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  • It definitely got better with the buff. Survivors are very unconcerned with setting off crows, so you'll get a lot of information from it. That said, keep in mind that the information is always old. Meaning, if a survivor is running and sets off a crow 30 meters away, you know they were there when they set off the crow,…
  • IMO, M&A is okay on Myers, but it's a part-time perk on him. It's great in T1, and can be handy in T2, but fairly worthless in T3. Sometimes I run it, sometimes I don't... but it usually won't make or break your game. BBQ is always awesome. The points are fantastic, and it will usually give you your next target the moment…
  • @saiisam Teaming with the killer is an offense that you should report. For instance, AngryPug was streaming a match once, while he was drinking and screwing around, helped the killer kill all the survivors. He wasn't communicating with the killer, but through his actions, teamed with the killer to the detriment of the…
  • Hard to believe, right? But yes, the description is wrong. Even saying you need to 4k can be deceptive, since DC's do count as well. It's more like, no one can escape. And, as was said, slugging for the win is the best way to do it. Evil Incarnate is another tough one, since it's pretty much guaranteed the hatch will spawn…
  • Well, I'll do you the favor of explaining it to you, since you think you know so much more than you do. First of all, the dynamics of the game mean that survivors die, not because the killer does extremely well, but because the survivors make mistakes, or play less than optimally. An argument can be made that this doesn't…
  • Your response demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the mechanics and nature of the game. Or, you're just a troll. It's hard to decide if someone's an idiot or an ass, sometimes, but let me know if you'd like it explained. I'd be happy to.
  • It reminds me of a match I played on a new account, with a level 1, rank 20 Hillbilly, with only Enduring 1. I faced a SWF group, who all were running a full set of tier 3 perks. Awesome matchmaking. Anyway, I did manage the 4k, but because I would chainsaw the survivor who farmed (and let the person being farmed go), I…
  • I would disagree with you for several reasons. First of all, you're assuming Tru3's matches are like yours or mine, and they aren't. During his challenge, and particularly at the end, he was going against a lot of stream snipers, and a lot of SWF groups that had at least 1 stream sniper. Even if it might be argued that…
  • Like all those pro players who run after dropping a pallet, instead of waiting to see if the killer circles it or kicks it. That's when I see teabags, when they'd be stupid to keep running and abandon an unbroken pallet that they could jump over if I tried to go around. So, instead of being condescending and dismissive,…
  • The bug was, instead of picking up the survivor, they would stay in the trap even though they appeared on the floor. You could drag a survivor quite a ways until they freed themselves, at which point you had to hit them again anyway. By hitting before they tried to pick up, it would ensure that the pick-up worked without…
  • They've said they're unlikely to do another licensed killer.
  • At issue is that DBD isn't balanced, and I'm not simply pointing out the asymmetry, but that it is balanced greatly in the survivors' favor. There's no need to take my word for it, you can see it yourself in the red ranks. Where as killers have a hard skill cap, where no matter how perfectly they play, they have to rely on…
  • Oooohhh! I didn't realize! Teabaggers do it to help the killer! Here I thought it was intended to taunt them into doing something they may not otherwise, like following a specific survivor, or as a "Hey, I know how to press my space bar and drop a pallet! hahahaha," sort of thing. Now that I know they do it to help me,…
  • Let's take an example at the extreme, and maybe that will make the point. If you follow tru3ta1ent's stream, it won't take long to notice there is a particular player who always stream snipes him. Okay, that's not a huge deal, except the other guy finds tru3 in the match, and sets off every noise notification he can, in…
  • Yeah, the best I could figure was that they wanted free hook saves. Meaning, when someone was farmed off the hook, they wanted both the person being saved and the farmer to be able to run away freely, where as I chainsawed the person doing the farming, and let the other run off as not to tunnel. I thought it would have…
  • I've done it with Mikey, though it can work better on Clown. Basically, you only run bamboozle, with no add-on's or offerings. Find a corner to peak around, but when they see you and run one way, you run the other. They'll usually follow, for some reason. Just find a new corner to peek, and keep running back while they…
  • Wait... so, attempting to insult other players is something to be gotten over, and people who attempt to insult others is just the way it is? I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost in your logic there. So, one player being toxic is fine, whatever, grow up and grow a thicker skin. But responding to that toxicity in-game is…
  • Yeah, they're common refrains killers hear. Today was actually better than most, and out of around 20 games, I was only cursed at three times. That's pretty good for me. It's usually at least half if I don't dodge SWF. Oh, you know, I hung a few people on meat hooks, dismembered a few others, the usual things. It is a very…
  • Awww! No! I thought of it more as a humorous commentary on the stigmas that surround killers among a certain population of the game. I take my share of salt, don't get me wrong, but I'm beyond being insulted by it. The only thing that really bothers me is seeing rank 18 players with 4 tier 3 teachable perks... obviously,…
  • I don't know that I'd call searching for the hatch "holding the game hostage." There are instances where you'll kill 2 with 5 gens left, and the remaining people hide in lockers for a long time. It's annoying, but then so are face camping killers. There isn't a lot that can be done about it, aside from making a mental note…
  • The different survivors are only skins. Meaning, every survivor can learn every survivor perk, and the only difference between them in the end is what they look like. The max level is 50, but once you're there you can repeat the level 50 bloodweb an unlimited number of times to get new perks you've unlocked. Alternatively,…
