DS deserved the nerf but i dont really like these changes because we will have the same problem we had with borrowed time. Save the decisive for end game and win
Laughs in freddy, wraith, trapper, leatherface swf
Why should survivors be spoonfed a victory in the first place, im against the hatch existing because survivors let teammates die just so they can escape Its not that he feels good about a survivor getting punished, its that the survivors can ruin the game for others and there is nothing you can do about it because there…
Looks like someone died in the basement
Could be a bug i found years ago. If the survivors dcs mid unhooking animation the hooked survivor wont really die, the hooked survivor is probably still ingame with you
Survivors went on a strike i heard
Why are you talking about yourself You have done everything you said in that post
Why is every post you make complete ######### or complete #########
Dont complain about it, enjoy it as much as you can. The comments on your profile could be something to brag about
Most of them have replies closed so its possible
Did you ever get past rank 20
Dont know anything about him, so correct me if im wrong
I dont see how you think its fine to call him a baby killer when he remained to suffer as a killer main while you quit despite having the advantage
English please
They have been listening to the community not you
This is golden Learn how to escape from the killer instead of looping pallets
Its making the survivors leave to make room for the killer mains lol
Bait much?
Im going to use this as a forum weapon now
A one way ticket to the hook
Survivors got the ability to unhook from all directions Why cant killers hook from all directions
Maybe its too valuable to be left alone
You are complaining about killers complaining
This is the most hypocritical post i have ever seen
Removing swf wont kill the game, the number of players will be the same but the survivors are gonna get replaced with killer mains
*survivors op since release* The game is fine stop complaining salty killer *survivor gets nerfed* ItS Te ENd Of tHe gAEm
I have a love hate relationship with genjake
If you dont hate p3 claudettes then youre either one of them or you never played killer
"remove one of the few counters to my bs pls"
They do get to keep their items if they pull the plug
Make it a red addon or something so it has a chance of being in the game
This david rushed out of the basement injured, his teammate wanted to bodyblock for him but he couldnt wait so he died ending in him sending 3 pages of romanian hatemail via steam chat "ur cabbage"
It is reasonable The perk is hardmode for survivors Whats the point of buffing a perk that is suposed to handicap you
Have you been listening? Juke him into thinking you are going another direction so he doesnt have line of sight of you
A billy wont reach you in 4 seconds so you can use that against him and make him think you are going right then go left at the 4 second mark The killer wastes his perk slot if he only uses it for bbq so you have the perk advantage If the gates are open the killer will always go for the guy opening the gate, and if you are…
Im talking about the chance of you being close to the person hooked... its not even random you can choose to go away from the downed person And you didnt say anything about my other argument
It depends on how far you were from the killer and you can always hide behind a generator Bbq doesnt need to be removed because you were unlucky once
If you run in a line ofc the killer is gonna predict you
Have you thought of moving for 4 seconds after a survivor gets hooked
I dont see how the SB and SC changes would affect matches against the nurse, when did sprint burst save you from a good nurse. A good nurse will just blink to you after you sprint burst and healing when near a nurse is and will always be a deathwish because of NC
Reverse bbq After you unhook someone the survivors that are 24/34/50 m close are revealed for 4 seconds
Ace fingerguns pls i have been waiting months