but lost them in 5 matches. I find it extremely difficult to get a pip and even when I feel like I did everything possible and managed to escape (with one or zero hooks) I am rarely rewarded with a pip.