  • I am forever in need of extra Bloodpoints. All my killers have every perk in the game, with the exception of my Legion, who did, before I decided to prestige them. That said, because killers are far more add-on dependent than survivors, we burn through more points collecting them than they do. Particularly since they can…
  • @powerbats I can agree that a lot of SWF are potatoes... myself included. And, yes, they do often tend to be overly altruistic to their own detriment. But I still point to the advantages SWF have over solo's and killers as reason I don't blame killers for dodging lobbies. I don't generally dodge lobbies unless I see a…
  • I think the point is that solo survivors are required to use perks like Bond, Empathy, Detective's Hunch, etc... to gain the information shared by SWF, which comes at no cost to the SWF's. You could see the voice comms as freeing up a perk slot, or as giving the SWF players an extra slot or two that solo survivors don't…
  • I'll dodge a SWF team that comes in with four flashlights. Obviously, they're looking to frustrate me as much as possible, which means I'll have to play extra sweaty to counter it. It isn't a matter of confidence, it's a matter of annoyance. Particularly considering if I'm facing a SWF team, I'm far more likely to burn my…
  • My understanding is that the splinters will show up in a bloodweb until you purchase the DLC. If you purchase the killer and survivor for cells, but don't purchase the DLC, they will still show up. Obviously, it's unnecessary, but not a huge deal since you can usually avoid them on the bloodweb before moving on to the next…
  • I would agree with everything here. Playing billy at rank 15 is very different from playing him at rank 1, and it's not without a significant amount of skill. You can say Legion is brainless, since he can bypass all survivor defenses without much skill. But not Billy, who still has to deal with windows and pallets before…
  • There is a program out there, and I don't know if it's blacklisted or not, but I do know a lot of players use it: Make Lobbies Great Again. The way I understand it, if a killer or survivor is a jerk, you can mark them through MLGA. If you get in their lobby again, or them in yours, you can dodge it because you know it's…
  • I'd disagree for the simple fact that Billy is highly effective in a limited number of maps, without a decent amount of skill. In the Corn Fields, sure, he's incredible at applying pressure anywhere he wants and jumping all over the map with no hesitation or worry. In most other maps, this isn't the case. Lery's is…
  • Personally, I would take off Thanataphobia. It's not a great perk to begin with, even to slow down the game, and Pig doesn't have the ability to injure multiple people in quick succession, unless you happen to catch a couple together at the same time. If you aren't going to use Ruin to slow survivor momentum, then you…
  • That's what it's supposed to be. It is a game, after all. Some people take it too seriously, and some people just get satisfaction out of being bullies. I don't get why, but that's what it is.
  • I don't think I ever said only survivors can be toxic, quite the opposite: I'm asking, why should killers not be toxic when this is what we get when we aren't: At the time of the game, it was 12:30am, Eastern, on Sunday night/Monday morning. Okay, maybe they were west coast kids, just before bedtime, but it's quite the…
  • I'm not sure there's much more I could add to that photo than what is evident. It was my son's very first match as the Hillbilly, while I sat behind him trying to give any tips I could. He was level 1, with only tier 1 Enduring, and a crappy add-on to lessen the chainsaw noise. Against that, he faced a SWF, one of whom…
  • Actually, common sense would be to play by and respect the rules established by the game itself; that's fair play. Outside of that, the "rules" regarding what killers should and should not do were established by survivors who didn't want to compete only by the rules laid down in the game. That isn't to say I don't…
  • It's okay whenever it's to your tactical advantage. For example, if you have a three gen trifecta, and hook a survivor in the center of it. It's absolutely okay for you to proxy camp them while you maintain map control. If the doors are powered and you down and hook a survivor, it's usually to your advantage to camp the…
  • The way I see it, if someone is being farmed, I should down the person being saved, even if I don't re-hook them right away. At least the farmer is deprived of altruism points for it, and then I do hook the farmer. I've queue'ed up the full video to my doctor fight, below, which was by far the stupidest game I've ever…
  • I frequently, deliberately, not down the farmed player and gone after the farmer, and am still called a camper and tunneler. There isn't anything you can do about it. If you know you were playing non-toxic, there isn't anything else you can do. Just gg and keep going. On the other hand, if you want to be toxic, lord knows…
  • Strange. Perhaps a bug you encountered? With Legion I'm able to (slowly) close the gap with running survivors without Frenzy, so I haven't encountered that myself. That said, I have been mostly rolling survivor since the DLC, and have only around 10 Legion games to base it on, so I mine not be the best sample.
  • @Devil_hit11 Those are all good points. First though, your "Bug 2" may be the bug encountered with the new map and why it isn't currently playable. I don't know, but that would seem to be the obvious reason. As for "Bug 1," I've seen it happen on several killers when the survivor lands a pallet stun. It isn't exclusive to…
  • Sound is everything while she's phased, absolutely, and good headphones are almost a must. You'll notice while chasing someone, the scratch marks don't appear where they are; they're always slightly behind, so it's a good idea to over-estimate where they'll be when you break phasing for the hit. Another piece of advice…
  • I haven't tested it specifically, and I'm not sure how you would aside from how it "feels," but it may feel that way while being the same movement speed because you're often coming down from the Frenzy and the slower movement speed is damn near unbearable. Huntress can also use her hatchets as a threat and force down…
  • I got called a "sucker" today, for not camping the hook after the doors were open. So, you know... I guess that's what they think I should be doing.